Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 11: A Night of Relaxation

Well well well… not bad… not bad at all… I nodded, scratching my chin in the process.

Entering the bathroom, we were greeted by pretty much the most luxurious bathroom we had ever been in. Well, Felicia might have been to one that’s better than this, since she used to live in a royal castle, but that’s beside the point. The walls were pure white, engraved by decorative flower patterns. The tub was placed at the middle of the room, or rather, the pool, as there was a chest-deep hole filled with warm, steaming water there. It seemed the maids here had prepared it beforehand, just like a five-star hotel would (or maybe not. I’ve never been in one back at my old life)

I was the first to enter the pool. Immediately the muscles of my feet relaxed, followed soon by the rest of my body. I let out a deep, relaxed sigh, as I took my leaning spot at the northern war. Grinning, I waved my hand at Sherry and Felicia.

“What are you waiting for? The water is really nice, you know!”

I watched as the two entered the water as well, savoring the final moments I got to see them fully naked. The water was a bit too deep for the shorter Sherry, covering her small chest entirely. For Felicia, on the other hand, it covered just enough to tease her nipples, as the top part of her breasts were completely exposed.

“Ahhhh, this is the life… This is the life…”

“Milord, let me scrub your back.” Felicia approached me with a lustful smile.

“Nonono, let’s save the lewd play for later. I want to relax first. Enjoy the water, you know.”

She huffed, stopping in her tracks. “Well, if you say so…”

She then rested her back on the nearest edge, leaning at it just like I was doing.

“I have to agree with you, MIlord… The water is very nice indeed… This aroma… moondipped perune and singing taliol… the maids must have an alchemist in their ranks…”

Sherry, on the other hand, decided to lean on the edge right beside me.

I closed my eyes. It didn’t take long until my mind began to drift away to the fluffy clouds above…




Why didn’t you… save me?

I jolted awake, splashing water all around me, waking up Sherry who had also been catching a quick nap.


Damnit damnit damnit!

It was that dream again.

I should be used to it already. Apparently not.

“What’s the matter, Milord?” Felicia asked with a concerned look.

“Nothing.” I shook my head, massaging the front of my head with my thumb and index. “I just had a dream… about Marina again…”

Felicia’s expression turned grave. Slowly, she made her way towards me, stopping to rest her back right beside me, just like Sherry had been doing.

“You must love her a lot.”

“Of course.” I chuckled, finding my throat really dry all of a sudden. “She’s always been there ever since I was little. Always. Without fail. She even hid the fact that she was bullied just because she didn’t want to worry me.”

“I remember that,” Felicia replied. She was looking at the ceiling, almost with a forlorn expression. “You’ve told me this story before, Milord.”

“Yeah. I suppose I have…”

“Marina’s strong. Don’t let that evil Goddess make you sad.”

Sherry’s face on the other hand was resolute. Her fists were clenched tightly and she looked like she was about to punch someone on their face. No doubt the Goddess.

“We will save her. I’m sure of it.”

But what if the Goddess just kills her before we can get to her? She can just do that out of spite. To send me barreling down into the darkness yet again.

I held myself from saying it out loud. I refused to entertain that horrible thought further.

Suddenly, I felt Sherry’s hand wrapping around mine.

“Remember when I used your crystal to send a message to her?” She spoke, though still not looking at my direction. “I told her that you’re an amazing person and that she should be happy her little brother had grown up to be a wonderful man. I even told her that I allowed you to take another girl as his second wife, just because I trusted you that much.”

I glanced at Felicia. To my surprise, she didn’t protest at those words, particularly the “second wife” part.

“And so, she should trust in you as well. No matter what horrible things that Goddess did to her, she could rely on the fact that you are coming, that you are going to save her one day. You two are going to reunite. And you two are going to be happy together again.”

A small sniffle ended her speech, followed by something that completely caught me off-guard.

A kiss.

“There.” Her face was red, and clearly not from the warm water. “That’s my cheer-up kiss.”

I smiled, wrapping my arms around her back, dragging her closer for a hug.

“Thank you. I needed that.”

If Sherry could’ve ignited from embarrassment, she would’ve done so right then and there.

“You know, Marina used to hug me when we took our baths together too. No, to be more precise, I was the one who initiated the hug. She said it made her happy. So I did it every time I could. Which was only in the summers, since she had to go back to the Academy once fall came.”

