Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 2 Chapter 36: A Date with Fiora

Lumen Mountain Passage. Just like the Ronia Mountain Passage before it, it was another trek between two mountains that allowed travelers to leave the Empire and migrated towards the Kingdom of Fenesia. Unlike Ronia, which cut through the Blooming Rose Mountain Range, Lumen’s passage cut through the Eastern Dragon Mountain Range.

Of course, we wouldn’t go through the passage straight away. Having to restock and resupply and everything, not to mention resting, we decided to stay a single day in the border town before the passage, also named Lumen.

We arrived at nighttime, so we immediately made a beeline to an inn. We had our humble dinner there as well, as we were tired enough as it was.

However, when I had just entered my room, preparing to retire for the night, I heard a knock from the door.

"May I come in, Lord Hugo?"

Huh. What does she want?

It was Helen's voice. Ever since Fiora started calling me with my name, she started addressing me as if I was her mistress's equal, thus the Lord honorific. And I have to say, it feels pretty good being addressed that way. Reminds me of Mary back home. Hmm, wonder how she’s doing. Last I heard of her, she was getting married. I sure hope she had a happy family back at the village. 

"Yeah, come on in!"

The door creaked open and the maid slipped in. As usual, she had that hostile look on her face. Even after all this time, she was still suspicious of me, I guess.

"I would like to speak about Fiora," she started.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Your Royal Highness is fond of you. I can clearly see that, and she herself has admitted it when I asked her."

Well, that came out of nowhere.

 "So I came here to ask you, Master Hugo. Are you truly going to reciprocate her feelings? Or are you just leading her along with no intention of actually committing to her? If it’s the latter...”

Sheesh, that glare. Send me chills every single time.

And straight to the point, huh? Just like her usual, fine-combed self.

I sighed. “Look. I’ve told her this and I’m going to tell you as well. I have no interest in becoming her lover or her knight or whatever. I already got a girl waiting for me, I have no intention of cheating on her. I might lend her a hand later, when she made her move for the throne, but as a friend, and nothing more.”

She didn’t respond immediately. Instead, her gaze only worsened, as she seemingly tried to drill to get a look on what’s inside my head.

“And yet, you continue to partake in lascivious, perverse glare at her.”

“Well, I do that to every attractive girl and woman I see,” I casually admitted. There’s no point in pretending that I’m not a pervert to her. She no doubt would already know, either by her own observation or from Fiora or Nicole.

“Really? But you never gaze lecherously towards Lady Nicole.”

"Hmm, I guess because her charm doesn't lie in her body. It's in her heart and mannerism," I replied, still maintaining my casual smile. "Don't worry though. I do keep some of my perverted sight towards you," I said as I smirked, staring right at her twin mountains that always threatened to pop out of her button-up maid outfit. I decided to tease her a little, just to see how she would react.

"Y-you, you really are one perverted little kid, aren't you?"

She quickly covered her large chest with her arms, blushing adorably at the same time.

Well, that's cuter than I had expected.

"H-how did you get so perverted when you're still so young? How did your parents raise you anyways?"

"Well, Father is even more perverted than me, especially towards big-boobed ladies." I made sure to look right at her as I spoke. "And Mother? Hmm, I still remember her moans every night as she—"

"That's… that's quite enough!"

Unable to take it anymore, she quickly left the room, heading straight towards Fiora's. She didn't even bother closing the door behind her.

Heh, so she has that side too, huh?

"Hugo, what did you do to her?"

Oh shit!

To my surprise, Nicole was outside as well. Since she was already in her nightdress, she probably had just returned from the privy or something before she went to sleep, and just so happened to walk near my room when Helen bolted out of the room. She had a displeased frown on her face, with her hands folded near her stomach. Yep, she obviously didn't appreciate my teasing.

"N-nothing. Just a little joke, that's all," I put up a nervous grin.

"A joke isn't a joke if the recipient doesn't laugh with you," she replied.

Goddamn, she really is the honor student type, isn't it?

She entered my room and closed the door behind her.

"You two were talking about Fiora, weren't you?" She began.

I sighed again. "Yeah, we were."

"So you're already know that she might have some feelings for you." She averted her gaze.

"I am already aware of that as well. I'm not dense, you know." He smiled.

"And your answer?"

"You already know what my answer is. I'm not going to leave Sherry, so don't you worry, alright?" I patted her shoulder. She was currently sitting beside me on my bed.

She smiled back, but it was not a fully happy smile. It was a melancholic, regretful one.

"What's the matter?" I couldn't help but ask.

"It's just… well, I feel bad for Fiora. I do believe she likes you truly. But since you already have Sherry, that means she won't be able to have you as well." She smiled bitterly.

"Well, it can't be helped, can it? I can't very well marry them both." I chuckled.

"...Yes, I suppose you couldn't."

She then sat up and apologized for intruding on me, before leaving the room.

Huh, what was that all about?


"Hugo, why don't you take this opportunity to dress up?" Fiora spoke after we had our breakfast the next morning.

