Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 11 (7)

Dear Diary,

Avi is here! He got back exactly when he said he would!

Life is good again. 

A player from Admin 2’s group also got here, so some people have figured out how to get through. He said he just used invisibility and teleport, same as Y. I wonder if everyone who gets here will be using teleport and invisibility. I mean, it wouldn't work on some floors. Like the goblins we have to kill to get keys. But it ought to work on most floors. 

Avi and Y and Fire and I wrote messages to ask where people are, and most seem to still be above Floor 40. Kimi is keeping pace with Aya, the Sams, Mika and Bacon. They’re all on Floor 45, so they should be here day after tomorrow maybe. They said Bacon has been making cookies for them to use, so I messaged her with a list of what foods everyone’s asked for.

I really need to spend a day cooking with Bacon. Mika says she was very extremely jealous when she found out I have my full chef’s inventory. Which, if I didn't have all my food I’d be super jealous of someone who did.

Oh, Avi said that when he got to Floor 60 the catgirls asked him to defeat them in battle. He asked if there was a way that didn't involve fighting, and after discussing it they decided on a game of chess. 

Except there isn’t a chess set available in the shop, and Avi doesn't know how to play chess.

So they debated checkers, then poker, then hearts, then charades, and finally settled on rock-paper-scissors. Avi won best out of thirteen, so they gave him the reset button. 

We should really message the Director or someone and ask for more board games.

Anyways, Y said that tomorrow he’s going to teach Fire how to properly remove all oxygen from a closed room, so Avi and I have to wake up early and make sure that “room” isn't our common area. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!





The Director stared, emotionless, as Admin 3 made excuse after excuse. 

“Stop,” she finally ordered.

He stuttered to a halt. 

“I will give you five more words to explain yourself, and then I will decide what I shall do,” she said. 

Admin 3 grumbled, half-starting several times before deciding what to say. “They’re… too… smart for me.”

“So you made the catgirls my problem?” she filled in. 

He nodded.

The Director sat back, debating. “The easiest thing would be to send them back to your dungeon and replace them with non-problematic catgirls.”

He shook his head vehemently. 

“Or… I could simply ignore the problem and see how it plays out.”

He shook his head slowly and deliberately. 

She ignored that. “After all, in nineteen cycles everyone will be put on a world where they will have to fend for themselves. They must learn to handle problems without our intervention.”


“Yes, that is what I shall do,” the Director decided. “Nothing. I will let the players figure this out on their own.”

Admin 3 stared at her in shock, then horror, then resignation. “Yes, ma’am.”

She smiled as he vanished. This would be interesting. 

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