Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 145 When Would I Start Getting Main Quests?

They kept talking about the relationship between Hazel and her fiancee, and Aiden wasn't enjoying it at all. As we all know, Aiden doesn't believe in love, he doesn't think he'll ever fall into deep love.

He can admire someone, he can like someone, but as for falling in love with a girl, he doesn't think that would ever happen. Instead, all he wants to do is conquer different girls.

And even if that was never part of his agenda, that's what his system was gonna make him accomplish at the right time...banging different girls and getting stronger.

As said, he doesn't hate the fact that his sister was in love, but them talking about it close to him or his sister and her fiancee doing their romantic stuff close to him always wants to make him puke.

And according to what he was seeing, the conversation was gonna last long. But what can he do? He can't stand up and leave? That would be bad manners, his father, Ethan, would definitely question him...and if he can't give a proper reason as to why he did such a thing, there might be trouble.

..So he just sat there listening to them talking about love and relationship...and that didn't stop him from eating his food.

Though he wanted to puke, he was still eating his food.

"So, did you guys meet today?". Emma inquired of Hazel, she was asking if she met with her fiancee today.

"No, mum, we didn't meet today, and we'd definitely not meet tomorrow. He has a tight schedule, but I guess we'll meet soon though". Hazel responded.

Emma only nodded her head to Hazel's response as she was still eating her food. Then Ethan threw a question,

"You really do love him, right?".

..And that question sounded somehow to Aiden's ears, but he didn't say anything.

Though the strong urge was there to say something, he just held himself, he stayed mute...he really respects his father. But this was the thought running through his mind,

'Of course, she loves him, if she doesn't, why was she dating him? Not like they were betrothed to each other or something. They met and fell in love with each other, so she really does love him'.

..This conversation was making Aiden uncomfortable already, now, he was hearing questions he doesn't want to hear.

"Yes, I really do love him dad, or doesn't it show?". Hazel responded.

"It shows". Ethan stated.

"Especially when you guys are conversing with each other". Emma uttered with a bit of smile on her face.

'Ugh, can this conversation end now?'. Aiden thought to himself once again.

The conversation ended after the passing of some minutes. And throughout that conversation, Lydia didn't say a single thing. She was listening but didn't utter a single word, she just kept eating.

They all emptied their plates, then Emma, Lydia, and Hazel cleared the plates off the dining table. Hazel does try her best to help out with these things now. As for Aiden, he strolled straight to his room.

He wouldn't go to sleep immediately once he enters his room. He'll engage in some activities first before going to bed. Those activities include doing assignments given to them at school.

..And as for Ethan, he was just sitting on one of the chairs in the living room while they cleared the plates off the dining table.


It was dawn again, everyone in the Dankworth family had already woken up. Aiden woke up and began preparing for school. He had taken his bath and brushed his teeth by now, and now, he was in his room dressing up.

He wore one of his favorite robes, arranged his bag, then strolled out of his room and landed in the living room. Reaching the living room, Ethan was already there fully prepared for work.

And not long after, Hazel arrived in the living room fully prepared as well. Before everyone would depart from the house, they'll eat breakfast first. And that's what they did, they ate breakfast, and the first person to leave the house was Hazel.

Then Ethan glanced at Aiden and inquired of him, "So, you wouldn't need me to ride you to your academy today too?".

"Yes, dad, I'll trek to school, and I'll also trek back home along with my friends". Aiden responded.

"Always be careful, alright?". Emma uttered to Aiden...she had been hearing he and Ethan's conversation, and she wasn't hiding that she was hearing it.

"Yes, mum". Aiden said.

"You can go now, as your mum said, always be careful". Ethan said to Aiden once again.

..And all Aiden did was nod his head a little before walking out of the house.

He reached the compound, and by now, he had strolled out of the compound as well, he was now walking in the village square.

Meanwhile, while he was walking in the village square, while he was trekking, Ethan strolled out of the house, mounted one of the horses, and rode it out of the compound.

..Just because his son doesn't want him to ride him to school doesn't mean he wouldn't make use of a horse to get to his destination.

As Aiden was walking in the village square, he was glancing around, it felt nice trekking to school. As said, he had been trekking to school like this and trekking back home for a long time now.

Once in a while, his dad would ride him to school or pick him up from school. As for knights escorting him, that one barely happens now. I mean, a good nine years have passed after that incident happened.

As Aiden was journeying, he thought of when he'll start getting main quests. Like, he was already a teenager now, he was 17 years old...when would the main quests start coming?

'When would I start getting quests to bang girls and become stronger?'. Aiden thought to himself.

..And today, he decided to ask the system, he and the system had talked about something similar before.

But now, he wants to ask the question directly, so he called out on his system,


<Yes, host>

"When would I start getting main quests, when would I start seducing girls, banging them, and getting stronger? All I've been doing now is completing daily quests". Aiden uttered.

<Host would get his first main quest soon once a nice target is found>

Aiden nodded his head a little while letting out, "Hmmm, I am waiting".

The system had answered his question, all he has to do now was wait...nothing else can be done about it.

He kept journeying until he arrived at the front of his academy, then he walked into the compound. Right now, he was strolling straight to the main building.

..Miss Alice wasn't their class teacher anymore, they weren't kids anymore.

And according to the look of things, she'd always be a class teacher to kids. She was still in the academy, but she wasn't their class teacher anymore.

They were teenagers now that would soon be graduating from the academy, and their current class teacher now was also female. Her name was Miss Sandra, and she was 30 years old.

She was transferred to Aiden's academy about two years ago, and not long after transferring to the academy, she became their class teacher.

Was she pretty? Yes, she was. Was her beauty up to Miss Alice's own? Yes. And again, Miss Alice was older than her, so her beauty was still on a high level.

She was bearing Miss Sandra, which means, she wasn't married, she was still single...but she's definitely had sex, she wasn't a virgin.

And that was the same case for Miss Alice as well. She was still bearing 'miss', so for all the years that have passed, she hadn't gotten married as well. But she was dating someone, and she's had sex.

Aiden noticed Miss Sandra's beauty immediately after she became their class teacher. And if Aiden gets the chance to f**k her, he would, he doesn't care if he was 17 years old, and she was 30 years old.

..He didn't care about the age gap, if he gets the chance to bang her, he would.

He kept on walking until he got to the staircase and began mounting it. He wasn't the only one mounting the staircase, other students were mounting it as well.

..And right now, he had arrived in front of his classroom as he didn't waste time walking into it.

Entering it, lots of students had arrived, grown-up students, teenagers. They watched themselves grow as they were moving to different classes.

Aiden became a student of this academy when he was 7 years old...and joining his classroom, all of them were 6 years to 7 years old...

..Now, look at them, they were all teenagers.

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