Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 4 Chapter 35: The Fourth Stratum


Well, that was easy.

Our trip through the fourth stratum went swimmingly. Thanks to its layout, it was all too easy to find the teleporter to get to the next floor. As for the monsters, they might be stronger, consisting mainly of B and A-ranks, but I managed to guard Theo and the others perfectly fine from them. They would try all sorts of maneuvers, from appearing out of thin air to ambush us, to performing a pincer attack—none of them could really pose a threat to us. Our coordination was simply too much on point for them to be a threat.

In short, this was how it usually went. Monsters appeared, Felicia erected her shadow shield, and then I disposed of the monsters with a Homing Boom Rifle or Boom Cannon. Even if they were A-ranks, they still were no match for my magic.

If anything odd happened, like when we ended up separated from one another, Theo would take point as the frontliner fighter, Tama would play distraction with her agility, and Tira would guard Theo’s flank—all the while they tried to regroup with us.

Speaking to Tira, she should’ve become an adventurer in the first place. She had potential. She could keep her calm even in the toughest spots. That’s more important than just being a strong fighter.

Yeah, I think I can take her through the Demon Continent just fine. Hopefully.

There were still problems we had to handle though. Like when we had to “take care of business”, if you caught my drift. The dungeon was just a mess of spiraling transparent pathways through outer space so there was no private place we could do our business. At least in the previous stratum, we could just go a distance away from the group with me conjuring an earth wall for privacy. So we were forced to do our business pretty close by, with me erecting a full earthen hut. And since I was the only one who could do the spell, everyone else had to speak to me if they wanted to go. And that caused quite the problem, since with the exception of Felicia, everyone else seemed to be determined to reduce their trip to my makeshift loo to the absolute minimum.

“Milord, I think we should take a break.”

“Eh? You’re tired already, Felicia?”

“No, not me. It’s Tama. Look.”

I glanced behind me, finding the catgirl walking awfully stiffly. Her hands were not-so-subtly pressed into her skirt and sweat was rapidly falling off her forehead.

“Oh, that again.”

Sighing, I halted my feet. “Alright everyone! We’re taking a break! If anyone needs to go…”

The catfolk raised her hand in an instant.

It wasn’t just Tama who was too shy to speak up. Theo was the same. Only once he couldn’t hold it anymore would he scuttle over to me and beg me for relief. And when both of us needed to go, it would be an awkward side-by-side peeing. It’s like when you were forced to pee in an urinal that was right beside another guy’s urinal. No self-respecting man would like that! That’s why you always, always take the far urinal!

Not to mention how I would get nervous of him seeing my manhood, for some odd reason. Maybe because of his girlish face, or maybe I was just the shy type. If I were Felicia on the other hand… heh, I had bared all I had to her many times. I wasn’t even nervous about my size anymore, thanks to her encouraging words and actions.

Having a girlfriend hungry for your manhood really does wonders for your self-esteem.

I also tried to look away from his manhood. Too bad I ended up catching a glimpse of it anyway when he forgot to unzip after doing his business.

Thankfully, his was smaller than mine. Self-esteem protected.

Look, he already frequently has sex with Tama. They even did it a couple of times in this stratum, even though he knows everyone else can hear their moans. I’m his mentor so I should be ahead in that kind of thing too! I swear, once I reunite with Sherry, we’ll have a threesome and I’ll show him how a real man does it!

…N-not that I am experienced at sex, let alone a threesome. But you just have to thrust it as hard as you can, right? And make them moan a lot?

As for Tira, she would come up to me earlier than the other two, but I still could tell she was holding it harder than she should.

Only Felicia would tell her need immediately. She would even offer me to watch her do her business.

As forward as always.

Oh, and we had to check every chest we found, since the Dream Orb I badly needed started to appear in this stratum.

Unfortunately, after slaughtering what could’ve only been our 200th mimics, we still didn’t get any. The rate was certainly low but I didn’t imagine it to be that low.

As for the Convergence Floors, we didn’t meet anyone else either. I suppose other adventurers really are fleeing from the Demon Continent. Or they got recruited as sellswords.

We arrived at the 400th floor in just two weeks where we faced the stratum boss.


It was a dragon. A Galaxy Dragon, to be exact, named so by the scholars who described it in their books because of its location and its coloration. Its scales glimmered like the stars and its eyes glowed like a supernova.

A top dog S-rank monster. Even stronger than the Ice Dragon I killed before.

