Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 148: Deciding Baron Mortimer’s Fate

Adrian gently released Eve from their embrace, his gaze softening as he looked down at her. There was a profound tenderness in his eyes, a warmth that conveyed his unspoken understanding of her pain.

But as he turned to face the shimmering barrier where Baron Mortimer was imprisoned, his expression hardened, the air around him charged with an undeniable sense of authority.

"Eve," Adrian began, his voice steady yet firm. "What do you want to do with him? His fate rests in your hands."

Baron Mortimer's eyes widened within the confines of the magical prison. He had been silently watching, his rage-filled gaze boring into Eve, but the moment Adrian posed that question, his demeanor shifted.

Fear flickered in his eyes, and he began to thrash against the barrier, panic seizing him.

"W-wait! Please!" he shouted, his voice trembling, sounding far more desperate than the authoritative tone he had always used with Eve.

"You don't understand! It wasn't my fault! It was all Darian's idea—he manipulated me into doing those things! I didn't have a choice!"

His voice cracked as he pleaded, the sight of his broken form within the shimmering confines almost pathetic.

"Eve, my sweet daughter, please! You know I wouldn't have hurt you or your mother if I wasn't forced to! You have to believe me!"

He clutched at his thinning hair, sweat beading on his brow as he scrambled to explain himself.

Adrian's eyes narrowed, his presence towering and unyielding, but he made no move to interrupt, allowing Eve to hear her father's words. The more the Baron spoke, the more frantic and hollow his excuses became.

"Look—Eve, I'll make it right! I'll step down as the head of the Mortimer family. You can take my place!"

He pressed his hands against the barrier, his voice lowering to a wheedling tone. "I'll make you the Baroness—no, the head of the entire Mortimer line! You'll have wealth, power… everything you ever wanted! I'll give it all to you, just… spare me. Please."

Eve's hands curled into fists at her sides, her knuckles turning white. The sight of him like this—pathetic, groveling, and stripped of the arrogant air he had worn like a second skin—filled her with a twisted satisfaction. And yet… it wasn't enough. Not after everything he'd done.

"Everything I ever wanted?" she echoed softly, her voice laced with bitterness.

"You think I wanted power? Wealth?" She took a step closer to the barrier, her eyes blazing with a fury that sent chills down the Baron's spine.

"All I ever wanted was my freedom. For my mother to be safe. For you to stop using us like pawns in your sick games."

Baron Mortimer stumbled back as if struck, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly. But before he could voice another feeble excuse, Eve turned to Adrian, determination hardening her features.

"Announce his crimes," she said coldly, her voice devoid of the warmth and hesitation it had held before. "Make sure everyone knows what he's done. And then… execute him."

The weight of her words hung in the air like a death sentence, final and absolute. But just as Adrian nodded, a voice cut through the tension, cool and authoritative.


Seraphina’s voice rang out, clear and unwavering, cutting through the oppressive silence that had descended after Eve's declaration.

"Wait, Adrian. Eve." She stepped forward, placing herself between Eve and the barrier that held Baron Mortimer.

There was a somber, yet determined, look in her eyes as she glanced back at Adrian and Eve.

"I understand your anger, Eve," Seraphina began softly, her gaze flickering with sympathy.

"And believe me when I say that no one here will fault you for wanting justice. After everything he’s done… it’s only natural."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before she continued. "But executing him, especially in a public manner… would create a ripple of chaos that could hurt us more than you realize. It will put Adrian and the Everhart family under intense scrutiny from other noble families and factions."

Eve blinked, her eyes narrowing slightly in confusion. "What are you saying?" she asked, her voice tight with barely restrained emotion.

Seraphina sighed, turning to look at Eve directly.

"Politics is not as straightforward as it seems. You may think removing him will solve everything, but it won’t. Baron Mortimer has connections—powerful ones—like Count Vortigern."

Seraphina’s gaze shifted to Adrian, her expression softening with concern.

"This operation is barely known to anyone right now. If we play it safely, we can create a scenario according to our wish. We have control over situation right now. But, a public execution will only make us out in the open and other noble faction will try to rip as much advantage they can from this situation."