"Dress… up?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You're pretending to be some young noble, right? Then you should dress better. Your current clothes might fool a commoner, but you won't gain the respect of an aristocrat."

"You do know I don't have much money with me, right? Especially since you haven't paid me even a copper for my service yet."

"...Fine. I'll come with you then. I'll pick out your clothes and pay for them as well." She smiled. "That's alright with you, right?"

Wait, did she just turn me into her personal dress-up doll?


We headed towards the affluent section of the town, where all the wealthy merchants and nobles would have their homes. Nicole, as usual, was on her personal mission to give aid and healing in the poor part of the town. I wonder where she got her money from though. As for Helen, Fiora had made it clear that she wanted to go with me on our own, without her attendance. So she probably went to accompany Nicole.

“So, I guess this is a date now?” I said with a little smirk.

“Ha, I suppose it is,” she replied, with her own small smile.

We headed towards a boutique located in said part of the town, or rather, she led me to it. I wasn’t sure how she already knew the place beforehand. She probably ordered Helen last night to go look for it.

Well, that’s peculiar.

The signboard above the shop spelled out “Ms. Valentine’s Adventurer Boutique. Only well-off adventurers are welcome”. Wow, that’s pretty rude, isn’’t it?

“What are you gawking at? Don’t just stand there.” Fiora looked back once she noticed me stopping.

“Sorry, just, admiring the sign,” I said with a chuckle.

“Hmm?” She looked up as well, reading the sign before looking back down and smirking. “What, you’re afraid you’re not a rich adventurer? You’re rich enough as long as you’re with me. Also…"


"You'll go inside as my fiance, got it?" She smirked even wider.

She had yanked my right arm, interlocking it with her left. Of course, this also made me brush with her softness as well, which, knowing her, I'm sure was intentional.

"You know, I still remember when you treated me like your servant all the time," I gave a small grin.

"Well, let's just say you have graduated from that," she replied with her own grin.

The moment we entered, we were greeted by a middle-aged man wearing a formal suit. He gave us a bow and asked what he could possibly be a service for.

"Charles here is my fiance, you see, and I want him to be as well-dressed as possible. Dress him up like a mage, if you would," Fiora explained with her usual smug smile.

"Very well, Miss." He bowed again. "Then please, follow me, Sir Charles."

What ensued afterwards was probably one of the most awkward shopping experiences I had to suffer through. There were no other customers around, so the servant's attention was only towards me and me alone.

"Sir, I believe this shirt would look the best on you."

"U-uh, right, sure…"

"And these pairs of shorts are the most durable and comfortable trousers we have here. Are you fond on how they look, Sir?"

"T-that's fine."

"Ah, here's a good coat for you, Sir. It looks stylish and it gives good protection from the elements."

"Y-yeah, that could work."

In the end, I let him make all the choices. Fiora approved as well, and I suppose the clothes he picked look decent enough that I didn’t bother making any complaints.

After he picked out all the clothes, he told us that I could wear it right away in the changing room available. Well, let’s see how they would look on me, shall we?

Oh wow, this actually looks great!

From the top, I wore a dark green jacket over a white shirt, accompanied by a red cravat (to think that I would actually ever wear a cravat in real life!). Downwards, I wore a pair of brown shorts that reached down to my upper knee, and then a pair of red socks and brown boots. As for the coat itself, it was mostly white with green trimmings, reaching down to my lower legs. It also had a tall collar, adding to the aristocratic look, I guess.

My old self could never have pulled this look. But with how I look right now, well, let's just say I do have that noble prince look on me, if only just a little.

When I came back out, Fiora eyed me from top to bottom with a satisfied look on her face. 

"Alright. We'll go with that." She turned to the shopkeeper with a smirk. "Here. This should be enough, right?" She placed two gold coind on the cashier counter.

"Ah, yes, of course, milady."

Two gold coins for all of this. Yeah, pretty expensive alright.

When we were back outside, I remarked, "Two gold coins? Are these clothes really worth that much? It's not like we're buying a full plate mail. None of them are magically enchanted either."

"Perhaps not," she replied. "But this is how the world of aristocracy is. We can spend lavishly, in a way commoners never could."

Makes sense. It's like those rich celebrities who would buy famous, brand-name clothes and bags whose prices would make your eyes pop.

"Do you know who Ms. Valentine is, Hugo? You probably don't, seeing how you're just some kid from the boonies across the sea." She smirked.

"Hmm, back at it again with the insults, I see," I smirked back. "I almost missed that part of you."

"Oh? Never knew you're a masochist, Hugo. Are you insinuating I should insult you more?"

"Nah, I'm good, thank you very much."

Our banters had gotten more pleasant as well, or so I felt. Perhaps it was because of her seeing me as her equal, so she had stopped being as annoying and bratty towards me.

"Anyway, back to my point," Fiora continued. "Ms. Valentine is the most famous clothing designer in the entire  Empire. She has boutiques everywhere, catered to rich adventurers, mostly those that came from noble backgrounds. There’s a tradition in the Holy Empire for nobles to be taught either swordplay or magic as a kid, and sometimes, that led to the child wanting to become an adventurer when they grow up. Or rather, they try the life of an adventurer for a while, and then return back home, get married to their arranged partners, and then become a proper noble.”