Thankfully, the dungeon was nice enough to provide us with a large flat platform where we could fight the beast.

“Stand back!” I ordered the others. “I’ll handle this myself.”

The dragon was looking right at me as I slowly walked forward. “Who is this young man who dares to tread on my territory?” It probably thought in its mind.

I couldn’t just charge my Super Boom Cannon and one-shot it. It would know what I was doing and counterattack immediately. And since there were no walls to hide me either, it was clear that I had to do it the hard way.

The last time the beast was defeated was by the Ten Braves, according to Felicia’s research. And since I had defeated them, I should be able to defeat this dragon as well.

I began by firing a Boom Cannon, followed by me running as fast as I could towards the creature to gap the distance. Naturally, the dragon repelled it by its scales before blowing a cosmic fire breath in my direction. I dodged it by jumping upwards before firing another Boom Cannon to its eyes. Once again, it dodged.

Tch, you’re a tough one, aren’t you?

I drew my sword and enchanted it with wind. And then, I took out a small vial from my pocket and poured its green liquid on its tip. Using Wind Step, I closed the gap even further, barely dodging out of the way from its massive tail swipe.

“Haa! Staccato!”

Sharpening my mithril sword to the max, I aimed it downwards.

Stabbing it right on top of the dragon’s head.


Yes! It’s in! Thanks to the combo of both techniques, my sword is sharp enough to stab through its scales!

The dragon roared as it tried to shake me off. I braced myself, using magic-created wind pressure to keep me glued on top of it. I still had my wand out so I could still cast spells. One of the many perks of being ambidextrous.


The dragon decided it had enough and banged its own head to the translucent floor, wanting to get rid of me in the process no doubt. And so, I had to disengage. I gave the head a good slash before jumping off it, just in time before I hit the floor.

Well, it’s over now.

That vial I used? Felicia’s most lethal poison. It went straight for the brain, destroying it immediately. And since I managed to get my sword inside its head…


The dragon’s head froze mid-air for a few moments before falling down.

The dragon’s body followed suit as its legs lost their strength. A small tremor ensued as its mass crashed onto the floor.

And just like that, I’ve won.

I was greeted by cheers and praises from Theo and Tira once I returned. Even Tama couldn’t help showing her awed face to me.

“Guys, thank Felicia too. She was the one who made the poison I used to kill the dragon.”

“Oh no, all the praise should go to you, Milord. You’re the adventurer. I’m just the alchemist supplying you with my goods. Isn’t that how it goes in the world of adventurers?”

Heh, she got a point. No one cares about the people that make the potions and swords an adventurer uses. If a blacksmith can make a sword that can slay a dragon, it would be the knight that gets all the credit.

Still, I plan to appreciate Felicia as much as I can. She’s been a massive help, even as a fighter.

“Oh, stop being so humble!” I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me with a grin.

“M-Milord, what are you—”

Massaging her left breast, I then said, “You’re an amazing alchemist! You should be proud of that fact! Puff this chest of yours and say to the world that you can make poisons able to kill dragons!”

“M-Milord, a-ahnn, doing this out in the open…”

“H-hey, stop it! Save it for nighttime you idiots!” Tama pointed and yelled. Tira looked away while Theo gulped, staring really closely at the scene as his shorts slowly tented.

I laughed, moving my left hand to the right breast.

“Look, this is my reward for her. She loves being fondled like this, you know. As for you guys, you should praise her more too. Don’t just praise me too.”

“M-Milord, p-please stop I’m not—ahnnn! I’m not ready for this!”

Casually groping a girl in broad daylight in front of other people, it really is a man’s dream!


After that little—ahem—incident, we finally reached the next stratum.

And it was yet another awe-inspiring sight. 

It’s… a garden?

Around us were fields upon fields of grasses and flowers. However, they were entirely different from the ones we could find on the outside. The grass was lavender in color and its tip was all curled like a hairstyle you would find on a princess. The flowers, on the other hand, had their heads shaped not in the usual round shape but with triangles instead. So the head of the flowers were made out of large triangles surrounded by smaller ones.

The Exogenous Garden. A paradise for strange and rare plants.

And it’s also where the danger level of the dungeon increased dramatically. All monsters were at least A-ranks, with the occasional S-ranks thrown in for good measure.

And the stratum boss… well… no one had ever seen it. No one had gotten that far.

This stratum was special, more than 100 floors.

