Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore

Chapter 77 - v27 Abnormal angels are around (27th) Wan Geng is asking for votes!

A small silver hammer stroked a silvery arc in the air, and it cracked, and something hard and strong broke.

A delicate hammer and a delicate special awl, the sharp pain came from the center position between the wrist and the elbow, Jin Biaohu’s eyes widened outwards, his face turned pale, and the pain called his forehead instantly Countless cold sweats came out, and my mind was blank. Even though he knew that Mu Rulan was a pervert, he was still unbelievable. Mu Rulan really did this, with such a gentle smile, but he was merciless and cruel. Knocked down.

“Hmm …” Mu Rulan, as if he didn’t see his pain, put down the small hammer on his hand, reached out to touch his small arm that had been broken in two, and his warm fingertips touched him somewhat. The rough and hard skin and muscles were slightly hard, as if she could touch his bones. She frowned slightly, and looked a little dissatisfied. “No, it’s not perfect, there are bone debris, which is not enough for my strength. Is it big or a tool issue? “

The effect that Mu Rulan wants to achieve is that the bone head is cut as flat as possible. When the skin and muscles are not cut, there should be no debris or branch ends. She likes to make perfect dolls.

“Otherwise try to nail it directly?” Mu Rulan took a nail, the tip of the silver nail against Jin Biaohu’s arm, between the shoulder and elbow, the silver hammer slightly hit its head Department, as if he would knock in hard at any time, called Jin Biaohu almost scared to faint, he just wanted to faint, but did not know if it was because he was too strong, he did not faint, and can only continue Frightened.

“No, no.” Mu Rulan retracted the nail and hammer while Jin Biaohu’s heart was about to jump out. “If the nail is directly inserted, it has no effect at all, only the bone is broken and then the nail is nailed. You can only enter it if you want to do it, um … it’s difficult. “

Mu Rulan went to the closet thoughtfully, opened a small door of the closet, exposed the doll inside, and the expression of the doll controlled by the line was distorted, and it looked like it was placed in a clothing store at first glance. Prop models.

Jin Biaohu blinked the sweat that slipped from his forehead to his eyes, and the painful muscle trembled and looked over. When he saw the puppet, he felt unresponsive for a while, and for a while, he gradually found out what it was, his pupil Frightened suddenly.

Mu Rulan seemed to find that Jin Biaohu’s mood was not right. He looked back at him, thought something, and laughed at the corner of his mouth. “Ah, I almost forgot, do you know each other? Are you happy to meet your old friend? He has been here with me for a long time, maybe he has fallen in love with me. “

The person who had disappeared for three years was regarded by the police as the protagonist of the “Evaporation Case”. At that time, he followed Jin Biaohu as a “brother” who set fire to death. At this time, the naked man appeared in such a distorted and terrifying posture and form In front of his eyes, fear was like a dark tide, flowing in all directions, drowning him in a blink of an eye.

It was her …

Jin Biaohu’s heart was beating, every time he clearly expressed panic and fear to his mind. He looked at Mu Rulan as if he was looking at a terrible creature. Mu Rulan was only 16 years old this year and only ten years ago. Three years old, is a 13-year-old girl already a murderer? !! why? Why did she do this? What reason does she have …

Suddenly thought of something, Jin Biaohu’s pupils trembled, which is revenge? Mu Rulan retaliated against her kidnapping five years ago? But they didn’t do anything to her. The demon chief lost his wife to read the full text! At best, it’s just kidnapping! Or does she, like other perverts, just treat herself as a hunter, treat humans as prey, and hunt relentlessly, torture and kill?

Jin Biaohu will not know that Mu Rulan is not a bad person, but she is definitely not a simple good person. She is a pervert, but it is not a simple pervert. She has the characteristics of all perversions. She is excellent, smart, and charming. , Pleasing, good at camouflage, ruthless, individualistic, but has everything that perverts do not have-the division between good and evil.

There are so many bad people in this world, even many evil people who surround Mu Rulan. Why is Mu Rulan leaning on the group of Jin Biaohu?

Blue home.

With a slamming sound, several documents were thrown heavily on the desk, saying that the motion of Lan Binglin sitting behind the desk was paused, and he looked up at the teenager standing opposite the desk.

The teenager with a bit of violent waves was more concentrated under bright lights. The black figure was shrouded on the opposite Lan Binglin. Lan Yiyang’s eyes were sharp and cold, faint, with a bit of fierceness, Like an immature carnivorous beast.

