Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore

Chapter 106 - v56 The purest black crystal (26)

Hong Kong.

It is the latest chapter of the Immortal Artifact in the dark night. The thick clouds blocked the moonlight and shrouded the world in darkness.

The Ke family, Ke Changhuang’s study on the third floor.

The banquet continued below, but at this time the air in the study was cold, and there was a sense of tension.

Ke Changhuang sat behind the desk, and Mo Qianren stood opposite. Ke Changhuang’s sharp eyes were like cutting a person apart with a knife, with a violent murderousness, it made people feel extremely scared, but the man on the opposite side did not move, no Did not feel uncomfortable.

After a while, the answer in Ke Changhuang’s heart had floated, but he still felt a little incredible. He looked serious and cold, “You’re Mo Qianren?”

“Yes.” Mo Qianren rarely has such a good time, at least generally when he hears such a stupid questioning, he will be polite and go back, but now the person who asked is Mu Rulan’s most important Elders, the man who waited for the other to nod and embrace the beauty naturally knew how to condense his slightly mean poisonous tongue.

“Beijing … Mo’s?” When Ke Changhuang mentioned that Mo, he looked a little hesitant, looked at Mo Qianren uncertainly and suspiciously, and reached out and rubbed his knee that was just aching.

“Um.” Mo Qianren looked indifferent, as if he could take it for granted.

Ke Changhuang’s mouth opened slightly, his expression surprised, but he was speechless for a moment. He was just below because of the temperament of Mo Qianren ’s actions that he thought his granddaughter’s vision was correct. If the other party is adjustable, then he will receive some help from the side to train and let them in Together, if their feelings are still there. But who knows that he suddenly gave him a Beijing Mohist! That’s the Beijing Mo School!

Mo Qianren watched Ke Changhuang’s reaction, and said faintly, “I want her, nothing to do with others.”

“I haven’t heard of a boy in this generation of Mo …” Ke Changhuang looked at the Mo Qian people with a complex look. The relevant information of the Mo family belonged to state-level confidential documents, and it was impossible for the richest man in the world to find out. He could also understand why he himself No matter how many times he got the same fake information, maybe he should even be grateful that he was not approached by people in the country because of repeated investigations of the Mo people’s information. But at the same time this also made him doubt whether the Mo Qian people had any status in the Mo family, otherwise why did he check so many times without receiving any warning?

“Yes.” Mo Qianren said faintly, looking indifferent like a pool of standing water that couldn’t stir up the waves. “It just died 15 years ago.”

Ke Changhuang frowned, thinking hard about what happened fifteen years ago. After all, he has n’t remembered it anymore. Besides, they did n’t have any chance to intersect with the Mo family. He looked at Mo Qianren strangely. ,”then you……”

“I was the boy who died that year.” Mo Qianren said indifferently, speaking of his almost death, as if the wind was passing gently over the leaves.

Fifteen years ago, in a horrific perverted ogre crime case in the United States, the Mohist heir died unconsciously, and his ten-year-old son almost died in that crime case, but was rescued at the first chance. Came back, but the real enemy was not found. In order to protect the only male, the Mo family declared that the child was dead and placed the Mo Qian people in the Lu family in the far city of K. The Lu family even replaced every window with With bulletproof glass, monitors are installed in each corner, 360 °, without a dead corner.

This foster care lasted nearly ten years, and people remembered that the figure of the Mojia boy had almost disappeared without trace. I just remember that there was a young lady named Mo Wujin in the Mo family.

As for the reasons why someone has checked the Mo Qian people’s information so many times, the Ke family has not been warned. One is because of the protection of the Mo Qian people by the Mo family, but because the Mo Qian people are working for the United States. Naturally, they need not Come here to find the Ke family, but also to the United States. Whose staff are responsible for themselves.

Ke Changhuang looked at Mo Qiann in shock, his hand holding the crutches was tight, and the bone joints appeared a little white, with an indescribable feeling, very excited and extremely worried. If the Mo Qian people are Mo people, and they are the only males, then it is more than enough to match them with the Ke family, but the Mo family has few enemies, but whenever there is one, it is worldwide. Why not worry about this? If Mu Rulan is with him, I’m afraid he will be turbulent because of him?

