Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 19 (6)

Dear Diary,

Well, Lily was acting dumb today, and I wanted to see if there was anything in my diary like a sign for when she got mean. But then I remembered this is a different book from when I was in our old dungeon. And then I remembered that my old diary was taken by someone.

I don’t know, maybe I should write the Admin and ask if he knows what happened to my old diary. Cuz the thought of someone random having it… I don’t like it. It’s my diary. I should know where it is.

Although, Mika said a couple of her books went missing. And Gin said a cookbook went missing. So maybe there was just a glitch that poofed some books out of existence.

I don’t know. I’m just gonna not think about it.

Anyways, we were all talking about what we want to do when the dungeon is over, and Kimi said she wants kids. Lily said there will be laws specifically prohibiting crazy people from reproducing, aaand Kimi tackled her and kinda melted her face off. A little. Until she died and respawned back on Floor 45.

Y heartily approved. Staab… I think he’s kinda embarrassed that he ever dated her. Avi and I think Kimi might have gone a little too far, but until I ask her why she blew up I can’t say for sure that she shouldn’t have.

In non-Lily news, Samurai says she wants to be a vagabond. Not a merchant or someone whose job needs them to travel, no, just someone who wanders around for the fun of it. 

That does sound… fun. I understand why she’d want to see the whole world. If I were single, I might want that, too. But Avi and I have different plans. 

Oh, Samuel and Staab have agreed to run a fishery together. They say since we’ll all be neko, and nekos love fish, they’re gonna corner the market on fish in our town and become millionaires.

I don't know if that will happen, but I did promise that I'll get all the fish for my restaurant from them. 

Y said he wants to be an alchemist. Or someone who studies magic in a scientific way. 

Aya said that if we all live in a town together, then she’ll be town guard. She says she likes the exercise of fighting, and keeping everyone safe sounds like a worthwhile job. I agree.

Mika I guess hasn't thought about it at all. She said she’ll have to wait and see, but that being a blacksmith is fun. 

Oh, before getting her face blown off, Lily said she wants to be a teacher. That’s what she wanted to be back on… Like, before. Y’no. 

Kimi said she wants to be either a fireman or an evil dictator. 

Which makes her the only person who said they want to be in a leadership position. 

The big grand prize for winning the dungeon is supposed to be that everyone in the group gets to be king or queen of their own country. I wonder what will happen if we win then go to the Director and tell her “no thanks”.

I kinda bet it wouldn't end well.

I'll have to ask the group what they think tomorrow. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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