Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (1)

Dear Diary,

Well, it took the speed running min-maxers a day and a half, but they got to the end and reset the cycle. Congratulations to them. They did a good job, going super fast. 

But who cares because that means we’re in a new cycle and get to find out what’s above us!!!

So, today we fought our way through Staab’s floor. It’s a lava floor, which is pretty neat. There’s a volcano in the middle that constantly pours out lava. Or is it magma? Magma is when it’s still inside the ground, right? And it becomes lava once it hits air? Or is it the other way around?

Anyways, we fought the ghosts and hobgoblins who live on the floor. The ghosts were pretty neat to fight. They have the ability to possess inanimate objects, like weapons or shields. Mika spent like ten minutes trying to fight one of her own scimitars before Kimi hit it with a fire bolt and knocked the ghost out. It was pretty funny. 

When we killed them all, we went to the entrance (the “up” door) and all went through it. Everyone respawned, so that was good. We were kinda worried that enemies would only respawn if we left through the exit. But nope, all that matters is that we leave the floor. 

I guess that makes sense, since sometimes players will leave because they die, not because they actually leave. 

Anyways, we spent the rest of the day playing cards with the ghosts and hobgoblins. I won a couple hands, so I’m happy. 

I kinda wonder if we’ll ever meet a goblin goblin. It would be interesting to see what the difference is between them and a hobgoblin. Why are they called hob goblins anyways? What’s a hob? 

Oh well. 

Oh! Before we came and completely destroyed the ghosts and hobgoblins with our superior fighting skillz, we took the dire wolves to the kobolds. That’s the most important thing. So the wolves are all nice and happy, back in their mansion being pampered by creatures slightly smaller than they are. 

The kobolds tried to get us to stay, but we said no. We’ve decided to fight up, so that’s what we’re gonna do. Besides, it’s not like we’re staying away forever. It’ll just be a week. Then we’ll have a full week with them. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that. Taking a break will be good. 

I wonder what the next floors will be like. The lava floor is pretty hot, so I hope it’s a water floor or something cool. Maybe there’s a floor full of ice cream! Although a floor of living food or candy would be super creepy. Hmm, maybe there’s a floor full of creepy things. I wonder if clowns are an enemy. It would be pretty horrible to have to be a clown all the time. Would their faces just… look like that? Or would they be able to take it off?

Wow I’m rambling. I must be tired.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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