Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 81: The Mage Tower Fall.

Chapter 81: The Mage Tower Fall.


The Arcane Tower army sieges the city using mana cannons and the flying warship. However, their attack is futile; the wall's mana shields are still standing strong.


After a few more days, the Arcane Tower is running out of patience, and their mana stone reserve is dwindling fast. The wall's mana shield doesn’t look like it's going to break soon. That’s why people say that war costs money and resources.


"If we spend too much time here, we will not have the energy to take down the mage tower." The Arcane Tower patriarch is getting anxious.


"Should we contact them?"


"I am hoping to use them to take down the mage tower. It looks like we don’t have a choice. Contact them." The longer the war lasts, the more variables there are for things to go wrong.


A few hours later, something is happening at the city wall. There is a commotion and an explosion, and the blue mana shield dome is gone. The city gate also gradually opened. Seeing that the Arcane Tower army moves toward the gate


The mechanical golems and people defending the wall attack the intruder. But their number is too great; one by one, the mechanical golems fall and are destroyed. The remaining defender quickly retreated to the mysterious tower.


While the people from the non-noble faction that came to help surrender. The Arcane Tower releases them because their only target is the Mysterious Tower, and making enemies with the other mage tower is not beneficial.


Outside the Yrul city, normally the creatures will flee from the war because of the danger and noise. But strangely, many birds and small creatures gaze at the city. Once the army enters the city, some of the creatures follow them.




Mysterious Tower, an underground chamber.


"Patriarch everything is ready; we are ready to move."


"Activate the puppet and prepare to retreat."


On each floor of the mage tower, there is a group of mechanical puppets holding a revolver, rifle, and Vickers machine gun. Their job is to slow down the enemy.


The Mysterious Tower patriarch can only sigh in regret. The mysterious tower that had survived for centuries was going to fall. He doesn’t dare take revenge because they had a master mage.


He doesn’t have the confidence to advance to master rank. In the end, it is better to rebuild a new mage tower in a different country. With the wealth he hides in secret, they can move anywhere.


The only problem is that it will take time to move all the wealth to another country because the amount of treasure and goods they need to move is large.




The Arcane Tower army attacked the Mage Tower gate and destroyed it. However, when they entered the gate, what greeted them was a barrage of bullets. The warrior's strong body easily gets ripped apart by the bullets.


"Warriors regrouped use the resonance aura shield skill, and mages cast the group mana shield!"


The warriors’ mana resonates with each other, and a transparent aura shield covers their bodies. Centuries after the mass revolt that killed many warriors and mages. The warriors had developed a skill to counter bullets. By sharing their mana in a group, they can create an aura shield that requires less mana when fighting in a group.


The mages at the back cast a mana shield at the warriors, and another transparent shield is created. Once ready, the warriors enter the gate again.


The mechanical puppets holding revolvers, rifles, and Vickers machine guns keep firing.


This time, the barrage of bullets deflected after hitting the shield. Some of the bullets manage to go through the first mana shield, but the warriors' aura shield stops them.


At the back, mages cast fireballs and fire arrows, and the mechanical puppets without protection easily get destroyed. Once the warrior gets close enough, he leaps toward the mechanical puppet and overwhelms it.


However, the mechanical puppet guarded each floor that the intruder went to.


Inside the flying warship.


Patriarch, we don’t detect any large amounts of mana energy." Until now, they haven’t detected any sign that the mysterious tower is going to activate their secret weapon. If they activate it, even masters need to be wary.


"What do you think?"


"The only conclusion is that the mage tower is a trap, or the Mysterious Tower people have already run away."


"I think it’s both; order our people to come out of the tower." The Arcane Tower's main target is the mana stone mine in the first place.


"Yes, what is your next order?"


"Destroy the Mysterious Tower."


"What do you want me to do?" A middle-aged mage spoke.


After saying that, all the people in the hangar gazed at him with respect and fear. That mage is a master mage of the Arcane Tower. The patriarch has the same bloodline as the master mage.


Since Arcane Tower is a noble faction, the patriarch and the higher-ups are mostly from the same bloodline. The history of the Arcane Tower is complicated. In the past, they were a neutral faction, but after the last master mage died, the new master mage turned out to be a fallen noble from an unknown kingdom.


After that, a few more master magi came out of the same family. With that, no one can fight against them.


“Uncle, it's fine; you just need to rest." The Arcane Tower patriarch said it respectfully. After that, he gazes at the people beside him. "Start the attack."


"Yes, recharge the mana cannon!"


The people inside the mage tower, after receiving the message, rush out and move far away from the tower.


The flying warships fire their mana cannons. Without the mana shield, the mana beams pierce through the mage tower. The mage tower, after being attacked by the endless mana beams, finally collapsed to the ground.


The smoke and debris cover almost all the nearby buildings in the city.




The underground path is shaking, and the Mysterious Tower patriarch and others stop walking.


"Patriarch that?"


"Keep moving." The Mysterious Tower patriarch's eyes have already become moist; that is his home, and most of his life is spent there.


They come out of the underground path far away from the city. The surrounding area is full of trees.


One of the birds on the tree branch saw that fly toward the sky.




While the Arcane Tower is busy cleaning up the city and taking over all the businesses connected to the Mysterious Tower. Levi and Clara are inside an underground chamber, meditating inside the mana-gathering formation.


Once he arrived on the outskirts of the city a few days ago, Levi built this underground chamber to hide and send his undead creature to scout.


When Levi opens his eyes outside the formation, the undead bird and small creatures are waiting.


An hour later, Levi and Clara are chasing someone. With Levi's light movement technique, he can leave Clara behind, but he needs her help. From what he saw, the mysterious tower still had hundreds of people.


The only reason Levi is following them is to see if he can get something out of this war. Even if you don’t get anything, it's fine. To succeed, people need luck, chance, and opportunity. Now it all depends on luck.


Thinking about luck, he can only sneer. Reminiscing about his past life full of bad luck and betrayal, he says his life now is considered good. Because now he had the power to protect himself.


Over time, undead birds come and go to transmit the location of the fleeing Mysterious Tower people.




The Mysterious Tower people, after fleeing for a whole day, finally arrive at the location. There is nothing here, just the trees. When most people are puzzled in certain locations, the trees disappear and they can see a large building.


They can't enter the building because it is protected by a mana shield. The Mysterious Tower patriarch raises his hand, and soon the mana shield disappears and the large door unlocks itself.


When people enter the building, there is just a dining table.


"Take a rest; the kitchen is at the back."


After they all finished their dinner, they all went to sleep. Today's event is tiring.


At night, one of the warriors opened his eyes and slowly stood up. The patriarch is in a room. His mission is to go out from this building to send out the signal.


"Where are you going?" One of the warriors wakes up because of the noise.




The warrior who asked continued to sleep.


The traitor sighed in relief, trying to find other doors to exit the building. He tries to send a signal inside the building, but something is interfering with the signal.


The traitor's body suddenly feels tired and collapses to the ground.


After a while, the door to the room opens, and the sleeping mages wake up.


"Throw the corpses outside." The Mysterious Tower patriarch order He had poisoned all the warriors and several mages that he suspected to be traitors. This is where he hides his wealth; the less people know, the better.


Right now, there are around 30 people inside the building.


Patriarch, what is your next order?


"We shall move tomorrow". The Mysterious Tower patriarch now needs to hide his identity and disguise himself as a merchant.

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