For a long time, Ke Changhuang exhaled slowly, with a bit of exhaustion between his eyebrows. He said, “You shouldn’t be too much outsiders of the Mo family, but if you tell me these things are for Lanlan, I It is the peasant girl’s brocade quotation that she is unwilling to agree with.

The Mohist did not do business, and his original thoughts could be completely abandoned. He did not want the baby granddaughter to marry a useless man like Ke Wanqing, but he did not want his baby granddaughter and a country’s internal nuclear weapons and related weapons and chemicals. Studying everyone’s children together, if you are not careful, you will become the target of assassinations and attacks in various countries.

Ke Changhuang didn’t know that the case that shocked high-level officials in the country 15 years ago was a private grievance, not a national war, or the Mohists would not have to guard against it.

Mo Qianren looked at Ke Changhuang silently, his indifferent eyes calmed like a lake without ripples, clean but without temperature. Even Ke Changhuang couldn’t bear it.

The chair behind him turned around and waved his hand a little uncontrollably. “You go out.”

Ke Changhuang didn’t hear the movement. He turned his head strangely for a while, but saw that the Mo Qianren who was standing opposite the desk didn’t know when he had come behind him. Those indifferent but sharp people could deepen the heart of people. Seeing through the eyes is close at hand, suddenly the old man startled, “Well! What are you doing ?!”

“Should you squeeze your shoulders?” Mo Qianren asked lightly.

Ke Changhuang stared at Mo Qianren with his eyes widened. He was just startled, and now he was a little embarrassed and angry, “Don’t!”

“What about lame legs?” Mo Qianren still looked indifferent.

Ke Changhuang’s mind appeared to be cold and cold, and Mo Qiang gave him a lame expression, suddenly hesitated, and asked, “No! What are you doing ?!”

“Diligent diligence.” Mo Qianren said without pressure. In those novels and televisions, don’t they all say that diligent diligence can let the discerning guy accept you? He is learning and using now, but it seems to have no effect.

“Get out!” Ke Changhuang was so angry that his hair was a little messy, and this guy had no sincerity at all! Has anyone offered such a diligence? Even if you do n’t have a smiley face, it ’s so straightforward! Most importantly, this guy just said no! Obviously he made up his mind not to pinch his shoulders!

“Otherwise, play chess.” Mo Qianren looked at the chessboard next to his desk. It was a particularly delicate chessboard. The smooth and bright blacks and whites were packed in a white jade chess cup. Valuable.

Now the old man is interested. Although looking at Mo Qianren, he has no expression and is cold and cold, but how do you look like there is a kind of arrogant feeling, humming, “Little devil, you ca n’t help yourself, I will see you killed No piece left! “

“Which deer is dead is not certain.” Mo Qianren sat down and played black chess.

Ke Changhuang suddenly stared, “Black is mine!”

“I like black more than white.” Mo Qianren grabbed the chess piece and said faintly that he did not intend to give black chess to the old man.

Ke Changhuang’s eyes widened suddenly. Does this guy really have any plans to give him diligence? Is it really there? Oh grass!

Time passed little by little, the banquet downstairs had ended, and people gradually dispersed, with a heart full of doubts, did Mu Rulan have a boyfriend? What is the relationship between that man and Mu Rulan? Do they still have a chance? Will Mr. Ke accept that man? Who will Master Ke deliver to?

Mu Rulan didn’t care about it.

Putting on a white fur shawl, Mu Rulan was preparing to go upstairs, but she saw that Ajitsu Junko came in with a thing and was taken away by Li Xiaoqing.

Mu Rulan tilted her head and looked at Uncle Zhao, “What’s going on?”

Uncle Zhao stooped slightly. “The three ladies are taking a medicated diet. The master eats every night. Hands and feet are warm. It is also good for blood pressure. The princess of fantasy gods read the full text.”