“What is this?” Lan Yiyang asked coldly.

When Lan Binglin heard the words, he flipped through the documents thrown on the desk casually, and evoked a casual or slightly disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, “It’s just a few cooperation cases.”

“It’s so easy. You said it so easily, because Lan was not built by you, so you have abused it at will?” Lan Yiyang didn’t expect that he was just wanting to care about the hard work of his grandpa. It turned out to be such a thing! Today, I heard that Zhou Yaya and Jin Biaohu were released. I didn’t understand what was going on. When I came back, I saw these plans for the merger of Huafang and Jinboxiong by the Lanjia and Mujia. He Lanyi Yang has a strong head with logical thinking. If you think about it a little, you know what’s going on.

This despicable guy, for the sake of benefit, could choose to cooperate with the Jin family to launch Anjia as a dead ghost, and now immediately abandon the Jin family and the Mu family to plan to annex the two! Doesn’t he feel unconvinced? For the benefit, let the blue family, which was originally innocent and well-known in the industry, start to stain the black spots, and let the two people who should be subject to legal sanctions be released. So what about Mu Rulan who almost died because of this? !!

“That’s what it said.” Lan Binglin sneered with a disdainful smile. “I’m trying to get the Lan family to the top. Speaking of bad practices, my dear brother, haven’t you been trying to abuse Lan’s? Without me, do you think that with the slacker of the blue and white peaks, the blue family can still be safe and even thrive in the business world? “As long as you can climb up, is it important to be famous? Who in the industry is really innocent? Only a stupid idiot like Lan Yiyang would have that stupid kindness and sense of justice, and deserve to be taken away by him.

Lan Yiyang’s fist clenched tightly. Looking at Lan Binglin’s gaze was like watching him and Li Yan’s gaze at the hospital at first. Yin Yin was fierce, like a cannibal beast lurking in the darkness.

“You will be able to show your authority on your fists and lips.” Lan Binglin was not afraid of this, but he became even more disdainful. His current achievements and a genius who did not lose to Lan Yiyang at all. The mind made the 17-year-old teenager proud and proud. Now Lan Yiyang has no place in the Lan family. Even the old immortal grandfather has no role in Australia. Lan Baifeng trusts him to rely on him. Already the No. 1 pick of Lan’s, he couldn’t think of how this stubborn and fragile brother could defeat him and what ability could defeat him.

Lan Yiyang was angered, and suddenly leaned over and grabbed Lan Binglin’s collar to pull him off. Lan Binglin greeted the fist. It didn’t matter. “It doesn’t matter, you fight, anyway, your reputation has rotten to the bottom, No matter how bad it is, or if you get kicked out of the house, it doesn’t matter. “

In fact, Lan Binglin wouldn’t let Lan Yiyang be kicked out of the house, and he likes to see the feeling that Lan Yiyang stepped on his feet. This feeling was the first time that he found out that the father who had only returned home for a while and another son, that son was spoiled by his father and the strange woman, the expression on his face was willful, and It began when his own caution was completely different, and when the sons of Masamune and the illegitimate son of Xiaosansheng appeared in his small world in terms of morality and people ’s eyes, It is rising sharply.

Why can such a wayward person take pampering for granted, but he has to wait for his father’s alms like begging? Why is he so smart but not getting candy? Why is he obedient and disdainfully obedient? Why is the blood of the Lan family also flowing, he is noble, he is humble?

What distinguishes Lan Binglin from Lan Yiyang is that in the environment of his childhood, he is younger than Lan Yiyang, but matures earlier than Lan Yiyang. He sees the dark side of society earlier and picks it up earlier. With the weapon, Lan Yiyang lost at the starting point, so at this time, Lan Binglin was sitting, while he was standing in the latest chapter of Dragon Blood God of War.

Lan Yiyang’s action suddenly stopped. He looked at the smile on Lan Binglin’s face, disdain in his eyes, and a dark and dull head, suddenly a gentle voice sounded as if from a distant time. She said: People have been so Long, you will always meet people who make you feel uncomfortable one after another. If you don’t want to be taken lightly and hurt, you must have a weapon in your hand. Only the person with the sharp weapon will make others afraid that they will be injured, cater to you, and avoid you.

