Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore

Chapter 168 - v120 Undercurrent

Xue’s hasty command over there was like a thunder. He instantly panicked the black panther and the white tiger. The white tiger reacted first. Pressing a button on the console, the doors inside the entire White Emperor Academy could not be closed for an instant. On, however …

Mu Rulan had just stepped out of the gate, and the iron gate behind her suddenly closed violently and violently, her hair was fanned.

Morse’s light gray eyes flickered. “It’s almost time, get in the car and talk.”

Mu Rulan saw the rush of light under his eyes, and then glanced at the door that suddenly closed behind him, a smile on his lips, “OK.”

“Slow!” Bai Hu took out his mobile phone and called Xue Ke. Xue learned that Mu Rulan not only stopped, but also got into the church’s car, and his brain was anxious.

“Go after! The key is in Mu Rulan’s hand!”

They are rushing to the gate of the school, just damn, their school is so big!

The White Empire moved in an instant, and Morse obviously felt the action of the White Empire. The accelerator was almost stepped on.

Mu Rulan was sitting in the back seat, leaning back because of the speed of the car, the scenery outside the window turned into a continuous shadow, can not see what it is.

“Morse, you continue this way, I will doubt you are kidnapped.” Mu Rulan sat back and smiled slowly. It didn’t seem to detect anything wrong.

Morse glanced at her in the rearview mirror, and looked into the rearview mirrors on both sides of the car. He didn’t see the car catch up, slowed down a bit, he touched the Bluetooth on his ear, and soon Unicom After the people over there, “Lock up my car, send a helicopter over and let Mason come over. Immediately!”

The area where the White Emperor College is located is remote. On both sides are large undeveloped yellow lands that are as grassy as a desert. There is only one main road running through the middle like a serpentine snake. From time to time, one or two cars drive by.

Morse had just slowed down for a while, and immediately saw two cars appearing in the rearview mirrors, one on the left and the other on the left, and they were about to bite behind the back of the car.

Morse’s light gray eyes glanced at both sides, and the gloomy sky seemed to be overcast, and the sea was turbulent.

“Give me the keys on your body.” Morse counted the time. After all, it was the territory of the White Empire. When Mason and the helicopter came over, probably Mu Rulan had been snatched back. Damn it, Qin Lengyue. People, obviously said that Bai Moli didn’t know they had a key in Mu Rulan’s hand!

Mu Rulan heard the words and raised her eyebrows slightly. “What key?” She only had a Baidi magnetic card on her body. He wanted her card?

Morse frowned, glanced at Mu Rulan in the rearview mirror, and saw that the doubt in the girl’s eyes was not fake, and yes, she probably did not know, otherwise they would not allow their church and the White Empire. It’s a day of grabbing people, and I heard Qin Lengyue said that the key is a necklace …

“Do you have a necklace on your body?” Morse stepped on the throttle again. The expensive sports car ran at an amazing speed, but it was not bad after him, and **** he saw the black panther from the window. Leaning out, holding a gun in his hand, seemed to be ready to burst his tire.

Damn it!

He couldn’t wait for Mu Rulan to answer. Morse turned the steering wheel sharply, avoiding a bullet that was shot at his rear wheel. Mu Rulan was dumped in the back, and the answer he had just exited was stunned. Threw back his throat.

Mu Rulan touched the seat belt, thinking that her modest person would always be right. She used to sit in the back seat and never bothered to wear a seat belt. This bad habit is just as she likes sleeping on the left side to compress the heart Mo Qiang’s slight obsessive-compulsive disorder has been corrected. Now look at it, it is true that Xinqian people have eternal life.

The black panther and white tiger chased out from behind were chasing Morse’s car. If it was not Mu Rulan on the car, and Mu Rulan had the key to the Jasno safe they wanted, they A rocket launcher blew up the Star Wars! Thanks to the scarcity of cars and people here, why else? However, it is precisely because of this that it is not easy to overtake, because there is only one road, they can only chase and cannot rush out from elsewhere to stop Morse’s car.

“Damn, cut the stupid left! Mu Rulan has been with Baidi for so long and he only recognized it now! Is his eyes covered with **** ?!” Panther escaped with a shot, irritable temper He got up again, shot two more shots at Morse’s wheel, and the other side avoided the snake-like snake.

“Black Panther, put away your gun, but the other party is the master of the church who can fight with boss, don’t accidentally kill Mu Rulan!” Bai Hu’s voice came from the intercom.