“and then?”

Uncle Zhao hesitated for a while, looked up at Mu Rulan, and chose to tell the truth. “Every night, the third lady will stew a cup of medicated meal for the master two hours before bedtime, but every time she is snatched by the second lady to serve her. The master still does not know that it was Mrs. Three who made him medicated. “

Mu Rulan looked at Li Xiaoqing, who didn’t know and looked arrogant over there, and was talking to Yajitsu Junko with her head down, her eyes narrowed slightly, “When did it start?”

“… started ten years ago.”

The old man gradually began to have some physical conditions ten years ago. Atsushi Akiko was the first to discover this. How can I know that Li Xiaoqing was robbed of the credit? Old man likes this medicated diet and is used to eating a cup every day.

During the period when Yajitsu Junko was ill eight years ago, he didn’t do it. As a result, the old man gave birth to Li Xiaoqing for a long time. Li Xiaoqing quickly asked the cook to make it, but the taste made him even more angry. So Li Xiaoqing hurriedly hurried to pull up Ajitsu Junko on the hospital bed, and then sent it to him with a grudge, saying that she was uncomfortable, and he was going to make medicated food. The old man asked for a lot of benefits there, which is why Li Xiaoqing dared to be so arrogant in front of Lin Yuyan, who was barely considered big.

“This way …” Mu Rulan paused, and the footsteps originally intended to go upstairs went downstairs, passing Li Xiaoqing, smiling with a smile on his face, holding the medicated meal upstairs.

Uncle Zhao looked at Mu Rulan walking towards Yajiu Junzi, and then saw Li Xiaoqing, who was going upstairs, with a light stroke in his eyes. He thought he knew who he was going to favor.

Uncle Zhao himself thought that he was an **** around the ancient emperor. He opened his eyes to see which concubine might be favored, and he favored whichever opportunity. He secretly helped him. Previously, Ajitsu Junzi was too light-hearted. Being pressed by two women, plus the intentional alienation of the old man, naturally he saw everything in his eyes, but said nothing. Now that Mu Rulan has shot, and the old man’s attitude towards her seems to have changed, he should naturally do his part as the chief **** on the wall.

Mu Rulan entangled Akujin Junko coquettishly and said that he also wanted to take a medicinal diet. Akujin Junko loved Mu Rulan, and naturally he should leave without saying anything. Akujin Junko’s gentle and slender figure gradually disappeared at the door. Laughing up and down from the floor with a bracelet in her hand, it was obviously the pet that had just been obtained from Ke Changhuang.

For ten years, the medicated diet made with the heart every day, even people like Ke Changhuang will feel a little touched.

I do n’t know if it ’s Yakutsu Junko who is too weak or they are too shameless. Maybe everyone should know that they are responsible for the relationship they are pursuing, whether it is pain or happiness, the difference is that some people are obsessed with the pursuit of mistakes. Harm to others, some people resolutely empathize deeply like the sea, only a little bit can be reached, the return came late.

Mu Rulan then turned upstairs, and stopped when she passed by Uncle Zhao, saying, “Let Junzi grandma bring the medicated meal to her grandfather’s study room later.”

Uncle Zhao bent down slightly, “Yes.”

Footsteps stepped on, Mu Rulan walked to the door, and heard Ke Changhuang roar: “How can you eat my general ?!”

“You lost.” Mo Qianren’s faint voice announced the facts, not showing off.

“Can’t you let me ?!” Ke Changhuang rarely wanted to be crazy, from Go to Checkers to Chess, this little ghost even ate him! Is this what you want to do? Is this to please him? Soulless!

“Chess is like life. I gave you a step back, and I lost the game.” Mo Qianren’s indifferent voice said, looking at Ke Changhuang, his eyes were full of seriousness.

