Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 10 (1)



Dear Diary,

New cycle! We’re neko again!!!

I love being a neko. It makes me feel most like me. Sure, the other races are fun, but I'm a catgirl at heart. 

This cycle, as Kimi predicted, we’re stuck on Floor 1. We have to kill all the dragons and wyverns in the dungeon, who are also here. Which is sad. But! Two of those dragons are Jenny and Lewis, so they get to hang out some!

They met in the old dungeon, on the secret floor, and they get along really well. They haven't really been able to communicate here, so it’s good they have a couple days to catch up. Even if, y’no, everyone is trying to kill them. 

Oh, I wrote the Director and asked if everyone knows we aren't leaving the Floor this cycle. Just in case. I hope so. 

Kimi got to spend time with Y, so she’s all happy and relaxed now. Well, as relaxed as someone with the brain speed of a hummingbird can ever be. 

And Avi played me his song. It is the best, most romantic song in the history of songs. I cried. I love him so much.

A part of me wishes music recorders were a thing here, so I could record the song and listen to it all day long. But doing that might make the Director copy the song so everyone can hear it, and I don't want that. 

This is my song. Mine. Written by my husband. For me. And no one else. I've never had a song that’s all mine before, and it’s just… the best.

I wish I could bottle this happiness and take it out whenever I need it.

But I can’t, so I'll just enjoy it now. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!




The Director watched her screen thoughtfully. 

From: Nikki
To: The Director
Subject: Telling People Stuff


I wondered if you tell everyone when we (players) are stuck on Floor 1 all cycle? Cuz if not, you should! Letting people know they have a break for a cycle would be good. That way they aren't waiting and preparing for something that won't happen.

Open communication is important for a dungeon to run well. 

If you don't want to, I can!


What was the silly girl planning? She wanted a way of communicating with all mobs and NPCs in the dungeon, obviously. 

The Director admitted to herself it was masterfully put. Nikki offered to help her, should she not wish to brother herself with sending out a notice. A notice which, yes, it would be polite to give. 

The fact that this would allow Nikki access to the notification program wasn’t even hinted at. As amusing as it would be to see what the girl would do with it, the Director wasn't nearly stupid enough to give a player access to something so powerful. 

So she wrote a notice to the mobs and NPCs, then told Nikki her wonderful idea had been put into effect. 

She smiled, wondering what ploy the child would try next.

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