Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 68: Heading To Baron Mortimer’s Territory Part 2

Baron Mortimer squinted at the communication screen, his eyes narrowing as he saw "Darian" standing before him with Eve behind him, her head bowed, trembling slightly.

"What's the matter, Darian?" Mortimer's voice was sharp and irritated. "Why did you contact me? It hasn't even been that long since we last spoke."

Adrian, disguised as Darian, lowered his head respectfully. "Milord, the rumors about that brat Adrian aren't accurate. He's far worse than they say. He's already throwing tantrums and demanding Eve's slave collar control. He even threatened to have Eve and me killed if he doesn't get it soon."

Mortimer's expression darkened as he glared past Darian at Eve. "Stupid wench!" he barked, his voice dripping with disdain. "You can't even control an idiotic brat! I should have just fucked you and taught you how to please men. If you weren't still a virgin, I'd let that brat have his way with you!"

Eve flinched at his words but remained silent, her head still bowed. Mortimer continued to rant, venting his frustration and anger at her perceived worthlessness.

After a few moments, he calmed down slightly and turned his attention back to "Darian."

"Get your ass over here early and collect the slave collar control," Mortimer ordered, his tone still harsh.

"Even though I could crush that brat and his family easily, I prefer to gain control over Everhart Manor without unnecessary bloodshed. My real target is Isabella. If war breaks out, she might be dead before I get my hands on her. This way, I'll ensure I get what I want."

Mortimer trusted Darian implicitly, as they had been childhood friends and allies for years. He believed Darian would never betray him, unaware that his trusted advisor was already dead and that the person standing before him was Adrian in disguise.

Adrian kept his voice steady as he asked, "Should I bring Eve along as well, milord?"

Mortimer nodded curtly. "Yes. Even though I trust you, I want to ensure my property isn't damaged. Bring her with you."

Adrian bowed deeply, concealing his true emotions. "Yes, milord. I will arrive within three days."

"Good," Mortimer grunted before closing the connection, leaving the screen dark.

Adrian exhaled slowly, allowing himself a moment to refocus. Mortimer's arrogance and cruelty only fueled his hatred for the man. This would be the last time the Baron underestimated him and his family.

Turning to Eve, Adrian gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's almost over," he whispered. "We'll get your mother back and end this nightmare."

Eve nodded, her determination matching Adrian's. Together, they began planning their next move, knowing that time was of the essence.

After returning home with Eve, Adrian immediately gathered his family in the meeting room to discuss the plan. The atmosphere was tense as he recounted his conversation with Baron Mortimer, outlining their next steps.

"In two days, we'll depart and reach Mortimer's territory on the third day," Adrian began, his tone calm but firm.

"Sophia, since you've learned the Cloning skill, you'll disguise yourself as Eve and accompany my clone. Meanwhile, the real Eve, Sophia and I will infiltrate through a secret tunnel that's less guarded. We'll get in and out unnoticed, and we'll bring her mother back safely."

Sophia nodded, her determination clear in her eyes. The others followed suit, their expressions focused as they worked together to fine-tune every detail of the plan. They considered every possibility, every potential risk, until finally, the meeting came to a close.

As everyone began to stand up, Isabella's voice cut through the room. "Shall we discuss ourselves now?"

Her words brought a sudden quiet, and all eyes turned to Adrian. He looked around at the women gathered—Sophia, Chris, Eve, and Isabella herself. Each one held a special place in his heart, and he could feel the weight of the moment as he prepared to speak.

"Yes, indeed, we should," Adrian began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "I want to make something clear to all of you: Each of you is equally important in my heart, and I love you all."

He paused, letting his words sink in. The women listened intently, their expressions a mix of anticipation, gratitude, and love.

"This relationship," Adrian continued, "isn't just with one of you—it's with all of you. I want to build something special, together, with each of you."

His gaze shifted to Eve, who had been quietly observing, her emotions guarded. "Eve, this includes you as well," he said gently. "I care about you deeply, and I want you to be part of this—part of us."

Eve blinked, her defenses softening as she met Adrian's gaze. She had been through so much, but in that moment, she felt a sense of belonging—a chance at something real.

She who never had any one care for her, had been loved well and cared for in Everhart manor. Her world, bleak and dark, only had her mother as her light, but now slowly but surely, these people were added to her world.

Even her world no longer felt dark to her as warmth was surging towards her each day she remained here. She nodded slowly, her expression softening as she accepted his words.

Isabella stepped closer, her hand resting on Adrian's arm. "We understand, Adrian," she said softly. "And we're with you, every step of the way."

Sophia nodded, her usual competitive spirit replaced with a sense of unity. "We're a family," she added with conviction. "We'll face whatever comes together."

Chris, still blushing, whispered, "Thank you, Adrian… for loving us like this."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, the tension giving way to warmth and understanding. Adrian felt a deep sense of satisfaction as he looked at the women around him, knowing they were all committed to each other and the path they had chosen.

After a few more moments of silence, Adrian smiled slightly and suggested, "Let's take the next two days to strengthen ourselves while resting." His words carried a vague insinuation, hinting at the intimate moments that would likely unfold between them.

The women exchanged knowing glances, their spirits lifted by Adrian's words with a slight blush on their faces, as they knew what he was referring to.

As they left the room to prepare for the days ahead, the bonds between them felt stronger than ever. They knew that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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