Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 30: Enchanted Dagger Upgraded

Adrian appreciated her trust, and it made him even more determined to prove himself worthy. He then turned his attention to the fallen wolves around him. The Alpha Gloom Wolf's body lay still, its once menacing presence now reduced to a lifeless form.

He began storing the bodies of the slain wolves in his storage orb, their future use already forming plans in his mind.

As he reached for the enchanted dagger still embedded in the Alpha's chest, something caught his eye. The blade's edges were now tinged with green, a stark contrast to its previous appearance. He hesitated for a moment, then carefully grasped the hilt and channeled his mana into the weapon.

To his surprise, the dagger emitted a poisonous miasma, the same as the Alpha Gloom Wolf's. The green mist swirled around the blade, deadly and potent.

Adrian's eyes widened in shock. He knew his dagger was enchanted, but he had no idea what the skill of this dagger was as the system didn't provide any detail about it.

It seemed that it could absorb the abilities, but it was unclear if the foe needed to be dead or not, nor the fact that how many abilities could it absorb and the chances for absorbing each ability.

"System," Adrian called out, curiosity and confusion lacing his voice, "why didn't you provide any details about this dagger's attributes?"

"To view an item's detailed attributes, Host must purchase the Appraisal: Beginner skill version. This skill will allow you to see an item's full properties and potential."

Adrian's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "So, you're telling me I have to spend more SP just to know what my own weapon can do? System, you're greedier than I thought."

"The System operates on a fair exchange basis, Host. Appraisal: Beginner skill version is available for 10,000 SP."

Adrian couldn't help but feel a mix of astonishment and frustration at the System's opportunistic nature. He glanced at Sophia, who was watching the dagger with a look of absolute stupefaction. The idea that a simple dagger could now wield such a dangerous ability was almost unbelievable.

"This dagger…" Sophia began, her voice serious, "it's a treasure far too valuable for a baron's territory like ours. You must be very careful with it, Adrian. Such a weapon could attract a lot of unwanted attention, even from those who should be your allies."

Adrian nodded, understanding the gravity of her warning. He would have to be cautious about when and where he used the dagger's newfound ability. With the Alpha Gloom Wolf's body and the other wolves now stored safely away, he couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness.

The spoils of the battle were more than just experience points, they were resources that could be used to prepare for the challenges ahead.

As they prepared to leave, thoughts of the future filled his mind. The meat from the wolves would serve as rations for the upcoming war, and some parts could even be used to forge new weapons and items. The battle had been exhausting, but the rewards made it all worth it.

The battle with the Alpha Gloom Wolf had pushed him to his limits, and though he was tired, the victory felt rewarding.

Sophia walked beside him, her gaze thoughtful as she glanced at the forest around them. "Adrian," she began, breaking the silence, "the wolves we fought today… their carcasses and parts can be valuable. Given the state of our army, every resource counts."

Adrian nodded, his mind already turning over the possibilities. "The meat will be useful for rations, and the pelts could be used for clothing or trading. The bones might be useful for weapon crafting or even reinforcing armor."

Sophia smiled slightly, impressed by his quick thinking. "You're right. With the army in its current state, we need to make use of everything we can. The venom sacs from the Gloom Wolves could be particularly valuable. We could create potent poisons or even enhance some of our weapons."

"That's a good idea," Adrian agreed. "We'll need to be strategic about how we use these resources. The more prepared we are, the better chance we have in the upcoming battles."

As they continued their walk, the conversation drifted to more practical matters, the two of them discussing the best ways to utilize the materials they had gathered.

They spoke about the need to rebuild their forces, the possibility of recruiting new allies, and how to fortify their estate against future attacks.

When they finally reached the Everhart estate, the sun had dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows over the manor's grounds. The sight of their home brought a sense of relief, a reminder that they had made it through another day of challenges.

After a quick meal to replenish their energy, Sophia excused herself to her room, intending to take a bath and relax after the exhausting day. Adrian watched her go, a thoughtful expression on his face. Without hesitation, he followed her, catching up just as she reached her door.

Sophia turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "Adrian, why are you following me? Don't you want to rest in your room?"

Adrian grinned, a playful light in his eyes. "You promised me this morning that we'd do something together after the hunt. I'm here to collect on that promise."

Sophia blinked, taken aback for a moment before she recalled the promise she had made earlier. "I did say that, didn't I?" She sighed, a hint of amusement in her voice. "But I'm filthy from all the sweat. I was planning to take a bath first and then come to your room."

Adrian's grin widened. "That's perfect. We can take a bath together."

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Adrian…"

He stepped closer, his voice soft but insistent. "Can't we?", Adrian said in a pleading manner, making Sophia's heart turn soft. He then added,"It'll be nice to unwind together with my lover."

Sophia hesitated for a moment, but then she smiled, a mix of fondness and resignation in her expression as her ruffled her brother's hair. "Alright, my perverted little brother. But don't blame me if the bath gets a little crowded."

Adrian chuckled, his heart light with anticipation. "I'm sure we'll manage."

With that, they entered Sophia's room together, ready to enjoy a well-deserved moment of relaxation after the tiring day.

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