Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 152: Mira Blackthorn (R-18)

Adrian stood over Mortimer's prone form, the Soul Slave Seal freshly imprinted on the baron's body.

The faint glow of the magical mark shimmered on Mortimer’s skin, a clear indication of the absolute control Adrian now held over him.

A sense of satisfaction filled Adrian, knowing that his first major enemy in this world had fallen under his will.

Yet, this victory came with unanticipated implications. The Soul Slave Seal had opened doors he hadn’t even considered when this campaign began.

Originally, the plan was direct: storm Mortimer’s estate, publicly eliminate the Baron in a spectacular show of power, and install a puppet ruler in his place.

The Everhart family would gain notoriety and respect, formally entering the political arena as key players in the noble power struggles.

With the covert backing of the Blackthorn family, they would position themselves as rising stars in the realm’s volatile political landscape.

But things had taken an unexpected turn. The Soul Slave Seal was a weapon of subtlety, a tool that allowed Adrian to keep Mortimer alive while using him as a puppet in a far more discreet way.

Killing Mortimer no longer seemed like the best option. Controlling him, manipulating him from the shadows—that was the new play.

The challenge now was how to best leverage this without exposing his hand.

Adrian’s forces, summoned through the Virtual Training Chamber, were a mystery to the outside world.

No one knew who had attacked Mortimer’s estate, and no one had seen the Everhart family’s involvement.

As far as the world was concerned, it could look like a clash between mercenaries, or perhaps even a rogue operation by an ambitious warlord.

This veil of anonymity offered Adrian a critical advantage—he could withdraw his forces without ever being recognized as the orchestrator of the attack.

Pacing back and forth in the room, Adrian’s mind raced. The plan had grown more complex than anticipated.

Pulling his forces back quietly, without raising suspicions among both their allies and enemies, required careful precision.

He knew that the Blackthorn family, who likely had spies monitoring the situation, could not be allowed to suspect any deviation from the original plan.

He had deliberately withheld the exact date of the attack from Blackthorn, giving himself some leeway, but they were watching closely.

Adrian’s thoughts were interrupted as Seraphina, his aunt and trusted advisor, approached with her usual composed demeanor.

"Adrian," she said softly, her voice calm but authoritative, "I can see the burden of this new development weighs heavily on you.

But we mustn't act too hastily. Perhaps we should wait for the soldiers who were sent to bring Mortimer’s third son. Once we have him, the picture will become clearer."

Adrian stopped his pacing, contemplating Seraphina’s suggestion. Her experience and insight had always been invaluable, and her calm in the midst of this growing web of intrigue helped center him.

“You’re right,” Adrian said, nodding slowly. “There’s no need to rush. We can let the situation develop naturally while we plan our next move. If Mortimer’s son returns, he could be another useful piece on the board.”

Seraphina gave a reassuring nod, her eyes gleaming with the confidence of someone who had weathered many storms in the political arena.

"With the Soul Slave Seal in place, Mortimer is now under our complete control. We can use him to stir chaos among his allies, or even lead them into traps. It will be like playing a game of chess where we know every move in advance."

Isabella, Adrian’s mother, joined the conversation, her tone gentle but firm. “Adrian, this is an opportunity we didn’t expect.

We have time now to refine our approach. The Everhart name doesn’t need to be associated with this attack yet.

If we play this carefully, no one will know of our involvement. Mortimer’s son could be made to believe this was the act of an outside faction, and we could manipulate the blame in our favor.”

Sophia, standing nearby, crossed her arms and added her own insight. “The Soul Slave Seal gives us complete dominance.

Mortimer is nothing more than a puppet now, and through him, we can influence events from the shadows.

Whether it’s sowing discord among his allies or making him act against his own interests, the possibilities are endless.”

Adrian leaned back, absorbing the advice from his family. Their collective wisdom helped to sharpen his thoughts, the initial frustration fading as a sense of clarity and purpose emerged.

This wasn’t just a simple power grab anymore; this was a chance to operate in the shadows, using Mortimer as a pawn in a larger game.

Seraphina stepped forward, her gaze intense but steady. “We’ll wait for the return of Mortimer’s son. In the meantime, we refine our strategy.

With each passing day, we can use this time to grow stronger, preparing for when we step into the spotlight. This situation gives us the breathing room we need.”

Adrian smiled, feeling the gears in his mind turning once more. The battle ahead was no longer about brute force or a public display of dominance.

It had transformed into a subtle game of manipulation and control, one where patience and cunning were key.

The Everharts would not only survive this storm—they would thrive in it, positioning themselves for ultimate dominance.

"Alright," Adrian said, his tone decisive, "we’ll wait. In the meantime, I’ll work on refining our next moves. Mortimer’s fate isn’t sealed yet. We can turn this in our favor."

Blackthorn Castle

Lira stormed through the grand halls of Blackthorn Castle, her face contorted in barely-contained fury.

Her footsteps echoed sharply off the polished marble floors as she made her way through the dimly lit corridors, every stride a testament to her growing anger.

When she reached her destination—a secluded room at the far end of the corridor—Lira didn’t bother with formalities.

She kicked the door open with a sharp, angry motion, her face twisted in disgust.

The sight before her only fueled her rage further.

Mira, her sister, lounged lazily on the edge of the bed, half-dressed, her disheveled clothes barely covering her glistening skin.

Her breasts were exposed, sweat glistening on her skin, while her hands roamed her core in languid, sensual motions. One hand played with her pussy while the other gripped a leash tightly.

At the end of the leash knelt a young maid, no older than twenty. She was completely naked, her body marred with red whip marks, her chest heaving with shallow, trembling breaths. The maid, submissive and obedient, was on all fours, eyes filled with a mix of fear and fervent desire. Slowly, reverently, her lips brushed against Mira’s skin, her tongue tracing delicate lines with unspoken yearning.

The pleasure coursing through Mira's body was evident in every shiver, her half-lidded eyes glazing over with lustful ecstasy.

Every lick, every stroke of the maid's tongue deepened Mira's intoxicated pleasure, her breath escaping in soft, decadent moans.

"Yes, my cute little puppy," Mira purred, her voice dripping with perverse satisfaction, "Lick it."

Lira’s jaw clenched, her fury at the sight before her burning brighter. Her eyes locked onto the maid, who whimpered under Mira’s leash, completely dominated by her twisted desires.

"Mira!" Lira snarled, her voice cold and venomous. "What the hell are you doing?"

Mira barely acknowledged her sister's presence, glancing lazily in Lira’s direction with a smug, amused smirk.

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