Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 50: The Rich Get Richer

“Me, involved with the Dark Sword Clan? The higher-ups are just projecting. I don’t have any use for the Dark Sword Clan, and I don’t need anyone killed quietly. But the higher-ups, aren’t they the main clients?” Headmaster Meleo knew exactly what the Sun Exorcist was referring to.

The Dark Sword Clan has sent a letter to him to call back Kon.

‘They likely learned about how he had stopped the Demonic Exorcist. It seems the clan has plans for their new protege.’

Usually, Meleo would have taken this chance and thrown the Dark Sword Clan under the table. He didn't like them that much. But the youngster, Kon, had done him a big favor by taking Agon away.

The kid was more useful to have on his good side. From what he had seen, Meleo concluded that the young Kon wasn’t like his clan. But that didn’t mean he was a paragon of justice.

If things went wrong and they needed to run away, Kon was an excellent option Meleo left open in case he needed to smuggle out Agon.

“I know you heard me when I said we need a weapon to deal with Ultimate Class demons,” Emer stated, clenching his fist. “A new organization called Red Tails has sprouted, with worrying rumors about it. Also, in the southern mountains, the Ultimate Class Demon, Shuten Doji, and his demon army seem up to something.”

"Weapon to defeat Ultimate Class Demons? I'm rather old, what's all that again? Can you start from the beginning?" Meleo yawned, appearing uninterested.

But his mind was thinking contrary to his behavior. ‘There might be a war on the horizon. That’s not good. Now I see why the higher-ups want Agon so badly. They’re afraid for their own survival.’

Sighing, the red-haired youngster took a piece of paper and read it aloud. "On the weekend of the first week of the academy. The Demonic Exorcist attacked, and many detected the lingering energy of Yamata No Orochi. Did the weapon go on a rampage?"

"I don't know what you're even talking about. No weapons went on any rampage that day. You can even bring The World Exorcist to try and read if I’m telling the truth,” Meleo stated.

Agon wasn’t a weapon. The Magician, the number 1 Exorcist, someone they hadn’t found a strong enough replacement for, had entrusted Agon to Meleo, and there was no way the old headmaster would betray one of his student’s trust even if said the student was dead. “Also, I don't think of the one who sealed Yamata No Orochi and saved the world from it, would want Agon to be treated like a weapon."

"The Magician was a dignified man, the strongest amongst us. He was the previous Sage and knew what was better for the world." Emer argued. The stubborn look in his eyes left no room for discussion.

'As if any father would want their son treated like this.' Meleo thought but kept such secrets to himself.

If word got out that Agon was the previous Sage's son. Then there were many demons and even people who held a grudge against him. "I'm not giving Agon to anyone. What're the higher-ups going to do about that?"

"Obviously, they will assume you want the weapon for yourself, and they will question your loyalty to the country," Emer answered without missing a beat. "Then what about the Demonic Exorcist? That's someone the higher-ups would love to see dead. So much so that they might have looked over the weapon incident if you had been able to kill him. Maybe you aren't at that peak you used to be?"

Meleo knew the youngster was trying to throw snide comments at him. But he didn't feel offended by them.

Every time he walked, his joints ached more than ever before. He wasn't getting any younger.

'At my age, would I even be able to take on this youngster?' He wondered. Time had passed him by, and his prime years were long gone.

Emer 'The Sun', despite being ranked 19th strongest, a whole ten ranks behind him. Meleo was curious to know how well he would do in a fight against him. The red-haired youngster was twenty-three and filled with talent. His ability had a strong defense and an even stronger offense.

"If you wanna fight me, just say so. Why all the melodramatic stuff? I'm an old man, and I don't have the time to spend dallying around and sweet-talking some jumpstart Exorcist." Meleo incited.

“Enough!” Emer smashed his fist on the table and stood up. It seemed like he finally couldn’t hold back anymore. “Stop taking me for a fool! Do you think this is a situation you can just ignore? Next time I won’t just come to talk!”

Meleo wasn't afraid. After all, if the fight were so linear, Emer would have taken what he wanted by force. The academy was Meleo's territory. Despite his age, few exorcists would stand a chance against him while in his terrain.

Headmaster Meleo’s face turned serious too, and his gaze sharpened. “Good, make sure you bring an army! Because you alone will die before even taking two steps into the entrance of my academy!"

For a second, it looked almost like Emer was about to react. The temperature in the room rose. But his cooler head prevailed.

Meleo had his finger on a button that would have opened air vents and filled the room with smoke.

With headmaster Meleo being a Hybrid Affinity of Blaster and Master, he could control smoke. In a closed room like this, he could suffocate Emer before the youngster could activate his ability.

'Yes, I would probably lose against him in a fair fight. But in a real battle, chances were in my favor against an inexperienced brat.' Meleo thought.

But Emer didn’t take the bait and stormed off.


When we arrived at the academy, we immediately went to the receptionist's desk to report what had happened. I had to give them some flesh from the eel demon as proof.

"Here's the reward, and the rest of the money will be paid after the demon's corpse is retrieved." The receptionist gave us some banknotes and small sacks stacked with silver coins.

I immediately turned toward the guys. "C'mon, remember the bet with the girl? Give me the money."

"Tch, aren't you from a rich clan?" Agon complained.

"Greedy bastard!" Gem was also of the same mind. But Bets didn't say anything.

I smirked at them. "Of course, my clan is way too wealthy. But this tale is as old as time; the rich just get richer. I'm the rich in this case."

They berated me for a couple more minutes, and we joked around.

I knew they didn't mean their words; it was just friendly banter. After all, I was the one who paid for lodgings and food during our journey. As they said, even when compared to the Kuro Clan, my Dark Sword Clan might be weaker, but it was way richer.

I still made a small profit with the bet despite paying for things.

"By the way, the headmaster told me to inform Mr Kon to go and meet him as soon as you come back," the receptionist notified us.

"Sorry guys, but it seems like we're going to have to wait for our celebration," I turned toward my friends and waved as I walked away.

"We have been celebrating for six days on the way here," Gem was still a bit salty about the bet.

"Hey, talk about yourself. Because except for the evenings, I was training." I clarified and walked away far enough that I couldn't hear whatever insults Gem muttered under his breath.

As I approached the headmaster's office, I didn't even have time to pay attention to the creepy paintings on the wall.

It was amazing what one could get used to in such a short time.

I knocked twice.

"Come in."

The inside was the same as always. However, the headmaster seemed on edge, and the room was hotter. Did he have a new air conditioner?

"How was the mission?" He stared at me like a hawk.

Yep, he was definitely tense.

"It went okay. I'm sure the receptionist will make a better report than what I could explain," I tried to say as little as possible—just imagining the face he would make when he learned about us fighting against a high class demon.

Heh! It would be entertaining if I could see that!

Damn, when did I get such a twisted sense of humor? Well, at least it's harmless.

"A letter has been sent over from the Dark Sword Clan," the headmaster handed over an envelope with an unbroken seal. He smiled and went back to his usual demeanor.

Letter from home. I wasn't excited to get letters from that clan. I wanted to avoid taking part in the family business.

After opening the letter, I sensed the old headmaster peak over my shoulder. "You think it's an assassination mission?"

What's with this nosy old man? Sir, please act your age.

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