Ke Changhuang stunned, then laughed slowly, and then the frenzied look disappeared completely. The violent expression in his eyes diminished a lot. In its place, a domineering Zhang Mang cold, “Okay! You! It is best to remember what you said today. Lan Lan is with you. If you encounter any obstacles and bumps in the future, if you dare to make a concession, my Ke Changhuang will be in the ground and will climb out. It will certainly make your life full. All lose chaos across the realm! “

Mo Qianren put the last chess in his hand on the chessboard, and Ke Changhuang’s chess pieces could not be brought back to life. He said, “Even destiny can’t make me concede even half a step.”

The man looked indifferent, sitting there coldly and indifferently, just like his person, but sitting there like this, speaking such a cold tone, also made people kind of irresistible. Excitement and self-confidence are extreme, just like the king who looks up and down, but the courtiers cannot restrain the excitement with one of his eyes.

Worthy of being a Mo man …

Ke Changhuang said. The satisfaction in my heart is not a little bit.

“Well.” The door was knocked gently, then pushed open, and the girl in the white dress stood at the door, smiling at the two most important men in her life now and in the future, ” Haven’t you been tired for so long? “

Ke Changhuang snorted. “Who played with him?”

“Huh?” Mu Rulan raised her eyebrows, walked to the two with a smile, sniffed her nose, and looked at the medicated diet on Ke Changhuang’s table. “It’s so sweet.”

“I want you to make it for your aunt Xiaoqing to make.” Ke Changhuang also liked his medicated food, and he didn’t get tired after eating for so long. Li Xiaoqing’s woman liked it at this point. He likes it.

“Aunt Xiaoqing?” Mu Rulan blinked in doubt, “Then don’t bother, I’ll ask Aunt Chunzi to do it.”

Ke Changhuang frowned. The spoon poked at the meat in the cup and said, “Don’t bother her in such a cold day, and, again, mess up your life!” He remembered again, that always quietly followed The little girl behind his **** didn’t know when he started to become daring, and always made him something delicious, but when he was about to become addicted, he immediately quit it.

“Grandpa is really eccentric, just let Aunt Xiaoqing do it, but not Grandson Junzi?” Mu Rulan playing with Mo Qianren’s palm carelessly said, seeing the man’s trimmed neat nails clean Yes, I have a cocoon that I have accumulated over the years, and rubbing my fingertips in the past feels a little rough. When I hold it, I have an inexplicable sense of security that will not be let go when he falls into hell.

Ke Changhuang heard the words, and the action of drinking soup was stunned, and he felt a panic inexplicably in his heart. The uncontrollable feeling still existed for decades after being suppressed …

The door of the study room was knocked softly again, and Ajitsu Junko appeared at the door with a cup of medicated meal. He had made more today and wanted to give Liu Peiyang something to eat, but the child didn’t know what happened She was so tired that she shouted several times and failed to wake him up, thinking she was going to give him some fresh supplements tomorrow. The child looked like he had been abused for several days, so this The cup was brought to Mu Rulan.

“Thank you grandma.” Mu Rulan took the plate with a gentle smile, but pulled in the Akijin Junko who was about to leave, ignoring Ke Changhuang’s staring line of sight: “I suddenly went to my grandpa and grandma’s The story is very interesting. I didn’t expect my grandfather to be cold and serious. In fact, it was a sultry. I was not allowed to let my grandmother cook for me. It was too cold. “

Yajitsu Junko looked at Ke Changhuang in surprise, but suddenly lowered his head without seeing anything at all. The bitter taste in his heart permeated him. He was really mean, and for decades, he could not see the reality and the red dust. Still looking forward to this person’s love …

Mu Rulan opened the lid, and the white hot mist swelled up, and the fragrance instantly filled the entire study. The cup in Ke Changhuang’s hand was not so heavy because it was opened and kept cold, so the fragrance flew over. Ke Changhuang frowned suddenly, how could he not smell the taste of the medicated diet for ten years …

Mu Rulan blinked. “Grandpa, did you find that Grandma Chunzi makes more incense than Aunt Xiaoqing?”

“This is what you did ?!” Ke Changhuang stared at Yajitsu Junzi sharply.

Akutsu Junko took a step back subconsciously, lowering his head and raising his eyebrows without talking.