The fist he was holding violently twitched because of what was suppressed, but trembled slightly, but it did not fall. He threw Lan Binglin back to his seat, and turned to leave the study room.

Lan Binglin sat on the seat, looking at the back of Lan Yiyang who suddenly did not act impulsively. It was strange that there was a doubt in his eyes …

Lan Yiyang strode back to the room and slammed the door shut. He stood behind the door, took a deep breath, and set his eyes on the bookshelf. He has never touched any law-related books since that day. The sight was a little stunned for a moment, and slightly surprised.

Maybe it was hurt too much, maybe it was too wishful thinking to hold fast, so when Mu Rulan said those words, he would have such a heavy feeling of being abandoned and betrayed, so that As soon as he was in a state of weakness, he just wanted to follow the trend. He was hungry anyway, what was he doing, and it was good to be left unattended, but Mu Rulan once again made him realize that in the world he lives in … No weapon is impossible.

Without weapons, he couldn’t even fight Lan Binglin’s ridicule. He didn’t even have the chance to keep the Lan family innocent. He didn’t even have the ability to provide the slightest help when Mu Rulan needed help. It was he who thought he was right.

He suddenly understood that Mu Rulan was not wrong. He was wrong because he did not have enough use value, so he let Mu Rulan choose Lan Binglin and Li Yan. If people get along with each other, a greater-than sign is required. If the number is less than the number, then it is undoubtedly marked by the use value. His use value is less than Lan Binglin and there is no way to draw an equal sign with Mu Rulan. There is an unfairness in itself. His role is less than others. Why does he want others to treat you in an important position? Why should someone spend time with you? Don’t know that time is life? Which idiot will spend or even waste his life on things and characters who are not rewarded accordingly?

After thinking about one thing, many things seemed to be suddenly brightened. Lan Yiyang stretched out his hands with several plaster stickers, covered his face, and suddenly laughed stuffily. What genius, he It’s just a stupid person, even to make trouble with Mu Rulan for such a meaningless thing. Even an angel, she lives in a world filled with smoke, so she needs more to protect herself.

It’s decided. I’ll apologize to Mu Rulan tomorrow. He will ask her to get them back. He will get the weapons, this time he will grow up again and learn to fight.

The gloomy world suddenly reappears the sun, and the bright and happy people can’t wait to fall asleep in the past. He takes down the books, and the words that are deep and difficult to understand are also vivid and lively.

The light bulbs blowing outside the factory were shaking in the wind, and the lights flickered.

The Mo Qian people stood outside the iron door of the factory building and knocked on the door across a layer of paper towels. After a while, the slightly rusty factory building was opened with a small slit. A middle-aged woman watched him carefully from the slit. It took a while to confirm that he was the one who came with the police last time before opening the door and looking at him suspiciously, “Is there something wrong?”

“I’m looking for your boss.” Mo Qianren said lightly.

The woman couldn’t help looking at Mo Qianren for a while, and didn’t know if it was because his temperament was so special that people could not feel the threat of bad people, so the woman let him in.

When I passed the first floor covered with mattresses again, the Mo Qian people still felt a little incredible. So many lonely elderly people live in this kind of place. It can even be said that they are living well, the Northeast man. If it is not a hypocritical liar, then it is really very kind to keep these old people who are not up to standard in their mobility and work ability to fight for rebirth.

The Northeast man is Liu Beibei. He is 41 years old this year. According to the data, he suffered a terrible business four years ago and owed a large debt. He was a beggar and a hawker. He was severely smoked with a truncheon and all the goods were confiscated. When the beggar was surrounded by other beggars under the overpass, he later made a small sum of money in a gamble, and began to be lucky again, and finally built Up this factory.

In terms of information, there are no flaws.

In the sight of a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people, Mo Qianren calmly followed the woman to the second floor of the factory. At this time, no workers were working on the second floor. People who worked in this factory seemed quite happy and were not The excessive squeezing labor did not have enough food or clothing, but the factory’s profitability was very good. Their large funding sources were derived from some foreign musical instrument manufacturers, especially the top musical instrument manufacturers.

The woman entered the office, and came out again shortly after, followed by Liu Tengbei, the tall and rough Northeast man.

He looked at Mo Qianren and recognized that he was one of the people who came last time, and also a member of the Public Security Bureau. His frown was a bit impatient. “What’s the matter?”

Mo Qianren didn’t grind with him either. He took out his wallet and opened it directly to him, “Do you know the girl above?”

