Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Intermission – Ars The Hero

Sigil. The city that settled itself in the middle of a swamp.

Normally, the city's visitors were mostly pilgrims or those with business with the Church, as the existence of a Grand Priest was the only thing the place had going for it.

Lately, however, things had changed quite considerably. The normally active Temple Knights who patrolled the area could no longer be seen doing so as some time ago, a large continent of them departed, leaving the city to merely a handful of knights. As a result, the roads to get there had become a lot more dangerous. Monsters roamed unchecked. Bandits as well.

And it just so happened that the latter was unfortunate enough to meet with a certain sword princess.

“Alright, ladies! You know the drill! Hand over everything and we’ll let you live! And yes, that includes your pretty clothes as well!”

The bandits, numbered around thirty or so, were all laughing and grinning lewdly at them. They had just hit a jackpot. Not only did they catch three pretty women as their prey, they looked positively loaded as well. The brown-haired girl especially, with that expensive-looking clothes and sword of her.

“Come on now. Strip. You value your lives more than your dignity, right? If you do, I promise, I won’t harm a single—”

He never got to finish his sentence.

In a blink of an eye, the brown-haired girl unsheathed her sword and took out all of them. All forty of them, in a single move.

Little did they know that they were trying to rob Fiora Guinevere Pendragon, an (almost) Virtuoso-level sword princess, recently graduated from the Order of Galahad.

“Haah. This place really has gotten worse ever since we were last here.” She shook her head as she sheathed back her sword. “That’s how many bandits already?”

“Counting the ones we just defeated, that would be 100 bandits, Milady,” the maid beside her spoke. She was Helen, the personal imperial maid of yours truly.

“100? That’s quite a lot… I suppose with the whole war going on, they’re gathering all the soldiers to the front lines.”

The war, of course, was the war that the Magocracy started. Ever since they began to invade their neighbors in the Southwest Continent, the Empire had been in full alert mode. They had cut their trade with them and sealed off their borders. It didn’t help that the rumors of the current Emperor being in their deathbed had already spread like wildfire. They couldn’t afford a succession crisis now for sure.

Still, Fiora had no plans to go home just yet. In fact, it would be better if she just proved her mettle in the battlefield against the Magocracy. That way, she could be a war hero, earning her support from the general populace.

But, if she had to guess, the Church had different plans for whom the hero would be.

“We’re wasting time.” The twintail redhead declared. “Shouldn't we hurry and head to Frastel—whatever that city is? Ars is there, right? You said it yourself that he would probably lead the Empire's army against the Magocracy."

"Ah, I do remember saying something to that effect some time ago..." Fiora gave her friend a cheeky grin.

Her name was Sara. A friend/rival of sorts from the Galahad order. She's pretty strong as a swordswoman herself but not as strong as she was of course. She was here because Ars was her crush. And the poor thing was left behind like a lost kitten without a word.

To be frank, Fiora herself didn't know for sure where he headed. It was only by asking around that they had an inkling of his trajectory. They asked about a really powerful swordsman and they quickly found rumors of one heading west. It seemed that on his trail, he left a pile of bandits in his wake. Just like a real hero would, saving the weak and all that.

"But, do not fret. He did go through here after all. Remember all those stories about a demon swordsman clearing the bandits in the region? We're doing the same thing as he did so we must be on the right trail!" Fiora grinned, nodding as she folded her hands under her chest.

"Hmph, fine! But if we miss him again, it's on you!"

With a huff, the redhead climbed up her horse, followed by Fiora and Helen on their own. With a hit of her boot and a lash of her reins, Sara launched herself forward. Fiora and Helen had to do the same to keep up.

Sheesh, she sure is in a hurry...

I wonder though... Would that woman still be in Sigil?

After a few more hours of horse-riding, they finally arrived.

Sigil. The holy city amidst the swamps.

Fiora gazed at the foggy structure in the distance. Is it just me or is it even more depressing than the last time I was here?

"Hiya! Hyaa!"

Sara ran forward, her twin tails trailing behind her as she crossed a puddle of muddy water, splashing the dirty water everywhere.

Fiora wrinkled her nose. If it weren't for the enchantments woven into the garments she wore, they would've become all dirty and grimy a long time ago.

Indeed, she now no longer wore the simple outfit she wore back at Galahad. She was now dressed more spiffily, back to a dress that was more suited for someone of her stature. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt with a blue short dress, with white stockings and black dress boots.

It was an outfit she had ordered at one of the high-class establishments she visited on her way here. She still had some money left with her so might as well use it to look more presentable.

Unlike her friend over there, who insisted wearing the same clothes, despite her advice.

Fiora smiled. She then kicked her horse, chasing after her.

Behind her, Helen shook her head. She could see her mistress's white panties from where she sat.

She had disapproved of how short that dress was, barely reaching down her upper thighs. But the mistress insisted, saying that it was necessary for mobility's sake.

