Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 103: Preparations For War

As Adrian and Seraphina strolled through the tranquil castle grounds, the tension between them simmered just beneath the surface.

Seraphina’s teasing had given way to a subtle vulnerability, her guard slowly lowering with each step they took together. Adrian could sense that, despite her outward strength, there was a part of her eager to explore emotions she had thought she no longer possessed.

They walked in silence, arm in arm, their bodies in tune with each other. Seraphina’s occasional brushes against him were deliberate now, her inexperience with intimacy showing in her bold yet awkward attempts to connect.

When they reached the meeting room entrance, Adrian paused and looked at her, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I enjoyed our time together, Aunt. I wish we could have walked a bit longer."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow but didn’t pull away. Instead, she let out a soft, almost nervous chuckle. "Hmm, me too, I suppose. Don’t worry, Adrian, I won’t leave you—even if you want me to. I’m waiting for you to bring out the emotions that are truly mine."

Before Adrian could respond, the large wooden doors swung open, revealing Isabella standing there with Lira and Baron Isner.

The meeting had just concluded, and the three of them appeared deep in thought. Isabella’s flushed cheeks caught Adrian’s attention immediately.

Her eyes met his, and for a brief moment, there was an unspoken exchange between them. She could sense the growing connection between him and Seraphina, and her own body betrayed the emotions stirring within her.

But Isabella was adept at regaining her composure quickly.

"Ah, there you two are," Isabella said, her voice carefully neutral, though her eyes flashed with curiosity. "We were just about to have lunch."

Adrian gave a nod of acknowledgment as Seraphina gently pulled away, her expression returning to its usual calm.

"Perfect timing, Mother," he replied smoothly, gesturing toward the entrance. "Shall we?"

Lira shot a glance at Isabella, her sharp eyes catching every subtle detail. "It seems the Everhart family is as united as ever," she mused, though there was a trace of amusement in her voice.

Baron Isner smiled and nodded. "Family unity is the cornerstone of any successful venture," he said, his tone warm yet guarded.

The group made their way to the grand dining hall, where a lavish spread of food awaited them. As they sat down, the atmosphere shifted—the earlier tension from military discussions giving way to a more relaxed, familial mood.

Over lunch, they spoke of strategies for the upcoming battle against Mortimer but allowed moments of lightheartedness to slip in.

As they finished their meal, Baron Isner stood and extended his hand to Adrian.

"Thank you, Lord Everhart," he said formally, his expression one of genuine respect. "Our family will block any possible reinforcements while simultaneously cutting off any important personnel trying to flee Mortimer’s territory.

They will be caught like a turtle in a jar. Lira and I will ensure our forces are in position. The element of surprise will be crucial."

Adrian shook his hand firmly. "I'm grateful for your support, Baron Isner. This alliance will ensure Mortimer doesn’t stand a chance."

With that, Baron Isner and Lira excused themselves to make final preparations. As they left, Isabella, Seraphina, and Adrian were left alone in the expansive dining hall, the sunlight streaming through the tall windows, casting soft shadows on the marble floors.

Adrian leaned back in his chair, turning his attention to his family. "Now that we have seven days before our attack on Mortimer, I plan to focus on leveling up," he began, his tone serious yet confident.

"We’ll enter the Virtual Training Chamber on the sixth day. Inside, we’ll train for an entire year."

Seraphina and Isabella both looked at him with raised eyebrows. "A year?" Seraphina asked, intrigued but cautious. "That’s quite a long time."

Adrian nodded. "In the chamber, time moves differently. We’ll have the chance to increase our proficiency in various skills and become more adept at large-scale warfare. When we come out, it will still be the sixth day in real time."

Seraphina, who had been listening closely, chimed in. "And you think we’ll be ready to face Mortimer after just one year of training in there?"

"We will be more than ready," Adrian said, a determined gleam in his eye. "But I need you both to start gathering as many people as possible to join our forces. We’ll need numbers, and I’m not above using unconventional methods. We can buy slaves or recruit those in debt and offer them their freedom—on the condition that they join our army. And if things go south, we have you, Aunt, a mighty 3rd-class Awakener."

Isabella looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. "We have the weapons, rations, and armor you stole from Mortimer, so equipping them won’t be an issue."

Adrian smirked. "Exactly. I also took a considerable amount of gold while I was at it, so we have funds to cover any additional costs."

Seraphina, who had been quiet during the discussion, suddenly spoke up. "I can contribute as well," she said. "I have gold from the Inheritance Domain. Between that and what you’ve gathered, funding is secured."

Adrian looked at her with a smile of appreciation. "Thank you, Aunt. That will help immensely."

Turning his attention back to his mother, Adrian said, "I want you to personally oversee the recruitment. We’ll need a mix of warriors, mages, and anyone willing to fight. The more people we can gather, the better."

Isabella nodded, her mind already calculating the best approach to the task. "Consider it done."

Satisfied, Adrian took a deep breath before addressing the system mentally. "System, if we leave the Virtual Training Chamber early, can we exit directly into Mortimer’s territory?"

The system’s voice responded coldly. "Yes, it is possible to synchronize time and exit directly into Mortimer’s territory."

Adrian narrowed his eyes, sensing there was more to it. "And the catch?"

The system paused, then continued. "Host has indeed grown perceptive. It will cost you 10,000 Seduction Points for the system to accurately synchronize time and ensure you arrive on the exact sixth day."

Adrian let out a small laugh. "Figures. Fine, activate that function automatically when we enter the chamber."

"Understood, Host," the system replied, its voice fading into the background.

Adrian turned back to Seraphina and Isabella, his expression confident and calm. "Once we’ve completed our year of training in the Virtual Chamber, we’ll emerge directly into Mortimer’s territory, unleashing the full force of our army and catching him off guard. The element of surprise will be on our side."

Isabella smiled proudly at her son’s strategic brilliance, while Seraphina looked at him with newfound respect. They were ready, and Adrian could feel the tides of power shifting in his favor.

With their plans in place, the countdown to Mortimer’s downfall had begun. Adrian then looked at Isabella and asked, "Mom, I reckon you’re still not willing to tell me about Father and your origin, right?"

Isabella's eyes softened, a tender expression crossing her face. "Yes, my dear son, not yet. But don’t worry. You’ll know when the time is right. Until then, continue growing strong."

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