Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 61: Sophia and Chris’s Suprise

Adrian reclined in the warm bath, letting the water soothe his muscles as he focused on his next steps. The system's notification about special access to 2nd-class skills lingered in his mind. He knew he needed to be prepared for the mission to rescue Eve's mother and free Eve from her chains.

"System, show me the skills available for purchase using my special access," Adrian commanded.

The system's interface appeared before him, displaying a list of 2nd-class skills. Each skill had its own description and cost. Adrian carefully considered each option, weighing their potential benefits.

Skill: Mana Siphon (Level 1)
Description: Allows the user to drain mana from enemies or the environment. The amount drained depends on the target's mana reserves and the user's control. This skill can be used to replenish the user's mana or weaken opponents in battle.
Cost: 30,000 SP
Duration: Passive

Skill: Void Step (Level 1)
Description: A movement skill that allows the user to temporarily shift into a parallel dimension. While in this state, the user becomes intangible and undetectable. The duration and effectiveness of the shift depend on the user's mana control.
Cost: 40,000 SP
Duration: 10 seconds

Skill: Draconic Pulse (Level 1)
Description: Unleashes a powerful pulse of draconic energy that travels in a straight line, damaging and stunning enemies in its path. The strength of the pulse increases with the user's mana output.
Cost: 35,000 SP
Cooldown: 1 minute

Skill: Phantom Blade (Level 1)
Description: Summons ethereal blades that can strike from a distance or defend the user by blocking attacks. The blades can be controlled mentally, allowing for versatile offensive and defensive maneuvers.
Cost: 25,000 SP
Duration: 30 seconds

Skill: Cloning Technique (Level 1)
Description: Creates a clone that inherits a percentage of the user's stats and abilities. The clone's duration depends on the percentage of power transferred.

A clone with 10% of the user's power lasts for 24 hours, while a clone with 50% power lasts for 12 hours.

The clone can act independently, and upon its disappearance, any gained experience, stats, and memories are transferred back to the user. The current power cap is 50%.
Cost: 50,000 SP
Cooldown: 24 hours

Skill: Dragon's Breath (Level 1)
Description: The user exhales a concentrated blast of draconic fire, dealing heavy damage in a cone-shaped area in front of them. The flames can melt through most defenses and have a high chance of inflicting burn status on enemies.
Cost: 40,000 SP
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Skill: Etheric Shield (Level 1)
Description: Creates a shield of pure etheric energy that absorbs incoming damage and converts it into mana. The shield's strength and duration increase with the user's intelligence.
Cost: 35,000 SP
Duration: 1 minute
Cooldown: 2 minutes

Adrian carefully reviewed each skill, considering how they would complement his current abilities and aid him in his mission.

Mana Siphon would be invaluable in prolonged battles, allowing him to stay in the fight even when his mana reserves ran low. Void Step offered unparalleled stealth, making it perfect for infiltration. Draconic Pulse was a destructive force that could turn the tide of battle, while Phantom Blade added versatility to his offense and defense.

Dragon's Breath caught his attention as a potent area-of-effect attack, perfect for clearing out groups of enemies. Etheric Shield provided a solid defense while also helping him replenish mana, making it a versatile option for both offense and defense.

However, the Cloning Technique stood out the most. The ability to create a powerful clone that could assist in his mission was exactly what he needed. The fact that the clone could transfer its gained experience and stats back to him made it even more valuable.

"System, purchase the Cloning Technique," Adrian decided.

A familiar chime echoed in his mind, confirming the purchase. The cost of 50,000 SP was deducted from his total, leaving him with 152,500 SP. As the skill became part of his repertoire, Adrian felt a surge of knowledge flow through him. The intricacies of the technique were now his to command.

Satisfied with his choice, Adrian considered another option and asked the system. "System, is it possible to buy mana circulation manuals for each of my women?"

The system responded promptly. "Yes, you can purchase and give the manuals to them. However, since they have been using different manuals, the effects of the new manuals would not be as prominent. Using it at an earlier stage would have been more beneficial."

Adrian frowned. "Is there an item that can remove this problem?"

"Indeed, there is," the system replied. "However, if this item is used, they would have to start from level 1 again, and all of their hard-earned accumulation would be lost."

Adrian paused, carefully considering the consequences. This wasn't a decision he could make for them. It was something they would have to decide for themselves. Moreover, their current situation didn't allow any of them to reset their levels. After all, they couldn't afford to lose their strength with the challenges ahead.

With that thought in mind, Adrian decided to discuss the matter with them later. For now, he needed to focus on what lay ahead.

He finished his bath and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist. As he opened the door to his room, he noticed something strange—the room was dark, all the lights were off, and a heavy silence filled the space.

Adrian's instincts kicked in, making him instantly alert. He reached for his weapon in his system space, ready to defend himself, when suddenly—


The lights flicked on, revealing Sophia and Chris standing in front of him, both dressed in sexy noble lingerie. Their smiles were playful, and their eyes sparkled with mischief as they stepped closer.

"Congratulations on getting your first class, Adrian," Sophia purred, her voice low and sultry.

Chris giggled, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "We thought you deserved a special celebration."

Adrian blinked, taken aback by the sight before him.

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