Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (3)

Dear Diary,

We beat floor 91! It was super fun!

Ok so first, we all bought bandanas and goggles so we could survive the dust cloud. So that helped a lot. Then we teleported across the desert to the beginning of the dust cloud, skipping a whole bunch of snakes and cacti. That helped less, but was still pretty helpful.

We made our way to the middle as fast as we could, to where the snakes were thickest, and I put them all to sleep. I think Mika got bit once, but we know (thanks to Via and Lilly) that we can survive six snake bites before the poison completely paralyzes us and we die. So that was great.

The dust cloud isn’t easy to get through. Even without snakes, there are rocks sticking up everywhere and mini ravines for us to trip in and hurt ourselves. We had to be careful. But we all made it!

Then it was time to fight the elementals. We’d come up with this plan to tie ourselves together in pairs, so if the elementals yeeted one of us, we wouldn’t go very far. Mika and Kimi got tied together, since they’re the fastest of us. Via and Aya got tied together, since they both have pretty good ranged attacks. And I got tied to Lilly because we both have melee weapons. Plus that meant each pair had someone who can teleport.

It took us a while, but finally we managed to beat them. No one on our side died, which I’m pretty proud of. We did a good job.

I think the elementals weren’t expecting us to win. They thought we would do the same today as yesterday. But nope! We’re smarter than that! We can overcome any obstacle in our way, even tornado birds who are really, really, stupidly hard to hit.

When we won we didn’t go through to floor 90, so whatever’s up there will be a surprise tomorrow. Instead, we just left through the exit and came back right away to congratulate the elementals on a good fight.

The elementals are pretty cool! They’re more laid-back than the kobolds. They kind of feel like a group of surfer dudes. They respect that we did a good job, and we acknowledge that they did a good job too. They don’t eat, so I couldn’t give them any cake, but they appreciated that I asked.

Oh! Speaking of cake! I got the ingredients to make cupcakes! And not just a boxed mix, no, I now have all the ingredients!!! Which means I have access to such wonderful things like flour and baking powder and flour and powdered sugar and flour and flour and also flour!!!!!

I have flour!!!!!!!!!!

I haven’t told Nat yet, I want to surprise her. She is gonna be so surprised. With flour, we can make noodles and pasta now! And basically everything else that needs to be baked! I can’t wait to start experimenting with her.

But it’ll have to wait. Four more days.

Four more days to be excited.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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