Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 6 (3)

Dear Diary,

Octavius asked what my teleport level was today. I told him it was 100, and he didn’t believe me. He said it should only be at like 60 max. Then I said I also have cooking and pain resistance at 100, and he now thinks I’m a cheater.

I wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. I mean, technically I’m not. But I got those stats when I was just an NPC. NPCs aren’t supposed to become players, so maybe that part is cheating?

I told him there was a glitch in our old dungeon. I’ve heard Mika blame things on glitches before, and everyone accepted it. Octavius grumbled that it wasn’t fair, but he didn’t question it any more. I think that’s good.

Oh, I didn’t let him hurt the velociraptors. He totally didn’t understand the concept of them being my friends, so I told him I had a quest to take them to the gingerbread village.

He didn’t question that. Which is… Can everything be explained away by saying it’s a glitch or quest? I mean, that would make things easy, but I don’t know how believable it is.

I’ll have to ask people about that. Staab played games sometimes, he might know. And I think if I asked Fire she wouldn’t wonder why I’m asking.

Anyways, I took Arby and Kelly. Lex and Tim can go with Avi. I wrote him to let him know.

Arby and Kelly aren’t as good at traveling as Lex and Tim. They also don’t understand that they only have one HP and can’t rush into combat. They haven’t died yet because Octavius has made it his goal to keep them alive.

He griped for half an hour about “escort missions” and how incredibly frustrating they are. But he didn’t question anything.

We’re between Floors 15 and 16. The last thing we did today was have tea with Jenny. I explained to Octavius that she won’t fight people who say they want tea, which made him ask if it was possible to do a pacifist run in our old dungeon. I said yes, and that made him happy.

We spent our teatime discussing the merits of pacifism, and how it makes life more rewarding. Apparently he liked to play through video games as non-violently as possible, and wished there had been a way of winning in his old dungeon without killing.

He’s not a pacifist, and has no problem killing people, but he likes the “challenge” of not killing.

Which made me miss Avi. Avi is just… simple. He doesn’t like hurting things because hurting things is bad. He likes dinosaurs because dinosaurs are cool. He doesn’t have secret motives for acting how he does. There aren’t complicated layers to why he has his opinions.

Octavius is a good guy, but I don’t feel like I know him or his motives. It would take me years to figure it all out.

But I know Avi. I might not know everything, but I know what makes him happy and why. And I love him. Plain and simple.

I hope he gets to the catgirl floor tomorrow when we do.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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