Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 1 Chapter 16: The Truth of The Past

“Aah. Ahh!”

Cute! So cute!

Aaah, a baby is cute after all! 

And best of all, she’s a girl! Just like the way I want it!

I’m so blessed! So blessed indeed!

Such were my thoughts when I looked over my newly born baby sister. She was so precious, so adorable that I couldn't help to start making funny faces in front of her, just to see her laugh.

"Come on Hugo, don't tease your sister so much." Mother laughed. "She needs to have her nap soon and she can't have that if you overexcite her too much."

Mother was still bedridden, recovering from the grueling process that was birthing a child. I was there, helping out by summoning my high fairy and telling her to heal her over and over, while Mary was the one acting as the midwife. Father, on the other hand, had to stay outside. He couldn't really help and he was just making things worse by being all panicky. I wouldn't blame him though. I knew that I would probably be the same if my own wife was getting through childbirth, whenever that would be.

"Congratulations, Ma'am! It's a girl!"

When Mary announced that, I had the longest breath of relief that I ever took. It was really as if a large rock had been lifted off my chest.

Only a day had passed since then.

“Gyaaa! Waaaaahhh!”

Uh oh, suddenly, my little sister started to cry! I quickly lifted her up, moving her around a little to calm her down. No dice! She’s still crying! I checked her diaper. Nope, still dry.

“I think she’s hungry, Mother." I told her.

"Oh? I suppose she still hasn't gotten her lunch yet. Here. Let me hold her.”

I did as she told, giving the baby to her as gently as I could. She was still weak, so I had to bring the baby to her so she wouldn't need to get up.

As I did, Mother pulled down the neckline of her gown, exposing her bouncing breasts to the world. Hmm, was it just me or they had gotten even bigger?

My little sister immediately stopped crying at the sight. Smiling, her little hands reached upwards towards said breasts.

"Hehe, you really are hungry, aren't you? Here. Have as much as you want, alright?"

Mother brought the baby closer to her breasts. And in no time at all, she began sucking on her left nipple, drinking her milk like there was no tomorrow.

I couldn't help but stare. It was an oddly mesmerizing yet at the same time heartwarming sight. Now that I thought about it, I was never this close to my other little sister when she was born. Then again, I might just not remember, seeing how I wasn’t seven years old like I was now back then. I was quite a lot younger.

"Hmm? What's the matter, Hugo? You want to drink your mother's milk too? The other one is free, you know." She gave a tiny mischievous smirk as she cupped her right breasts. Oh, goddamnit, Mom! Please don’t tease me like that! Even now, I can feel my face reddening from it.

“Aah, this really reminds me when you were still a baby yourself, Hugo.” She continued. “You too would drink greedily like this, you know. In fact, you are even worse. You would use your other hand to play with my breast while you were drinking from the other one."

A-ah, right, I did do that, didn't I? W-well, you see, I just couldn't control myself. What would you do if you're faced with two beautiful, perky breasts that you could fondle and play and even drink from—without the owner being mad at you, huh? Any man would do the same as I did!

“Only Marina was somewhat reserved about it. I suppose even as a baby, she was already more mature than you two,” she added with a smile. I suppose any mother would be fond of reminiscing about her kids when they were babies like this.

“Oh my, the left one seems to have run out. Here, honey. Have the right one.”

Without pause, my little sister immediately started to drink from the right nipple instead. Damn, she really was hungry!

“Sorry Hugo, it seems you’re not getting any after all.”

“M-Mom!” She clearly had fun teasing me like this! 

“That’s alright though. Once you two are older, you can just ask Sherry for her milk instead.”

Immediately my mind went into overdrive. I imagined Sherry in a sexy negligee, laying down on the bed with me on top of her. She was older, and her body had turned just as curvy as Mother's. Her beautiful long black hair was draped loosely all over the sheets, only increasing her sensuality.. Her eyes were upturned and her cheeks were a brilliant shade of red. 

There was no doubt about it. She wanted me, and she wanted me bad.

“N-now that our baby is sleeping, w-we can do it tonight, right? I-I know how much you like them, s-so h-here, I-I’ll let you suck on them all you want…”

She then unbuttoned her negligee, revealing the treasure that laid barely hidden underneath. I got closer to her, and with my hands around her, I lowered my head until—

“Oh dear, to think that you would actually be fantasizing about her...”

Mother’s voice immediately jolted me out of my fantasy. “N-no! T-that’s not—”

“Oh, Hugo. It’s useless to try to hide anything from your mother, you know.” She giggled. “You are your father’s son after all. Having those kinds of desires to a girl is completely normal. Well, maybe you are a bit too young for that though… I suppose in a way, like Marina, you are more mature than you look, at least in that department.” She started ruffling my hair with her right hand, while her left still held the baby. “All I ask is for you to always be kind to her, alright? She likes you very much, but that just means that it'll hurt even more to her if you betray her trust."

