Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 207: The Process Of Becoming An Adult

The next morning, Shiron, emerging from a dark corridor, was greeted by the pouring sunlight.

‘…Did I come all the way here only to faint?’

The answer to where this place might be, which had been on his mind all along, was finally revealed. The suffocating air, the sand-covered floor—he had a hunch, but being carried here while unconscious confirmed it. They hadn’t left the training ground after all.

“Mana, oh… it’s the training room. Ugh… hoo…”

As Shiron looked around the training room, he patted his stiff waist. Was it because he relaxed after all the tension? He couldn’t help but sigh repeatedly, possibly due to the aftereffects of what happened or other activities.

“…Are you okay?”

Siriel, who had come out of the training room late, asked worriedly. She, too, had exercised intensely all night, so her walking posture was awkward. Nevertheless, Siriel was more concerned about her beloved brother’s well-being first.

Once the pent-up frustration was released and his heated head cooled down, Shiron realized this place was not a dream but reality.

“I’m fine, really. How many times do I have to say it?”

While patting his body here and there to heal, Shiron forced a bright smile at the worried Siriel.

“When I told you about the engagement, I only thought about how surprised you would be. That was my fault.”

“…But I ruined your first experience.”


“Huh? No?”

“…I’m saying it wasn’t your fault.”

Shiron looked more serious than he had ever been.

“I should have noticed your anxiousness… I didn’t expect the fight to last this long, but because I kept delaying my confession, you felt rushed.”


“So… there’s no reason for you to feel guilty. Absolutely none. It’s all my fault.”

“Don’t say that!”

Siriel suddenly hugged him tightly. A thick diamond ring on her left ring finger caught the eye.

“You’re not at fault! I am!”


“Yes, it’s all my fault. I couldn’t wait just a few days and caused this mess.”

“What did you do wrong?”

Shiron gently stroked Siriel’s face as she clung to his waist. His affectionate touch made her feel dazed and blissful.

“I was wrong to knock you out and carry you away, and I was wrong to speak ill of your ‘sister’ Lucia in front of you. Looking back, everything I did yesterday was so vulgar that I’m ashamed to remember it.”

“So… you’re saying it was all your fault?”


Siriel nodded vigorously, her face full of love. Her heart, which had been purified by the events of yesterday, couldn’t help but overlook her mistakes without feeling burdened.

‘How can someone be so kind, considerate, handsome, capable, intelligent, and generous?’

Of course, love and trust could turn someone blind. It’s hard to find a man in history who could forgive kidnapping, assault, and rape and still proceed with an engagement. Such a paragon would be rare even in the annals of history.

After hugging for a long while, affectionate kisses rained down on Siriel’s face. As the kisses continued, Siriel’s face became increasingly soft. Her arms wrapped around his sturdy waist weakened, and her legs on the ground grew limp.

If only this could last forever. Despite the thought, Siriel tried to escape the shower of kisses with all her might.

“Um… brother?”


“I don’t dislike morning kisses, but Father will be looking for you.”

Siriel looked up at the sky with a face flushed red. The sun was already high, making her worry about her academy commute and afternoon schedule.

“Come on, missing one day won’t hurt. Father-in-law will understand.”

“No, no way!”

Siriel pushed Shiron away. Sweet words without knowing moderation were a problem, but the subtle change in addressing ‘father-in-law’ made her breathless.

“I… I’m going to be your wife. I need to be someone you won’t be ashamed to introduce anywhere.”


“Yes! I can’t slack off already.”

Gritting her teeth, Siriel resolved firmly. Her mother, Eldrina, had advised that a good wife with a great husband should only show vulnerability in bed.

Siriel repeatedly promised herself this as she clasped Shiron’s hands.

“I want to make sure you never regret choosing me.”

“Siriel, you’re grown-up.”

“Yes, adults have to take responsibility for their actions. So, this is it for today.”

