Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 93: Cursed Sword Release!

The Ord encompassing Agon's body was dangerous. One touch of that poison, and I’d be done for.

Yamata No Orochi might be unable to display his full power, but that poison was still something no human would be able to handle. On top of all that, in this form Agon was a monster in all physical stats.

As Agon's purple claws were about to touch Roc, the barbarian-looking man reacted and gathered Ord in his fist and punched him.

The hit was nasty, and Agon's head bobbed back so fast that it felt like it was about to pop off.

If this had been Agon without Yamata No Orochi’s energy protecting him, his head would have been shattered to smithereens. But with all that Ord protecting him, he only slammed through a couple of trees.

Roc looked at his fist. "My body reacted on its own. That hasn't happened in a while."

As someone born with what could be considered the perfect physique for a Warrior, Roc had added to that with an insane amount of training. His instincts were crazy, and his body was like steel.

"Heh, seems like you finally found something dangerous you can't ignore," Pixie joked while dodging Anika's threads.

Agon stood up; his legs were shaky.

This was the first time he had gotten injured when in rage mode. Also, since Roc was skilled enough to coat his fist with Ord, they didn’t make direct contact as the energy acted like armor around his fist, which saved him from the poison.

Instead of being scared, Roc smiled widely. "Yeah, it's been a while."

Boom!... Ord exploded in such a way that it made the dust around him shift upward.

It was almost like a Dragon Ball character powering up.

Agon charged, and Roc once again punched him in the face. His fist was imbued with so much Ord that it didn’t directly connect with Agon’s face. It was almost as if an invisible gauntlet of Ord surrounded his hand.

Agon stood up and took a step, stumbled, and fell face-first to the ground.

"Seems like even that regeneration of yours only allows you to take so many punches in the chin before your brain starts feeling it," Roc went on the offensive and punched Agon over a dozen times, causing him to slam through many trees.

"Hey! I told you not to kill him!" Pixie warned him.

"Don't worry. I'm only going about 50%. He has regeneration, so he should be fine," Roc shrugged. The smile on his face made it clear that he was having too much fun and didn't want to stop.

It was a fistfight between two monsters. Just one of those hits would have splattered my brain on the ground.

I wouldn’t hesitate to use Perfect Me if it were only the warrior. But things became complicated with Pixie here. If she intervened, even with Perfect Me I couldn’t take on two Red Tail members at the same time.

Even with only one of them, the best I could do was stall.

The sole reason two Red Tail members had come was because of me. Only Roc was supposed to be here. I couldn’t even begin to think why the boss would decide that there was more than one needed for a mission like this.

Fuck it, now wasn’t the time to hesitate or overthink things!

I needed to stop Agon from entering the second stage, or everyone on this island was done!

Ever since coming to this world, I hadn’t skipped even a day of training, and during my time with Lover Exorcist, I had used her healing special ability to its fullest.

{Perfect Me!}

‘[Give Order]’ —that monotone voice rang in my mind.

‘Order: survive, stop Agon from reaching stage two, and neutralize Pixie and Roc. Cursed sword usage is allowed!’

As soon as I said that, my vision shifted to that of a third-person point of view.

Name: Kon

Master 65.9%

Creator 20.7%

Blaster 9.3%

Warrior 4.1%

Strength 25 -> 65/81

Stamina 20 -> 60/102

Agility 22 -> 54/99

Description: A transmigrated person, a relatively talented youngster, and a Senior Exorcist. He has learned many things using his special ability and is a versatile fighter. Danger Rating: (B)

Even though I had used Ellen D Fork’s ability to heal and rejuvenate my body after training, raising stats had become almost impossible after that. Maybe my young body couldn’t handle further growth.

I dropped my normal sword and immediately put my hand on the handle of the cursed weapon.

Though the sword was cursed, it was still a Magical Weapon and had its own abilities.

Unlike Bets’ nail gun or Gem’s scythe, this cursed sword was on another level. However, its drawbacks were also quite heavy.


Anika knew they were screwed, and she could do nothing about it. She used her special ability and shaped her Ord into thin strings, sharper than most swords. But every time she tried to get a grasp on the woman with the flexible body, she would just slip away and not even get a scratch.

Agon seemed possessed by some demon and was raging about. But even in that state, he was manhandled by Roc.

The barbarian-looking man was a monster of a level that Anika never knew was possible. She wasn’t sure if even her father, the head of the Raion Clan, was that strong. How could he take blows that would shatter steel and get up as if nothing had happened?

“{Mirror Maze!}”

Sei yelled out and manifested a maze of mirrors around them. Everywhere Anika looked, there were mirrors.

“That’s a dangerous ability,” Pixie’s voice came from above.

