Reincarnation – Naruto

Ch-02 Training and Meeting the class

“Kushina, Hand over the brat to root. That is the best place for his development.”

“I am still alive Danzo. Take Naruto from me if you dare. The last time kyubi was freed, we were still outside the village. Let’s see if the village will survive if an attack will happen inside the village.”

Danzo was fuming with rage.

“You and that Minato brat were both arrogant. He would still be alive if you were handed to me in the first place. I have the resources to protect the nine tails.”

“And that’s what I am worried about. You only care about the kyubi. I suppose you know where the door is.” Said Kushina signalling an end to their conversation.

“Humph, Everything I do is for Konoha.” Danzo said while leaving

‘And that’s what I am afraid of. You truly believe that and do not see your actions for what they are, a power-hungry move.’

Kushina knew the truth of what was happening. And she knew that no matter what, she would not be allowed to join Naruto’s squad as the village would never allow two jinchuriki to go outside the village.

Sometimes I am baffled by the decision to accept Hiruzen and other elders as their students. Someone who viewed the Uchiha cautiously for the possible emergence of a second Madara, he never considered the possibility of his own students for the demise of the Senju clan.

In the last three years, I have seen the true faces of the Hokage and the elders and I am ashamed that we trusted them.


“Sochi, It’s time for your fuinjutsu training.”

I have been training under Kushina to learn fuinjutst. I mean who doesn’t want to learn FTG in Naruto world?

In my previous world, I was fascinated by computers. I tried to become a hacker but didn’t have a talent for it. Later I found I had a talent for beating people up so I switched careers.

But still, I was a good coder. A shame that people with criminal records are not hired by IT companies easily.

And Now I was utilizing my advantage as a coder to master fuinjutsu. It was eerily similar.

If someone runs their chakra and their intent is to withdraw an item, find the item in the allotted slots. Then release the item from the seal.

If someone wants to store an item, assign it a slot and place it inside it. The size of the slot will depend on the item.

And these two instructions made a storage seal. The only problem was the arrangement of the kanji letters and it works on the intent of the creator. So instead of writing the code, all I had to do is to intend the word seal in such a way and we get a seal scroll.

The advanced seals had extra words for extra functions. It was like creating functions in a class. So I thought, why not try this in English?

The look of surprise on Kushina’s face was priceless as no one else messed with seals as they tended to explode in your face if you made a mistake. The more advanced the seal, the bigger the explosion.

“Coming, Mom.” I ran to Kushina as I was excited for today

“Ok, I am going to teach you the exploding seal despite my best judgment.”

‘Why do I feel that the Hokage tower is in danger’ thought Kushina

“Thanks, Mom”

She then taught me how to channel my intent to create an exploding seal. I had an idea. Recognizing the look in my eye Kushina suggested we move to the training grounds.

I then thought to myself, why do people limit themselves? Art is explosion.

I started writing. I intended that the paper bomb continue absorbing chakra till the supply is cut off. Then with the intent of the user, they can detonate it remotely. Then I started adding a second function.

Seeing this Kushina panicked and prepared the sealing chains but didn’t intervene yet.

I had been told many times that I was not ready for the advanced concepts. But I figured since this function was simple so it shouldn’t be a problem.

I knew I was in for a nagging later but what the hell! I added when enough chakra was provided, the colour of the script would change to green. Then I linked it to the main function.

After I was done, I realised why they called her red-hot habanero. I had three bumps on my head.

“Ok. Now tell me what these do?”

“Nothing much. I changed the amount of chakra variable and added a colour to turn the script green when minimum chakra was applied.” By now she was accustomed to my coding terms.

“Sochi, I understand what you are trying to do. But it’s not practical”

I had a confused look on my face.

“There is generally a seal component attached to the paper bomb. Most people don’t have huge chakra. So they rely on minimum amount of chakra to detonate the bombs. Also, they don’t have the time to pour the chakra in the paper during missions as generally even a second can cost their life.”

“There is also the problem with the quality of the paper. If the quality of the paper is not too good, the paper will disintegrate when overloaded with chakra”

“Also green will be easily visible and cannot be used for stealth detonation.” She explained patiently

“Sigh, Nothing is ever easy is it?” Kushina laughed at my antics.