Still, even with the high possibility of exposure, the dress indeed suited her. She looked lovely and elegant in it and it matched perfectly with the sword princess aesthetic she was going for.

She could only hope she wouldn't flash anyone while wearing it. And she had to be aware of any perverted men that might ogle her juicy legs and thighs as her bodyguard.

She sighed. It seemed her job had become a little more difficult than before.

Entering the city, the trio didn't waste any time. They immediately made their way to the temple where the Grand Priestess resided. Fiora declared her identity to the guards, allowing them entry without any fuss.

To Fiora's surprise, the Grand Priestess herself was there to meet them.

"Welcome, Your Royal Highness. It's been a while since we last met."

They were now inside the main building, sitting on a long couch face to face with the wolf woman. Her key-shaped staff stood beside her as she was crossing her arms, glaring at Fiora.

Lunarya Silvermoon. The Grand Priestess of Sigil. Fiora still remembered when they sparred all those years ago. What a formidable warrior.

"You really caught me at a bad time, princess. As I'm sure you already know, the whole Empire is in at uproar now. And the Church as well, thanks to our good friends down at the Southwest Continent."

"I know." Fiora smiled, her hands resting on her lap. "Which is why I'll make this visit short. Do you know a man named Ars?"

The Grand Priestess froze, lines forming on her forehead. Sighing, she answered, "Ars? I do know him. He passed through here a week ago."

"Wait, really?!" Sara jumped out of her seat, slamming her hands on the low table in front of her. "Where did he go?!"

The priestess switched her sharp gaze towards the redhead. "What do you want with him, girl?"

"What kind of a question is that? I'm his girl— f-friend!" She quickly corrected herself, blushing. "I-it's only natural I wanna know where he went!"

Switching her gaze back to Fiora, she then asked, "Do you know who this Ars really is?"

"Of course." Fiora smirked. "The one chosen by the Heavenly Dragon Himself to be the next Legendary Hero. I assume you've received your "divine revelation"?"

Sighing, the priestess slumped backwards in her seat. "Yes. Yes I did. And I did not like it one bit."

The conversation died down as Sara returned to her seat, sending an impatient glare towards the priestess. Fiora took a sip of her tea, gracefully served by the maids of the priestess before the latter arrived.

"The Church... They're in tatters right now. Our leader, Saint Catherine, is missing. Her subordinates ended up being the ones running the show right now. And they couldn't reach a consensus on what to do. With the recent expulsion of human colonies on the Demon Continent, and now this war, they don't know which enemy they should pay their attention to most."

"Hmm, the Saint is missing, you say? How curious..." Fiora crossed her legs. "I expected her to be leading the frontline with Ars as her Hero."

"No." The priestess shook her head. "He came here alone. He asked for directions to the Magocracy and I told him where to go. The rascal knocked out all my knights just to meet me, and just to ask for directions at that. What was he thinking?"

"Do you know he's the new Legendary Hero then?" Fiora asked.

"Yes. I could tell just by looking at him. I advised him to wait but he insisted on going. He said that the Great Saint is waiting for him there."

"The Great Saint?" Fiora furrowed her eyebrows. "As in, Milicis herself?"

"Look, I don't understand either. The revelation I got said nothing about supporting him. All I know is that he's supposed to be the hero that will deliver us from the dark days ahead."

Just like that old priest said, the one Nicole studied under. We were just to wait and let him do all the work.

"Thank you for the information, Miss Silvermoon." Fiora smirked again. "I think I have an inkling on what's going on right now."

"Really?" Sara looked at her. "Then what are we waiting for? We should go immediately!"

The Saint is working independently from the Church and the Empire. Meaning, whatever her plan is, it doesn't involve a large scale army.

Assassination. She's going to kill that supposedly resurrected Archmage of theirs with the help of the Hero in secret.

She knew the Empire and the Church can't afford a full-blown war. As such, she opted for this shady tactic instead.

Heh, funny, considering it ended up being like that a thousand years ago too. In the end, only the Hero and his companions faced the Demon God. For none other can stand before his might.

Now, what should I do with this information?

Ah, isn't it obvious? I have to join them. Become a companion of the future Legendary Hero. Earn fame from it so the people will want me as their empress.

Ah, if only he were here, his strength would be a great help for sure...

"Hey, stop smirking and let's get going!" Sara stood up.

"You're going to go after him?" Lunarya asked. "Hmph, you still want the throne, I presume."

"Of course." Fiora stood up as well, smiling confidently. "It's my dream after all. And I see a golden opportunity to do so."

"You're not going to visit your sickly father?"

Fiora paused for a moment, seemingly taken aback by her question.

"...No. There's no need for me to do so," Fiora replied coldly. "If he dies, he dies. Me being there won't help with his illness."

"...How cold. I see you're still the same as ever. Or have you grown more arrogant now that you're a lot stronger?"

"Want to test me? I can spare five minutes for a spar."

The two women eyed each other, enough that Sara felt hesitant in voicing her protest.

This tension... Just what history did they have?!

