Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 201: Evil Thoughts

The heat of the battle in the coliseum was subsiding.

The aftermath of the fight created pits here and there, and despite the reinforced magic, no stone wall remained intact.

In the midst of this eerie atmosphere, Shiron alternated glances between his hand and the holy sword, muttering.

“…The feeling is great.”

When he beheaded the golden-armored knight, the sensation of an almost breaking but then snapping neck brought an indescribable pleasure to his fingertips. It was a feeling he had never experienced when cutting down monsters during the expedition or finishing off the 2nd and 5th Apostles.

Swinging the sword with the rebound of an exploding ground was naturally different from the past when he only wielded it with strength.


Shiron believed that this action was significantly related to shouting the technique name. Since he had invested blessings only in reaction and agility, there would be no [Blessing of Wrath], thus no side effects like emotional elevation.

Shiron slowly brought down the holy sword while shouting the technique name.

“…Great Slash.”

[It’s too plain to attach a technique name.]


Shiron burned off the filth on the holy sword and stared at a spot in the air. There, Latera, in her spirit form, peeked her head out.

“It’s just an attack that goes whoosh and cuts big. I think it needs more of your unique spirit.”

“…Though it’s embarrassing to say, it was a perfect blend of magic and physical art. There was a splendid explosion underfoot, and the holy sword emitted beautiful light. What’s wrong with giving it a name?”

“The problem is the name.”

Latera crossed her arms and looked up at Shiron.

“What is Great Slash? What is Great Slash?”


“It’s not cool at all. Lucia… Kyrie named [Thunder Roar], [True Martial Thunder Fist], and the [Falling Star] you just performed… those are much cooler.”


‘I do have cool technique names.’

As she faintly heard that her technique names were considered cool, Lucia focused her hearing. Though just moments ago she wanted to hide in a hole, embarrassed and blushing, Lucia, who thirsted for praise, crept closer to them as soon as her name was mentioned.

However, contrary to her expectations, Shiron continued with relentless criticism.

“If Kyrie weren’t here, my Great Slash would be better.”

Shiron responded with a chuckle to Latera, who unusually didn’t side with him.

“My technique names contain humor, not superficiality.”


“Yes, they embody the pinnacle of efficiency solely to kill the opponent. The splendid explosions or the holy light decorating the surroundings are all unavoidable side effects.”

“That’s true. I admit your techniques aren’t flashy.”


“But the name is too ridiculous.”

Latera rolled her eyes, unwilling to concede to Shiron’s logic. Normally, she would agree with him, but now, both the reincarnated Lucia with Kyrie’s memories and her companion Seira were eavesdropping on this conversation.

Latera, aware of everything but annoyed by Shiron’s subtle teasing, found it secondary to the pity she felt for the reincarnated Lucia.

“What is Great Slash? Great Slash? If it’s as the name suggests, it’s useless except when slashing at a big enemy. But Kyrie’s technique names apply in any situation.”

“I… I think Kyrie’s naming is better too?”

“I’m telling you, it’s humor.”

Shiron ignored the shamelessly intruding Lucia.

“Why does the name matter if I’m having fun? Besides, can’t I just change the front word each time?”

“Wrong. Consistency in technique names is important.”

Resolutely denying it, Latera pulled out two books from the air.

Kyrie’s Great Adventures and [BIBLE].

A heroic fairy tale and a scripture distributed in Lucerne.

Rustling busily through the pages, Latera held up the two heavy books towards Shiron.

“In Kyrie’s biography, it says, ‘[Blossom], a myriad of sword dances cleaved the air, cutting even the surroundings, forcing the queen of the deep sea to retreat.’ And in this scripture… when Hero Kyrie used [Blossom], the sea split into a thousand parts, making the stinky witch flee in a panic.”

Latera showed the books not only to Shiron but also to Lucia and Seira.

“The reason Kyrie is remembered intact after 500 years is because of cross-validation. I hope you’ll be remembered not just for 500 but for thousands of years!”

“How long are you going to talk about this? Madam Eldrina is looking quite forlorn over there… shouldn’t we clean up quickly?”

“Seira, please answer. You were Kyrie’s companion.”

“…Let’s just clean up.”

Sighing deeply, Seira squinted her purple eyes and muttered.

