Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore

Chapter 152 - v104 banged

The strong and pungent smell was a bit unbearable. Eber could not help but frowned, and retreated a bit. It happened that the top body at this time seemed to roll down because it was still convulsing. And fell to the ground.

“Huh?” There seemed to be a few people’s heads holding their arms and looking at Mo Qianren’s direction. The man who looked at the effect of the medicine turned his head, his voice seemed quiet in the dark, and his brown pupils reflected. The two piles of sacks in the shape of a pyramid, piled up in front of the door, had sharp eyes, as if they could see the scenery behind them through the sacks. After a while, they slowly moved forward and walked over.

The only chandelier was swayed by the wind blowing from the door in the large space, only the middle one was brighter, and all around was in the shadows. It was difficult to see the outline of the face when the figure was visible.

The leather shoes stepped on the dirty tiles, making a slight footsteps, the shaking light flickered over the man who came, the man was wearing a black suit, the figure was straight, and the light reflected the glasses on the bridge of his nose, like a serious Deep social elite.

He walked towards the piles of sandbags, his eyes sharp and cold.

Mu Rulan and Eber retracted, Eber felt that his heart was almost jumping to his throat, but Mu Rulan looked calm and sharp eyes. She blocked in front of Eber, squatted on the ground, and fell down. The pressed upper body looks like a fierce cat ready to go and kill its prey.

The man walked to the edge where the sandbag rolled down, just facing the door, the autumn wind was blowing, his hair drifted, he looked coldly behind the empty sandbag, and saw that the bag rolled down from the “fresh From time to time, the sandbags twitched a few times, because their boss disliked that they didn’t taste good, so they just packed them up as trash.

The gaze under the lens glanced at the dark road surrounded by sandbags and the wall, and the bald man there uttered strangely, “What is the situation of the vice team?”

As the deputy captain of the c-d detachment, they have a keen instinct like a beast. Thanks to this intuition, they are able to do more with less when catching Moqian. Of course, their minds are not simple.

Holding the elbow, the vice team pushed and pushed the glasses, reached out to close the door that kept blowing into the wind, “It’s okay.” After closing the door, he walked back, “How’s the situation?”

“It’s almost the same as before. This man is too strong-willed. I think I’ll give him a test of ‘nine pills’. The drugs in front of him are useless at all.”

“It’s almost effective.” The deputy’s quiet voice said, as he walked, his footsteps seemed quite dominant, “The same test, we will go back when the boss gets the latest thing.”


Mu Rulan and Eber hid on the side of the sack pile, which meant that as long as the people in the house looked at them side by side, they could see them, but thankfully they did not. After the deputy team left, Mu Rulan and Eber only moved back. His feet were also sacks. When he stepped on those things, Eber’s face was a little green. Although he was a madman studying metamorphosis, it did not mean he liked the place. In the corpse, I like to step on the body! He is not perverted!

Mu Rulan didn’t have time for Liebo, she frowned, wondering, what had she just heard? What nine pills? drug? With whom to test?

The whole space is like the first floor of a small factory. There is nothing empty. Except that the orange and yellow slabs on the ground prove that it used to be a villa, it looks like a run-down factory. Mu Rulan and Egypt Bo was at the door. Two cages were in front of the wall on the right side of the house. The deputy was standing in front of the wall on the left. The chandeliers were above the empty middle. So they were all in the dark surrounding. They seemed to be both. Hate too bright environment.

So Mu Rulan couldn’t see the cage there, and she couldn’t even see two black cages inside, but she heard a lot of female voices coming from there.

“Brother Can Dao reads the full text! You speak! How much does it cost? Call me! My father will give you!”

“let me out!”

“What the **** do you want to do?! … What the **** do they want to do? Hey! You talk! The man over there! Talk!”


The noise was noisy. Some people were nervous and scared to cover up with arrogance, others were crying, and others were screaming at the iron cage.

Mu Rulan’s ears moved, her eyes blinked, the sound of iron? Lame sound? Those women weren’t tied up, and the voice of ironware … was they kept in a … iron cage?