"I-I'm not going to cheat on her, if that's what you meant," I quickly protested. "I-I don't like cheaters, you know! Cheaters are the scum of the earth!"

I wasn't lying. I really did despise guys who would go behind their girlfriends' back to go after other girls. Utter riajuu scum. If I had actually been blessed enough to get a girlfriend, there's no doubt that I would cherish and take care of her well.

"Oh my sweet Hugo, of course you won’t!” Mother let out another giggle. “I didn’t raise you that way after all. I know you wouldn’t cheat on her. You’re too kind for that.”

“Then, why did—”

“I’m just saying that in the future, you would most certainly meet other girls that will like you the same way as Sherry does. No, don’t give your Mother that look. I can tell. Let’s just say it’s a mother’s womanly instinct, shall we?” She smirked a little. Oi oi oi I was still a seven year old boy, you know. Aren't you thinking a bit too far ahead? Though if that's true, then it certainly would be nice… being popular with girls is certainly any guy's dream!

"Hehe, you like being popular, don't you?" Dammit, I must have grinned like an idiot without realizing it! "Being popular is certainly nice, but it comes with a price. The girls that would be fond of you… you would break their heart—one by one, until you end up with the one that you spend the rest of your life with."

As she said that, I noticed a sad, melancholic look on her face. Wait, don't tell me that this was her personal experience?!

"Alan—your father… he broke a girl’s heart when he decided to marry me me.”

“...It was Myrilla, wasn’t it?”

“...Ah, of course you’d be smart enough to guess it right away.”

With a forlorn look and a sigh, she began telling me all about her.

“She… and your father… they go a long while back. In fact, she was his very first companion.”

That expression… I could tell that she was jealous of that fact.

“For a couple of years they would travel together, with him being the swordsman and her being the mage. Maybe they would get additional members in their party occasionally, but nothing permanent. It was basically the ideal romantic journey. I imagined that people would automatically think they were already a couple, even though they weren’t.”

“And then, they met me.”

She let out a sigh again. The guilt in her eyes… I could already imagine how this story would end.

“I became their permanent cleric. With me on their group, we three managed to reach the highest rank an adventurer could get. The famous S-rank. Our combination was quite impeccable. Your father would be on the front, taking most of the monsters’ attention, Myrilla would be on the back, blasting them all with her magic, and I would act as support, healing him while making sure that none of the monsters got to Myrilla with my barriers.”

She was smiling as she said all that. Those must be quite the happy times for her.

“Of course, as you already know, that didn’t last forever. I proposed to your father, and he repricorated. The day that she caught us kissing passionately… I could never forget the pained look on her expression.”

“Afterwards, our party was disbanded. Your father and I decided to settle here, while Myrilla continued on being an adventurer. We wished that we could stay in contact with her, but she kept moving around. Only recently that we got the rumor about her staying put in the Demon Continent. We had sent her several letters—all requesting her to come here. Because we wanted to ask her about She—ah!” She abruptly stopped herself, putting her hand on her mouth.

Of course, I didn’t miss the name that she was just about to say.

“Sherry? What’s wrong with Sherry, Mother?”

She looked away and let out yet another sigh. “She… might not be human, Hugo.”

I paused. I knew I should be surprised, but I always knew in the back of my head, that it was certainly a very real possibility.

“Not surprised, aren’t you?” She smiled wryly. “Well, it’s certainly difficult to think of her as just a normal girl when she’s that strong at such a young age.”

“T-that’s not true, Mother! She might be strong but I always treat her as a normal girl! I don’t care how strong she is!” All her cute tsundere reactions… I certainly could never think of her as anything other than a girl. “I don’t care if she’s a human or not! She’s my friend, and that’s that!” I put up my upset face. If she thought of separating us just because of that, well, she’ll get one really upset boy coming to her.

I saw a flash of surprise on her face. However, it quickly turned into a warm smile, before she patted me on the head.

“You really are one kind of a boy, Hugo. Now, let your mother and sister rest.” Before I noticed, the baby was already sleeping in her bosom. "Oh, and don't tell Sherry about it, alright? We're still not sure about it ourselves, so I wouldn't want her to worry about it just yet."

 nodded. I could only imagine Sherry being devastated if this news reached her ears. She always hated being called a demon after all. If she discovered that there’s even a slightest chance that she wasn’t actually human…

I shook the thought out of my head. I’d worry about it later, when that Myrilla person came and got a good look at her.

For now, I just wanted to celebrate my little baby sister’s birth.


A couple months had passed since Erika’s birth—we named her that after some fierce arguments between Mother and Father. She grew up healthy and strong, to the point that she already had some hair on her head already. And they were golden, just like Mother's. Naturally, I could already imagine her growing up to be this cute blonde loli that would call me “Big Bro” over and over again! Ooh, I can’t wait!