“...Milord, doesn’t that mean you’re hugging naked children out of your own volition?”

I froze. Slowly, I turned my head to face Felicia.

“You have your adult mind even as a little boy. And yet, you’re still going after her? And she’s your older sister too.”

“W-wait! That’s not what—”

Felicia covered her mouth and chuckled, before breaking out into a full laughing fit.

“Oh, Milord! It’s merely a jest! I’ll never call you a child predator!”

I blinked. What?

“Still, you should have seen your face! You are as white as a ghost!”

It’s… a joke? Since when Felicia is the type to make jokes?

“Don’t you worry! I know how perverted you are, Milord! But you are a gentleman as well! That’s why I fell for you after all!”

Finally, her laughter died down, with her wiping a tear of her left eye.

“Sorry. I know it’s a bit out of character for me to do that, but I just have to cheer you up, Milord. Just like Sherry did.”

Ah. This is her way of cheering me up.

How odd. Usually, she’ll just grab my junk and be done with it. Glad to see she’s expanding her horizons though.

“Still, I would like to hear more stories about Marina. I have a feeling we’ll be good friends immediately when we meet one day.”

Uh, I wouldn’t count on that. She’s a bit… overprotective, especially if it relates to me. Doesn’t like to share. I still remember her being jealous of Sherry for getting to be with me far more often than her.

Still, that’s her old self. How she is right now…

The sight of her bloodied half-dryad body flashed for a split second.

I don’t want to answer that question.


We finished our bath not long after. After such a heartfelt talk, we weren’t in the mood to do anything lewd. We dried our bodies with the provided towels before stepping back to the living room, still in our birthday suits.

“Oh yeah, I should call out Kiri and Aria.”

I had been keeping them in reverse ever since we stepped in the city. I kinda wanted them to be out of sight of any of the Demon Lord’s underlings, just so I could use them as my trump card. But, I felt sorry for them as well. Now that they had officially become my familiars, they could stay by my side as much as they wanted and if I were to follow their wishes, they would forever be with me 24/7. They would no doubt be happy if I called them out for a bit, even if I would have to dismiss them again. We had checked around and there wasn’t any surveillance magic or creature around so it should be safe.

“Now, Milord?” Felicia folded her arms under her chest. “We haven’t even had sex yet. Unless you don’t want to do it tonight…” Her voice trailed off, her face giving me a look of disappointment.

“We’ll do that later.” Sherry chimed in, pulling a fresh pair of sky blue panties up her well-toned bum. “Dinner, remember?”

“Aaw, but I’m not hungry…” Felicia walked up to me and pressed her bare chest to mine. “Can we just skip it, Milord? Please? My womb is really itching for your—”

“Cut it out!” Sherry glared, now pulling up her short shorts. “Hugo needs his meal! He’s the one doing all the fighting! You can do your diet all on your own!”

“D-diet? Why would I be on a diet?”

“Because you already have some belly fat down there. That’s what you get for refusing to exercise every day.”


I looked down at her naked stomach. Hmm, I don’t see anything different… But then again, girls are always more sensitive in this matter than boys…

Heh, you can’t say that when you used to be fat. Back when you were just too lazy and depressed to exercise.


After we got dressed and ready, we made our way outside. We knocked on the door across our room, letting Myrilla know that we were ready to have dinner. It only took a split second until the demoness opened the door.

“Finally. Took you long enough.”

We made our way to the first floor, using the same elevator we used when we first came here. We then made our way to the dining hall, which, thankfully enough, wasn’t that far from where our elevator ended up.

Only to find a room in chaos, with plates flying everywhere as several demons beat the crap out of each other in a brawl.

Noticing our arrival, the nearby succubus maid walked over to us and gave a bow.

“Apologies. It seems that this scene is not to your liking. Then, might I suggest returning back to your rooms? We will send food there.”

“Uh, what’s going on here?” I scratched the back of my head.

“A brawl,” she replied matter-of-factly, as if people fighting each other in a middle of a dining hall was a common occurence. “A certain good sir had too much to drink and he began insulting the races of the other demons. It quickly devolved into the situation you see here right now, unfortunately.”

“And you’re just going to let it happen?!”

“Yes. It’s healthy for these warriors to fight like this. Do not fret. We will make sure they’re in top fighting condition come tomorrow. We here have the best healer in all of the Demon Continent. They will be back in fighting shape in no time.”

