Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 5 (3)

Dear Diary,

Steel and Fire came over for tea today. Yes, we are at war, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be polite and have tea with them.

A woman from Admin 5’s group saw them, and she came over with her boyfriend, too. They’re Hash and 9. Or, that’s what they prefer to be called. Y told them they can change their names to officially be that, and it kinda blew their minds.

Hash and 9 are nice. She met Lily, and they agreed to not fight if ever there was a PvP. So now we all know each other.

I like that we’re making friends.

Anyways, while Hash and 9 were here, Admin 3’s group attacked their building. They killed their hellhound, but the dog ate two people before it died. Staab, Mika, Aya, and the Sams ran out and attacked Admin 3’s group, and everyone else helped with the trebuchets. Admin 3’s group went down to two people, and when they retreated a couple people from Admin 2’s group appeared out of nowhere and stabbed them to death.

So Admin 3’s group is gone!

Sadly, Mika and Samuel are also gone. Mika is piiiiissed that she’s stuck in her room. She can open the door and window, but she can’t get out. We can pass her food, though. Samuel is resigned, and has requested I make him a big cake. It’s cooling right now, and I’m waiting to put the frosting on.

Oh, Mika said she made friends with someone from Admin 2’s group. When Fire and Hash came over today I kinda wanted to say she should invite them over too. Then we would have friends with people in three groups!

I wonder if this whole PvP thing will be a regular feature of this dungeon. I don’t like killing people, but it’s something different.

I still have the secret message bottles that the catgirl on Floor 60 gave me. Hopefully she doesn’t mind that I can’t give them to anyone this cycle. I’ll drop them next cycle, I promise. I wonder if I can somehow write her and explain what’s going on. She has to have an item number, I just don’t know what it is. Or her name.

I… didn’t ask her name.

I guess I really am turning into a real player, who doesn’t think NPCs are real people. I mean, now that I think about it I know she’s a person with a name, but I didn’t think about it when I was talking to her.

I feel bad about that.

I should have asked.

Next cycle I will! Next cycle I’ll go down and ask all their names, not just the spy’s name! And I’ll write them down so I don’t forget.

I should ask everyone in the dungeon for their names. I’ll start a spreadsheet thing like Kimi has, and find out everyone’s name! Yeah!

That’ll be good. It’ll keep my…

My humanity.

I’m human. I wasn’t born a neko.

And everyone else here was born a human, too.

I can’t ever forget that.

…The cake is cool enough to put frosting on.

I should go ask Samuel if he wants me to decorate it a specific way.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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