Mary also stayed by the way. She helped around the house doing chores, giving Mother more time to take care of Erika. It seemed Mother had deemed her to not be a threat, even with her big boobs, as she was completely innocent in any matters regarding love or even any sexual stuff. Mother was well aware of her own womanly charms while she on the other hand didn’t. That meant there was no chance of her flirting with her dear husband. Only she would have that right.

Yep, it didn’t take long until they started going at it again. I wondered if it’s really healthy, having a baby in the same room as where you had your happy fun time.

In the meantime though, I continued to train. I still hadn’t given up yet on beating Sherry after all, even after I knew that she might not be a human. My old self might disagree, whining about how it was unfair before giving up entirely, but I wouldn't. I still had more cards up my metaphorical sleeve after all. First, my summon, the High Fairy. Even if just for a short while, I could have her aid in fighting against Sherry. She would act as the mage, blasting her with water spells from a distance while I took the front and distracted Sherry. To do that, however, I needed more training. My style of fighting so far had been to dodge Sherry. If I was going to act as a tank, I needed a different set of spells.

Argh, if only I could cast advanced level spells quicker, I can just use the elemental wall spells to protect me. In my current mastery of them, they were still too slow. Sherry could get to me before the spell could really manifest.

"Gah, why can't Big Sis return faster?!"

Of course, I had mentioned this problem of mine through my letters to her. But instead of giving any straightforward answers, she just gave cryptic hints that pretty much told me to figure out the answer for myself.

"You're a boy, aren't you? Then figure it out yourself. It'll be unfair to Sherry if I told you right away how to beat her. I can imagine her working hard to not be surpassed by you. If you want to be her cool knight in shining armor, then work on it yourself," so she wrote. But that's not fair! Father told her everything he knew on how to beat mages like me!

And was it just me or her tone seemed to be a little on edge, even angry lately? She was really happy when I gave the good news that Mother was pregnant. But once I bombarded her with questions relating to magic and how I could beat Sherry, her tone slowly changed.

Hmm, perhaps the classes there were getting tough on her. Maybe I really shouldn’t be bugging her with my own problems like this. I remembered how in my old life, I would ignore my little sister every time she came to me for my attention. I thought of her as a nuisance, because she would cry at the slightest things and she would always demand to be included when I played with my friends. Maybe I was being a nuisance to Marina without me realizing it. Sorry Sis. Your little brother was still far from being independent after all. I’d try to tone down my letters next time.

Speaking of younger siblings being nuisances, Erika seemed to have ended up quite attached to me. Mother would complain that she would cry and refuse to calm down until I came over and held her, in which she would immediately give her angelic smile. The problem was, I was busy doing my training, so I couldn’t be babysitting her for most of the day. On the other hand, she didn’t seem to be that fond of Sherry. Maybe she knew instinctively that she wasn’t really her actual, blood-related older sister. I felt bad for her. I could tell how much Sherry wanted to be liked by her. She couldn’t hold her for long until she started crying.

“I-I suppose I’m just too scary for a baby like her…” she said to me with a sad look on her face. “I’m a demon child after all…” She added with a bitter grin.

My heart skipped a beat. I still hadn’t told her how she could really be a non-human. If she already looked this sad now, how would she take the news when it hit her?

...No matter. If she got all mopey and depressed from it, I would be there to snap her out of it. Like a man, I would hug her and tell her that everything was fine, and that I still liked her as much as I always did, before I knew that she wasn’t really of the same race as me. Then I would teach her to be proud of her heritage, no matter what it could be. Why would you be ashamed of being a nonhuman in a fantasy world anyways? Wouldn't you be excited instead? Being human is boring, you know. If I had a choice, I would've chosen to be something cool like a dragonkin. Dragons are cool after all!

I just wish that Myrilla would come sooner, just so we can know for sure. This is similar to when you wait nervously for the result of your tests to come while you are having your holiday. It’s quite the terrible feeling, and definitely not holiday-ruining in the slightest.

Unfortunately, she didn’t come, even until next summer, where Marina returned for her second summer holiday.

“Welcome back, Big Sis!”

Just like last year, I greeted her with a tight hug the moment she got out of the carriage, burying my face in her chest. As expected, she had gotten taller, and her boobs had gotten bigger as well. Hehe, it would be nice if they would grow to be as large as Mother’s!

We all returned inside. Naturally, she immediately made a beeline to Erika. And unlike Sherry, Erika actually liked her! She laughed as she cooed and teased her. Watching her like this, I could already imagine her being a great mother in the future.

I noticed Sherry looking dejected once more on the corner of my eyes though. Ouch. How could I make Erika like her as well?

The next morning, I came forward to Marina, begging her to help me with my training, giving her my best puppy eyes in the process. Come on Sis, I’m seriously at the end of my ropes here!

She let out a long, weary sigh. I couldn’t help but grin a little. My little brother charms won her over after all. I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist if we met face to face like this!



Yay! Erika is born at last!

Here’s how she looks, and will look in the future.

Also added the Marinabowl poll.

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