Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 4 (7)

Dear Diary,

There are six people here now, so I think the cycle will reset soonish. Kimi got here last night, and two people from Admin 2 got here today.

The two from Admin 2 didn't really talk to us. They just said they wanted to know if they were the first ones back. And they weren't. They accepted a pizza, though.

Oh, we forgot to warn Fire that we're not supposed to make energy drinks. She told Kimi. Y and I are now forbidden from cooking together unless she or Avi are around.

Which, as far as punishments goes, is perfectly fine. I don't mind cooking with Y, but group cooking is more fun than duo cooking.

Speaking of cooking, the magical buffs that comes with food is… lame. It's dumb. There, I said it! The magic should be fun and cool, but it isn't!

Only completed dishes have magic, and there's no way to mix it up or invent new things! Which is annoying! I want to make new things and have them be magical!

Honestly I want to write a strongly worded letter to the Admin that made the magic food and tell them they're dumb!


By the end we were trying things so weird it didn't even taste all that good. And there aren't any ants or wolves or velociraptors to give the food we didn't eat to. Which is sad and wasteful.

Oh, Avi got to the dracoraptor floor and decided to just stay there until the cycle reset. I… understand why, but it does make me kinda worried. I mean, the players with the least number of button pushes will get sent back to their original dungeons on Cycle 15, and so far he only has one button push. Yeah, we're only on Cycle 4, but still. I don't want him to be sent away.

Not after everything we did to get him here.

I kinda wish no one would get sent away. That way no one would be afraid of failure. Like, sure, the top prize is nice and all, but there's no punishment for losing.

At least I don't think there is. No one said there was. If there's a secret punishment for coming in last, that's super unfair.

Anyways, I'm debating getting longer hair. I've had mine at shoulder length for like forever. Fire's hair goes to her waist, but in super distinct layers. It looks… somewhere between elegant and cool. I wouldn't copy her hairstyle exactly, obviously, but I like the look.

I wonder what Avi would look like with long hair. As long as I've known him he's always had pretty short hair. Which looks good, sure, but seeing him with long hair would be interesting.

I need to propose that everyone switch hair styles for a cycle. Just to see what we all look like. For something different.

I know some people hate things that are different, but I like to change things up every once in a while. 

Anyways, I should go to sleep.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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