“I thought adventurers are usually looked down upon by the upper class,” I replied.

“Oh, they are indeed.” Her smirk appeared again. “But that doesn’t mean they won’t try their hands on some adventuring on their own. Not the kind of wild and dangerous adventuring, mind you, but the safe and secure kind, usually with bodyguards acting as their party members. So if you ever find a snotty and smug adventurer one day, he might just be a noble.” She chuckled.

“I see…” I suppose it’s a form of romanticizing adventurers, without actually wanting to face the harsh reality of becoming one. So they would think they’re living the life of a storybook hero.

Heh, I had that phase once when I was still so naive. Now I know perfectly well just how dangerous being an adventurer can be, after meeting with those three…

“Now come. We’ll head to the next place.”

Welp, guess our date isn’t over yet.


We moved on to our next destination, still in the rich part of town. It looked to be a patisserie or some sort, judging by the giant drawing of a cake on its signboard.

Without hesitation, Fiora entered, with me following behind her with a slightly confused look.

A delicious scent of freshly baked cake entered my nostrils as I entered, making me salivate in an instant. Unlike the boutique from before, it had other customers inside it. Naturally, they were all of the wealthy folk. To my chagrin, they were all couples as well.

Oh wow, this is an actual date spot she's taking me to.

We took our seats in the corner of the room, away from the rest of the establishment. It was a well-furnished table, with a flowerpot in the middle, containing roses. The seats were cushy as well, with hand and back rests that was extremely comfy.

A waitress dressed like a maid came over to us, curtsied in quite the elegant manner, and asked for our order, after handing the menu, made out of scented and decorated parchment.

"I would like your chocolate fondue and mint chocolate cake," Fiora spoke first, just a mere 30 seconds after she received her menu. “Oh, and the strawberry parfait as well.”

"Heh, never knew you're a sweet tooth, Guinny," I grinned. Guinny, or Guinevere, was the fake name she had chosen for herself. It was a common name, so it wouldn't draw suspicion, even if it was her actual middle name.

"You're not a real girl if you don't like sweet things, you know," she replied with her own cheeky grin.

"Not afraid of getting fat, are we?"

"How rude! That's what exercising is for!"

The waitress smiled as she watched our interaction. Oh great, she probably thought we are a real couple.

"I'll take the orange cake instead," I declared.

"And the drinks, Sir? Miss?"

"We'll take the grape wine, if you would," Fiora answered.

The waitress curtsied once before she left. In a medieval-ish world like this, you had to memorize everything. No taking notes.

"Hugo," Fiora started once the waitress left. "I'd like to talk to you about Helen." Oh shit, suddenly her expression turns serious. "I would appreciate it if you would not tease her, especially in sexual matters like that."

I sighed. "It's about last night, isn't it? Yeah, I might have gotten too carried away to be honest… Wait, how do you know about it anyways?"

"Because she suddenly insisted for me to dump you as you're a 'unrepentant lecher that would pose a threat to my purity', or something like that." She smirked.

"Unrepentant lecher, huh? You know, she might have a point." I chuckled.

But then, I paused, as Fiora’s expression switched gears entirely, turning into an entirely serious, melancholic one.

“That Helen… she was a good friend of my mother.”

Whoa, seriously?

“They were both slaves, in case you didn’t know.” She smiled bitterly. “And Helen… she only followed in Mother’s footsteps out of concern for her wellbeing. She didn’t really want to become an imperial maid herself.”

...I see. So Helen… does Fiora view her as a replacement for her mother?

“She was always the logical, rational one. Unlike my mother, who was blinded by that thing they call love, she knew just how dangerous it could be for a mere slave and maid to be so favored by the emperor himself. She warned her many times—that she should distance herself—and yet she never listened.”

Fiora sighed before continuing.

"That is also why she doesn't appreciate people giving lecherous looks towards her. Do you know how many fellow perverts like yourself that work and live in the palace? She had men leering over that bouncing breasts of hers all the time."

 ...Dammit, now I feel bad.

"I understand," I replied with a determined look. "I apologize to her right away once I have the chance."

"Good." Her smirk returned. "Though personally, I wouldn't mind perverts that much if they're all like you."

"Heh, was that a praise I just heard?" I returned with my own smirk. "I suppose you can indeed call me a gentleman pervert."

"Here we are, Sir. Miss."

Our chat was interrupted by the return of the waitress, bringing us our cakes and drinks.

"Thank you." I gave her a smile.

"You're welcome, Sir," she replied, curtsying again with a slight blush.

 before leaving once again.

"Well, look at that. You're quite the womanizer, aren't you?" Fiora commented.


She didn't answer. Instead, she started cutting her cake with her knife before bringing a piece into her mouth.

And in one single bite, she swallowed the entire thing.

Does going on a date with Fiora like this count as cheating, I wonder? Poor Sherry...

And this is how Hugo's new outfit looks.

And here's how Nicole looks in her nightgown.

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