With a bashful smile, Siriel gave a final hug and left without looking back.


Watching her leave without regret, Shiron thought quietly.

‘Damn it.’

The critical element that had been bothering him. Siriel seemed to believe firmly that she was Shiron’s first.

‘Didn’t I handle it skillfully? I don’t recall freezing up even once…’

He kept replaying last night’s events in his mind but couldn’t find anything that would suggest he was a virgin.

‘Yuma isn’t the type to brag, but you never know with others.’

As soon as he returned to his room in the annex, Shiron dipped his pen in ink.

“Did you enjoy the hot night?”

“…Did you spy on me again?”

Writing quickly, Shiron answered without turning around. He had a lot to do today. He needed to meet the cardinal, check on the Dras family’s scars, and summon Encia to send a letter.

“As I always say, I’d appreciate it if you could keep work and personal matters separate. Are you going to follow me even to the bathroom?”

“Oh, come on, no way.”

Latera sneered at the grumbling Shiron.

“I’m an angel. I don’t do immoral things.”

“…Then how did you find out?”

“There are ways, you know?”

Latera chuckled, looking above Shiron’s head.

[Experience Counter: 1]

The message had been blinking since he entered the annex. Although demons were not classified as humans, Latera could see how many humans he had slept with.

“Today is a joyous day. I should stop by the cathedral and pray. Oh Lord, my master finally had a normal relationship with a pure woman, not a dirty harlot. Bless him so that his future is bright.”

“Stop it. Is this something to announce to everyone?”

Gathering the finished letter, Shiron tapped the playful head.

“We’re leaving soon, so get ready.”


Latera followed him excitedly. Shiron wandered the second-floor corridor looking for Encia, but for some reason, she didn’t respond to her name being called today.

“Master, Encia is currently out.”

Shiron encountered Ophilia on the stairs while walking down from the second-floor corridor to the first floor.

Encia and Ophilia, who originally managed the annex, did not get along well with Latera and therefore rarely came to the area where Shiron lived. Instead, the area where Shiron and Latera resided was managed by handpicked staff selected by Eldrina.

“Really? When will she be back then?”

“It might take a while.”

“A while?”

Shiron frowned at Ophilia’s words.

Capital Hospital.

Shiron, along with Seira, hung visitor badges around their necks and boarded the elevator. Seira’s attire was unusually modest today, as she was meeting people from the church. She even took the effort to wear the nun’s habit she had worn in Lucerne.

The two, having reached the top floor, walked through a quiet corridor and encountered a familiar face.

Cardinal Deviale Jebiel, in charge of the diocese of Rien, greeted Shiron with a bright smile after a long time.

“It’s been a while, Brother Shiron.”

“I said I’d bring good news, but you seem excited already?”

“Haha, is it that obvious?”

The Cardinal laughed awkwardly. Before a hero, there was nothing to hide. He did not even question Seira’s identity as he led Shiron to the hospital room.

After walking through an elegant door and down a corridor, they saw a middle-aged man who could be described as quite handsome.

“…I greet my benefactor.”

Reynold Dras quickly rose from his lying position as soon as he saw Shiron.

“How can I ever repay this kindness…”

“There’s no need for conventional thanks. I’m just here as a courtesy visit today.”

Shiron cut Reynold’s greeting short. It might have seemed rude, but there was no helping it. Even though they had killed the 7th Apostle and Verian had disappeared, the fact remained that Reynold had acted disgracefully towards Lucia.

“How is your health? You seem quite recovered if you’re conscious.”

“Of course. I regained consciousness the day before yesterday and can now eat without any issues.”

“Can you use magic?”


Reynold respectfully extended his fingers to the younger Shiron.


A flame ignited at his fingertips, but it was different from an ordinary fire spell. Unlike typical red flames, Reynold’s flames were changing color in real-time.

“How is it? Looks good, right?”

“…That’s decent enough.”