Ke Changhuang’s face became even more displeased, but Mu Rulan did not seem to see this scene, took a sip of soup, his eyes narrowed and enjoyed, “Well … great, really worthy of Junzi grandma, listen to Uncle Zhao, Chunzi My grandmother makes medicated diet every night. Xiaoyi is so happy that she can eat such a delicious medicated police uniform and guard every day. “Then, picking up her medicated diet and holding up Mo Qianren, she did not see The tension between the two elders was similar, and they went out with a smile and said, “Qian and I will return to the room to rest first. Good night, grandpa and grandma.”

The door of the study was closed gently, and the sound of something slamming into the ground was broken in the next second. Ke Changhuang was bound to be furious, but with Ajitsu Junko in there, she did not worry about Ke Changhuang because of Something unexpected happened when the blood pressure rose. The woman seemed weak, but she was strong and admirable and sorry. If it wasn’t for the person she fell in love with, Ke Changhuang, she would be happier than she is now.

The medicated food on his hand was taken over by a slightly cold hand. Mu Rulan slightly turned his head and saw the man’s slightly pale and clean face, the smile on the corner of his lips bent, holding his hand into the distance Her room.

The lights suddenly illuminated the environment in the room. When Mo Qianren came in, Mu Rulan closed the door.

“Why did you suddenly return to China? Did you miss me?” Mu Rulan took the medicated meal and placed it on the table, then reached out and hugged the man’s waist, his cheeks pinched his chest, like a tender and soft The cat suddenly made the man’s heart soft.

Mo Qianren paused, and then reached out and hugged the person. The black hair passed across the palm and passed through the nerves to the heart, causing his heart to tremble slightly, and he put his cheek against her head. Hugging her tightly, the sweet voice responded softly: “Yes.”

The smile on Mu Rulan ’s lips was deeper, and his upper body gently withdrew from his embrace, looking up at him, his eyes clear and warm, and he seemed to be a little delicate and innocent, “I want to kiss you. Let ’s kiss, good or not?”

Can such words be asked as questions? It’s too shameful! You should use action directly!

Mo Qianren has not been immune to Mu Rulan’s words that don’t come out of shame from time to time. I don’t know when he will not feel embarrassed because of her words, but he is embarrassed. His temptation to Mu Rulan always seems to be There is no resistance.

The girl’s cheeks were slightly lifted, and looking down from Mo Qianren’s perspective, it seemed like a little bit of charm, and invited him to taste the tempting pink.

And he was seduced by the fallen angel with black wings.

The warm breath blended, and the heart jumped violently, and the four lips were about to stick together, but Mu Rulan suddenly put aside his head and smiled dumbly into the arms of Mo Qianren. It’s like a mischievous child who succeeds in pranks. After tickling, he jumps away and entertains the kitten.

It was obvious that Mo Qianren, who had been teased and teased, instantly reddened his ears, and his body was a bit stiff. The bad girl in her arms smiled very happily. He could clearly feel her slightly trembling body with a smile, and her heart was so hot. Pole, I don’t know is shame and annoyed.

It’s so awful!

It’s almost as if you suddenly snatched the bones that Big Dog’s favorite got to his mouth! So the big dog must be desperate to chase it back!

Catching the girl’s delicate chin that fooled him, kissed with shame and annoyance, and wanted to bite her lips as a bone, but found that he couldn’t bear it, and only licked gently, carefully. Contained.

The laughter was blocked in the mouth, and suddenly he was kissed by Mu Rulan, but his eyes were bent into a crescent the next second, and he stretched out his hand to hook his neck, and opened his seductive lilac tongue in response to the man’s kiss.

The sound of kisses simmering in each other’s ears, people who have not been ashamed will be ashamed of themselves first, followed by a gradually heavy breathing, sweetly blended together to form an original and beautiful taste that is hard to resist. .

Just as he was about to get out of control, the man opened his eyes and left the seductive zone, “I’m going to take a shower.”