There is a photo in the purse. The girl standing under the sun is inlaid with a layer of gold, beautiful and touching, like an angel accidentally left in the world by God.

Mo Qianren looked at Liu Beifang’s expression, saw that the other person’s obvious deafness pulled down his eyelids, and then quickly turned his eyes away, “I don’t know.”

The Mo Qian people withdrew their wallets, with an indifferent look and a cold tone, “I see. You and this girl have known each other since four years ago, maybe when you were selling something on the street and being caught by the city management or begging on the roadside , She gave you a little money, or gave you a little life-saving things or even hope to start again, so you start to use the factory to help her make something, such as this kind of puppet line that can also be used as a piano line is not even external Nails for sale. “

Liu Beifang widened his eyes and looked at Mo Qianren with a moment of astonishment. His expression and surprise were quickly covered by him. It took less than one second to capture this micro expression. Human expertise.

Well, it seems that what he said is completely correct.

“I don’t know. If nothing is wrong, please leave quickly. I still have something to do.” Liu Beifang waved his hand impatiently, setting aside his head and not wanting to talk to him.

“Do you know what this girl did with these threads and nails you made?” Mo Qianren asked unconsciously, unmoved.

“You’ve been there forever! I said I didn’t know each other!” Liu Beifang’s temper came up, and his neck grew thick.

Mo Qiang’s eyes froze slightly, and he stopped talking, and turned to leave, but suddenly there was a murmur of Liu Beibei, “Are you a policeman?”

When Liu Beibei was young, he was very fascinated, so he went to Hong Kong to be a foolish man. After many years, he also had some discrimination about the slivers. The Mo Qian people did not look like bad people, but they definitely did not look like police. The police have his temperament, so there is no need to do it. The crowd can see him at a glance, let alone catch the bad guy. It will reveal the stuff when you check the information.

Mo Qiang’s footsteps, a faint response, “No.”

Liu Beibei had no voice. Mo Qianren did n’t have to look back to know what the other side looked, but he still walked downstairs with a cool and confident step. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and touched the wallet in his pocket with one hand. Mu Ru Lan … why are there so many mysteries? When he thought it was about to be solved, he suddenly found out that he actually released more puzzling Tao Dao puzzles, like opening a Pandora’s box.

Mo Qianren walked out of the factory and sat in his car. Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. Mo Qianren had to stop the car just ready to start, took out the mobile phone, and looked at the display. Overbearing and supreme.

“Good morning, amon.” There was a low male voice, speaking a standard American English tone.

“I said don’t call me to annoy me before I go back.” Mo Qianren replied indifferently. Fluent English is just like his mother tongue. It is so easy and fluent to speak.

“Hey! Your prisoners are starting to move, otherwise I don’t want to call you to listen to your poisonous tongue.” The people over there protested: “Ivy almost bit the throat of a beautiful lady to make it beautiful The lady lost her bird-like voice, and the other person’s house demanded huge compensation from your hospital. “

“I think the staff at my hospital should have warned the other person not to approach those guys before the researcher entered, and even the glass plate couldn’t stop the stupid lady from finding a way out of her own life, what did you do with me?” He was indifferent and indifferent. It was not the first time he had seen such a thing, but he had never been involved in a lawsuit or paid a dime for this kind of thing. Obviously, he knew from other populations that they wanted What terrible creature the person went to see, was stupidly deceived by appearances, and even a glass plate could not block them. This is really a deserved death, and he wants to lose money.

“If it’s okay, I’ll hang up.” Mo Qianren has no plans to return to the United States, and for the time being, he doesn’t want to hear what other guys have caused him to jerk.

“Hey! Don’t be like this amon, Ivey said he really wants to see your wonderful expression, he misses you especially, and wants to watch the game with you, you come back soon!”

“Really? Your lies are really flawed. Ivey’s biggest wish in my life is not to see my face. How could I miss me? Also, I haven’t watched the game with him and talked to you clumsily. Come on and improve your skills and talk to me, goodbye. “Mo Qianren said lightly, hung up the phone, still indifferent, turned the steering wheel to leave this remote factory.

Time passed quietly, the clock gradually pointed at eleven o’clock.

After Mu Rusen turned over and over and couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t help but got up from the bed with his mobile phone, put on his clothes quietly, and quietly left the house and went to the underground parking lot of their house.

There are three cars in the parking lot, two small cars and a black heavy-duty locomotive. This is his car.

