Reincarnated Into A Hell Hound Bl/Yaoi

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The eternal black sky didn’t help when I tried to know for how long I ran; I just know that, now, finally been able to get rid of the Mummies, I stood hidden in a back alley, heavily breathing with my tongue out and my back arched, ears up and about hearing for trouble.

We were close to the tower with the clock in it, the tick-tock of the gigantic pointer reverberating in the streets of this quiet city.

I lick my nose, passing through the skull mask, and look back at Leonel, the little brat that looked untouched by the whole situation.

“You ok?”


Hum my ass, how, after been hunted down by only all the creatures of this Goddamnit city, he was that unfazed? Sigh.

He sees me looking at him and starts to stroke the fur on my neck, as his other hand grips one of my horns to stabilize himself, he says: “Shh, take it easy now.”

Oi! What the hell! I’m not a pup you little- ugh, I wished to face paw myself, but in the end was content to only receive the patting on my neck.

Hum, it wasn’t that bad…

I mean, get off my back if you can walk! I shake myself, surprising Leonel and receiving a stunned reaction for once, but he doesn’t go down with only that, gripping strongly at the horn on my back as he sat between them.


I stop and lay down, as he gets out of my back, changing back to my normal and more discrete form. Well… not as discrete anymore with my new fluffy black fur with silver markings all over it. And the horns were still heavy.

I once more catch Leonel staring at me, and annoyed I scow at him, asking: “What are to staring at me so much for?”

He was thinking, about to respond, when I hear something… different. It started low, just a whispering carried by the wind, joining the howling breeze, but slowly took shape into a lullaby, been hummed by a crystal clear voice.

It sounded… mesmerizing.

“Thilgon?” I hear Leonel say something, but it sounded far away, as if said inside a tube, only vibrating through my skin without really reaching me.

That music was so calming. I don’t know which language they were singing in, many voices in one, fusing together to make a choral, and before I realize it I was moving towards it, wanting to hear it more loudly, more clearly, until I could only hear them.

“Is so beautiful, their voices…”

I couldn’t see clearly anymore, but their voices were enough to guide me through the obstacles, even if sometimes I had to push and force my way in as I kept bumping into something.

And, out of nowhere… there was silence, complete silence. With that, as a shock bolt, my vision cleared and Leonel’s face came to shape, for the first time with something beyond the aloof expression in it and a glint in his eyes.


“Wha-what happened?” I said, but couldn’t hear my own voice. What? I see him sigh, not hearing anything at all, as he points to his ears, then to mine, and makes a bubble of air with his hands.

Is he doing this? Tuning off my hearing? Why?

Then I look around, confused. Where were we? We were now standing in front of the high tower with the clock in it and… well, the tower was only the cherry on top of the cake, as the rest of the construction was as massive and impressive.

First, there was a gigantic garden leading to it, all plants substituted for the moss and shining mushrooms, giving an almost ethereal aura to the place, with a bluish light covering it all.

Some small insects carried pieces of the plants around, making it as if dust was coming up and tickling like glitter in the air.

There was a stone path in the middle, the area with the plants been surrounded by a very low stone wall, as it leads directly to the entrance of the massive building; it had wooded double doors, arched in the shape of an arrowhead, and tall walls with skinny windows with colored glass in them, with the same shape as the door.

On top they made the shape of the roof as an upside-down V, with some stone arcs on top making curves to sustain the other floor that rose from the middle pointy part of the V. That part had another gigantic slim window, and went up, forming the tower.

Everything very symmetric, which was a plus.

Leonel was still holding up my earing, as I see he do the same with his ears, a discrete bubble of air stopping any sound from entering.

And, still, I could feel an enraged screamed that cut the cold air, shaking the floor beneath my paws and making my fur stand.

I used my Third Eye… and turned to Leonel.

“UP! NOW!” I tried to show the words on my lips, pointing at my back, but I guess my panicked face showed more clearly what my intentions were.

But before he could react; that we could react; I felt a gust of air pass me at the same second that an excruciating pain cracked my bones and send me flying, totally breaking some ribs and hurting my back badly once a bump into a tree like a ragdoll, curving my body in a C shape.

My only reaction, laying on the ground, was to cough blood, knowing that it was a bad signal as one of my lungs probably got pierced by a bone. Shivering I look up, barely realizing that the sounds came back as I watched, unable to stand.

There was a Mummy there, but it; she; was totally the opposite of the others. She didn’t wear any clothes, only some strips of cloth around her like spider webs all around, showing some of her face, fingers, arms and thighs.

She slowly lowers the leg she used to kick me, her green eyes piercing me with so much killing intent that I really thought that I was doomed; that it was my end; and my first thought was that I wouldn’t see my brother ever again, leaving him all alone.

That made me clench my teeth and concentrate on others things than my pain.

Queen Dark Mummy- As a queen bee, is able to command her pack, specialize in controlling the mind of her target. If not, she still has her compelling looks at her favor, but be aware; if found alone the Queen is a low threat, but the size of her pack increases her power as she is able to devour her willingly subjects as well as command them. May mutate and give mutation.

Mutation – Low chance to absorve others creatures power and appearance to itself, higher change to mutate others. Mutations depends on level and abilities of the caster.

By now she had looked away from me, as my vision became blurry and my lungs filled with blood.

“Ahhh… So this is the little angel who felt in my web, yes?” She says, looking straight at Leonel, who kept his composure even though I saw him stealing a worried gaze at me. What, me, making the kid worried? Not cool, cough, and not my style.

She approaches him, swinging her hips and licking her pompous full lips, her eyes narrowing and her pupils moving to a diamond shape, like that of a snake. She passes her long fingers and nails on Leonel’s cheek, who seems unfazed by her actions.