Eve’s shoulders tensed, and she bit her lip, glancing back at her father’s panicked form. "But… he needs to pay for what he did," she whispered, frustration and helplessness mingling in her voice.

Seraphina nodded slowly. "And he will, Eve. But we have to be smart about this. We can’t let emotions dictate our actions when so much is at stake."

Her voice was firm but gentle, filled with an understanding that came from years of navigating the treacherous waters of politics.

She glanced at Adrian, who was listening intently, his eyes locked on his aunt’s.

"Adrian’s safety and the stability of our position come first. As a former Royal Mage, I’ve seen what happens when political power is wielded carelessly. If we create too much of a stir, it might attract unwanted attention—attention that could harm Adrian."

Adrian’s gaze softened as he watched Eve’s inner conflict play out on her face. He could see the struggle in her eyes—the war between wanting justice for herself and her mother, and the desire to protect him from any potential fallout.

Slowly, Eve’s shoulders sagged, and she nodded, though the movement was stiff. "Alright," she murmured, her voice subdued but resolute. "If it’s for Adrian’s sake, then… I won’t insist on a public execution."

Seraphina’s expression relaxed, and she gave Eve a small, approving nod. "Thank you, Eve. It takes great strength to put someone else’s wellbeing before your own desire for revenge."

Baron Mortimer, who had been watching the exchange with bated breath, visibly slumped in relief. His body shook as he exhaled shakily, the fear that had twisted his features easing, if only slightly.

But Seraphina’s eyes, sharp and cold, snapped to him, silencing whatever pathetic words he was about to utter. "Don’t think this means you’re getting off easy, Baron. You will pay for making Eve's life hell, I will make sure of it."

She turned back to Adrian, her gaze inquisitive. "Adrian, what do you want to do with the prisoners first? The Baron’s fate can be decided after we discuss it more thoroughly. Right now, we need to address the current situation."

Adrian glanced at Eve, then at Seraphina, and finally, he shifted his attention to the surrounding area.

The courtyard was filled with the remnants of battle—the defeated soldiers of the Mortimer family, bound and kneeling in submission, while the victorious Everhart forces stood tall and proud.

Adrian’s voice rang out, clear and authoritative. "To all of our soldiers," he called, his tone carrying across the courtyard with a resonance that commanded attention.

"Well done. This was our first war against a powerful noble house, and we achieved an overwhelming victory."

The Everhart soldiers erupted into cheers, their voices echoing with pride and triumph. Adrian allowed them a moment to revel in their success before raising his hand, silencing them once more.

"Commander of the Draconic Battalion," he called, his gaze sweeping over the gathered forces until a tall, imposing figure stepped forward—a man clad in dark armor adorned with the Everhart crest.

"Yes, my lord!" the commander responded with a salute.

"Assess our losses and the status of our forces. Compile a report and deliver it to my mother later. Our men have fought valiantly, and they deserve recognition for their bravery."

The commander nodded sharply. "At once, Lord Everhart."

With that settled, Adrian turned his attention back to Baron Mortimer and the three people under Count Vortigern.

He glanced at Seraphina. "Aunt, lower the barrier. We should move this discussion inside the castle. I don’t want any unwelcome eyes or ears witnessing what happens next."

Seraphina nodded, a flick of her wrist causing the shimmering barrier surrounding Baron Mortimer to dissipate.

The Baron stumbled, his legs giving out beneath him as he gasped for breath, looking up at Adrian with a mix of fear and desperation.

Adrian’s gaze remained impassive as he gestured for the guards to bring the prisoners forward. "We’ll decide their fate within the confines of the castle," he said calmly.

The guards moved quickly, hauling the prisoners to their feet and preparing to escort them into the castle.

Baron Mortimer cast one last, pleading look at Eve, but she turned away, her expression resolute.

As the group began making their way inside, the atmosphere shifted, the weight of impending decisions hanging over them like a shroud.

What do you guys think should Baron Mortimers' fate be? Execution? Slavery? Torture?

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