“You stay here and don’t move.” Mu Rulan said to Eber gently. At first sight, Eber was not a hands-on item. Don’t forget that he was almost killed by her when he first met. Since it’s still obedient, you can save her hind legs.

Eber said that it is not a gentleman’s job to let a lady go to Longtan Tiger’s Hole, but he knows a few pounds and a few. He knows that Mu Rulan is a highly intelligent mentally ill person, which is obviously more useful than him. Let yourself be dragged on by the other side, he is still honestly waiting to see if there is any place for him.

Suddenly thought of something, Mu Rulan just took a small step back again, “You leave here.”


“Shh, obedient, they are crowded. We need help. I have to see where amon is. If I get caught, you can’t run. I can still cover you now. Go out and call fbi. “Ok?” Mu Rulan said in a low voice. She didn’t give Eber any chance to oppose her. She leaned her hands on the ground and slowly leaned against the door. The door had just been closed by the man. She was going to close it now. reopen.

Eber shouldn’t be followed in the first place.

The door was not locked, but the wind outside was not enough to blow it open. Mu Rulan’s palms were down. The small hand could just pass through the bottom of the door to grab the door. The hand that was protruding outside using the shadow was completely empty. Seeing that, one side of the door opened slightly.

The people inside looked out immediately, “Why the door opened?”

“Let it be blown by the wind. It has been windy lately.”

“Go shut.”

“Wait a minute, I’ll go pee first.”

The deputy team stared at the door drifting into the wind for a while, then moved their eyes and continued to stare at Mo Qian in the cage over there. Suddenly it was so far away that it was not easy to observe, and walked towards the opposite side.

At this instant, Ebermai, who had a nervous heart that almost jumped out of his throat, ran out with long legs, and someone immediately heard a twist of his head, but at that moment, another sandbag at the top rolled down. It sounded that the sound just came from the sandbag.

“Damn! They all said don’t pile so high! I don’t want to get out of the sand when I want to play sand!” The bald yelled, strode over, closed the door with a slam, and shoved the sandbag out of range. It seemed a bit unpleasant, walked in front of the sandbag, kicked it, and the sandbag, which was shaped like a pyramid, suddenly collapsed. He patted it and strode back.

Outside, Eber’s chest was very undulating, but he had to press tightly and walk back against the wall. He usually contacted the FBI people to help cia work. The two departments are all Hollywood actions that make people’s heartbeats accelerate. The blockbuster department is indispensable. As a result, he didn’t feel it at all. Instead, he and Mu Rulan experienced what is called a heartbeat acceleration chrysanthemum.

Now he only hopes that Mu Rulan can really find Mo Qiang in it, or if he is mistaken, Mo Qianlan knows that he ran Mu Rulan into the vicious metamorphosis nest, although it was Mu Rulan Asked for help, but he will still die unsightly! No!

The pile of corpses collapsed, Mu Rulan could only lie down and block her body by the only bulge like a small hill bag. She glanced forward, but found that there was no shelter at all. Quietly approaching …

At this time, Dou Long read the full text.

The high-intensity drugs create the ultimate illusion that cannot be controlled. The body seems to be flying to heaven, and the most important sights, people and things in the mind appear in front of you.

The chest was violently undulating, and Mo Qianren’s breathing was a little heavier. He looked at Mu Rulan who smiled at him and reached out to him. He slammed the ground to prevent his hand from reaching out, and could no longer make a new one. The blood on the ground makes the color darker, fake! This is an illusion! Drugs are working to trick the eyes and the body!

“The effect seems to be more obvious than before.” The deputy team stood outside the iron cage and carefully observed: “But I have to say that it is really a different kind of Mohist. You have been doing scientific research for generations, hands and brains. Kung fu is great, but his physique is very weak, otherwise your father would not be killed so easily … “

Mu Rulan’s eyes brightened, Mohist? The man spoke Chinese. Although it was a little awkward, Mu Rulan understood it. Is Qianren there?

