Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 158 First Main Quest.

Right now, they had already arrived at the location where the festival was to take place, and the chairs were already occupied, but there were still lots of vacant chairs though.

But that wasn't their business though 'cause they'd be sitting at the special place where the officials were supposed to sit. Some of the chairs in that special place were already being occupied by some officials and their families.

Ethan hadn't been conversing with some of these officials lately due to what happened in the past...Aiden's capture and all that. In fact, they hadn't been conversing for some time now, for years.

And this was due to the accusations Ethan had been throwing at them that it was one of them that was behind the capture of Aiden. But then, that woman with the mind-reading ability said it wasn't any of them that was behind Aiden's capture...

..So they were just've been accusing us falsely all this while.

But it was truly one of the officials that was behind Aiden's capture...we know the person.

Aiden was expecting Oliver and Ava to arrive at this place on time according to what they told him at school...they said they'd be coming to the festival along with their families.

He didn't know if they'd arrived or not, so he began glancing around to see if he'll sight them, but he didn't. But he had hope they'd arrive before all the chairs gets filled up. Apart from his friends, other students in his classroom would be attending this festival as well.

..But as for Anne, the girl Aiden had sex with twice, he wasn't sure she'll be coming...and he didn't care that much.

All the Dankworth family were standing glancing at the special place where they were to go sit. If it was up to Aiden, he doesn't want to sit there. When his friends arrive, he'd love to sit with one of them.

..That could be possible, who knows?...he was a fully grown teenager now, he could make some decisions.

They were still standing when Hazel's fiancee approached them...the man she was dating. He said 'hi', and Hazel's face lit up the moment she set eyes on him...her lover. Ethan and Emma were also happy to see him.

As for Lydia, she just stood there glancing at them, she wasn't happy to see him, neither was she sad to see him. And that was the same case for Aiden, no feeling, he wasn't sad to see him, neither was he happy to see him.

And he wasn't disgusted at all. As said, he doesn't hate the fact that his older sister was in love, he doesn't want her to live the kind of life he plans on living...having sex with different people. But what he knows was that he'll never do love.

..He wasn't disgusted before...but he became disgusted afterward.

Why? When they started calling themselves 'honey' and all those shit. And again, putting their faces very close to each other while smiling at each other...damn! that disgusted Aiden a lot.

And again, they were doing it in public? At a festival? He wasn't disgusted before...but why did they have to disgust him?


Aiden didn't end up sitting at the special place with his family, he was sitting with Oliver and his family currently...he and Oliver were sitting close to each other.

Yes, Oliver and Ava later arrived with their families, and Aiden was so happy to see them. Aiden was a full-grown teenager now, so he decided to sit close to Oliver, and his parents agreed.

Ava and her family were sitting at a different spot. Hazel didn't sit at the special place with her parents as well, she was sitting close to her fiancee currently. She asked her parents if she could sit with him...and they agreed.

..So right now, it was only Ethan, Emma, and Lydia that were sitting at the special place along with other officials and their families.

The festival had already begun, and it had been interesting so far. They commemorated some of the kings that have ruled over the Tuvalon Kingdom in the past, and it was still ongoing.

Some people arrived at the location of the festival and had to go back. Why? 'Cause all the chairs had already been filled up. As said, if you arrive late, you wouldn't be able to partake in the festival.

They commemorated more kings, lots of events took place. While Aiden was sitting close to Oliver, the both of them conversed, but they tried to reduce their voice and it wasn't that frequent.

They wouldn't want to disturb the peace of others that were enjoying the festival...

Right now, Aiden was glancing at the special place where officials were to stay along with their families...and he was seeing lots of pretty girls there. These were daughters of the officials.

Now, he recognized some of these girls, remember, this wasn't the first time he was attending a festival, within the years that have passed, he had attended numerous festivals along with his family.

..They weren't that many though, but he's attended some festivals, he even attended the Battle Festival again.

And anytime they attend a festival, they'll have to sit at a special place. Anytime they sit there, he'll get to see lots of pretty girls...daughters of the officials, some of them were even their servants.

And as time passes, anytime they get to attend a festival again, he'll notice that those girls were growing just as he was growing. Not only that, the pretty ones among them were getting prettier.

Now, as Aiden was glancing at some of those girls, he noticed that they'd become prettier. Some of them were even looking so know, servicing them in bed wouldn't be bad at all.

..Well, Aiden just took his gaze off that place, there was no use glancing at them...not like he'll get the chance to f**k them.

He just put his whole attention on the ongoing festival...

Time had passed, and the Remembrance Festival was coming to its climax, but it hadn't ended yet. People enjoyed the festival, yeah, all the commemorations went well. And that was the same case for Aiden as well, he enjoyed the festival.

In minutes, the festival would climax. Now, Aiden was seated in his seat glancing at the ongoing event when a certain girl walked out of the special place for officials.

..Now, the girl was really pretty, and she was the daughter of a high-ranked chief...this Aiden was aware of.

Ever since they were little, Aiden had been noticing her whenever they attend festivals like this. She was pretty when she was little, she was looking prettier now. Why did she come out of the special place for officials? Where was she heading to?

She wanted to go meet one of her friends that had been signaling her to come meet her. She asked permission from her parents, and the moment they granted her permission, she stood up from the chair she was sitting on and began walking toward her friend.

..Now, this was the reason why she came out of the special place meant for officials and their families.

The girl she wanted to go meet was there with her older brother, their parents couldn't make it. And they were sitting at the place where natives of the Tuvalon Kingdom were supposed to seat.

They were in the same academy...and they were close friends. Now, due to the girl's beauty, the moment she walked out of the special place meant for officials, many boys noticed her...Aiden was included.

They were just glancing at her as she strolled...her beauty was so captivating. Even Oliver was staring at her as she walked...Aiden had no idea.

Apart from her beauty, Aiden was already fantasizing about having her in bed, she might be as sweet as Anne. He was still glancing at her when his system's interface appeared in front of him,


<Ding! Ding!>

<First main quest>

<Seduce and conquer Lucia, the daughter of a high-ranked chief>


<+700 Exp>

<+1,000 Skill points>

<3 stats points would be added to each of your stat apart from charm>

<Time limit to accomplish quest: 14 days>

<Failure to accomplish quest within this time limit, no more rewards, and 3,000 Skill points would be deducted from your skill points>


Aiden just sat there glancing at the interface in front of him until it disappeared...he had finally gotten his first main quest.

And according to what he understood, seems like it was this girl he was glancing at seconds ago that was his first target...the daughter of a high-ranked chief.

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