Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 130: Beginning of Assasult

Adrian, his gaze remained fixed on the castle gates as he continued to advance. The guards patrolling the perimeter noticed his approach and immediately stiffened, raising their weapons.

"Halt!" one of them shouted, a burly man with a scar running down his face. He gripped his halberd tighter, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Adrian and Celes.

"State your business, or we'll be forced to take action!"

Adrian didn't stop. Instead, he reached for the hilt of his dagger, his eyes glowing faintly as mana surged through his veins. The guards exchanged uneasy glances. It was clear that this was no ordinary intruder.

"Halt, I said!" the guard barked again, but his voice wavered. "Turn back now, or—"

"Celes," Adrian said softly, his voice barely a whisper. But the archer beside him heard it loud and clear.

Without a word, Celes unslung her bow in a single fluid motion. She drew an arrow from her quiver, her fingers moving with practiced ease. The arrow glowed with a faint, ethereal light as she infused it with mana.

"Shoot down the one at the left tower," Adrian commanded, his voice calm.

Celes's eyes narrowed, and she nodded. Her body moved like a spring being released—smooth, powerful, and precise.

The arrow left her bowstring with a sharp twang, a streak of blue light trailing behind it as it flew through the air.

There was a barely audible gasp as the arrow struck its target—one of the guards in the left watchtower. The man crumpled, falling to the ground in an instant.

"Enemy attack!" one of the guards bellowed, his voice laced with panic.

The shout was followed by a flurry of movement. The guards, who had been lounging around or watching idly, suddenly snapped into action.

Weapons were drawn, and more shouts rang out as they prepared to engage.

"Raise the alarm!" a panicked voice yelled.

"No!" a deeper voice cut through the chaos, silencing the frantic guard.

The man who spoke was a towering figure, clad in polished armor that gleamed in the early morning light. He had the insignia of a captain on his chest, and his eyes blazed with authority.

"If we sound the alarm for two people, where would our face be?" the captain growled, his tone dripping with disdain.

"The Baron will have us flayed for being unable to handle a mere pair of intruders. Hold your positions and take them down!"

The lower-ranking soldier looked uncertain but didn't dare to argue. He swallowed hard, his gaze darting between the captain and the advancing figure of Adrian.

"Yes, sir!" he stammered, turning back to the front lines.

The guards formed a tight line, their weapons raised in a defensive stance. The captain stepped forward, his halberd glinting menacingly as he pointed it towards Adrian.

"You have guts showing up here, boy," the captain sneered. "But guts alone won't save you."

Adrian's expression didn't change. He glanced at Celes, who had already nocked another arrow and was ready for his signal. He nodded, and in the blink of an eye, she released the arrow.

The projectile flew straight at the captain, the air whistling softly as it cut through. The captain moved to dodge, but the arrow curved mid-flight, guided by Celes's skill.

It struck his shoulder, embedding itself deep into his armor.

"Argh!" The captain staggered back, his face twisting in pain. He looked down at the arrow, then back at Celes, a mixture of fury and disbelief in his eyes. "You little—!"

"Shadow Vein Step," Adrian murmured, his form blurring for a split second before vanishing completely.

The guards gasped, their eyes widening as they looked around, trying to locate him. Before they could react, Adrian reappeared behind them, his dagger flashing with a dark, ominous light.

"Dragon's Fang Strike!" he hissed.

The dagger cleaved through the air, its blade moving with a speed and precision that left afterimages in its wake.

Two guards fell before they even realized what had happened, blood spurting from the deep, lethal wounds in their sides.

"Damn it, he's behind us!" one of the remaining guards shouted, spinning around.

But Adrian was already gone again, his form flickering in and out of existence like a shadow dancing in the light. Each time he reappeared, another guard would fall, his body crumpling lifelessly to the ground.

"Stay together! Don't let him separate us!" the captain roared, clutching his wounded shoulder as he tried to rally his men.

But it was no use. Celes was still firing from a distance, each of her arrows finding their marks with unerring accuracy.

One guard dropped to his knees as an arrow pierced his thigh, another fell forward with an arrow lodged in his throat.

"Wind's Precision!" Celes called out, her voice carrying over the din of battle.

Her next volley of arrows flew with blinding speed, curving and twisting through the air to strike at the exposed gaps in the guards' armor. The men cried out in pain and fear as they were struck down one by one.

The captain's face twisted in rage as he watched his men fall. "You bastard! I'll kill you myself!" he snarled, brandishing his halberd.

He lunged at Adrian, the weapon swinging down in a powerful arc. But Adrian sidestepped effortlessly, his movements almost casual. He raised his dagger, the blade shimmering as he activated another skill.

The captain's next strike came faster, but it was still too slow. Adrian ducked beneath the halberd, his body moving with a fluidity that seemed almost unnatural. He lashed out with his dagger, aiming for the captain's exposed flank.

The blade bit into flesh, and the captain let out a roar of pain. He swung his halberd wildly, forcing Adrian to retreat a step.

"You're fast, but not fast enough!" the captain growled, blood dripping from his side.

Adrian didn't respond. Instead, he raised his free hand, his fingers crackling with mana.

"Mana Fortification," he intoned.

A barrier of shimmering energy formed around him, the air humming with power. The captain's eyes widened, but he didn't have time to react before Adrian surged forward, his dagger thrusting towards the man's chest.

"Gah!" The captain staggered back, clutching at the wound. Blood spilled from between his fingers, and his face contorted in pain.

"Damn you…" he wheezed, his voice weak. He looked around at his fallen men, then back at Adrian. "You… You'll pay for this… The Baron won't let you—"

His words were cut off as Adrian's dagger flashed once more. The blade struck true, and the captain's body crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Silence fell over the courtyard as the last of the guards collapsed. Adrian stood amidst the carnage, his breathing steady and controlled.

He turned to look at Celes, who was lowering her bow, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Well done," Adrian said, his tone even.

Celes bowed her head slightly. "Thank you, Master Adrian. I'm just glad I could be of help."

Adrian nodded, then glanced at the castle gates. The path towards the castle gate was now clear, but he knew it was just the beginning of his assault.

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