Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 29 (2)


Dear Diary,

First things first! The yetis! They didn’t tell us what levels they were at.

We went down there (only us girls, and a couple ants followed) and it took us like an hour to find the yetis. They’ve moved to the other side of the ravine. Lilly asked why they’d moved, and they grumbled something about the side with the door being too busy. So yep, they don’t want us to visit.

Anyways, we explained that we wanted to know what their levels were to compare them to ours. They huddled together and held a vote, because that’s what they do, and the majority vote was to not tell us. And that was that. Lilly, Via and I left after that, but the other girls stayed behind a while. I’m pretty sure they killed them all, but aren’t saying.

If they did I’m not all that upset about it. The yetis are weird.

Second thing! And the most important thing! Kimi has pets in her inventory!!! They’re all tiny, nothing bigger than a housecat, but they’re adorable and amazing!

So far the options are: cat, dog, owl, whale (for some reason), monkey and frog. Due to colors, the only thing I’m able to get is a frog. I’m not a big fan of frogs, so I passed.

The kobolds want all the pets. Unfortunately, to get them they need actual money. One of the things that drops when they die is money. Soooo today has mostly been kobolds repeatedly murdering each other to collect money for pets.

Well, not mostly. It was like an hour before Lewis got tired of it, and told us to kill him. That would drop enough money for like twenty pets, which should cover whatever was lacking. I felt bad about it, but we killed him. Everyone got their pets.

Some people declared that the dire wolves should be the only pets on the floor, and refused to get pets. And some people just didn’t want a pet. But I know there are at least forty cats on the floor now. The pets don’t need feeding, because of magic, so that’s epic. We have to figure out if the pets will affect their fighting, and if the players will get upset. So tomorrow we’re going to have a battle.

But that’s tomorrow. Tonight we’re having fun playing with Via’s new owl.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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