Anika and Sei looked, and their eyes widened. Pixie’s arm had turned into big bat wings, and she was flying!

Sei created a mirror, and even without him saying anything, Anika knew what to do.

She made many strings and threw them at the mirror. Another mirror manifested behind Pixie, and strings came out.

But as if she had eyes on the back of her head, Pixie swerved out of the way. She had a smile on her face while dodging an attack that would have likely killed her. “Do you know what advantage Blasters have over Creators?”

Anika knew she would be a shitty Blaster if she didn’t.

For example, Creators could make something, put rules, and give it unique power. Their ability was as good as it would be as creation itself. They couldn’t train to manifest their abilities faster or anything like that.

A Creator's ability would only grow stronger if they put more restrictions on it.

Blasters lacked the initial power Creators could get. But there was a big difference between a Creator making sharp strings and Anika doing so. For one, she would have a harder time manifesting her ability.

Thankfully Anika had a lot of Ord and the high affinity to back it up. As long as she trained, she would be able to move her strings faster and use more Ord to make them stronger.

“I can tell by the look on your face that you probably only know the basics,” Pixie shook her head, looking almost like a disappointed parent. “The biggest strength pure Blasters have is that Ord doesn't have weight. Some train hard enough, and their abilities grow strong enough to ignore a couple of the laws of physics.”

As soon as the woman said that, Anika’s mind sparked with new ideas. But now wasn’t the time to contemplate those things. Instead, she was more concerned with how the enemy had sensed her attack.

Since this woman was in the way, neither Anika nor Sei dared turn their backs on her and go to help Agon.

The first thing Anika took into account was Pixie’s new bat wings. No ability was perfect, and being able to manipulate every part of someone’s body and make new limbs and such would be something considered in the realm of impossibility. So with that in mind, it was unlikely she had manifested eyes on the back of her head.

‘Her ability probably allows her to manipulate herself to a cellular level and transform into something else. One of her affinities has to be Master. But with such a versatile ability, if she could use it leisurely, there had to be some big drawbacks.’

Anika analyzed everything, and she concluded. ‘It isn’t unheard of for some Masters to sacrifice the demon taming aspect of their power for a strong special ability.’

Taming demons was a Master’s bread and butter. It was what made their affinity so powerful. For someone to sacrifice that, they either had to be crazy or had a secondary affinity. If Anika were a gambler, she would bet on-

Booom!... Whatever she was thinking slipped out of her mind. A heavy bloodlust filled the battlefield, making Anika’s legs buckle, and even Pixie froze for a split second.

That bloodlust came from where Agon and Roc were battling.

At first, Anika thought that might be coming from the demon who had possessed her teammate. But Agon’s aura was filled with pure evil and not so much bloodlust.

Roc and Agon were in their own world, and neither seemed to sense the bloodlust. The barbarian was even laughing as Agon threw a blast his way, and then his hand shined as it seemed like he was using his special ability, and he slapped the attack away.

A large explosion rang out in the distance, and the after-wind was felt even here.

The explosion shook the ground, but Roc didn’t even have a scratch on the hand he had used to slap that blast away.

But Roc didn’t have the chance to celebrate as he raised his arm, and the source of the bloodlust moved past him in a blur.

The attacker aimed for Roc’s neck, but the barbarian had defended in time. A new cut from his wrist to his elbow spewed blood profusely.

“Huh?” Roc stared wide-eyed at his injury. “It has been a while since I’ve seen my own blood. The last person to make me bleed was the boss.”

A more robust Ord burst out of the barbarian, the ground below him cracked and he relieved a vast smile that almost split his face in two. “This is it! The life and death battles I have been seeking for so long are finally here!”

Agon charged at him, and Roc imbued his fist with Ord and punched the demon-possessed Agon on the forehead. “Sorry, kiddo. But you’re gonna have to go away for a bit-”

Whatever he was about to say, he stopped as another large cut appeared on his back—from shoulder to hip, and again a massive amount of blood spewed out.

Anika saw that the injury was significant, but for it to spew out so much blood, it had to be due to a special ability.

The attacker stood about ten feet away from Roc, the white in his eyes was completely red and his pupils were yellow. Though despite the changes, he was easy to recognize.

It was Kon, and even though he was releasing an enormous amount of bloodlust, it was with a strange combination of emotionless and coldness attached to it.

How could someone want to kill like a serial killer who loved the sight of blood while at the same time being emotionless? They were contradicting emotions!

“AGhhhhgGHaaa!” Agon roared, slamming Roc against a tree.

Agon crouched down in pain and grabbed at his forehead. His roars were like those of a beast in pain.

Out of the purplish evil energy surrounding her teammate, a black horn emerged from Agon’s forehead.

Then the air itself became too heavy to breathe…

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