Mu Rusen put on his helmet and got on the car. He was going to find Mu Rulan. He is now thinking about Mu Rulan in particular. I do n’t know if it is because of changes in his mood. He suddenly wanted to know everything about Mu Rulan. For him, Mu Rulan’s biggest secret is the black house.

What’s in that room, what’s the significance of Mu Rulan, it’s so important that even a younger brother like Mu Rulan is not allowed to enter one step. Before, he didn’t feel that he wouldn’t give in. It was a house anyway. Isn’t it a fool to get angry with a beloved sister for a house? But now it’s different. Now he wants to know everything about Mu Rulan, from beginning to end, from the inside to the outside, even Mu Rulan’s most private area.

The headlights suddenly turned on, and the boy sat handsomely on the top. The black helmet blocked his face, only a pair of sharp eyes were exposed.

“Assen.” A figure suddenly rushed to Mu Rusen’s car, and Mu Rusen, who was about to rush out, suddenly stopped the car and bumped forward.

Mu Rulin was still wearing pajamas. She stood in the beam like this, and the eyes under the lens looked at Mu Rusen sharply. He knew why he felt Mu Rusen was a little different today. He thought Mu After that struggle, Ru Sen returned to the way he got along with Mu Rulan because his rough nerves forgot that feeling, but …

He was wrong. Mu Rusen didn’t forget it at all, but he had already seen it through. He should know it. He should have known it. When Mu Rulan almost died, he felt like he was dying. So strong, that feeling is so intense, even Mu Rusen should feel it.

He underestimated the twin brother and was almost fooled by him.

Mu Rusen frowned, took off the helmet on his head, and looked at the brother who was standing in front of the car, “What are you doing?”

“Where are you going to be so late?” Mu Rulin was standing in front of the car, there was no natural choice to make way.

Mu Rusen frowned a bit, “Can’t sleep and go for a drive.”

Mu Rusen sees his feelings, does not mean that he can see Mu Rulin’s feelings about Mu Rulan. Mu Rulin is usually not as close as Mu Rulan, plus the pair of glasses is like a layer of isolation. It makes people unable to see his emotions clearly. Mu Rusen is not a particularly sensitive person and naturally cannot notice it.

“Just right, you wait for me, I have something in a hurry to use, and you take me out by the way.” Mu Rulin said that he did not give Mu Rusen the opportunity to refuse and went back upstairs to change clothes, leaving Mu Rusen a Scratching his head irritably in the back.

He would n’t tell his brother about this feeling. Even a twin brother would n’t. He fell in love with his biological sister. He could n’t tell others casually when he grew up and had enough. Ability, then hide her sister, hide in a place where no one knows them and start a new life, no one will say that they are messy, no one will condemn them for ethics.

In Mu Rusen’s eyes, those talents are strange, loved ones, etc. They simply keep the same blood and have the same genes. Why can’t they be together? Why is it taboo? Where is this ethical? Why the **** was condemned? The big deal is that they don’t need children.

After a while, Mu Rulin changed his clothes and got into his back seat. The car suddenly rushed out of Mu’s house and drove to the city. The cold wind blew over the two young bodies. Mind, always accidentally bring others into their own future plans without knowing it, the future is like the weather, unpredictable.

The next day, the gloomy sky finally cleared. When the first rays of sunlight broke through the clouds, the girl opened the window above the attic of the top floor, and the dust exaggerated into a white smoke, blown away by the wind.

“It’s a good day today.” Mu Rulan said softly with a smile on her lips.

Today is Saturday, there is no need for class, it is really easy campus life.

Open all the windows in the black room except the window in the innermost room on the second floor. The moisture in the room seems to be taken away by the wind, which makes people feel extremely happy.

After having breakfast, Mu Rulan took a long walk in the entire villa area.

The villa area is very large, with a total of thirteen villas. If you look down from the sky, you can see that the entire villa area is circular, and the outer periphery is surrounded by high electric rails. The pattern is a forest and a villa. , A forest and a villa, this pattern is very pleasing and interesting to people. Maybe someone will want to play exciting play in the yard in the early morning or late at night?

When Mu Rulan passed an artificial forest, she heard the faint stimulating voice in the early morning. She scratched her ears, kept walking, and continued walking with a smile on her mouth.