But I can see how, for a second, he wanted to clench his fists.

I know I wanted to give her a good hit myself.

“Such a beautiful specimen, indeed, and I heard you can use light magic, uhm? Yes, yes, such a blessing indeed.”

Her tongue stretches out in the air, forked like a snake long tongue, feeling the air right in front of Leonel’s face, who starts to sweat but still keeps the frozen expression on.

From the shadows surrounding the garden other mummies appear, but not like the ones we saw before, they floated midair, more like ghosts than mummies.

Clothed Mummy- Variation of Dark Mummy, is made of condensed dark substance, able to gain a Physical body, change, and morph it. They have a weak constitution, however are specialize in sound and charisma attacks.

So they are a kind of different type of sneak attackers hey?

I had a better look at them once they circulated around us, some very close to me, their long dresses moving with a non-existent wind, as well as a long untamed hair. One of them looked at me, and the only thing I saw was a skull underneath a transparent cloth, the eye holes holding green flames.


The Queen circulated around Leonel, with a mischievous look in her eyes and a smirk upon her lips, in the way a woman looks to a man, which send shivers of rage down my spine and a growl threatened to rise from my lips.

“You, my boy, will be our way out of this floor, uhm…” She passes her tongue over one of her eyes, going down with the tips of her long nails until it reaches Leonel’s neck.

I stood up on shaky legs, my eyes focused on her as my brain starts to work.

She was level 120, I was 50, the difference was too much to compensate, even worst is that she had an army and her kick already weakened me, getting it off right on my side.

Things weren’t looking good for us, I thought as I coughed another mouthful of blood, tasting the iron. Shit.

I was watching her moves, and she was so close to Leonel that I could watch his movements as well, which made me know that, even if his eyes didn’t leave her, that he was very aware of my situation, closing his fist hardily to every cough of mine.

And I do the only thing that I could; I start breathing hard, 3 breaths, cough, 2 breaths, cough, 1 breath, cough, counting down for Leonel… And I feel the rage surging through my veins, burning with the jolt of adrenaline, numbing my pain and making my mouth water with the oncoming battle.

– Berserker mode Activated

– Warning –

– Side effects inbound –


I didn’t even have time to react as my vision turned to a bloody red, and all I could sense were presences, shadows moving, in a darker shade of red, and a tickling feeling surges, like spiders crawling under my skin. I felt the power of my muscles, felt my strong big paws holding my body up, licked my huge tusks, eager for the warm taste of their blood.

So that’s what I did.

I attacked the closest shadow, my mind fuzzy with the need to attack, to swallow the creature whole once I got a good grip, tearing the cloth apart, opening it up and burning its body, swallowing what I could find.

But still was not enough.

I feel other surge of power as my body grown to my Hell Form, my tail gaining a pair of horns which I promptly hook on the other shadow who tried to escape, bringing it down and closer, as if it was a fishing rod, straight to my range and having it under me in seconds, scratching at it, biting, burning all together with the mere purpose of annihilating, destroying the creature.

I run back and forth then, using walls to jump higher and reach the ones trying to run away, Slashing the ones behind the presence under my paws, nonstoping as if fatigue wouldn’t come, as if I couldn’t get tired, as I kept biting, attacking, running and jumping.

I felt invincible.

I sense a strong presence coming closer so I dodge sideways, almost receiving an attack right at my face. The attacker didn’t give me a warning, so I didn’t either, simply surprising it by throwing a mouthful of flames in her direction and making her jump backward, right into my Shadow Spikes.

She escaped by throwing one of her straps of clothing at a dead tree, pulling herself out. The other presences were approaching, singing or trying to do something, but my mind only knew the thirst for their blood.

Ding – Mind Manipulation fail

It was an annoying sound nonetheless, so I use Intimidation and howl a high scream at them, opening my mouth fully and showing my line of fangs until the deeps of my throat and it’s pit of fire appeared, looking like the gates of hell.

I can sense the annoying presences floating away, until, in the silence, only two remained. One stood away, alert, but the strong one bothers me, as to why wasn’t her blood down my throat yet?

Queen, hum? Well, if she was a Queen, then I was a King. And what makes a King if not his subjects?

Ding – Hidden Title discovered – King’s Might

Ding – Ability learned – Hell Army

Ding – Ability learned – Voice of command

Oi oi oi shut up! Annoying, all annoying sounds, I’ll rip, scratch, bite until they stop! Without even thinking about what I was doing I simply use Voice of Command, making an army of shadow and fire Hounds rise, all smaller them I, circulating the Queen.

I sneer. No Queen no more once I’m done with her.

My army attacks, but they are like smoke to her, been driven away by the mere flicker of her fingers. I make more and more until the streets are filled with them, Hound shadows moving on walls and floors, fire hounds floating and showing their teeth at her, ready to pounce and strike, going in an endless wave, one after another.

 I stood on the sidelines, waiting for an opportunity, but once I start to run at her I suddenly feel my body stiffen, making me trip down to the ground.

Wh-what was…

– Berserker mode off – Side effects inbound – Unable to move for 4 hours – Counting start…

I could only feel as my body shrunk more and more, until I was taken off the ground only so that all the pain returned at once, in one strong kick, and hearing my army fight I pass out.   


Berserker mode (2): raises the holder status, pain resistance, endurance and blood lust by 3X for 2 minutes. Side effects: can cloud the thoughts of the holder making him attack indiscriminately, unable to move for 4 hours and sore limbs afterward.

For those who didn’t realize that it is level 2 now~~

(was 1 minute/ 2 hours)

Learned how to use Grammarly on Word, expect fewer mistakes now ;D

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