“Since Kyrie isn’t here, I’ll be honest. Back then, I thought Kyrie’s shouted technique names were stupid.”


“Don’t you respect the honor of the deceased?”

Despite Lucia’s bewildered gaze, Seira snorted and wiped her nosebleed.

“Think about it. It’s not complicated magic that requires repeated complex thoughts during battle, just swinging a sword with aura.”

“…Well. It’s not just wildly swinging a sword. You need to sharpen your senses or chant specific spells to inspire courage…”

“You sound just like Kyrie.”

“…Because I’m a descendant.”

Lucia’s golden eyes shifted towards Shiron, who was watching from a distance. Shiron barely held back a laugh and turned his head.

“And I can defend my ancestor. Shiron is weird. No respect for ancestors.”

“Calling me weird is too much. Especially after I saved your life.”

“…You fought alone all the time. You just snatched the glory at the end. And you handled people roughly like objects…”

“Hey, that’s not true.”

Shiron considered getting angry at the harsh words but decided to laugh it off instead. The situation was too amusing. As he patted Lucia’s head, which seemed full of complaints, he extended his hand.

“We made a good combination. I became the feet, you became the sword. The suspicious elf became the shield… The expression ‘perfect synergy’ is for moments like this.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“We work well together.”


Lucia stared at the calloused palm. She understood what that gesture meant. It was reminiscent of the practical exams at the academy, where, in mock battles, teams fought and younger students used this gesture to boost morale by clapping hands.

Was Shiron also one of the younger generation? Lucia alternated glances between her hand and Shiron’s before reluctantly clapping her hand against his.

“Hero! Me too! Me too!”

“Of course, you should join in.”

Satisfied with the affectionate gesture, Shiron extended his hand to Latera and Seira in turn.

As a hero party, they would face many battles in the future, and this battle had yielded quite a good result. Synchronizing their teamwork and maintaining camaraderie within the team was important. He wanted to create a focal point by repeating this small but specific action.

“This is a bit ticklish…”

Was it at the moment when he was about to clap hands with Seira for the last time?

“Brother. Me too.”

A voice not involved in the battle was heard.

“I want to do it too.”


A quiet voice.

Without a sound, Siriel had appeared. She stared intently at Shiron and extended her hand. As if she had just finished training, her right hand held the jeweled sword, Spica.

“…Of course.”


Shiron smiled brightly and clapped his hand with Siriel’s. However, it seemed Siriel wasn’t satisfied with just that.

As their palms met, Siriel interlocked her fingers with Shiron’s.

Squeeze- The tightening grip felt like a snake constricting its prey. The heat from Shiron’s battle and Siriel’s training mingled. Sweat mixed. Rub rub. Creak creak. Ticklish…

It seemed like a normal handplay, but not only Lucia, but also Seira and Latera, felt an eerie chill down their spines.

Was this the backlash of avoiding Siriel for two months? Even though it was unavoidable due to the knight order succession… Lucia suddenly felt the situation becoming bizarre, and Seira pitied Shiron.

Beep beep beep beep beep-

Latera tried to ignore the alarm ringing in her ears. She had no time to worry. Ever since Siriel appeared, the alarm had been ringing, making her knees weak and filling her with a terror that made her want to collapse.


But contrary to everyone’s expectations, Siriel let go of the interlocked hands and did nothing more. She just drew a subtle arc on her lips… and smiled brightly.

“Mother said she’d scold us if we don’t clean up quickly. I’ll help too.”

“Aren’t you tired from training?”

“I’m fine.”

Siriel floated Spica in the air and rolled up her sleeves.

“Aren’t you tired from the battle? I’ll work hard enough for both of us.”

“…Thank you.”

“If you’re grateful, do this too.”

Siriel slightly bowed her head and presented the top of her head to Shiron. It was a request to be patted. It seemed she had seen Shiron patting Lucia’s head earlier. Thinking faster than he did in battle, Shiron granted Siriel’s wish.

“As expected, Siriel is kind.”

Despite being much taller and more grown-up than Seira, Siriel still had a childlike side. Shiron, with a content expression, doted on Siriel to his heart’s content.


Seira, who couldn’t see the message window, sighed in relief, but Latera, who could, continued to sweat despite the alarm subsiding.

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