Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 2 Chapter 39: A Fight In Mid-Air

The climb up the mountains was harsh. The path was steep and not well-paved in the slightest. Only a few actually went all the way out here, as the Order was mostly self-sufficient.

Haah, I wonder if there really is going to be any assassins to ambush.

I was currently sitting on the top of the carriage, along with Fiora. We were keeping a close eye on our surroundings for any possible ambushes, but so far, nothing had occurred. Well, other than a couple of mountain lions who decided it was a good idea to attack us. Needless to say, we dispatched them with ease. She told me not to use my Boom Rifle in the process however. "Just in case there are any assassins watching. It's your new trump card after all," so she said.

"Oh, by the way, I've been wondering… you've met with a dwarf before, Hugo?"


"The name of your new spell. Boom Rifle. A rifle is one of those exotic weapons they just recently invented, right?"

Wait, really? This world already has guns? Probably nowhere near as advanced as the ones back home though. Not that I would know anything about guns.

"Dwarves have guns." Duly noted. Hmm, maybe I'll visit their land someday.

"N-not really. I just heard the name, that's all," I replied. Can't tell her about my old world after all.

"Hmph, I see. What a shame. I never met a dwarf before myself."

Fiora's mood decreased slightly. It seemed she really had some curiosity towards the race.

At noon, we finally reached it, the so-called Great Chasm.

We stopped on the front of the large bridge. We weren't stupid enough to cross that thing without surveying our surroundings first.

Hmm, nothing seems to be out of place.

Currently, I was floating on the air, utilizing my Wind Step. My magic made me the best person for lookout duty, so I volunteered to do it.

I squinted my eyes, making sure that I didn’t overlook anything. It would be really bad if we actually got ambushed while in the middle of the bridge. Why, they could just cut it and we would be screwed.

...Yep. I don’t think anybody else other than us is around. Not even a single monster or animal either. It’s kinda eerie actually.

I floated downward, jumping down once I was close enough to the ground.

“All clear. I don’t see anything out of place,” I told Fiora and the others.

And thus, we decided to cross. Just like before, Fiora and I would stand on top of the carriage, still keeping watch of our surroundings. And just in case, we had Nicole cast a barrier over our carriage.

The bridge was approximately half a kilometer long, give or take. As for the width, it was around seven to eight meters, ample enough for our carriage to pass. Naturally, we wouldn’t take the risk of the horses being frightened and just dragging our carriage into the void down below (seriously, I can’t see the bottom), so Helen and Nicole had to walk beside the horses. The bridge’s condition itself was fairly decent, although it had bits and pieces missing here and there. Probably because of the fairy windy weather around here, since I don’t think there are a lot of travelers going all the way out here.

A cold breeze flew by right after we began, swaying the bridge to the left and right lightly. Damn, this bridge really is scary if you think about it. The best way to cross something like this would be just to run and not look back, but we can’t afford that since we have to lead the carriage as well.

“Hey, Hugo.” Fiora suddenly spoke up with a smirk. "Do you think that you'll be able to fly us all with your wind magic if this bridge suddenly snaps?"

"Hey, don't jinx it!" I replied.

"Oh, I'm not jinxing anything. Just wondering, that's all. You're a great Wind mage after all. Surely you can conjure a cyclone that will just send up upwards and across."

I didn't respond. I just gave her a glare before looking away.

...You know, if she's going to be this carefree, maybe I shouldn't come—


My heart stopped. I looked behind me in a split second and saw how one end of the bridge had snapped.

B-but, I've checked and there's no one around! And there weren't any explosives or any other shady objects placed on the bridge either!

Immediately the part of the bridge we were standing on fell off as well. I promptly reacted by activating Wind Step, securing my footing. And then I grabbed the nearest person to me, which was Nicole. She yelped in terror and quickly clung towards me, inadvertently pressing her breasts into my chest. My hand who grabbed her also landed on her butt, giving it a nice squeeze in the process.

Wait, this is no time to think perverted thoughts!

I saw Fiora below us, using what could only be Feather Step. She grabbed Helen, securing her from falling down into the abyss as well. Only the carriage remained unsalvaged. Those poor horses.

“Hugo, look up!” Fiora yelled.

I did and what I saw nearly made me have a heart attack.

A gigantic, massively-sized boulder was rapidly descending down towards us. I had no idea where it came from, because it certainly wasn’t there before. However, it was definitely here now, and it would hit us in just a few seconds. And there was no dodging out of it either, due to the sheer size of the thing.

This is Earth magic, isn’t it? This has to be at least a Master-level spell for sure! So we are definitely under attack!

“Nicole! Use your barrier to protect us from the rock! I’ll make sure we remain afloat using my Wind magic!”

I dispelled my Wind Step, causing us both to fall down. Fiora and Helen followed, as they knew we had to buy time away from the boulder for now. Using more Feather Step, Fiora steered their trajectory to be closer with us.