As I walked past the door of the two little white rabbits’ homes, I saw a twin little ghost in a cute rabbit costume on the **** from a distance. When the little ghost heard the outside movement, he looked up and saw Mu Rulan’s figure blinked. , Ran over with a small short leg kick, “Sister Lan Lan!”

The little gray rabbit is born a little warrior, with a healthy pace, just like a gray hare living in the wild. The younger brother, the white rabbit, is a bit awkward in the back. Seeing his brother running so fast, he was in a hurry, so he accidentally left his foot Feet, thumped and fell to the ground.

At this point, the gray rabbit had fluttered on Mu Rulan’s legs, the white rabbit lifted his head in grievance, and lay on the ground with big eyes and looked at Mu Rulan with tears. Bai Nennen’s small face had a red nose and red eyes. Red, like a white bunny with no self-defense ability.

“Ah! Stupid!” Gray Rabbit turned back, saw his brother lying on the ground, didn’t get up, shouted suddenly, and ran back to help people, “Why are you so stupid, Mommy is right, You’re stupid. “Gray Rabbit’s tender voice taught her cutely, while bending over to help his brother shoot the dust, the picture looks very love the basketball Beidou.

Mu Rulan stood outside and looked at this scene with a smile, feeling that the weather is better today.

At this moment, the two rabbits walked in front of Mu Rulan holding hands. The gray rabbit’s eyes said “commend me quickly”, the white rabbit’s eyes said “comfort me quickly”, two identical small faces like this Holding on to you, who can’t be turned over?

Mu Rulan didn’t hold back. He kissed alone. The grey rabbit twisted the front corner of the dress shyly. “Is this a stamp?”

“Jie, Jie is a marriage proposal!” The White Rabbit said a little leaky.

Mu Rulan was so amused by the two little babies. After a while, the mother who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen found that the child playing at the door was gone. When she stepped out of the iron door and looked, she saw that they were following Mu Rulan below the ramp. After playing, I can safely go back again.

Taking two living treasures around the villa area, I saw one persimmon tree in one of the forests, with red persimmon hanging on it. Mu Rulan blinked and stopped to look at the two little guys. ,”Want to eat?”

The eyes of the two rabbits were bright and they nodded wildly.

“I’ll go picking.” Mu Rulan walked with great interest, the tree did not grow tall, Mu Rulan could pick a lot with his toes. The trees inside were not pesticides, so Mu Rulan There is no psychological pressure to pick and eat.

So two little ghosts and a young girl were eating persimmons as they walked. Mu Rulan still didn’t forget to tell him, “You can’t eat crabs until the persimmons are digested. Go back and tell your mommy.”

“But there are crab buns for breakfast today …” said the white rabbit pitifully, holding a large persimmon.

“That won’t work. It will hurt your stomach. Do you want a stomachache?”

“I don’t want …”

“be good.”

The Lan family has a house on the side of the Qinghe villa area. The blue family gave it to the blue family after Lan Binglin helped the Jin family go through the difficulties. The blue family passed to the blue white peak. The blue white peak was very happy, but it did not. The man who came to live there, loved the bustling city, and had no sense of such a remote residence.

So the pass and the house key fell into Lan Yiyang’s hands. Lan Baifeng borrowed flowers and offered Buddhism to Lan Yiyang and asked him to return to his country to honor him. However, if the son knows his father, how can the father not know his son? What kind of virtue is he wishing he shouldn’t go back and leave him alone, so that he can continue to be at ease?

Lan Yiyang was stopped by Uncle Bao at the big iron gate, he remembered the stubble, so after lighting up the pass, Lan Yiyang went in as a head of the house.

Lan Yiyang woke up at more than five in the morning today and could n’t fall asleep after waking up. All I thought about was to rebuild with Mu Rulan, ah, the word is a bit ambiguous, not good or bad, anyway, it is a friend , Everything can start with friends!

He finally couldn’t help but got up from the bed, changed his clothes, and after eating breakfast, he couldn’t help but rushed to Mu’s house after reading the book for a while, and saw Chen Hai, who was washing the car, without ringing the bell. Seeing that it was Lan Yiyang, he told him that Mu Rulin was not at home but in a dark room. In Chen Hai’s memory, Mu Rulan and Lan Yiyang seemed to have a good relationship.

Chen Hai didn’t expect Lan Yiyang to find Qinghe Villa, and he went in unobstructed. Otherwise, he would definitely order Lan Yiyang, and Mu Rulan didn’t like others approaching her house.