“Hey!” Most of the women in the cage over there are tired. After being transported to the present day, I did n’t eat or drink, and I was worried that my nerves would become extremely tight, and I was gradually relaxed and tired. Up, there were only one or two girls who looked stronger than younger girls and said unwillingly, “What are you doing to catch me? Have you contacted my family?”

No one bothered them, so the voice stopped, and Mu Rulan could more clearly hear what they were saying.

“Yes, doesn’t this drug contain a small amount of aphrodisiac?” The bald head standing next to the vice team suddenly felt his head, and smiled wretchedly and evilly.

The vice-team looked at him, and the bald head immediately said, “Just to see how much sense he still has, I heard that he seems to have a fiancee …”

Mu Rulan frowned suddenly.

The vice team glanced at the bald head, then nodded slightly, and the bald head immediately turned excitedly to grab a woman from the iron cage on the other side and throw it in. The drug was made for the rich, and one can make people Comfortable and refreshing at night, add more fun, of course, the most important point is that it is very addictive, those infatuated rich people always like to buy this kind of injection and then go to bed with others, they deceive themselves to think that this is in Go to bed with their favorite person, hypocrisy and many people love to play.

There was a sudden beep at the door, telling the woman who was about to catch the woman’s bald head and turned her head, so she saw the girl standing on top of the sandbags who seemed to be in a hurry to escape, and fell on it.

The vice team pushed the glasses. “Sure enough, there is a little mouse who wants to escape.”

The bald strode over immediately.

Mu Rulan stood up in a hurry, ran to the door and wanted to open the door, and then ran out of her head the next second, and her scalp was a little numb. She was pulled with her hair and almost fell back.

The bald head dragged Mu Rulan and dragged there, looked at Mu Rulan’s face, and found that her face and clothes were stained with sandbags, and she turned away unconsciously, shouting, “Who is this? The mouse you caught? You let her run away, it’s a shame to c-d1! “

“Don’t! Let me go! My family has no money, let me go out!” Mu Rulan struggled, reaching out and slap the bald arm, but that little effort was not even able to make the bald head angry, just like tickling, just from time to time She felt a little stinging, probably from her nails.

With one in hand, the bald head would naturally be too lazy to go to the female prison to unlock and catch people, and directly grab Mu Rulan and throw it into the cage where Mo Qianren was.

Mu Rulan fell to the ground, her palms were numb, and the dark environment covered her face, which was panic-stricken and faded.

The bald head and the deputy were all staring at the back, but there was no movement on the side of Mo Qianren. The deputy looked at the watch on their wrists, “I’ll see what’s going on with the boss.”

“Yes! I will keep staring at them.”

The deputy team left, and Mu Rulan stood up slowly, as if he was curious about the man, and hesitantly walked over to the latest chapter of the tricky file.

With his back to the bald head, Mu Rulan’s eyes fell tightly on the Moqian. He sat against the wall, hanging his head, his black hair pulled down deafly, and the heavy shadow covered his face. One knee was bent, one arm was resting on it, and the palm was covering his forehead. Even in such a place, his figure still looked so lonely. If it was not the other hand clasping the ground tightly, who knows that he is at the moment Worried?

The shadow shrouded him, Mu Rulan squatted down and shouted softly, “Qianren …”

Mo Qianren’s body trembled, his hand on the ground tightened a bit. Fake … drugs are working … it’s fake … his Lan Lan cannot appear here …

Mu Rulan frowned slightly, reaching out and covering Mo Qianren’s head, “Qianren …”

Just after touching his hair with his hand, Mo Qianren suddenly left his place as if stimulated by something, and stood slightly shaking Mu Lulan, Liu Liu looked down at Mu Rulan, She shook her head fiercely, there was touch and temperature, this is not an illusion, she is really alone, but she cannot be Mu Rulan, it is impossible …

Mu Rulan stared at the ground tightly at this moment. As soon as Mo Qianren left, the shadow was not so heavy. She squatted on the ground again, and naturally saw the large blood stains that had come out, her beautiful eyes gradually gradually It became deeper, as if the light illuminating the black glass was blocked by dark clouds. After a while, she stood up to face Mo Qianren.

