Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Chapter 18 – Toga’s Family

As I hang up I quickly start coming up with solutions as to what I'm going to do. I start writing strategies for this. I've always done this out of habit each time I had a problem. Thinking of ways to solve this problem was going to be a bit tricky.

You see there are multiple of ways I could fix Toga's problem, for example bringing Gran Torino. Gran Torino would do most of the talking and seeing that he is a retired hero, they might think he's financially wealthy and someone who has a high status. Alas that is not what Gran Torino is, he's a retired hero. He doesn't have the same value as popular heroes. So that plan wouldn't work, unless we involve a third party.

Another way to do this, is putting them in a Genjutsu. This is probably the easiest way and most beneficial. I could just tell them to let Toga choose who to be, and to let her do her own thing. This will also fix problems, like taking Toga to a facility for people who are sick. Ever since Toga has been with me, their parents thought that Toga was finally making friends and letting the blood thirst go. Little did they know that she was just hanging out with his boyfriend.

A last way to do this is to manipulate the other family. I'll just have to make a deal with them or threaten them, or like the other way, put them in a Genjutsu.

After writing my plans down, I go back to my computer and start playing my games.
The next day

4:30 PM-

After taking a shower, I start changing into proper clothes I had boughten early today. I want to look presentable, instead of looking like an edge lord. Now I respect Toga's parents in a small way, but that doesn't mean I like them. Honestly I hated the fact that they didn't support Toga when she needed their support. Nonetheless they are still Toga's parents so I should show 'some' decency.

I comb my hair down, not having a duck ass in my hair. I was wearing a red blazer, black pants, and a black vest. I looked at the mirror and stare at myself. "Mm i never thought Sasuke body would look this good *cough* anyways I should bring something to give to their parents" Cain said as he leaves the bathroom and goes back to the room.

I grabbed my cash I had left on my pants and put them on my wallet. I grabbed my phone and check the time again.

4:35 PM

'I should have enough time to buy donuts. People like donuts right? Oh well it doesn't matter' I think to myself as I leave my room and start going to the nearest store.

After buying the donuts, I started heading to Toga's house. She had sent me the location of her house.

Getting there I see gates and guards. I couldn't see the house but I could already tell that it was big. One of the guards noticed I was walking towards the gates and stopped me.

"Hey you're not allowed to come near this house kid! Get lost!" The guard said as he puffs his chest to scare of Cain. This didn't phase me so I just kept my stoic face.

Opening my mouth I said. "I'm Toga's boyfriend" The guards hearing this were taken back and looked at me with an intense gaze. I started to get a bot uncomfortable so I just cough. This brought the guards back to what was going.

"Hmm I've heard of master wife talked about this. I didn't think that girl would actually get one..." The guard who had a beard said as he talks to the other guard.

"I didn't believe it either. This boy doesn't look to bad, but I'm afraid master won't allow her daughter to date a low commoner" The guard said as he speaks back to the other guard.

I was still standing here listening to them talk about me. I didn't care what they think of me but it was about to be 5:00 PM and I didn't want to get late.

"Let me in" I said and they both looked at me. Both of them had a doubtful expression. One of the guards released a sigh and spoke. "Very well. But kid be warn, don't do anything stupid!" The guard with the beard said as he glares at Cain.

Hearing this I nodded.

"What!? Are you sure? Isn't the Matsui also going to come here? Weren't they going to arrange a marriage between their son and our master's daughter?" The other guard said as he stops the other guard from opening the gates.

"Well that might be the case, but they did invite this boy here, so technically he's allowed to come here" The guard with the beard said as he opens the gate.

As the gates opened I can now see a beautiful garden with a water fountain. The shiny grass well cut. Walking inside I spotted Toga's house, no a Mansion. I was pretty shocked to see this, I don't think I've ever seen a house this huge.

As I got to the front door, I rang the door bell.


Soon the doors open and a older man with a suit greeted me and took me inside. Staring at the inside of the mansion, I was in awe. 'Wow, I didn't expect Toga's house to look like this.' I think to myself as the butler takes me to a room.

"Wait here, madam Toga will arrive shortly." The butler politely bow and exited the room.

Sitting down on the couch , I was a bit nervous. My hands were starting to get sweaty. I checked if I smelled good. Soon the door open again and I could see a pretty ashen-blond hair tied in a ponytail girl. I realize this was Toga, it took me a second to see who this was. Toga was currently wearing a yellow dress.

Toga noticed that I was staring for to long and started to blush. "Don't stare at me for too long" Toga said bringing me out of my daze. I gently smiled and stood back up and gave her a kiss in the cheek. Her blush deepen and she lowered her head to hide it.

"Ahem!" A woman that look in her 30-40s said causing Toga to jumped back. Seeing this I figured that this was her mom.

"Hello you must be Toga's mom, here I have boughten some donuts" I politely said and gave her the donuts. The woman seeing the donuts made a disgusted face but she still grabbed it.

"Sigh you must be Toga's boyfriend right?" Toga's mom said in a rude manner. Hearing her tone I wasn't bothered.

"Yes, that is correct" I calmly said. She then looked at me up and down and made an uncertain look. Honestly it looked like she was trying to say that I looked handsome, but she didn't say it.

"Mhm my husband should come here any second and we can talk about what's going on." Toga's mom said as she sits down on the couch.