Although his response was nonchalant, Seira was genuinely impressed by Reynold’s skill. It seemed to be a blend of fire and alchemy magic. For someone who had just gotten out of bed to perform two types of magic without an incantation, Seira thought this young human had achieved remarkable success.

“How is Lord Dexter?”

“He has been moved to the temple for treatment.”

The Cardinal answered promptly, without needing to be asked.

“The temple? Why?”

“After the miracle manifested. It’s a suitable place for daily prayers of gratitude for the hero’s grace. Would you like me to call him here?”

“What? Hero?”

“You understood without needing an explanation.”

Deviale smiled kindly at the startled Shiron.

“With his extraordinary divine power, the improvement shown after declaring his willingness to help, and the revival of his son. Plus, his solid relationship with Lucerne. Even if he’s not a hero, it would be hard not to notice Brother Shiron’s exceptional nature.”


“Lord Dexter is a wise man. So, there’s no need to worry about him revealing your identity as a hero.”

“…I trust Lord Dexter.”

Shiron, arms crossed, stared intently at the beaming Reynold.

“Reynold Dras.”

“Yes, yes!”

“But you, I don’t trust.”

“If that’s the hero’s wish.”


Reynold looked around with wide eyes. The warm atmosphere in the room suddenly changed with Shiron’s words.

Even the Cardinal, who had been smiling kindly, wiped the smile off his face, and the nun standing by Shiron pulled out a staff from her arms.

“Seira, let’s erase this guy’s memory.”

“Wait a minute! What do you mean by erasing my memory?!”

Instinctively, Reynold deployed defensive magic in response to the impending threat. Several layers of protective barriers formed between him and Shiron, drawing a large amount of mana from his core and causing slight dizziness.


The multiple layers of barriers were shattered with a mere gesture. Seira completely subdued Reynold with a few swipes of her staff through the air.

“Why, why are you doing this!”

“It’s nothing personal, so don’t hold a grudge.”

“The hero has spoken. It’s all the will of God, so accept it quietly.”

“No, no! I need to know the reason. Why are you doing this to me!”

“Hurry up and do it.”

“What parts should I erase?”

“Everything related to me being a hero and the Apostles.”


As soon as Shiron gave the order, Seira struck with her staff.

“Whew, another task accomplished.”

Seira didn’t just check that Reynold had passed out after being hit; she also cast several spells to secure his memory.

Shiron bowed his head deeply to the praying Cardinal.

“Cardinal, I apologize for the disturbance. This was related to the Apostles, so it had to be handled carefully.”

“It’s nothing. If it’s the hero’s will, then it’s also God’s will. If needed, you may erase my memory as well.”

“…The Cardinal is truly a good person. I’m glad you’re the ‘only’ one who knows I’m a hero.”


Deviale’s heart swelled with emotion at Shiron’s praise, and he felt his tear ducts become moist.

Although he didn’t oppose erasing Reynold’s memory, he had harbored dirty, suspicious thoughts. Now, those didn’t matter anymore.

While reminiscing over his emotions, Shiron suddenly stood up from his chair.

“Then, I’ll take my leave.”

“Would you like some tea?”

“I would love to, but I’m unusually tired today.”

“…That’s unfortunate, but we’ll postpone it until next time.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll visit again when I have more time.”

Shiron bowed once more to Deviale before leaving the hospital.

A carriage, waiting in advance, stood at the front gate. Shiron, walking wearily, boarded the carriage and let out a deep sigh.

Seira watched the exhausted Shiron with a worried look.

“What will you do now?”

“What do you mean? I’ll continue my magic training.”

“But she’s your only sister. You should follow her as her brother.”

“…It’s fine. She wrote that she’d be back soon. She won’t break her promise, so we should wait.”

“I just don’t understand today’s kids.”

Unusually, Seira spoke to Shiron with a stern tone.

“How can she be of an age to find herself and yet leave without showing her face? Does that make sense?”

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