Subconsciously blocking the crotch part, Mo Qiang strode to the bathroom to leave Mu Rulan still standing back a bit, but he was still in the same place, with a little mist in his blank eyes, like pure white stained with color Angel, while trying to resist the temptation, she wants to keep her pure and immaculate, but she also wants to be savage with other colors.

For a while, Mu Rulan calmed down, looked at the bathroom with the sound of water, walked towards it, knocked on the bathroom door, and asked with a soft voice, “Are the modest people solving physiological problems for themselves?”

The soap that Mo Qianren held in his hand suddenly flew out of the hand and fell to the ground due to the sudden clenching of his hand.

Mu Rulan added: “No, Qianren is mine, and Xiaoqian is mine. If they are so naughty and want to run out, I will eat them all.” Qian People are so cute, so how can so many lovely little Qian people be abandoned so casually? In this way, they will be sad, so in order to make Xiaoqian people not feel lonely and pitiful, she wants nothing left and eats it all.

Mo Qianren reached out and covered her ears. She didn’t want to listen to the words of the shameless woman. It was very difficult to press down a little bit of **. It was obvious that her words rushed to the lower abdomen with violent and turbulent feelings.

“Qianren?” Mu Rulan softly sang at the door as softly as his coquettish voice. It was not aggressive, but more unbearable than aggressive. Every shout was like temptation, separated. Didn’t let him go by the door? This abominable bad guy.

“Qianren …” The voice was suddenly stopped by the white mist rushing out of the opened bedroom door. The man in the mist reached out and carried the girl into his arms, and the skin with water drops clinging to the girl’s delicate body.

Mu Rulan’s hand was captured, and then placed on the small Qianren who Mu Lulan was thinking about. Mo Qiang pressed Mu Rulan’s head on his chest, a little biting his teeth, “No peeping!”

“I want to see it.” Mu Rulan found that his head couldn’t move, and he did not know how to feel shame while doing well. The lip said against the man’s bare skin, and the warm breath was also sprinkled on the other’s skin. What else was there besides stimulating and stimulating?

“No!” Mo Qianren put his chin on Mu Rulan’s head, his breathing was messy, his cheeks were reddish, “Don’t always seduce me, so I can’t talk about the business … uh … don’t make trouble …”

“What’s the matter of Qianren?” Mu Rulan blinked, and her eyelashes brushed the skin on his chest. The pulsating pulsation made her feel very interesting.

“Ivey you let go?”

“Um.” Mu Rulan couldn’t help but want to look down, but immediately found the intention, and was pressed back to his chest.

“… Why?” Mo Qianren tried to stay awake.

“I don’t know … I want to watch.” Mo Qianren couldn’t be sober, and Mu Rulan did the same. She always wanted to look down at something that could make a man’s indifferent face dyed with other colors. She wanted to take I have it, so Mo Qianren will only show her this seductive look forever, but if she snatches it, Mo Qianren will be incomplete, she wo n’t be willing to, so I have to work hard to make it obedient Obedient in her hands.

“… No …”

“I want to see.”


The next day.

The sun is shining and it is a bright day in winter.

Li Xiaoqing’s dress appeared brightly at the door of Ke Changhuang. After she gave Ke Changhuang a medicated meal last night, while an outsider said a few words of Ke Bangrou to Ke Changhuang, coupled with the fact that Ke Bangrou had never done anything wrong, Ke Changhuang had no trouble Seeing that in the past ten years of medicated diet, Ke Bangrou agreed to return to Ke’s home first. At this moment, Ke Bangrou had returned, and Li Xiaoqing was in a good mood, so he planned to see if he could accompany Ke Changhuang for a morning walk. Of the three aunts, she is the most prestigious and most favored.

At this moment, Ke Changhuang was probably awake, and she knocked on the door with a bright smile on her face, but when the door opened, her smile suddenly froze and caused the latest chapter in trouble.

“Why are you here ?!” Li Xiaoqing suddenly sank and asked fiercely, as if Ajitsu Junko robbed her of something.

Ajitsu Junko didn’t answer when she stood at the door. In fact, she felt a little embarrassed. Everything yesterday seemed to be just dreaming, making her vague. It was a bit unclear whether she thought it out or was real.