I nodded and I looked at Toga. She had a worried face but as soon as she noticed I was looking at she smiled. Grabbing her hand I took her to the couch.

10 minutes later.

4 people open the door and got inside. There was a man with blond hair and a woman with black hair. Then there was a boy with blond hair, blue eyes. Overall he was handsome, but his aura was disgusting. The boy walked towards us and was about to grab Toga's hand to kiss it, but then I grabbed his arm and looked at him dead in the eye. "Dont" I said in a intimidating tone. The boy seeing this was shook and took a step back.

Then an older man that had the same hair as Toga sat down beside Toga's mom. "Come sit down" Toga's dad said as he speaks to the family that just got here.

"Will do" The blond man said as he and his family sit down.

"Now is this the girl who will get married with my son" The blond woman said as she looks at Toga.

"Hmm we still haven't decide yet. You see here, this is Toga's current boyfriend." Toga's dad said as he points at Cain. The Matsui family then looked at me with a confused expression. They look back at Toga's dad.

"What's the meaning of this!" The blond man said exclaimed as he sees this.

"Calm down. He is currently dating my daughter but that could change if things goes well. So let's first talk about our business." Toga's dad said as he brings his palms together.

The Matsui family calmed down and nodded.

Right now Toga was shaking a bit. Seeing this I took a hold of her hand. Toga feeling a warm in her hand calmed down and looked at me. She then whispered in my ear. "If I have to get marry to this piece of shit, I'm going to kill them all" Toga whispered.

I then whispered back to her. "Don't worry, I'll find a way to fix this, and if I can't do anything I have another plan" I said as Toga nodded and sigh.

"Gives us a share of 25% of your company. In return I'll share 5 percent of my company and my daughter " Toga's dad said calmly.

"What?! Are you crazy!!" The blond man said as he slams the table. The blond woman who is the blond mans wife grabbed his arm and whispered something in his ear calming him down.

"Sigh I can't accept this. But, if it's for my family I'll need to do this." The blond man said as he frowns.

Toga's dad smiled devilishly and handed papers to him. "Perfect! Sign the contract if you will" Toga's dad said.

Again Toga started shaking but I hold her hand tighter. As the blond man was about to sign, I stepped in.

"Hold on a second." I said as I stand up. The Matsui family and Himiko family looked at me. Honestly they'd have forgotten I was here. Toga's dad was about to say something until I release my killing intent causing him to stare in shock, his body shaking with fear.

"Hey that's not your girlfriend anymore! She's mine now!" The blond boy said as he gets up to my face.

Seeing this I slapped his face making him go in the air before falling down. Honestly what he said made me mad. Anyone would of done this if they were in my position. Fuck my plan, I'll do this the hard way!

"Kohei!!" Both the blond man and his wife screamed as they see their son get slapped in the face. His wife ran up to check on his son.

"You!!" The blond man roared as he rans up to me. Seeing this I activated my sharingan and put him in a Genjutsu. Immediately he stopped and went to his usual face.

The himiko family stare in shock except for Toga who was grinning.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" Toga's mom exclaimed as she gets stands up and goes to my face. She then raised her hand to slap me, I then grabbed her arm stopping her from slapping me. I then slapped her ass causing her to shriek.

"Eeek!! Husband do something!!!" Toga's mom screamed as she calls for his husband's help. I then put her in a Genjutsu.

"A-ah I-i" Toga's dad couldn't say anything. He was still shocked and words were stuck in his throat.

'My respect for them is lost now....' I think to myself as I let go of Toga's mom. I then walked towards Toga's dad and put him in a Genjutsu as well.

Toga was still sitting there laughing at this.

"Hahahaha! Look at them!!!! Hahahah!" Toga laughs as she sees this. Toga then stood up and ran up towards the blond man's wife and slapped her as well.

"Ahh!! Why are you doing this!" The wife cries as she holds her cheek. Toga then took out a needle and made a cut in her face.

"Ahhhh!!!!! My face!!!" The woman screamed in pain as blood started pouring out of her face. Toga then licked the needle and her whole face flushed in red.

'Oh shit. What have I done?' I think to myself. I then grabbed Toga from doing any more damage. "Alright thats enough" I said. She then grunted but still nodded. I then put the woman in a Genjutsu.

"Hmm you don't have to worry about anything anymore." I said as I hold Toga.

"Really?" Toga said as she looks up and her eyes shine.

"Hn. What did you think I did all of this for?" I said as I patted her head.

"I thought you just wanted to slap them for fun" Toga said as she blushes from getting her head patted.

I smiled seeing this and shook my head. "Is there anyone outside?" I said. I had forgotten to put a seal on the door.

"No, mom told the butler and the maids to leave" Toga said as he puts her finger to her chin.

"Hmm ok" I replied as the blond woman and blond man started leaving carrying their fainted soon in their arms.

"You don't have to worry about your parents ever causing you trouble, they won't be disgusted by you anymore." I said as she smiles and nods.

"You look great in that dress by the way." I said. Toga cheeks then turned red and she says "you also look handsome~".

(A/N: this chapter was crazy and short hehehe. Next chapter will most likely be the UA exams but I'm not sure. I'll try to see if I can post a chapter tomorrow but no promises. :)

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