We would be in this alien paradise for a good while for sure.

“Well done. You’ve finally arrived, o Unchained One.”

A sphere of light manifested out of thin air, revealing a familiar cloaked elf once it receded.

Xaela, The Administrator.

“Hold on, I thought you’re waiting for us on the 599th floor.”

“Yes. You still have a long way to go. I am here merely to inform you that your Demon Lord is going through this facility at this very moment.”

My heart skipped a beat.

“She—she’s chasing after us?”

“Yes. She’s currently on floor 235, at the Third Stratum. I believe she figured out that my teleportation of the elf over there was done through the power of this facility.”

“Damn it! She’s already that far?”

“Hey, can’t you do something?” Felicia interrupted. “Didn’t you say that we’d be safe here?”

“I can… but I won’t.”

“What? Why not?!” It was Theo’s turn to speak next. “You saved Master Hugo before! Why can’t you do it again?!”

“Because this is his test. I wish to see his strength. And your strength as well, as his companions.” Turning back to face me, she then said, “I shall be waiting, o Unchained One. Do not disappoint me.”

And with that, she disappeared once more.

Damn it! Stop being so mysterious for once!” I yelled.

No response, of course, even though I knew she must have heard it.

I still remembered when she gave me that headpat when I was at my lowest point. That mesmerizing smile of hers — it could only be made by someone with a good heart.

And yet, why was she acting so cold now? To test me? For what reason?

“So that was the person that saved me…” Tira spoke, diverting me from my thoughts. “Sir Hugo. If you have no wish to follow her demand, we can just leave the dungeon right now. Since that Demon Lord is here, we can just run away. She won’t be able to give chase, no?” She smiled.

I froze. She’s right! Why didn’t I think of that?

“I’m sorry, Tira, but I want to go on further.” I shook my head. “I… have something I need to ask her.”

She knew my past. My true past. I can’t just leave someone like that.

If she knows why I am reborn in this world…

I want to know.

I want to know the reason why I was given a second chance.

“What do you want to ask her, Master Hugo?” Theo asked.

“…It’s a secret. I can’t tell you yet. I’m sorry.” I gave him a wry smile.

“A secret?! You want us to risk our lives for a secret? What a joke!” Tama yelled. “You’re… you’re just smitten by her, aren’t you?”

I sighed. She had a point.

Not the smitten part though.

Okay, maybe I was a little smitten. But it wasn’t like I was falling in love with her like she implied.

“Then you three should leave the dungeon. Go to the west at once and leave the Continent. I’ll give you my bag with all our loot. It should be enough money to start over somewhere else. As for you, Felicia…”

“Don’t you even dare say it, Milord. You want to climb further? Then I’m with you. Even though I agree with Tira’s suggestion.” She huffed.

“T-then I’m coming with you!” Theo yelled. “You’ve done so much for us—for me! I won’t abandon you just because of a Demon Lord! A-and I still need to learn more from you!”

“I agree.” Tira followed, a firm look on her face. “I would be a terrible mother if I don’t strive to repay your kindness, Sir Hugo. I’ll follow you wherever you go.”

“Y-you two can’t be serious, can you?” Tama interrupted. “You know that guy can’t win against her!” She pointed her finger at me.

“Oh, I am serious,” Tira replied with a frown. “I’m willing to lay down my life for him. And you should be too, seeing how much you owe him as well.”

“Theo! You talk some sense into her!”

“No! I’m going with Master Hugo and that’s that!”

“Grrr, that’s it! You’re kicked out from my tent for a week?”

“What?! Fine! I’ll just sleep with Mother then!”

Ah, their first couple’s argument.

I still haven’t done that with Felicia, come to think about it.



Victoria Fay Relfatia was mourning.

It had been two weeks since she heard the news of her friends’ death, killed by the untouchable Demon Lord.

She was there when her older sister yelled at her father for sending the Demon Lord to kill her friends. She wanted them alive for her own plans. Her father, on the other hand, disagreed. He thought they were too much of a liability to be kept alive. Even though at the end, it was the Demon Lord who killed her father’s merchant friend, causing him great distress. She didn’t understand why but it was something to do with how this city had engaged business with the other city-states.

Bursting into the room, she spoke her mind without reserve.

“No! That’s a lie! Sir Hugo can’t possibly—”

“I wish it was a lie,” her sister replied, crossing her arms under her chest. “But if what Father said was true, she would have no reason to lie about killing them either.” She sighed. “And now, she has disappeared into the void. Even though the invasion would begin soon.”