“Air Sunder!”

“Barrier! Ceiling Mode!”

I conjured a cyclone underneath all of us, forming it to focus all its strength to blow us upwards. It worked, perfectly in sync when Nicole finished her barrier spell. Like the name said, it only formed above us, no doubt allowing her to fortify it better than if she were to conjure it as a full sphere.


The cleric flinched in pain the moment the boulder hit the barrier. Cracks formed but the integrity of the barrier remained intact.


The moment temporary respite came, my perverted mind acted up again, as I took in the lovely sights surrounding me.

White! Pink! Black!

The skirts of Nicole, Fiora, and Helen all flew upwards due to my spell, revealing just what kind of underwear they were wearing for the day. Fiora's was lacy white, the same pair I had seen many times when she had her clothing accidents from trying to parry my Boom Cannon. Nicole on the other hand wore a lovely soft pink. They were plain, sure, but they were still tight enough to display a nice figure of her cameltoe.

And Helen's. Oh wow, Helen's. She wore a skimpy black lace along with a garterbelt. A full adult woman's charm. Her butt was easily the biggest, followed by Nicole's which was slightly bigger than Fiora's.

“Staccato: Storm!"

Fiora leaped upwards and performed a series of rapid slashing motions that cut the big boulder into chunks of smaller rocks, sending them flying away to the sides.

With the rocks gone, we could finally see just where our attackers laid hidden.

Or rather, the fact that they weren't hidden in the slightest.

Up there! That giant eagle! There are people riding on top of it! I can't see them clearly from this distance but they're definitely there! There wasn’t any giant eagle before when I scouted the area so why is there one now? It doesn’t make sense!

As I tried to figure out what the hell was going on, Nicole reformed her barrier into a half-sphere, allowing us to finally have a firm footing. Of course, it also freed me from having to maintain my cyclone spell, allowing me to perform my counterattack right away.

“Boom Cannon!”

It flew straight upwards towards the giant eagle at great speed. However…

Tch, a barrier! So they got a cleric with them as well!

My suspicions were now confirmed. They must have a whole party with them up there. The mage conjured the giant rock, and another mage probably turned into that giant eagle. A cleric protected them with a barrier, all pre-casted since they must have waited for us to perform their ambush.

Fine! You can protect yourself from my Boom Cannon! But how about my Boom Rifle, huh?

First, I would aim at the giant eagle’s head. If I can hit its brain, it should fall over right away, probably taking out the transformed mage as well.

Or so I would, if they hadn’t decided to continue their assault once more.

Arrows! A rain of arrows is heading down towards us!

It turned out that they also had an archer with them, and somehow, the one arrow they fired split apart into dozens of arrows mid-air.

Is it a magic bow or something? Or is it the arrow that’s magical? Oh, who the hell cares?

It should be fine though, right? Nicole’s barrier will not be pierced by mere arrows, right?

“Hugo! Aim for that eagle! Helen and I would help Nicole protect us from the arrows!” Fiora yelled.


I returned to my aim, trying to ignore the arrows. Fiora leaped upwards, using her sword to cut the arrows in mid-air with great speed. Helen on the other hand used her throwing knives against the arrows, which returned to her hands after they pierced their target. Enchanted knives. I had seen her use it many times before, against the monsters we encountered.

Some of them still managed to strike the barrier however, and immediately I knew I shouldn’t have underestimated those arrows. None of them actually went through the barrier, but it was obvious that they were damaging it every time they landed. So they must be no ordinary arrows to be sure. Hmm, maybe they’re augmented by the archer’s aura? Can you do that?

Dammit, I can't aim properly! The giant eagle keeps moving around! If I don't hurry, their mage will finish their chant and another troublesome spell will activate!

I decided to just bombard them with Boom Cannon instead. I didn't want to reveal my Boom Rifle this early into the fight, when I wasn't sure I could get a clean kill from it. Even if it's blocked by their barrier, if I just kept firing and hitting, it would weaken overtime and eventually shatter.

"Boom Cannon!"

"Boom Cannon!"

"Boom Cannon!"

After the fourth hit, I noticed a change in their behavior. Instead of circling above us, they instead made a beeline away from us. They're fleeing! My spell must have damaged their barrier!

Of course, I had no intention to let them get away.

"Wind Step!"

I flew upwards, chasing after them. I intended to bring out Great Fairy to keep me afloat once I got close, since I couldn't fly while casting my offensive spells as well. Her flight was slower than mine, so I didn't use her right away.

And then, I saw her—the archer responsible for the arrows.

Whoa, that’s a dark elf, isn’t it? First time I ever see one!

Dark elves. Technically they counted as elves but after 1000 years ago, where they betrayed their kin to join forces with the Demon God, they had been living separately with each other ever since. Supposedly they were given the power of darkness by the Demon God himself, thus turning their skin dark.

