Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 115: Baiting Seraphina

He had leveled a total of 5 times today, with the help of Seraphina. Seraphina then said,"Let's stop here for today, we will continue tomorrow."

Adrian nodded to her words as his training in the depths of Shadowgrove Forest had paid off handsomely, and the levels came faster than he had anticipated, thanks to Seraphina's incredible support.

"We're done for today," she said, her voice calm but firm, her earlier teasing gone for the moment. "You've leveled up five times in just one session. That's remarkable progress."

Adrian, still catching his breath, opened his system interface to check his updated stats. He felt a rush of pride as the new numbers flashed before his eyes.

Adrian Everhart

Level : 17

Health Points (HP): 630 → 1,030

Mana Points (MP): 490 → 540

Strength: 144 → 219

Agility: 92 → 142

Endurance: 106 → 146

Intelligence: 124 → 169

Charm: 68 → 68 (no change)

Luck: 55 → 55 (no change)

Adrian grinned to himself, feeling the raw power flowing through him. He flexed his fingers, feeling the enhanced strength in his body.

Everything felt sharper, faster, more attuned to the world around him.

"That's quite the leap," he mused aloud, his grin widening as he looked at Seraphina. "Five levels in one day... I wouldn't have been able to pull this off without you Aunt."

Seraphina waved a hand dismissively, though her smile showed she appreciated the compliment. "You're the one doing the hard work. I just gave you a little push."

Adrian chuckled, knowing she was downplaying her contribution. Her powerful magic had softened up the monsters enough for him to take them down efficiently. It was a perfect partnership, a well-oiled machine.

The sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting the forest in deep, shadowy hues of orange and gold. Adrian glanced around the clearing, feeling the calm after the storm of battle.

Seraphina stretched, her arms reaching above her head, causing her robe to pull tight against her figure. Adrian quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to fall into another one of her teasing traps.

"Shall we head back home?" she suggested, her tone once again taking on that playful lilt. "You've earned some rest... and perhaps a bit more relaxation." Her eyes glimmered with mischief.

Adrian smirked, anticipating where she was going with this. "Oh no," he said, shaking his head with a grin. "I know that look. I'm not falling for your teasing again, Aunt Seraphina."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smile. "Teasing? Who said anything about teasing?"

She stepped closer to him, her body brushing against his once more. "You smell like sweat and battle. I was thinking we should take a bath together."

Adrian blinked, caught off guard by her tone. It wasn't her usual playful banter—there was an air of seriousness in her voice that made him second-guess his assumptions.

He hesitated, feeling the tension in the air as Seraphina leaned in closer.

"A bath… together?" he asked, searching her face for any sign of jest. But all he found was that familiar, seductive glint in her eyes, mixed with sincerity.

"You heard me," Seraphina whispered, her breath warm against his skin. "You missed your chance earlier, Adrian."

For a moment, Adrian was at a loss for words. She had been teasing him all day, but now… she seemed completely serious.

His heart raced as he tried to gauge whether she was playing a long game or truly offering him something more.

But before he could decide how to respond, she pulled away with a soft laugh, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"You should have seen the look on your face," she teased, though there was a note of genuine regret in her voice. "Too late now. The offer's off the table."

Adrian rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a mixture of relief and frustration. He had been so sure she was teasing again, but now he couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if he had taken her seriously.

"Guess I missed my shot, huh?" he said with a wry smile, trying to brush off the moment.

Seraphina grinned wickedly. "You did. Better luck next time, though I doubt I'll make the same offer again."

Adrian laughed softly, shaking his head. "You're something else, Aunt Seraphina. But, you know, you've just given me a good idea."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? And what idea is that?"

Adrian's smile widened into a devilish grin. "What if I took a bath with mother instead?"

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with amusement as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh perhaps are you trying to make me jealous?

Adrian chuckled, leaning back against a nearby tree. "I wonder Aunt Seraphina. I also wonder if I do more than just take a bath with her, how will you feel, since your soul is connected to her? "

Seraphina's laughter rang through the clearing, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"And here I thought you'd be too shy to suggest such a thing. You really are bold, Adrian. Baiting your aunt to take a bath with you. If you can bring your mother to bat, why not. I will join you."

Adrian shrugged, his grin never fading. "Bold times call for bold measures."

"Well," Seraphina said, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm, "I am looking forward to it then."

Seraphina smirked, her expression softening as she looked at him. There was a flicker of something deeper in her eyes.

They stood in companionable silence for a moment, the tension of their earlier banter giving way to a shared understanding. Finally, Seraphina stretched again, her posture relaxing.

"Well," she said with a sigh, "we should head back before it gets too dark. You'll need your rest if you're planning to keep up this pace tomorrow."

Adrian nodded, pushing off the tree and gathering his belongings. "Yeah, you're right. I need to be in top shape for another day of leveling up."

Together, they made their way back through the dense forest, the shadows growing longer as the sun continued to sink beneath the horizon. The air was cool and crisp, a refreshing change from the heat of battle earlier.

As they walked, Adrian couldn't help but reflect on the day's events—the teasing, the battles, and the strange but undeniable connection he had with Seraphina.

She was more than just an aunt to him; she was a mentor, a partner in battle, and perhaps even something more.

When they finally emerged from the forest and reached the gates of Everhart Manor, Seraphina gave him one last playful look before as she said," Well I will be waiting for Isabella and you in the bath. Don't make me wait too long okay?"

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