I looked back at the dining hall. Food were flying everywhere. Grilled fish, fried rice, giant turnips (a common delicacy in the Demon Continent), and numerous other food were being wasted by the second, thrown by drunkards who had completely lost their common sense.

I shook my head. What a waste… what a terrible, awful waste…

“And here I thought this is supposed to be a high class establishment.” Felicia smirked.

“Yeah, that’s right!” Sherry put her hands on her hips, her shiny teeth visible as she grinned. “You really aren’t that good at doing your job, are you, Ms. Succubus?”

The succubus tilted her head. “Apologies. But I’m afraid I’m quite unfamiliar with how humans hold their gatherings. If this displeases you, then please, accept my, and this establishment’s, sincere apology.”

Once again, the maid gave a bow, this time a lot deeper than before.

I scratched my head again. I guess this is acceptable in demon cities?

Though, thinking about it, whenever a fight broke out in the taverns we had frequented on our way here, the owner would quickly join in on the fun. Some just watched with glee from the corner, others decided to start an impromptu gambling session on who the winner would be, and one special man actually joined in on the fight himself.

As I was thinking to myself, however…

…!!! An attack!

Something flew towards me at high speed, faster than any ordinary human could react to. Thankfully, I was no ordinary human, so I could turn around and catch the thing before it could hit me on the head.

Or I would, if Sherry didn’t do it first. Using her hand, she grabbed the object, which was an empty plate. Her eyes then immediately scanned the room from the person responsible.

“Oi! Nice catch, shorty!”

Across the room, I saw a demon waving at us. His skin was blue and he had a pair of goat horns jutting out from his head. A pair of comically tiny wings could also be seen coming out from his shoulders, as he stood there only with his pants on.

“Stop standing over there like a wuss and join the fun! We can have a little spar before we get to—”

He never managed to end his sentence.

Sherry, in her rage, sent the plate flying back to him. With her full strength.

I didn’t know how fast it flew. I only knew that it broke the sound barrier in the process.

It crashed onto his head, shattering into million tiny pieces in the process.

Knocking the lights out of him in just a single blow.

I turned my gaze back to Sherry.

“What? What’s that face for? He almost hit you, you know. It’s only fair that I return the favor.”

The succubus, realizing that there was a good possibility that Sherry had just killed the demon, quickly ran towards him, leaving us on our own once more.

Well… time to leave and pretend this whole thing never happened…

As promised, we did have our dinner delivered to our rooms. And yes, it was as extravagant as the food I saw at the dining hall. We were told to just leave the tray, plates, and cutleries outside after we finished eating, and the maids would just pick them up.

And, to my surprise, Sherry didn’t get any admonishment for what she did back there. I saw blood pouring out of that guy’s forehead. He could’ve gotten brain damage out of that.

Or so I would say, if not for the fact that he was a demon. And so, I guess the wound was less grave than I imagined it to be.

The guys fighting at the dining hall will end up doing the same amount of damage, if not more, to their opponents anyway. I saw how some of them fought, actually using their claws and fangs rather than their fists. No weapons though. You were not allowed to bring them there by the staff.

We decided to all eat together in my living room, including Myrilla. And Kiri and Aria as well. They didn’t need to eat but they could. And they enjoyed human food just as much as humans do.

Okay, that’s a lie. They despise meat. And vegetables. All they want are sweets, like puddings, candies, ice creams, etc.

Basically, the entire desert tray.

“Oooohhh Master! This is so delicious!”

I could only stare in both awe and alarm as Kiri gulped an entire strawberry pudding. That can’t be normal.

Aria, on the other hand, was taking her time with her chocolate cake. Though I couldn’t help but notice the brown smudge on her lips, as she was still not that skilled in using the fork and knife, despite the training she had undergone with Tira.

“Hey, you get a little something on your mouth there. Let me clean it up.”

I reached forward across the table, using the handkerchief I had to clean the fey’s mouth.

“M-Master… mphhhhh!”

Sorry Aria, but your blunder is just too noticeable for me to ignore!

When I finished, I gave her a grin, placing the now dirty handkerchief to the side.

Huh? Why is she blushing?

Oh, right, I guess this must be a bit embarrassing for her.

Little did I know that Sherry was staring at me the whole time I was doing it.

“Hugo! My mouth is dirty too!”