The rear helicopters and many cars swarmed out of the White Emperor College. You know, the key to the Jessnor safe that they had fought for so many years was in the hands of Mu Rulan, that is to say, suddenly they had arrived. The final moment of the finals!

Now he is the one who is as good as the enemy.

The contents of Jessnor’s safe are enough for one person to be king. If the church and the White Empire had not kept things serious, I am afraid that the world would be chaotic now.

“The church **** it is so despicable! The cockroaches made me want to bomb them!”

“Wait until the contents of the safe are in hand, and then rejoice.” Bai Hu also gritted his teeth. At the beginning, it was said that the two parties had their own abilities, and whoever opened the contents of the safe first belonged to them. As a result, they saw that the White Empire was one step ahead of their church, and they immediately robbed them!

On the other side, Xue Ke and Bai Moli boarded the only helicopter in the White Emperor Academy. The golden intertwined wings were beautiful and exquisite, and a little bit domineering.

The propeller rolled up the airflow, but the person sitting in the car was steady.

Xue Ke frowned slightly, and hurried into deep thought.

How can church people know about the keys? How do you know that the key is in Mu Rulan’s hand? Even the only left-handed person who touched the key and knew a little bit about the key was just recognizing that the woman was Mu Rulan. Why did Morse look like they knew it earlier?

This is so strange, is there an undercover inside them? This possibility cannot be ruled out. If it is inside the headquarters, don’t worry, but here is the White Emperor College, which contains mostly students and staff who are not members of the White Empire, but can only rely on the left one to cut the images found in the surveillance video. Why? I ca n’t be known so quickly unless …

Xue Ke frowned even more.

Bai Moli stood at the open hatch and grabbed a hand by the door. There are a few clouds floating in the sky, the sun is slightly cold and the warmth is not seen. The sharp eagle eyes almost become a substance, like a long eagle breaking through the sky and tearing the sky.

“Slam!” Looking at the three cars running down and down the winding road, Bai Moli’s cold voice sounded low.

The huge Andean vulture spread its wings up to three meters. Hearing the owner’s order on the helicopter, he dived down suddenly, and dived towards Morse’s car like a missile.

Mu Rulan felt as if a shadow had been cast on his head for a moment. Before he could react, the huge bird slammed on the front of Morse’s car, blocking the sight of looking ahead.

“Damn!” Morse couldn’t see the road ahead, and might accidentally rush out of the road, coupled with the slamming of those eyes that looked like Bai Moli, it really made people feel like Bai Moli was coming. It made Morse’s face look ugly. Did the **** of Qin Lengyue deliberately lie to him Bai Moli and they didn’t know that the key was in Mu Rulan’s hand, so that he could come over and be caught by himself?

Morse wants to shake off the kill, but he firmly grasps the wiper and starts the wiper, but it can’t move. The weight of the kill is proportional to the body. The wiper does not move, but the kill feels Morse Maliciously, a giant claw lifted up and hit the windshield heavily, almost cracking.

Morse was severely disturbed, and the Panther’s car in the rear had caught up. He was blocked in front of Morse’s car and the white tiger was behind. Morse had nowhere to escape.

Three running cars finally stopped.

On the territory of the White Empire, if people take people away, how can they even dominate the United States?

“Let’s die!” Black Panther laughed out of the two pointed tiger teeth, staring at Morse with a bit of evil eyes, as if he was going to blast people into mud at any time.

It seems to have failed. Mu Rulan smiled and sat in the back seat that was finally no longer turbulent. Morse didn’t move in the front. It didn’t look so easy to lose. There might be other actions. Although I don’t know what happened, I really let it. People are curious. She has never experienced such a **** in her previous life. How do you say? It seems that there is an alternative feeling of being valued, which is really interesting, haha ​​…

The helicopter fell in a large open space outside the road, and the air flow caused a burst of dust. Qin Pofeng and others chased after him, some driving to the front and some to the left and right sides of Morse, completely surrounding Morse’s car. Inside, told him to fly hard.

The doors opened one by one, and the people of the White Empire appeared one by one.

Morse’s light gray eyes were slightly heavier, with tigers behind and leopards behind, and he had to open the door and walk down.

The door was opened and a personal guard pointed out his gun at the other side. Most people in the church were lunatics who did nothing to achieve their goals. They had to be vigilant and careful.

