Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 3:Isabella Everhart

Adrian descended the grand staircase of Everhart Manor, with his brain full of thoughts about the new system mission. Since he didn't want his mother and his grumpy sister to wait for him and nag at him, he decided to head towards dining room. He made his way towards the dining hall, his footsteps echoing lightly off the marble floor.

The dining hall was a spacious room, its grandeur slightly faded but still impressive. Large, arched windows along the far wall let in the morning sunlight, casting a warm glow over the scene. Heavy velvet curtains, a deep shade of crimson, framed each window, their rich color contrasting with the light streaming in. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting historic battles and serene landscapes, relics from a more prosperous time.

In the center of the room stood a long, polished oak table, capable of seating two dozen people but now occupied by just a few. The table was set with gleaming silverware and fine china, though some of the pieces showed signs of age and wear. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, their crystals catching the light and creating a dazzling display above the table.

Lining the sides of the room, rows of maids stood at attention, ready to serve food and drinks at a moment's notice. They were dressed in simple yet neat uniforms, their faces a mixture of solemn duty and faint curiosity as they watched Adrian enter the hall.

Chris was standing at the middle of the maid lineup, blushing slightly when she felt the gaze of Adrian. He winked at her and proceeded to take his seat at the head of the table.

Seated at one end of the table was his mother, Isabella. She was a striking woman, her beauty not diminished by the hardship they had faced. Her blonde hair was neatly styled, and her elegant dress, though modest, accentuated her graceful demeanor. As soon as she saw Adrian, her expression softened, and a warm smile spread across her face.

"Adrian, my dear," Isabella greeted him warmly, her voice filled with affection. "How was your sleep?"

Adrian returned the smile and walked over to take a seat next to her. "It was restful, Mother. Thank you for asking," he replied, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence.

As he sat down, one of the maids stepped forward to pour him a glass of fresh juice, while another placed a plate of assorted fruits and pastries in front of him.

Isabella's eyes sparkled with motherly pride and concern. "I'm glad to hear that. You must keep your strength up. These are challenging times for us, and I worry about you."

Before Adrian could respond, a disdainful snort came from further down the table. His sister, Sophia, sat with her arms crossed, her expression a mixture of annoyance and resentment.

"Of course, Mother. Keep spoiling him," Sophia said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's not like he needs to be responsible for anything."

Adrian sighed inwardly but maintained his composure. He knew that Sophia's harshness stemmed from frustration and the weight of their family's troubles. He glanced at her, meeting her glare with a calm, steady gaze.

"Sophia, please," Isabella chided gently, though her tone was firm. "Adrian is doing his best. We must support each other now more than ever."

Sophia rolled her eyes but said nothing further, turning her attention to her own breakfast.

Isabella turned back to Adrian, her expression softening once more. "Don't mind her, Adrian. She's just worried, as we all are. Now, tell me, what are your plans for today?"

Adrian hesitated for a moment, considering what he should do. He then told her, "Mother I am not feeling well today, so I want to rest at my room and while at it I want to study more about our territory. Can you let Chris bring me some books."

Isabella nodded approvingly. "Of course, Adrian. It's important to stay informed about our territory. Chris, please bring Adrian the books he needs," she instructed, turning to the maid who had been blushing at Adrian earlier.

Chris bowed slightly, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "Yes, Milord. I'll bring the books to your room right away," she said softly before hurrying off to fulfill the task.

As soon as Chris left the room, Sophia's expression shifted from anger to outright frustration. Her eyes bore into Adrian with a mixture of disbelief and exasperation.

"Studying our territory? Really, Adrian?" Sophia's voice was sharp, her irritation evident. "While you're making excuses to fool around with a maid, we're left to handle the real responsibilities. You should be practicing, preparing to protect our land, not hiding away in your room."

Adrian sighed inwardly, knowing that any response he gave would likely be met with more scorn. He tried to keep his tone calm and measured. "Big Sis, I understand your frustration, but I assure you I'm not shirking my duties. There's more to leading than just physical strength. Knowledge is power too. Please trust me this once."

Sophia snorted, clearly unconvinced. "Knowledge won't save us from Baron Mortimer's soldiers."

Isabella intervened, her voice gentle but firm. "Sophia, enough. Your brother is right. We need both strength and wisdom to navigate these difficult times. Adrian is contributing in his own way."

Sophia muttered something under her breath and turned her attention back to her meal, clearly still simmering with resentment.

Adrian felt a pang of guilt but also a steely resolve. He knew he had to prove himself, not just to his family but to himself as well. He had to balance the demands of leadership, the expectations of his family, and the secret missions assigned by the system.

As breakfast continued in a somewhat tense silence, Adrian focused on the food in front of him, though his mind was already racing ahead to the tasks at hand. He needed to understand more about their territory, the political landscape, and the threats they faced.

After finishing his meal, Adrian rose from his seat. "Thank you for breakfast, Mother," he said, offering her a small smile. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

Isabella smiled back warmly. "Of course, dear. Take care of yourself."

Sophia merely nodded curtly, her frustration still palpable. Adrian gave her a brief nod in return, silently promising that he would find a way to earn her respect and trust.

He made his way back up the grand staircase, his mind focused on the mission ahead. Once in his room, he sat at his desk, waiting for Chris to arrive with the books. He knew that understanding the intricacies of their territory was crucial, but he also needed to find a way to gain the power and skills necessary to protect his family and their land.

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