Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 83: Lira Blackthorn

As Adrian approached the scene, his eyes immediately focused on the woman at the center of the commotion. He swiftly applied disguise skill to everyone under the cloak they were wearing.

Despite the chaos, she stood out. There was an undeniable air of nobility about her. Her long, raven-black hair cascaded down her back in thick waves, though it was tangled and matted with dirt.

Her once-elegant gown was torn and stained, revealing glimpses of the fine fabric it had once been. Her face, though smudged with dirt, held striking features—a sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and eyes that burned with intelligence and determination despite her current state.

The woman's posture, even in her ragged state, was upright and regal. There was something fierce in her gaze, a silent defiance that spoke of a person used to commanding respect, even in the face of adversity.

Her pale skin had a faint, unhealthy sheen to it, a testament to her time spent in captivity. Yet, despite the dirt and exhaustion etched into her face, she radiated a beauty that could not be hidden by her current circumstances.

Adrian activated his Appraisal skill, focusing on the woman. The system's window appeared before his eyes, revealing her stats:

Name: Lira Blackthorn
Class: Shadow Ranger
Level: 27
Title: Daughter of Count Blackthorn

Health Points (HP): 90/320
Mana Points (MP): 153/270
Strength: 23
Agility: 27
Endurance: 20
Intelligence: 64
Charm: 32
Luck: 80
Status: Mana sealed by mana-suppressing handcuffs.


Shadow Veil: Allows the user to blend into shadows, becoming nearly invisible in dim light.

Arcane Sight: Detects magic within a certain radius, revealing hidden spells and enchantments.

Noble Command: Boosts the morale and combat effectiveness of allies within a certain radius.

Shadow Step: Allows short-distance teleportation through shadows.

Arcane Ward: Creates a magical barrier, providing protection against both physical and magical attacks.

Veil of Shadows: Conceals her presence, allowing her to move unseen and unheard.

Precision Strike: A powerful attack that targets an enemy's weak points, dealing critical damage.

Silent Footsteps: Muffles her movements, making it nearly impossible for enemies to detect her by sound alone.

Unique Ability - Arcane Cartography: Deploys a virtual map within the user's vision, marking key points of interest and tracking movement within a certain radius.

Adrian's eyes widened as he processed the information. Daughter of Count Blackthorn? The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

Count Blackthorn was a powerful noble known for his vast lands and influence, with a status even higher than the Everhart family.

The title alone was enough to shock him, but what truly caught his attention was her unique ability: Arcane Cartography.

As a former gamer in his past life, Adrian knew the importance of maps and mini-maps. The ability to always know your surroundings, find hidden paths, and avoid danger was invaluable. This skill is a game-changer, he thought, a twinge of jealousy mixing with admiration.

However, his gaze darkened when he noticed the Mana-Sealing Cuffs mentioned in her status. A quick glance at her wrists confirmed it—heavy, metal cuffs encircled her arms, etched with runes that suppressed her magical abilities.

Based on the circumstance he deduce that she must have been imprisoned by Baron Mortimer. Her powers sealed to prevent her from escaping.

He recalled the chaos he had incited by freeing the prisoners. Could she have used her mapping abilities to navigate through the castle's, finding the perfect path for escape? It made perfect sense.

Adrian signaled Sophia with a subtle gesture, silently instructing her to dismiss her clone. She nodded slightly and, with a quiet incantation, the clone dissipated into thin air.

He then turned back to Lira and her entourage, now reduced to four people—the others had parted ways after escaping the castle, realizing they had a better chance of survival on their own.

"Please," he said, his voice calm but firm. "You and your companions are welcome to join us in the carriage."

Lira's emerald eyes met Adrian's, a mixture of suspicion and relief flickering within them. She hesitated, glancing at her butler, who gave a subtle nod of agreement.

The tension in the air eased slightly as Lira accepted his offer with a nod.

"Thank you," she said, her voice smooth but tinged with exhaustion. "Your generosity is much appreciated."

Adrian noticed the wary looks from Sophia and Eve as the group approached the carriage. They were clearly concerned about bringing more people into their already complicated situation.

Eve's eyes flicked to her mother, who was resting in the carriage, and back to Adrian. Sophia's hand hovered near her weapon, ready to act if necessary.

Sensing their unease, Adrian gave them a reassuring look. His eyes communicated what he couldn't say aloud: Trust me. After a brief pause, Sophia and Eve relaxed, albeit reluctantly.

As Lira and her entourage settled into the carriage, Adrian took a seat across from them. The cramped space was filled with tense silence, broken only by the sound of the carriage wheels turning. After a moment, Lira turned to Adrian, her expression serious.

"Thank you again for your kindness," she began, her voice low. "But I have to ask—why? Why help us?"

Adrian held up a hand, stopping her mid-sentence. "Before we go any further, let me be upfront with you," he said, his tone steady. "I know who you are, Lira Blackthorn. And I know you escaped from Baron Mortimer's prison."

Lira's eyes widened in shock, but she quickly composed herself, her gaze sharpening. The people beside her tensed, ready to defend her if necessary.

Seeing the tension rise, Adrian calmly raised his hand in a gesture of peace. "Calm down. You don't have to be afraid of me."

With a smooth motion, he removed the disguise he had placed upon himself, revealing his true face. Eve and Sophia followed suit, revealing their identities as well.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly," Adrian said, bowing slightly in the standard noble gesture.

"I am Adrian Everhart, head of the Everhart barony. I was the one who released the prisoners, as I was on a mission to free Eve, the baron's daughter," he gestured toward Eve, "and Rosalyn, Baron Mortimer's wife," he nodded toward the carriage, where Rosalyn lay resting.

Lira and her companions visibly relaxed at the revelation, the tension in the carriage dissipating slightly. Adrian, curious about her capture, then asked, "How did a noble of your status end up imprisoned by a lower-ranking noble like Baron Mortimer?"

Lira glanced at her butler, who gave a subtle nod, signaling that it was safe to share the truth.

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