I looked at her. Sure enough, she now had some peanut jam on the left side of her lips.

…Oooh, she’s jealous! I guess wiping a girl’s mouth can be seen as a romantic act… I’ll certainly get excited if a cute girl were to clean my mouth with her handkerchief! 

With a grin, I grabbed a different handkerchief and wiped her mouth clean as well.

“There you go. All nice and new.”

“T-thanks…” she stuttered, glancing away. Her cheeks were just as red as Aria’s.

Somehow, at that moment, I could feel the eye-rolling Felicia was doing behind my back.

“Well, now that we’ve finished, I shall return to my room.”

The moment she finished her plate, Myrilla declared her departure.

“Kiri, Aria.” She looked at my two familiars. “One of you should come to my room.”

“Huh?” Kiri put a finger on her lips. “Why? I wanna be here with Master!”

Myrilla opted to ignore her, switching her gaze to me instead. “Hugo, order them to stand guard at your room and mine.”

Oh yeah, they don’t need to sleep after all. Just in case, we should do that.

“Well then.” I smiled, looking at the two feys. “Which one of you will get to stay with me, I wonder?”

“Me! Memememememe!” Kiri jumped up and down like a schoolchild, waving her hands in the process. Yes, her boobs jiggled the entire time she did it.

Aria, on the other hand, had a completely different reaction to my question. 

“I… I would want to be with you, Master…” She fidgeted, averting her gaze with a deep blush on her face. Huh, is she still recovering from the handkerchief incident? 

“How about this? We’ll settle it with a game. A simple one. I’ll toss a coin and you’ll have to guess whether it’s heads or tails.”

“Ooh, that sounds like fun, Master!” Kiri jumped again. “Let’s do it!”

Aria didn’t say anything. She simply nodded, with a determined look on her face.

Quickly, I took out a bronze coin from my pocket.

“Tails? Or heads?”

“Heads!” Kiri answered.

“Tails.” Aria followed.

I threw the coin up into the air, letting it fall on my palm before covering it with my other hand.

“Let’s see who we got here… and… tails! Congratulations Aria! You are winner!”

Heh, “you are winner”. That’s a classic phrase from my other childhood. All those games that used bad English in them…


Kiri’s shoulder slumped, her eyes looking down on her feet. I would feel bad for her but I knew she’d be over it in an instant.

"Well…" I smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Time to leave with Big Sis Myrilla.”


After Myrilla and Kiri left, the latter doing so with great reluctance, we decided to go to sleep at once, though not before changing out into our nightdresses and pajamas. Aria watched us with a curious look as we took off our clothes. Or at least, she would, if not for Sherry telling me to give the order for her to look away.

“Hey Hugo. Tell her to look away.”

“What? You’re both girls, you know.”

“Not for me. For you. You’re my husband and I won’t have you be ogled by girls other than me and Felicia.”

I looked at Aria. “Well, you heard her. If you would, can you look away?”

“...Of course, Master Hugo.” She turned around, now facing the far corner of the room.

Damn it. It really is awkward having her here…

Once we were finished, we climbed up the large bed, clearly designed for three people to sleep in. Or even more.

“No sex tonight, it seems…” Felicia whispered under the covers with a pout.

“You really are a nymphomaniac, aren’t you?” Sherry glared at her, her arms wrapping themselves around my abdomen from behind.

“Hmph, speak to yourself, Ms. ‘Let’s Sniff Hugo’s Underpants’” Felicia huffed, wrapping her own arms around my chest.

“H-hey! You agreed to never mention that again!”

“Oh dearie. I’ll never let you go for that.” 

Fat, juicy boobs pressing to my chest on the front; small, barely perceptible mounds on my back. Two cute and beautiful girls hugging me. It was just like my fantasies.

Only, it’s my reality now. These two really love using me as their pillow.

A little groping shouldn’t hurt…

As the two closed their eyes, my right hand squeezed Felicia’s left boob while my left went after Sherry’s left asscheek instead.

Two short gasps escaped their lips. But they didn’t say anything. Instead, both just had their hands going after my crotch, grabbing my junk under the blanket, with the loser fondling my jewels instead.

Yeah… this is nice… and Aria wouldn’t know better… we’re doing it under our blanket after all…

It didn’t take long until I fell asleep. Well, after I finished my business in my pajama pants anyway.

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