“do not come……”

“I’m Lan Lan …” Mu Rulan looked at him and walked slowly.

“You’re not …” Mo Qianren frowned, looking at the woman who was slowly walking towards him, and stepped back unsteadily.

The bald head clasped his ears outside, he couldn’t understand Chinese, and was a bit puzzled.

Mu Rulan kept approaching, Mo Qianren kept backing, Mu Rulan glanced over the hand pushed by Mo Qianren’s sleeve, and there was a little blue mark on the elbow socket. Will leave pinhole marks …

Nine pills … drugs … test …

In other words, is the person she used to inject drugs to test the effect of her humility?

The shadow of Liu Hai blocked the eyes, blocking the splendid expression that instantly became strange, and a low voice sounded softly, “Humble man, don’t run away, I will be angry.”

Mo Qian’s body is stiff, is it an illusion? Not an illusion? Is it an illusion? This illusion is too real, Mu Rulan’s tone, Mu Rulan’s voice, and even her face had been disguised and smeared with blood, making him think Mu Rulan had come here …



If it is true?

Mo Qian’s eyes widened slightly, his whole body was stiff, and he smelled Mu Rulan’s comfortable fragrance under his nose, and his arms wrapped around his neck.

Mu Rulan sighed softly and comfortably, her lips twitched and moved gently, her eyes were gentle and weird, “I want to … kill them!”

She feels very upset. People who touch other people’s things without permission are really annoying, and sure enough, they all die. All!

The sky was dark and the fog on the sea was a little heavier. Eber finally got on the boat and started paddling a little bit. As a result, he didn’t know how long before he came to the wrong direction. He was behind the island. The boat should go right around the island, but in a hurry, it went straight ahead …

After struggling to plan back again, I have to work hard to stay away from the island, otherwise I would definitely be caught if I saw him.

The signal around the island was disturbed, and the phone could not be dialed out. Eber did n’t know how Mu Rulan was doing. He could n’t call FBI to tell him. He was in a hurry, and accidentally, the boat turned around a few times Just don’t move forward.

Paralysis, now is the moment of life and death!

Suddenly, the dark shadow of a large ship approached slowly in the fog. Eber hurriedly hid the boat far away. As a result, the speed of the ship was much faster than his oars, and he easily passed by him. Gliding past, he heard someone talking, his voice intermittent.

“… Tomorrow … Trial … Italy …”


what? Eber frowned, didn’t understand, and now he didn’t have time to bother, and continued to paddle to the beach, only to find that he didn’t know the direction at all! He is like a small ant in the middle of the sea. There is no lighthouse.


The bustling metropolis, neon lights illuminate the world, colorful and seemingly beautiful, but it is messy and dirty.

In the tall building, the man stands on the top floor, and the entire wall is full of floor-to-ceiling windows. He is on the highest floor and looks down at the colorful dust below.

The door was knocked softly, and then opened gently. She was dressed in a high-end custom-made women’s suit and fitted to her body. She looked strong and cold and aggressive.

“Boss, you should go back, Miss Lengyue is waiting for you.”

Bai Moli didn’t move, his tall body was straight and ruthless, and the cold air field shrouded all around, sharp like the eyes of an eagle, without the slightest emotion.

Xue Ke watched Bai Moli for a while, without disturbing him anymore, pulling the doorknob to get out, and heard the voice of a man.

“Let her sleep first, and don’t have to wait for me in the future.”

Xue Ke lifted his eyes and looked at Bai Moli’s back, and gave a soft response, then backed out.

The door closed gently, Xue Ke sighed softly, turned and walked to his desk, picked up the phone and dialed a number of numbers, and it was quickly picked up over there. A female voice came. After hearing Xue Ke’s words, she was silent for a long time. “I see. Thank you, Xue Ke.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Lengyue.” Xue Ke’s official tone.