"You know, I wonder... Why haven't you gone to the front lines? You're a powerful combat priestess, aren't you? They can use your talent, you know."

"My place is here, guarding this city. The Imperial Knights are strong enough to contend with the Magocracy."

"Ah. Them. I suppose they're all down there now?"

The two glared at each other for a little while longer before Lunarya surrendered, shaking her head in the process.

"...Go. You'll have my blessing if you're acknowledged to be useful by the Hero."

"Duly noted."

Fiora gave a curtsy before leaving the room, signalling Sara and Helen to follow her.

When the door closed behind them, Lunarya let out a sigh.

She's strong. Stronger than me now.

If it's her, then perhaps it would be enough to...

She stood up, walking towards the nearby window, looking through it to the gardens below.

A new Demon God... Would the resurrected Mira be the one? Or would it be someone else, someone from the Demon Continent? That Demon Lord of Wisdom...

...O Milicis. Why won't you tell your loyal servants of the truth? Or perhaps, even you cannot see through the veil of the incoming darkness?

Meanwhile, somewhere near Frastelleren...

"I've come, just like you wanted me to. So let's get this over with."

A dark-haired man stood on the pure white beach, though its whiteness couldn't be seen due to the blanket of night covering it.

In front of her was a golden-haired woman in a simple white robe. Her long, curly hair blew in the night wind as well as the long sleeves and hem of her dress.

He paused for a little bit, staring in awe at her divine visage. It was as if she was glowing under the moonlight.

He knew who she was. It was the woman she had seen in her dreams.

Catherine. Or rather, Milicis. They were one and the same.

"Welcome. You've arrived just in time, O Great Hero Ars. Tell me, do you enjoy the title I've bequeathed to you?" She smiled. "Have you gotten used to striking down injustice with your blade?"

Ars knew what she meant. Ever since he started his journey, he kept meeting with monsters and bandits and all the scum of the world that he had to cut down. He took their lives as easily as he cut down his trees. He really didn't feel anything towards them, other than disgust perhaps.

"I don't like it. I'm no warrior. I'm a lumberjack. You even force me to wield a sword instead of an axe."

"A sword is a hero's weapon. An axe is a barbarian's."

Ars had been called to be here at this exact date tonight by the woman, who was none other than Saint Catherine herself. The latter, however, wore a simple long white robe with no decorations whatsoever, unbefitting for the supposed head of the Milicis Church. As for Ars himself, well, he didn't wear some gaudy heroic armor either. He only wore a simple adventurer outfit. Nothing that fits the visage of a hero.

"Now, climb up this boat. We shall travel together to the land of the beast."

The boat she referred to was none other than the tiny, two-man fishing boat behind her, swaying up and down following the waves washing into the shore.

Ars frowned. "Are you serious? You want us to cross the sea with that dinky thing?"

"Do not worry. My blessing will ensure that it is safe."

"Even with the seafolk guarding the route?"

"Even with them."

Ars might have never left his hometown before this but from his studies he knew for a fact that humanity was only allowed specific routes to cross the seas. The rest belonged to the seafolk, who would sink any ships that dared to break the pact they had made with the land-dwellers.

"Believe me. I will not lead us both astray."

Ars shrugged. It wasn't like he had a choice.

Whatever she said, he had to obey.

As he dragged the boat to the water, he decided to ask the thing that had been bugging him ever since their meeting.

"How did you get here anyways? Aren't you supposed to be in the Holy Land."

"I have my ways—ways that do not concern you. So, if you would, keep silent and move the boat."

"And how did you get this boat? Bought it off some fisherman?"

She didn't answer his second question. Instead, she just gazed silently into the gloomy, dark horizon of the ocean before them.

Ars let out a groan in silence. What a Saint you are.

Catherine and Milicis — two souls sharing the same body. That was the truth she herself taught him through his dreams.

No, not dreams. More like, projections. Whenever she appeared, she would look more... ethereal, compared to this. Now, and only now, he finally met her in the flesh.

The divinity emanating from her... It was unmistakable.

And yet, at the same time, she was unmistakably human.

"Now what? Am I supposed to paddle this boat all the way to the Southern Continent?" he asked once the boat was in the water.

"Couldn't you?" The Saint smiled. "The Heavenly Dragon has gifted you with immense strength, has He not?"

He couldn't reply. No matter how much he wanted to yell how much of an idiotic thing she just suggested, he knew the truth.

He could do it. He could row his way to the Southwestern Continent.

Grumbling under his breath, he offered his hand to the Saint, helping her to get on the boat.

"Now that's a good boy." She took his hand. "You are the Hero Ars after all."


...That's right. I am the Hero Ars.

I have a duty to save this world from the clutches of evil.

And the Saint... She's my guiding light in the dark. I have to protect her with my life.

Fiora's new design:

A prim and proper dress, something a princess would wear.

Only with a bit too short of a hemline. :D

And now, time to shill about my Patreon, which is now up to Chapter 57. Should be the final chapter of Vol 5.


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