Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 8 (5)

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow we’ll be at Floor 38. Everyone in the group has agreed that kidnapping wolves is a great idea, and we are absolutely going to do it.

I’m kinda glad we aren’t with Mika this cycle, cuz she’s always against kidnapping animals. I mean, not against it to the point of stopping us, she’s just mildly annoyed by us doing it.

Y wondered if there’ll ever be a point where we’ve kidnapped too many things, and the Director stops us. I agree that’s a thing that might happen, which means we need to kidnap as many things as possible while we can.

I also suggested we throw lavender muffins into the creepy dark floor so we can figure out what’s on it, and Steel said it’s giant millipedes. Since they don’t have stupid high teleport, they’ve had to fight through it.

I’m perfectly happy living life having never seen a millipede three times bigger than I am, so the muffin idea is out.

Oh yeah! When we got back from our old dungeon, our stats were all cut! Well, the Sams said “we got nerfed”, which apparently means the same thing.

So now my pain resistance, cooking and teleport are all at Lvl 50. Or, they were at the beginning of the cycle. I’ve leveled up a few times by now. Being able to feel pain sucks. I kinda wish pain was just… off.

But oh well. I guess it wasn’t fair to the other players that we were running around with Lvl 100 spells and their max spell was at 50. And we can choose a spell and a stat to level up each cycle, not just one or the other, so that’s not too bad.

Oh, Kimi asked Fire why she didn’t try leveling up a flight spell. Fire doesn’t walk, so if we’re a race that doesn’t have wings, Steel has to carry her. She said flight spells don’t last long enough. Sure, they’d give her a couple minutes of hovering, but what she needs is to be a race that has wings. Like fairy or half-dragon.

In their old dungeon there was also a harpy race that had wings instead of arms, but Fire said she likes having human-ish hands. I’ve never thought about it, but I also like having human-ish hands. Five is a good number of fingers.

Speaking of people having five fingers, when we were on the Floor with all the geysers and sulfur, Y tried casually mentioning that sulfur is flammable again. Avi and I were quite concerned, but then Fire asked how hard it would be to set the whole Floor on fire. Steel joined in our concern at that point, and between the three of us we almost managed to get the whole group off the Floor without anything exploding.

Yes, I just wrote “almost”. Because we didn’t. Fire and Kimi needed to know if they could make snowballs but out of damp sulfur. And then they decided to try making fireworks by throwing a ball of sulfur into the air and hitting it with a fireball. It was too much to ask for Y to not join them, and soon the three were happily exploding things as Avi, Steel and I slowly backed down the stairs.

But hey, the Floor isn’t a pile of rubble, so that’s good. I think the Director changed something so they couldn’t completely blow it up again.

Anyways, we have wolves to kidnap tomorrow!

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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