Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 91 Battling The Bullies.(3)

Before Cyrus could even forward his hand toward Aiden to send the fireball straight to his face, Aiden had already made use of the speed dash skill as he ran toward him with speed.

Cyrus didn't even see him running toward him, it was so fast. He reached Cyrus and gave him a serious punch in the stomach causing Cyrus to bend immediately due to the pain and the fireball in his hand vanished that instant.

Cyrus hadn't even recovered from the punch he received in the stomach when another punch from Aiden landed on his face. The punch came with so much force that he had to spit out blood.

He was already falling to the ground when another punch from Aiden landed on his stomach causing him to move back. But Aiden wouldn't just let him move back and fall to the ground just like that.

As he was moving back, Aiden darted toward him with speed...he was about to give him what they call 'finishing'. The moment he reached where Cyrus was, he jumped up as he was in front of Cyrus's face currently.

He was able to achieve that with the help of the high jump skill. And while still in the air, Aiden threw a kick that headed toward Cyrus's face with speed and force. The moment the kick hit his face, he spits out blood again and landed on the ground.

..At this moment, it was just like he fainted, he was so weak.

And Aiden had handled the main boss, that was, was time to handle the others. The moment Aiden turned around, he sighted a huge stone heading toward him with speed.

And he sighted the person that directed the stone towards him, it was one of the boys. His power element was earth, and he planned to hit Aiden with a large stone and make him weak, then they'll be able to beat the hell out of him.

..But Aiden wouldn't let that happen.

Making use of the speed dash skill, he moved to the side with speed, and the stone flew past. The boy didn't stop, stamping his leg to the ground and bringing out another large stone from it, he kicked it once again as it began heading towards Aiden.

Now, the boy hadn't learned to wield mana properly, but he could do this, he had been taught the basics. He could wield mana to a certain extent just like the rest, but there were a lot of things he couldn't do as an earth bender.

Aiden dodged the stone once again by moving to the side with speed as the stone moved past. And now, it was about time to deal with the was about time to weaken him.

Before the boy could stamp his leg to the ground once again to bring out another stone from it, Aiden had reached his front, and a nice punch landed on the boy's stomach immediately as he moved back and almost fell to the ground...he felt pain.

Aiden darted toward him with speed once again. Then making use of the high jump skill, he was able to jump up as he was in front of the boy's face currently. The boy was taller than him, so to accomplish what he wanted...he needed to make use of the high jump skill.

He was in the air when he swung his leg with speed kicking the boy's face, and the boy couldn't help but spit out blood. He was getting weak, Aiden was achieving his aim. The boy had lost stamina completely as he was moving back and was sure to fall to the ground.

..But Aiden wouldn't let him fall to the ground just like that, he still had some things he wanted to do to him.

The boy was staggering with blood stains at the side of his mouth when Aiden reached his front again. And immediately, he began giving the boy lots of punches in the stomach. He didn't give him one punch then stopped, he kept going and going.

..More blood oozed out of the boy's mouth, then he fell to the ground completely weak.

Aiden had done to him what he did to their boss, Cyrus. And now, he has handled this one, it was remaining two more. Glancing to the side, he sighted the two boys running toward him together. And one was already transferring mana to his right hand to the best of his capability.

Aiden stood there glancing at them, and the moment they got close to him, the one that had been transferring mana toward his right hand forwarded it as large wind headed toward, Aiden.

With speed, Aiden moved to the side as the wind moved past. The other boy that didn't possess an ability reached him and swung his leg coming with a nice kick. The kick was heading towards Aiden so slowly 'cause he was already making use of the speed dash skill.

He moved to the side with speed as the kick swung past, then Aiden moved toward him with speed and gave him a nice punch directly to the face. The boy moved back immediately...there was no how he could still stand there 'cause the punch was so painful.

"Arghhhhhhh". The other boy with the wind ability shouted as he directed another large wind toward Aiden.

Aiden dodged it by moving to the back with speed, and at that moment, he thought to himself,

'This is just nice. One possesses the fire affinity, one possesses the earth affinity, and one possesses the wind affinity. What does the other guy possess? Maybe the water affinity, most likely'.

..But the thing was that the other boy doesn't possess an ability at all.

The boy ran towards Aiden and began directing large winds toward him with speed. He was just doing it anyhow, some didn't even head toward Aiden 'cause of wrong channeling...but many headed toward him anyway.

​ These winds were heavy enough to take him off the ground and fly to whatever place if one of them ends up touching him. And that would give the boy the chance to do whatever to Aiden. Aiden was aware of this, that's why he was doing his best to dodge all.

The boy kept on directing large winds toward him, and Aiden kept on dodging them by moving to the back with speed and bending a little. This kept on going, and right now, Aiden had gotten close to a tree.

Remember, there were about two trees in the open field. The moment Aiden reached the tree, the boy had already directed another large wind toward him. Making use of the high jump skill, he jumped to the top of the tree and squatted on one of the branches.

The boy stood there glancing at Aiden with rage in his eyes. It was just like Aiden was playing with him. He keeps directing large winds toward him, and Aiden keeps dodging them by moving to the back with speed and bending a little.

..And now, Aiden had jumped to the top of a tree?

He had beaten the shit out of Cyrus and one other guy as the both of them still lay on the ground. Still glancing at Aiden, the boy thought to himself,

'We really did underestimate him'.

But he doesn't plan on backing down, he was still gonna keep battling, Aiden. Shouting at the top of his voice, he forwarded his hand toward the tree as large wind began heading towards Aiden.

Before the wind could reach where Aiden was, he jumped off the tree and landed on the ground as the heavy wind hit the tree. And now, it was about time for Aiden to handle the was about time to weaken him.

Making use of the speed dash skill, he ran toward the boy with immense speed and was coming with a nice punch. Now, he was gonna use this same speed to punch the boy in the stomach, the punch was gonna come with immense was gonna cause damage.

He reached the boy and punched him in the stomach with that same speed, and the boy moved back immediately with both of his hands on his stomach and almost spat out blood. As the boy was moving back, he ran toward him with speed once again.

The boy bent a little due to the punch he received in the stomach and the pain he was feeling, so Aiden wouldn't need to make use of the high jump skill for what he was about to do. He reached the boy with speed, and with that same speed...he punched him in the face.

The boy couldn't help but spit out blood this time as he began falling to the ground. And before he could fall to the ground completely, Aiden kicked him in the stomach.

..The boy landed on the ground and spat out more blood.

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