Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 97: Preparations For War

As the draconic battalion knelt on one knee before Adrian, their dark, gleaming armor catching the morning light, the sheer magnitude of his newfound power became undeniable.

The armored soldiers, their helmets adorned with draconic symbols, bowed their heads in complete submission, their fierce auras radiating loyalty and strength.

Adrian stood tall before them, feeling the weight of their devotion settling on his shoulders like a crown.

The sight was awe-inspiring. Dozens of warriors, summoned from the very essence of his power, each of them fully bound to his will.

Their loyalty was absolute, and Adrian felt a sense of pride and satisfaction well up within him as he acknowledged their unyielding allegiance.

This army would be his weapon in the coming storm, and they would fight to the last breath—whether in life or in death.

Adrian mentally called upon the system for clarification, his voice calm but focused. "System, what about their loyalty? Can they be swayed, or does anything threaten their devotion?"

The system's response was swift, efficient, and for once, devoid of its usual sarcasm.

"Host, the draconic battalion has 100% loyalty to you. They are bound to your will and cannot be influenced or swayed by any outside forces. Additionally, they are immortal in a sense. If any of them fall in battle, they will ressurect over time, but their levels and skills will reset to their original summon state."

Adrian’s eyes flickered with interest, absorbing the first half of the explanation. He nodded, but his mind quickly whirred with questions.

"Reset? What does that mean exactly? And how long do they take to resurrect?"

The system continued in the same neutral tone.

"Host, their levels and skills will return to their original state upon summoning. However, any new skills or tactics they learn will remain. Only their proficiency will be affected. The resurrection time depends upon their class. Currently it will take them 3 days to resurrect.

Adrian let out a thoughtful hum, the implications beginning to take shape in his mind. His army was essentially immortal, and though they would lose strength if killed, they could still retain new knowledge. A powerful advantage for ongoing war as well as any future war he might have to involve himself into.

Turning to the women standing behind him—Sophia, Isabella, Eve, and Christine—Adrian spoke with confidence.

"They're fully loyal to me, and they’re practically immortal. If they fall in battle, they’ll return. Their strength and skills will reset, but any new knowledge or techniques they pick up will remain. This army will only grow stronger with time."

Christine's eyes sparkled with admiration as she looked at him, her admiration deepening.

"Big brother, you're amazing! An immortal army at your command... I can’t even imagine how powerful you truly are!"

The rest of the women—Sophia, Isabella, and Eve—stood silent, awe written plainly across their faces. It wasn’t just the draconic army that impressed them, but the sheer scale of Adrian’s abilities.

Sophia, was the first to speak. "This power will turn the tides, Adrian. With these soldiers, Mortimer will have no idea what he's up against."

Isabella, smiled warmly at her son. "You’ve outdone yourself, Adrian. I always knew you had greatness in you, but this... This is something else. We are so proud of you."

Adrian's eyes softened at her words, but he quickly shifted focus to the task at hand. Turning to face his army, he projected his voice with authority.

"Draconic battalion, I task you with training our newly recruited soldiers. Familiarize yourselves with the Everhart estate, patrol the grounds, and prepare for war. We will strike in one week."

A powerful chorus of voices responded in unison, "Yes, my lord!" The soldiers stood as one, their movements sharp and disciplined, before dispersing to carry out Adrian’s orders.

Turning back to Isabella, Adrian asked, "How’s the recruitment going mother?"

Isabella’s smile faded into a serious expression. "We’ve been recruiting ever since we lost our army in the last battle, but the results have been, less than ideal. Most able-bodied men were already drafted, and our territory is small. Not many people live here, and many were either injured or killed in the previous war where your father fell."

Adrian frowned slightly, realizing the extent of the challenge ahead. "I see. We’ll need to find another way to bolster our forces. For now, the draconic battalion will help train those we have. It’s a start, at least."

He gave a final order to the battalion before they left, "Patrol the estate, train the recruits, and prepare for battle. I expect you to be familiar with the terrain in no time."

The soldiers saluted one last time before heading out to carry out their duties. With the army now under his command, Adrian turned his attention back to his companions.

"We have a week before we make any major moves. This gives us enough time to prepare, train, and strengthen our forces. We will strike Mortimer before he can recover fully from the chaos we caused."

The women nodded in agreement, though there was still a sense of urgency hanging in the air. As they made their way back to the manor, Adrian turned to Isabella, remembering something important.

"What about the message to the Blackthorn family regarding Lira?"

Isabella’s expression softened into a mischievous smile, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "You'll find out soon enough, Adrian. Let’s just say... things are moving along as planned."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her cryptic response. "You're not telling me anything, Mother?"

Isabella simply smiled wider, squeezing his arm affectionately. "Patience, my son. You’ll see for yourself soon enough."

Sophia and Eve, who had been walking closely behind, exchanged jealous glances as Isabella clung to Adrian.

As they reached the meeting hall, Lira Blackthorn was waiting for them. Upon seeing Adrian, she smiled warmly.

"Lord Adrian, thank you so much for sending the message to my family. Someone is coming to pick me up soon."

Adrian was momentarily caught off guard. He hadn’t personally handled the message—Isabella must have taken care of it without his knowledge. Keeping his surprise hidden, he nodded.

"Of course. Just doing my duty."

The two of them took a seat, engaging in light conversation. Adrian was about to subtly steer the topic toward the potential alliance he sought with the Blackthorn family when a sudden commotion erupted in the hallway outside.

Adrian immediately stood, his instincts alert. The door to the room burst open, revealing a fierce-looking man with a powerful presence.

Beside him stood a beautiful woman with blazing red hair, her eyes flashing with intelligence and intensity.

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