Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 9 (2)

The Director watched her message box, willing it to impart more information. It remained the same. 

From: Nikki
To: The Director 
Subject: Pizza


You said you’ve never had pizza before, so I made four pizzas for you. They’re on the kitchen counter in Floor 10’s diner. You can get them, right?

The one closest to the door is pepperoni, that’s like basic default pizza. Next to it is an “everything” pizza, which doesn’t have literally everything on it, but it has a lot of things that are common for people to put on pizza on it. You’re not allergic to anything, right? Anyways next to that is Hawaiian pizza, which there’s some controversy about, but everyone should try it just so they can have informed opinions. And lastly is a white sauce pizza with chicken, which is closer to what pizzas were originally, in Italy, back before pepperoni was invented and they got tomatoes. 

So yeah! Enjoy!


The Director couldn't understand this message. It was so… simple. She scanned the words for any hidden meaning, but nothing appeared. This was clearly a bribe, but no future favor was hinted at. 

She wasn't a woman who allowed herself debts. She never owed anyone anything, ever.

Deciding to face this challenge head-on, she hit Reply. 

From: The Director 
To: Nikki
Subject: Re: Pizza

Thank you for the offer.

Is there anything you would like in return?

She waited, sipping tea. After a few minutes a reply came. 

Just your opinion on how you like them :)

By the way, what did you want to ask me when you pulled me into your office?

Oh! Would it be ok if Nat, a kobold on Floor 54, changed the food magic? It’s kinda boring and I know we could do sooo much more if someone who knew how to cook and bake and stuff was able to change it!


The Director smiled a bitter smile.

There it was. Nothing came free. This girl wanted information and a favor for mobs.

Well. The Director hadn’t played this game for centuries just to be tricked by a child.

She put her fingers to the keyboard. 

I shall take it under consideration. 





Dear Diary,

Avi said he’s writing a song for me, and he’ll play it when we get together at the start of next cycle. I can’t wait to hear it. Not that I’m biased or anything, but I bet it’ll be the best song in the history of songs. 

Ok so I might be super biased. Sue me. 

Kimi is kinda quieter than usual. She’s worried about Y. Not to the point of going back or anything, but she’s really upset with the Director for making her leave him. I'm just glad this cycle the parties all have  two people, and it isn't a cycle where the parties have to be ten people. Cuz then we’d all have to stay behind, and some might get upset. 

I wonder how Fire is doing. Half-dragons have wings, so it shouldn't be too bad, but being away from Steel probably isn't great for her. 

I'll have to message her and ask how things are going. 

We’re on Floor 26, it’s been a few days. Mika won’t allow Avi to kidnap any velociraptors, so I get them instead! Kimi and I debated waiting until we get to the wolves to kidnap something, but nah. That’s too far off. We need floofs!

Other than floof kidnapping, nothing new has really happened. We’re getting pretty used to how things work. We’re getting to know the people. I kinda hope nothing changes, cuz lately whenever things change it’s always bad.

But then, being bored is also bad. Just less bad, kinda. I'd rather be bored than upset. 

Altho sometimes changes are good, like if we could get flour to be magic all by itself. That would be an epic change. 

Anyways, I need to feed Lex and Tim before going to sleep. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!


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