However, when Morse’s figure came into view, many people were surprised, Morse? Turned out to be the head of the church?

“Excuse me to stop me like this, what’s the matter? Bai is in charge.” Moore looked at Bai Moli, who came over, calm, with a little discomfort, and seemed to be disturbed by any interest. same.

Bai Moli glanced at Mu Rulan who didn’t come out, frowned slightly, could she not get off or couldn’t get off? Thinking about this, Bai Mo ignored Morse, walked directly to Morse’s car, opened the rear seat door, saw Mu Rulan inside, and his cold voice sounded, “Come down!”

Dark undercurrents of Morse’s eyes appeared.

Mu Rulan raised her eyebrows slightly. “You still feel rude, as always, Mr. Bai.”

“It’s really rude to stop the friends who are traveling together. What are you trying to do?” Moore said again, and the meaning in the words seemed to be that he was not here to grab people from them, but just to take Mu Rulan out to play of.

“Come down! Don’t let me do it!” Bai Mo’s coldness was more obvious from the bottom of his eyes. Damn woman, did you want to follow that guy to Italy to find death? !!

As soon as Bai Moli started, Mu Rulan remembered that he almost dropped her from upstairs. It was really rude and rude.

Do not work Bai Moli hands, Mu Rulan came down by himself.

Zuo Yizu saw Mu Rulan, and quickly asked, “Do you still remember me? Me, me, and me!” Zuo Yijian pointed to the obvious features of his own body, tan narrow lenses, leopard shirt, Even his chin, the left cut, felt that his chin was super sexy, and anyone who had seen it should be more fascinated by his chin’s fascination.

Mu Rulan looked at him and nodded with a smile. In the corner of my eyes, I saw a large truck stopped not far from where they were. I was probably worried about what was going on here, and I was afraid to get too close.

The left cut instantly felt that his charm value should be increased by ten.

“So have you … what did you pick up for me?” Zuoyi cut a glance at Morse, and looked at Mu Rulan, who was standing beside Bai Moli, and stopped them from chasing after all, and the result was again Oolong.

“Is the necklace?” Mu Rulan asked with a smile. I didn’t know that the sentence came out and immediately made everyone’s hairs stand up.

The necklace really was on her hand!

This confirmed the Tianwu!

“Action!” Morse uttered an inconceivable voice, and a gust of wind blew softly, raising his dark golden hair, flashing a corner of the blocked Bluetooth headset.

A sound like a bomb was thrown suddenly, and immediately the people of the White Empire tightened their nerves.

“Bang!” Something suddenly fell to the ground, rolled twice in it, Kaka twice, what switch was activated inside, the white smoke immediately ejected from it, and gave them the piece they gathered in a blink of an eye. Shrouded.

The same thing as that pervert!

The smell of blowing your nose can’t help but cover your mouth and nose and move back.

At this moment, the big truck suddenly drove towards this side.

Bai Moli stepped back with Mu Rulan’s hand, and the white smoke enveloped this piece as if it had been set up in a floating range. The person was in the smell, and the eyes were letting out the saline solution. fighting.

Suddenly, Bai Moli felt that someone was approaching him, holding Mu Rulan’s hand and tightening tightly, pulling her behind, and kicking him in the past, the other side avoided, the action quickly and quickly returned, the black market The device in it was originally developed in the s-p department of the church. For the church people, I am afraid that it is already immune to this kind of thing.

The gas continued to spread, increasing its scope, running out of the gas circle, Zuo Yishe, and others with tears and tears. Snow could sweep everyone and found that Bai Moli Mu Rulan and Morse were missing, and the white smoke Like a cloud of mushrooms, they can’t see their personal images.

Just then, the trunk of the oversized truck opened, and a helicopter rose from the inside.

Several people in Xue Ke looked up and saw the church’s helicopter frown suddenly, Xue Ke said in a deep voice: “Boom me down!”

As soon as the Panther heard it, he was thrilled with the blood, and after a lap, he found that his bazooka was in the car, and all the cars were shrouded in the white smoke at this time.

“Hahaha, good afternoon, meat bugs!” A **** man above the helicopter definitely got out of his head and laughed, and he could definitely shoot the white teeth of the toothpaste advertisement, which looked extremely arrogant.

Bai Hu raised his gun and fired at him, but he was easily avoided.