She aimed her bow right at me without hesitation, while her long silver hair fluttered in the wind. Oh, and her skirt was also fluttering as well, giving me a nice view of her black panties. Aah, if only I wasn’t so far away...

I called upon my Great Fairy, ordering her to hug me from behind and carry me with her wings.


Mmm, this familiar softness… Her breasts had gone bigger since she evolved into a Great Fairy, now that I think about it.

She let her arrow loose, but it was too late. My Boom Cannon launched first, and it obliterated her single arrow before it could split, before slamming right into the barrier.


Yep. It’s pretty badly damaged alright. Just one more hit and it should—


My heart jumped as I barely missed a lightning strike from above.

This is—!


A rapid succession of thunder rained from the skies, as I realized that their mage had activated their next Master-level spell. This is Thunderstorm! No doubt about it!

Unfortunately, There were two staff wielders in the group—one was a purple-haired bunny girl and the other was a green-scaled lizardman. Both of their staves lit up, so I couldn’t know which one was casting which spell. And of course, there was that familiar face. The catkin assassin from two months back. When he noticed me staring at him, he grinned, seemingly taunting me to catch him.

“Master, this is too dangerous! We can’t fly in the middle of a thunderstorm like this!” My fairy protested.

She raised a good point. However, like hell I’m going to retreat now.

And besides, there’s a way to protect myself from the thunder using a simple fact of physics.

“Great Fairy, create a puddle of water above us. Then make said puddle connect with the ground with a constant stream of water going downwards, like a waterfall.” I told her.

Electricity always travels on the easiest route. And air is more of an isolator than water. If we can just make a route from the air to the ground where the Earth would absorb all the electric charge, then we should be perfectly safe.

“M-Master! I don’t think that would work!”

“Just do it! Trust me! I know it will work! I’m your cool master after all!” I said with a grin.

“R-right. I trust you, Master,” she replied.

She did as she was told, conjuring what was basically a lightning rod made out of water.


“Master, it works! The lightning can’t reach us at all!” The fairy chirped.

On the other hand, assassin catboy was visibly taken aback, along with his comrades who thought I wouldn’t be able to chase them through this storm.

Well, there’s only one thing to do left.

“Boom Cannon!”

My spell flew and it shattered their barrier completely. The lizardman fell. Guess he was the cleric after all.

The dark elf drew her bow for another round, and the bunny girl mage turned off the Thunderstorm spell, accepting that I had rendered it completely ineffective, opting to start chanting a whole different spell entirely.

The arrow flew and unlike before, because I just cast my Boom Cannon, the single arrow managed to split into multiple arrows before I could stop it. However…


Great Fairy conjured her own water arrows, completely nullifying her attack as they crashed into one another.

And then…

“Boom Cannon!”

My spell launched and it hit the giant eagle right on its abdomen.

It let out a screech as it fell from the skies. Its defensive capabilities were clearly not designed to handle such a powerful attack. There you go! No more flying for you! I told the fairy to release me, before I descended after them using Wind Step. Thankfully for them, they were flying over landmass, and not the great chasm we nearly fell into.

The giant eagle changed back into its true form, revealing that it was a mousekin who had transformed into it. A huge bleeding hole was visible on his stomach and the lizard-priest frantically tried to heal him.

Catboy readied his sword, while miss bunny mage fired a boulder right towards me.

“Boom Cannon!”

The boulder was obliterated by my spell. Catboy moved in, blocking it from reaching his comrade. He was soon sent flying as he couldn’t withstand the sheer impact of the attack. Of course, the bunny mage behind him was sent flying along with him as well.

Ha! Take that! Fiora is stronger than you now!

The dark elf fired another shot. Ha, this close, I can just cut it mid-air with my sword!

I drew my sword with my left hand, swing it upwards in a sweeping motion, and—


The arrow exploded. Right in front of my face.


I was sent flying backwards from the force, right over the cliff overlooking the great chasm.

I fell.

My body… it refuses to move…

It hurts... Every inch of my body hurts… I can feel it… blood pouring out of my wounds…

Heh, she got me good. I underestimated her. I didn’t know how she made her arrow explode like a bomb like that. And thanks to that, it caught me completely by surprise. She was just like me, holding off on using her trump card until the very last second.

Aah, speaking of that, I didn’t even get to use my Boom Rifle. And I trained so hard on it too...


I heard the yell of my fairy from a distance. She must be flying right towards me at this moment. Too bad she can’t fly fast enough.

...Oh, right, I can just recall her and resummon her near me. Luckily, I wasn’t so wounded that I lost my consciousness, or else it would have been the end of me for sure.

I did just that, and I immediately felt her warm hug, as she simultaneously healed me while carrying me upwards.

Oh yeah, here's the pic I used for the looks of the dark elf.

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