The people over there listened to her as she called her, her smile stiffened a little, and she thought about what she said, “Is it true that the princess of the Ke family has contacted you?”

Suddenly trying to hang up, Xue Ke was still expressionless, “Is there anything wrong?”

“It’s nothing, just a little curious. It seems that Pofeng and Izumo have been in a bad mood recently because of her sister’s feeling a little worried. Can I go to their school to see?”

“Boss doesn’t imprison your personal freedom. You don’t need to ask every time if you want to go.” Xue Ke frowned. “If it’s okay, I’ll hang up, and I have to deal with business.”

“Okay, bye.”

Hanging up the phone, Xue Ke glanced at Bai Moli’s office, sat down, picked up a document, and looked up.

Opposite this building is the big mall.

Bai Moli’s sharp eagle eyes fell on the top floor, and the expression of that young girl appeared in her mind. She was not afraid at such a high distance? Or is it fearless? A way of cherishing life but welcoming death with ease and fearlessness. Now thinking about it, it’s really annoying. Maybe he should just throw her down like this, instead of inexplicably pulling her up again. Her death can give The Ke family brought a big impact, right?

that must be very interesting……

Just thinking about the mood is a lot of joy on the boat.

The phone on the desktop rang suddenly, Bai Moli reached out to pick it up, and a husky male voice came over there, “boss, the church boat has crossed the border.”

“Position.” Bai Mo frowned slightly from her brow, and her breath filled her eyes.

“On Cheber Island.”

“Boom it.”

“Yes!” The people over there were a little excited, and they liked to blast people into dregs, especially those in the church.

Crossing without permission, the United States is the territory of the White Empire. The church broke in without permission and did not say hello. It was against the original contract. He would not be polite.

Of course, this transit is not another transit.

The big ship leaned towards the island. The black hull was marked with “s-p” in red paint. The people in the room received the news and many people ran out.

Bald headed at the door of the iron cage of Mo Qianren, only to realize afterwards that he was standing asleep and fell asleep. They screamed: “Damn, who ran all Look at people ?! “

“Everyone is locked to watch a fart.” Who ran back and returned to him.

“Ouch bitch!” He bald and spit, he had to see the medicinal effects of Mo Qianren, and couldn’t leave the post without permission.

Mu Rulan looked at the caretaker on the first floor. There was only one bald head left. I didn’t know what was going on outside, but after all, it was God helping her. She was holding Mo Qianren’s head and counting time. The bald head outside As the numbers in Mu Rulan’s heart passed, gradually her eyelids shook more and more, and finally she slammed and fell asleep on the ground.

Mu Rulan’s lips were raised, and she had small anaesthetic needles. One of the gains from her shopping yesterday. When she just caught her with a bald head, she gave him a few needles when he slapped his arm. The other person was rough. The thick man thought he was shaving her nails and did not care at all, but because it was not directly penetrated into the blood vessels, the onset rate was much slower. Fortunately, it was still useful.

Mu Rulan looked at Mo Qianren and helped him sit back on the ground. When he let go, he got up and went out, but his hand was pulled.

The effects of drugs on ordinary people will last for three hours. The Mo Qian people have not been able to stand still at this time, but their senses have not been replaced by physical sensations.

“Don’t run around …” Mo Qianren moved his throat and clenched Mu Rulan’s fingers, “Stay by my side …”

“You don’t want to run around.” Mu Rulan bent down and caressed his pale face, revealing a weird gentleness, “The next time I just run around casually, hiding me from this place and being bullied … Just breaking your legs makes you never run, you can only stay with me. “

After saying that, he pulled Mo Qianren’s hand away, turned around and went out. Now, she has to collect the account.

Damn it …

Mo Qianren looked at Mu Rulan’s back, rubbed his forehead fiercely, and there were ten minutes …

Mu Rulan stepped out of the iron cage, looked at the heavy bald head who fell to the ground, and crouched down on him, touching a gun and a dagger.