“Don’t worry. Although it cannot be used by others, we can still test it.” My eyes lit up at that.

We went together to the forest outside Konoha with Anbu and root following us of course.

Man that was a big explosion. Turns out when there is a sealing grandmaster, you don’t need to worry about things like the quality of paper. Kushina applied just enough chakra that the paper wouldn’t disintegrate.

When enough chakra was provided, the seal turned green. And it was sticking out like a sore thumb. Then we went outside the area of the explosion and she detonated it. Now I really wanted to be a pyro.

The explosion diameter was at least a mile. This raised quite a few alarms but we let the Anbu and the root handle them.

My training schedule was taijutsu spar with Kushinain in the morning, chakra training in the break time, fuinjutsu in the afternoon, and elemental jutsu in the evening. In the night, I secretly practiced haki.

Seeing my training, I was forbidden by Kushina to train on weekends and we went out on the weekends.


3 years later

Today is the day I am going to join the academy. I was really excited to partake in one of the three prohibitions of the shinobi. Women. Mom had already told me about the Clan Restoration Act. This was something that the third refused to budge on.

Although unhappy, she advised me about girls and what are the things to avoid.

Then the orientation started and the third started to spout bullshit of fire. I listened with an excited expression and saw approval in the third’s eye. I know what to do to avoid a visit to the bandaged cunt.

While going to class I saw the look of worship in Sakura’s eye when she looked at Sasuke. This ticked me off. Although a gold digger, Sakura was quite devoted.

And Sasuke didn’t appreciate the devotion. I vowed to myself to train Sakura thoroughly.

Luckily in the class, I was seated beside her. (Plot armor at play) We were asked to introduce ourselves.

When it was my turn, I stood up.

“My name is Naruto Uzumaki. In the future, I want to be an excellent ninja like my father.”

There was a silence in the class. Then suddenly Sakura started mocking me.

“Haha, the demon fox kid wants to be an excellent ninja. Hahahaha. Who was your father anyway?” This earned her a mocking look from the clan members.

Now every civilian wanted to know what she said that earned her that look. In fact, they were also thinking the same thing. They just didn’t have the guts to say it out loud.

Inside I was fuming with rage. The most useless girl with the most insignificant background was questioning my parentage? But dealing with different gang bosses gave me an excellent poker face.

I looked at Iruka. Understanding my intentions, he said

“There is no point in hiding it. Those who shouldn’t know, know and those who should don’t”

Every civilian looked at him confused

“My father was a civilian orphan.” I took a pause. This increased the confusion of the civilians.

“This guy is troublesome. What a drag.” Someone said.

“His name was Minato Namikaze.”

There was a silence in the class. Everyone was waiting for someone to say that I was lying. That I was delusional. But no such reply came.

“But why didn’t we know about this?” Sakura said horrified. She had indirectly insulted the Fourth Hokage and directly insulted his son.

I looked at Iruka again.

“These things are classified as secret. The only reason that you know about this is that Third Hokage-sama didn’t want Naruto to face discrimination in the academy.” Iruka said with worship in his eyes at the magnanimity of the Third.

In the Hokage office

“Hiruzen I am warning you. This won’t end well. Give the child to root. I will raise him to be an excellent ninja of konaha.”

“How many times must we have this conversation Danzo? First Kushina will destroy the village. What will he protect, ashes? Second, he is Minato’s son. I can’t allow you to expose him to the darkness of the world.”

“You heard him. He wants to be like his father.”

“And what is wrong with that?”

“We cannot allow the demon fox to become the Hokage”

A suffocating pressure filled the office

“Danzo, I am warning you for the last time. He is not the demon fox. And if didn’t listen closely, he said he wants to be an excellent ninja like his father, not Hokage. And he has the will of fire. He will be an excellent Hokage. We are done discussing this matter.”

After the Third Hokage said his piece, the pressure disappeared. He was in fact well aware of things. He cannot allow Danzo to increase his power. Especially after the assassination attempt. He was planning to brainwash the child to become an excellent tool for him just like Minato was.

“Humph. Hiruzen you will regret it. Everything I do is for Konoha.”


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