Before Lan Yiyang came in, he asked Mr. Bao Rulan’s house very technically from Bao Shu’s mouth. It could have been less troublesome, but Mu Rulan threw the mobile phone after that time, and naturally changed it. With the phone card, Lan Yiyang didn’t know it was normal.

Stepping on the ground with a lot of litter, in fact, this doesn’t feel bad. There is a feeling of walking on the oil road, and the road is full of red, fire-like maple leaves. Of course, this may be the same as Lan Yiyang’s. If you are in a good mood, everything will be pleasing to the eye.

Along the way, Lan Yiyang quickly found Mu Rulan’s house, but standing in front of the iron door of the house, Lan Yiyang frowned. The house in front of him was a dark gray European-style building, which looked very It’s also a bit shabby in the old age. The yard is full of fallen leaves. The little angel fountain is covered with dust and yellow leaves. The only swing swings slightly in the wind and makes a creaking noise. The clown doll sitting on it Grinning the **** lips, the godless eyes seemed to look somewhere through the room to read the full text of Wutian Wushen.

Doesn’t look like a place where people like Mu Rulan live, does he go wrong?

Lan Yiyang glanced at the lock on the iron door and thought that he might have gone wrong. Mu Rulan should live in a beautiful, clean, fairy-tale room, not such a weird and very unknown room.

He turned and was about to leave, but suddenly he heard something moving and couldn’t help it.

He listened carefully again, but couldn’t hear anything.

Lan Yiyang thought he had heard it wrong and was about to leave, but at that moment, the sound came again. This time it was continuous, banging, as if someone was knocking something on the wall or window. .

Is it … from the house?

Lan Yiyang felt a little weird, but felt that there was nothing worth exploring, if this was not Mu Rulan’s house … But … if this was Mu Rulan’s house?

Lan Yiyang’s footsteps walking outside suddenly stopped because of this possibility. If this is Mu Rulan’s house, why is there such a strange sound in that house?

Lan Yiyang remembered the discovery of a corpse over the resort area not long ago, the villa area and the resort area were separated by a parking road and rows of trees. No matter what you think, it is very dangerous! Even in her mind, the composition of the picture has begun automatically. Mu Rulan was **** by her gangsters who broke into the house, her mouth was stuck in her footsteps. When the prisoner went out to work in the morning, she tried her best to make a sound and caused the passing. Human attention …

Lan Yiyang’s face changed slightly, and he suddenly turned over by holding on to the railing. He was a person who often fights. He was very active and thoughtful. He didn’t walk to the locked door after turning over the iron door. Instead, it went directly to the room with the window closed. Because it was the second floor, it was not high, and it happened that there was a tree more than three meters high.

Jin Biaohu was awakened by the sudden noise in the closet. He rolled his eyes in horror in an attempt to find the source of the sound. Finally, he found that it was the closet. When he thought of the puppet inside, his expression turned white. He wanted to move. When he moved his fingers, he immediately felt a irritating pain sweeping over, and then the painful nerves woke up. He felt the pain in his whole body.

The bones of his legs, feet and limbs had been broken, and they were cut into a neat, neat and perfect condition under the skin and muscle tissue that looked intact.

He has forgotten what kind of pain he fainted yesterday, and how he silently pleaded with Mu Rulan to kill him last night, let him die directly, like killing the two Personally, it is better to cut his throat than to be tortured in this way!

Jin Biaohu felt desperate, but even if he was desperate, he was still afraid of Mu Rulan and everything she was going to do to him. If God is willing to give him another chance, he will definitely reform and be a good man. He does n’t want to suffer. To such terrible retribution!

Suddenly, he felt a shadow flash over the window, and Jin Biaohu’s eyes widened suddenly, staring at the frosted window.

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Hmm … I found that the day before the post was finished, Heiguo wanted to post it to his relatives earlier, but sometimes the prime minister did not finish the article to be posted the day before the post. Tears … Otherwise, the sauce will be published after 8 o’clock in the morning, then it means that it will be sent at noon at 12 noon. (Heiguo ca n’t help but want to post the article sooner, and eager to share it with his relatives. This shortcoming is really never able to change the tears … never calm enough!

Then, you know, Hei Guo asked for a ticket again. Hei Guo does not need you for a day! ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ La la la tickets Tickets love to come to Wa Huaili! 2k novel reading network

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