“I ask you something! Is it dumb?” Li Xiaoqing was anxious, and forgot that there were still people in the room.

Yajitsu Junko has always been the most guarded person between her and Lin Yuyan. When Yajitsu Junko entered the door of Ke’s house, he was not even an adult. The three were also pregnant with their children, but their eyes were clearly visible. Ke Changhuang It is special to Akutsu Junko, what is this special, how could they not know that they have been rolling in the dust for so many years?

When Ke Changhuang doesn’t love anyone, they have the chance to survive in the Ke family. If Ke Changhuang falls in love with someone, is there still the possibility of them having a meal? Impossible, so they worked together to design and let the child in the belly of Ajitsu Junko run away, but they gave birth to a son in their lives.

I thought this was all over. How could I know that Ajitsu Junko, who had fallen out of favor for so long, suddenly conceived Ke Changhuang’s child, and she and Lin Yuyan framed her? It was she who had committed adultery with her subordinates. After all, Ke Changhuang hadn’t told her for so long After falling asleep, how to conceive and conceive, but Ke Changhuang let her be born, still a boy!

This is undoubtedly a threat to them, because if Yajiu Junzi is favored, then the Ke family must have a Ke Shiqing. In order to prevent them from getting those two mothers and sons, Li Xiaoqing has not worked hard, but now? What is going on now? In the room of Ke Changhuang, who had begun to sleep alone a long time ago, and no longer wanted them to serve, did he get out of an Ajitsu Junko early in the morning? !! She still wears yesterday’s clothes!

What happened did not need Ajitsu Junko’s answer at all, Li Xiaoqing had already made up his mind clearly and suddenly became furious, like catching the original match of Xiaosan, and raised his hand and slapped Ajitsu Junko in a slap. Go on, “You shameless bitch!”

A “snap” was the sound of being caught on the wrist.

“Early in the morning, what noisy ?!” Ke Changhuang looked grimly at Li Xiaoqing, who was grabbed by his wrist, and his cold, full of sharp eagle eyes scared Li Xiaoqing’s face pale.

“Master, me, I …”

“Bitch? Who gave you this right to scold my woman ?!” Ke Changhuang was furious. The two women never bullied Akutsu Junko in his sight, and Akutsu Junko himself was a silent one, plus Uncle Zhao intentionally helped the two women, so Ke Changhuang never had a chance to know that he would be so angry when he saw Yajitsu Junko being scolded.

Li Xiaoqing was so scared that he couldn’t speak, and he was trembling, afraid to die, but in his heart he was even more jealous and hated by the protected Ajitsu Junko, she should kill her! This woman is indeed a scourge! And her son who might rob Ke from her son!

Ke Changhuang thought that the woman Li Xiaoqing had fooled him like a fool for so many years, taking away the contribution of Yajitsu Junko to him, she felt disgusted and extremely disgusted, and suddenly roared: “Zhao Lin!”

Uncle Zhao hurriedly ran upstairs. He had no idea just now when he was downstairs. “Yes.”

“Where can this woman be thrown at me! Whoever dares to plead will throw it out together! If this little thing is not done well, you don’t have to come back!”

Uncle Zhao chuckled in his heart and said quickly: “Yes!”

Li Xiaoqing was stunned. For a moment, he didn’t understand what Ke Changhuang said.

Mu Rulan’s house was right next to Ke Changhuang. This loud noise woke up Mo Qiang at the beginning, and Mu Rulan slept sweetly in the warm quilt.

Carefully dug her head out of the quilt and put it on the pillow. Mo Qianren got up in trousers and no shirt and went to a toilet. The heating in the room was not too cold. When he came back, he poured a glass of water and left. At the window, I opened a few curtains and looked out. He has no intention of going out and blending in. He is still an outsider and is not qualified to manage Ke Changhuang’s affairs, and he is not interested in such things. He is shameful and puzzled by the behavior of several women like Ke Changhuang. He believes that Loving someone is enough to exhaust all your energy. Where else can I share it with others? He didn’t even have the energy to share the Holy Evil with others in the corners of his eyes.