“The invasion?”

“The city-states will gather their forces and make a big push into Balthazar’s territory. We will be there, of course, and when the time comes, we will stab them in the back, just as the plan says.” She smiled. “And you, my dear, will be the foundation for our long-lasting relationship with his nation.”

Victoria could say nothing more to her sister. And so, she moved on to her father instead.

“F-Father, are you sure about this? That Demon Lord killed your partner, did she not? And she’s with Balthazar?”

“She’s not Balthazar’s minion.” He sighed. “She has always been a rogue agent, not a true ally of our alliance with Balthazar. Losing Bartholomeous is certainly a large setback, as it meant we would lose the money and influence we could have with the other city-states, but since we are allying ourselves with Balthazar, we would be in the superior position anyway once this is all over. And it would be unwise to elicit her displeasure at this critical juncture of our history.”

He stood up, staring right at Victoria. “I’ve informed Balthazar of your supposed half-fairy nature. And now, he wants you even more as one of his sons’ wife. I expect you to play your part perfectly. As such, I have instructed Nanaca to teach you in the arts of a good wife.”

Nanaca Fay Relfatia. It was the name of her estranged mother.

“Y-you’ve made up with Mother, Father?” Victoria smiled.

“She and I simply agreed that we could be rid of you.”

“A-ah, I see…” Her smile turned awkward. “I-I promise! I will be useful! I’ll make the Demon Lord play nice with Arborea!”

“Good. If you can do that, then you might finally be half as useful as your sister.”

Victoria could only nod in obedience.

If… if her precious Sir Hugo was really dead…

This was all she had left.


“Victoria~ Your mother is coming in~”

Without waiting for her answer, the older woman entered her room.

Victoria was still in her nightgown, hugging her pillow as she refused to forget the dream she just had. There, she was a brave and strong knightess, coming to the rescue of Sir Hugo against the evil Demon Lord. Then, once the fox demon was defeated, Sir Hugo would thank her and praise her for her help.

A-A kiss, Sir Hugo? But you already have Miss Felicia!

I don’t care! You saved me and I want to give it to you!

I-if you insist, Sir Hugo, t-then as your guardian knight, i-it is my duty to accept…

And then, the two kissed passionately under the setting sun.

Or, in the case of the real world, Victoria kissed her pillow passionately.

“S-Sir Hugo, uhmmmmmphh…”

“Oh dear, having more lewd dreams with him? Now that won’t do!”

With a manic grin on her face, her mother pulled the pillow away from her, throwing it to the ground.

And then, she slapped her.


Groaning, Victoria’s eyes slowly fluttered open. 



“Mother, it hurts!” Victoria screamed. Her long ear was being twisted by the older woman’s fingers.

“I told you before, didn’t I?! All you must think about is your future husband! Not some dead kid you met on the filthy roads outside! You’re going to be the ideal wife! And no wife should think of other men that are not her husband!”

She slapped her one last time before releasing her grip. As Victoria weeped, she began a long lecture on her daughter’s long responsibilities as the future wife of a Demon Lord’s son.

This had happened many times before. And all Victoria could do was to endure it. Just like she had endured all the other things her parents had done to her since she was little.

When her mother finished, she took out what looked like a long wooden object from her pocket.

“Now, before breakfast, I want you to show me how you would pleasure your husband’s member with that enormous chest of yours.”

Ironically, the older woman had a completely flat chest herself. Where her daughters got their assets, no one could ever know.

“Y-yes, Mother.”

Taking the wooden shaft from her mother’s hands, she lodged in the phallic object between her breasts.

“What is that?! That is not sensual at all! Start over!”

Indeed. She wasn’t taught how to be the wife of a ruler (as the son of a Demon Lord would be a Demon Prince). She was taught to be his consort in bed. Nothing more. Nothing less.

To her mother, it was the perfect punishment. It was because of her cursed existence she had suffered all these years. A damned half fey. A changeling. No better than those disgusting demons her husband is in cahoots with.

And so, Victoria’s hellish days continued onward.



Poor Victoria… is it her fault for not asking for Hugo’s help? Is it Felicia’s fault for preventing Hugo from helping her? Or is it Hugo’s own fault listening to his obviously jealous girlfriend?

Her suffering will only continue from now on, unfortunately.

As for my Patreon chapter, poor Erika...

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