Mu Rulan took a look. There were only three bullets in the magazine. They could not be used casually. Although he had learned from the North Jiangsu Shao in Beijing and had a lot of marksmanship, but the three bullets were still very much against many people Yes, and the sound of gunfire will attract others’ attention.

and so……

The cold light of the dagger flashed on his hand, and he fell into his heart with his sword. He opened his eyes with a bald head, widened his eyes and looked at Mu Rulan, his mouth opened, after all, it was still a sound Did not shout out the latest chapter of the movie Plane Adventures.

“Ah!” Someone in the cell over there shouted in horror.

Mu Rulan looked sideways and said solemnly, “Shut up if you don’t want to die.”

After all, these women are not stupid. The so-called enemy is a friend. They immediately cover their mouths and stop speaking. They just widen their eyes and look at Mu Rulan, thinking that this is an agent of fbi? Although calm is a bit scary when the killer is not soft, it is still cool!

The dagger was pulled out, and the blood splattered out. Mu Rulan wiped the dagger on his clothes, looked outside, and quickly ran to the second floor.

There are many outsiders. The second floor has at most one or two, and the environment is more suitable for sneak attacks than the empty first floor. Well, sneak attacks, she has always been an expert in sneak attacks.

There are several rooms on the second floor. One of them heard the popping sound, the hoarse and painful screams of women and the screams of excitement and dirtyness of men, which is probably what she and Eber encountered when they came in The woman who was fucked.

Mu Rulan quietly pushed open the door. The man inside was a little over-excited and didn’t notice that the back door was opened. A small yellow lamp was turned on in the room, probably because the island hadn’t lived for a long time. The power supply is not sufficient, so the lights are dim.

The man’s bare buttocks were facing Mu Rulan. The woman was almost dizzy and couldn’t pinch his waist, and her eyes blurred, and in the next second, a white shadow suddenly appeared in her sight, causing her heart to tremble. After a moment, he suddenly woke up again, and then the man on her suddenly made a sudden move, widened his eyes and looked stunned, and fell on the woman, exposing the knife on his back and the gentle smile on his back. Girl.

For a very good student in both clinical medicine and forensic science, it is not difficult to find the position of the heart accurately, coupled with the cold and ruthless and ruthless efforts to insert in it.

“Are you okay?” Mu Rulan smiled a little. She pushed the body of the man pressed against her, and saw the woman’s terrible lower body. The upper body was full of scars, and some were still burned by cigarette butts.

The woman gazed at Mu Rulan, saw her tearing off the curtain and covering her, and saw her worried and gentle appearance. The warm eyes looked at her as if living with two little suns, more than the sunshine. Warm … even if her hands are scarlet blood, for her at the moment, there is nothing more grateful than her.

“Do you know how many people are upstairs? How many people are they in total? How about force?” Mu Rulan asked.

The woman quickly looked back, glanced at the corpse, and soon thought about what it was like. She frowned and said anxiously: “There are four people beside him on the second floor. There are about fifteen on the first floor. Everyone has a gun. The deputy captain of the c-d1 detachment has the highest force value. He has an orient samurai sword. It’s very good! The terrible monster, in the only room on the first floor, two women are brought in every two days, then put into sacks and thrown out … “

Mu Rulan glanced at her, knowing a lot, she seemed to have a special identity, but no matter what, she would not be the enemy for the time being.

There are fifteen downstairs and four upstairs. They go out to catch people during the day. They are probably resting now, so, of course, go and kill the upstairs first.

Probably because they are engaged in drug control and brain training, so they are not as vigilant as soldiers, and do not think there will be any danger in their territory. Mu Rulan easily inserted his heart and heart in their sleep in bed. I inserted it like radish.

In the last room, Mu Rulan gently pushed open the door. In the dark room, she saw a man lying on the bed, observed the door, and confirmed that the other person’s breathing was stable, and the chest undulation was indeed in a deep sleep, only slowly. Walk in slowly, and the door behind you closes gently, revealing the man standing behind the door who looks at Mu Rulan as a ghost …

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