At this point, the black car stopped at the door of Ke’s house, and Ke Bangrou, who had been away from home for several days, walked down from the car. His behavior seemed to be slightly improved compared to the previous day. It seemed that the aristocratic etiquette training class was pretty good. Yes, at least let the pheasant know how to make his feathers more beautiful, and his behavior is a little more straightforward.

She laughed at the corner of her mouth and looked at the luxurious and beautiful villa in front of her. She looked a lot more confident. This trip allowed her to find her mentor and friend in the training class, and taught her many things and strategies for fighting pets. She no longer Afraid that Ke Jinlan didn’t want to see Mu Rulan’s face again, she would tear off the identity of Mu Rulan’s Princess Ke! She can definitely do it!

Suddenly, Ke Bangrou seemed to be dragged. He looked up slightly and looked at Mu Rulan’s room window on the third floor. A man’s figure fell into view. He stood there, looking at the distance, his hand. Holding a water glass, the sun fell on his upper body, as if forming a strange and special enchantment, as cold as water, the hustle and bustle disappeared around him …

He seemed to be aware of the line of sight, looking down slightly downstairs, and glanced indifferently at the girl he was looking at. Her figure did not appear at all in her eyes, as if she were just an ant, like this His eyes made Ke Wanqing feel an unbelievable excitement in her heart …

I want to be seen by such a man, I want to surrender under him …

“Master! Master, you can’t do this to me, master!” Li Xiaoqing’s voice burst into his ear suddenly, and asked Ke Bangrou to look back at him, looking at the door, and saw Uncle Zhao dragging Li Xiaoqing out of the house, And Li Xiaoqing looked at the room with tears in his face, struggling constantly.

Ke Bangrou was frightened, ran over, panicked, grabbed Uncle Zhao’s hand, “Grandma! … Uncle Zhao! What are you doing, Uncle Zhao? Quickly let go of my grandma!”

As soon as Li Xiaoqing saw Ke Bangrou, he immediately caught a life-saving straw, “Huanrou, Huanrou! Please hurry up with your grandfather! Hurry!”

Where does Ke Bangrou know what the situation is now, but Li Xiaoqing asks her to plead, and she quickly nods and rushes into the room. Li Xiaoqing is her reliance on the Ke family. If Li Xiaoqing is gone, her useless mother and her Dad of business, how could she have a stage to show her talents?

It was only when Ke Bangrou entered the gate that he was immediately pulled out by the male servant managed by Uncle Zhao. Ke Changhuang said, whoever dared to plead would throw it out.

Ke Bangrou didn’t expect this to happen, so she returned ambitiously, but she was thrown out without even saying a word? How can this be?

“Grandpa! Grandpa! Don’t treat me like this, I will be very obedient and do not drive me out! Grandpa …” Ke Bangrou clutched the door and did not go out, crying sadly.

Lin Yuyan, Xiong Lili, and others stood in the hall and looked at the scene, but they didn’t feel refreshed at all, they just felt extremely embarrassed, and felt like the next person to be thrown out like this was them!

This noise finally awakened Mu Rulan. When Ke Bangrou got out of the car, Mu Rulan had woke up quietly, brushing his teeth slowly and washing his face, then came down with Mo Qianren, and saw Ke Bangrou stabbing the door At the scene where she didn’t go out, Mu Rulan’s lips suddenly smirked. Ke Bangrou looked ridiculous.

Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren’s footsteps attracted everyone in the living room, also called Ko Bangrou. When her sight fell on Mo Qianren, she immediately ignored Mu Rulan, who was holding hands with him. Looking at him pitifully, “Please! Please help me, I know nothing and do nothing, please, as long as you are willing to help me, I can promise you …”

Ke Bangrou also thought that the Mo Qian people were a noble guest of the Ke family, because the Mo Qian people seemed to be a high-ranking emperor figure, and Mu Rulan’s boyfriend was a poor high school teacher.

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