“Get on the plane!” Xue Ke gritted his teeth and pointed at the helicopter just parked over there with Bai Moli.

The helicopter flew through the smoke mushroom cloud in the air, at the same time a car and the helicopter rushed out in the same direction, and then another car chased away.

In the air, on the road, two helicopters, two cars, you chase after me, you come and go, the scene is like a Hollywood action movie!

At this time, everyone regards this battle as the final war. The White Empire vowed not to let Morse take Mu Rulan. Morse also vowed to take Mu Rulan away. Everyone sweated and forehead. Even every cell is shouting so nervous!

That’s Jessnor Safe! Hidden inside are huge wealth and treasures that can conquer the world! The church and the White Empire will never let go of the opportunity to get that thing. At this time, the key is in Mu Rulan’s hand, and success is just a short distance away!

Mu Rulan yawned, holding a tissue and rubbing saline, but felt a little dizzy. Why didn’t they grab it for a long time? Is this playing speed? What is the necklace? Would she tell Morse that the necklace wasn’t in her hands now, but in the White Emperor College? Hmm … now that they’re having fun, let’s wait until they have enough.

The perverted girl is actually watching the two men and women robbed with a play-seeking psychology. The White Empire will come to chase. At the beginning, she guessed that it could not be for her life safety. In this case, Morse naturally wanted to It wasn’t her life either, so she deliberately followed Morse’s intentions to get into his car, and to put it plainly, she was just curious about what would happen. It was always difficult for metamorphosis to feel the magic of fear.


As soon as the Mo Qian people got off the plane, a copy of the information was delivered to his mailbox.

“Thank you.” Mo Qianren said lightly.

There was a thick man’s voice on the other side of the phone. “It’s my pleasure to be able to help you. Please ask me if you need to.”

It was a cia agent, and no detective could find the information Mo Qianren wanted better than them. As some people in the church know, the Mo Qian people seem to be alone, but in fact, as long as he speaks, most people are born and die unconditionally for him.

Mo Qiang hung up his mobile phone, opened the computer on his lap, entered the mailbox, clicked on an encrypted file, and had to enter a password to open it.

Dense letters came into view, and Mo Qianren’s indifferent eyes reflected them like a mirror.

Jessnor … His death was called a human loss scientist, and has won numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry. He was killed by the psychopath Nishizawa and left one in his institute. His safe was kept by his wife, and the information about the contents was leaked by Dr. Jasno’s assistant, but he died within a few days, which was obviously a killing.

Dr. Jessnor died five years ago, and the church and the White Empire were looking for a password two months after Dr. Jessnor’s death. The safe was designed and made by Dr. Jesno. It must be password or key to open, otherwise it will detonate automatically, because Dr. Jesno is worried that if the contents are stolen, it will cause terrible results. His wife didn’t know.

The related scientists of the two forces looked for the trace of the password based on the relevant information found in Dr. Jesno’s research institute. In the end, Emperor Tian was not disappointed. They found a series of numbers and patterns and successfully cracked the two layers of password , But the last layer is still being cracked.

Think about it this way, many things were straightened out. They came to Nishizawa to get the final password from Nishizawa’s mouth. The previous things were also made by the church, or for the password.

Mo Qian looked indifferent, the file was pulled down, and then he saw the dense numbers and several patterns.

This is … the two sides have cracked the Jasno Safe code that has not been cracked for five years?

Mo Qianren’s eyes squinted slightly, and the Arabic numbers on the screen were reflected in the eyes …



The plane left a trace between the clouds, and the blue sky and white clouds were extremely beautiful.

The man in the gray stand-up collar coat looked up at the sky as he pressed his hat, and curls of golden hair emerged from the hat.

It’s a really good day. It’s a nostalgic country. It’s a little less delicious prey and a little heavier smoke.

The bright red tongue quietly licked the lips, the handsome face with deep blue eyes, and the indescribable charm that made people irresistible, making women and even some men all around look sideways. However, he still looks so rich, like a gentleman and a gentle gentleman.

Over there, the black clinic in the city’s alley in K City, China, was hung with a “suspended business” sign, calling many women who had emptied an empty heart to be sad.

—————————— Off topic ——————————

My brother had a high fever, and I hanged the bottle with my brother for one night. Alas, I ’m really worried. Fortunately, I have a fever today. I ’ll wait until the afternoon of the second day. Don’t forget, Trojan horse 2k novel reading network

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