Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 39: Interlude – The Winter Fairy

The jungles of Algernon, inside the Ruined Capital.

Once, a great kingdom resided there. Until one night, it all disappeared in a flash, frozen to the core by a vengeful fey of winter.

That was many moons ago. Now, carnivorous plants had taken over, baring the way of any adventurers foolish enough to enter.

But today—today was different.

Today, a two-hundred men strong expeditionary force was traversing through the ruined capital, unfazed by the plants hungry for their flesh and blood. With their swords, spears, and magic, they simply cut through them like butter.

And when they stumbled upon something bigger, they had the Holy Saintess by their side.

Even so, they had lost a considerable amount of men ever since they departed from Shernon. Only fifty of them remained.

And yet, their leader, said Holy Saintess, was unperturbed in the slightest.

Just a little more… Just a little further in and I will claim my prize!

Her eyes lit up with the force of the stars—her ambition burning bright inside her heart.

She would do it. She would meet the Archfey of Winter and make her her pet. Just like she did with Marina.

She needed her strength. For the storm that was coming—a terrible news that was brought to her by the True Goddess.

"My dear Lilian. I bring you bad tidings, I'm afraid. Soon, two fools will come to your court, demanding you to hand over the dryad girl. Do not give her to them or else you'll lose everything."

Truth be told, she didn't need to be told that she would lose her status as the queen if Marina were ever taken from her. The only reason why her people could thrive after the disastrous earthquake, and why her nation could still keep its sovereignty, was because of her.

Her gaze rested on the girl, who was walking right in front of her. She had to stay close with her at all times or else she would risk getting attacked by those conniving feys and their monstrous plants.

Just like back home where she had to use her to protect herself from assassins, rebellions, and other, hostile nations aiming for her neck.

Indeed, ever since she took the throne (or rather, her husband did), there were already five attempts on her life. Whether it came from the remnants of the rebellion that she had crushed or an outside party, the fact remained that, if it weren't for her, she wouldn't be here right now. Without the Griffon Knights, she was the biggest military asset the kingdom had.

If only… if only she were less beautiful… she might be able to be friends with her.

"Please let me sleep with Marina!"

Those were the words uttered by her own husband, right to her face. He even groveled down like a pig as he begged her for it.

It was clear as day. He no longer loved her. The filth only wanted Marina.

As such, there was no way she could ever treat her better. If she were to let her regain some autonomy, she would surely use it to plot her downfall.

She had an idea of ordering her guards to violate her but that would just reflect badly on her.

She then tried to make them do it out of her own volition by teasing them with her body. Making her bend over in front of them, showing her womanhood, making her undress, and even making her say that she wanted to sleep with them.

It didn't work. They were all too terrified of her.


"An attack! Coming from nine o'clock!"

"W-we're surrounded!"

Lilian sighed. These incompetent fools… they will all die without my help.

Marina. Take care of it.

The half-dryad shot out vines from her fingertips, stabbing them to the ground. In an instant, the carnivorous flowers that were ambushing them were drained out of their lives as Marina's vines absorbed every single bit of their nutrients.

The soldiers cheered, praising their great Saint yet again for saving them. Ignoring the fact that some of their comrades had just been eaten alive.

And then, they pushed onwards, to the shadow of the grand castle ahead of them.

Thanks to the information given by the Goddess, she knew her goal lay in wait there. An archfey, the Minister of Winter, under her command. Even if she were a fey, her ability still worked on it nonetheless. It was still a magical creature after all. Unlike those humans whom she had to kill since her ability couldn't work on them.

In this world, only the strong could thrive. She was done being weak. With the blessing of a goddess at hand, nothing could stop her now.


The moment they entered the castle, they were assaulted by a deafening silence. It was as if the air itself was unnaturally frozen, refusing to transmit the sounds of their boots and the clanging of their armors. They could hear their own heartbeats, slowly climbing up at every shadow that fooled the corner of their eyes. Strangely enough, the walls were glowing with an eerie blue light, giving them the light they needed to traverse the place without torches or fire magic.

"Search every inch of the place! Don't leave a single stone unturned!" Their commander yelled.

Lilian knew very well that these men that accompanied her would not last in the slightest in front of their target. But she let them do their business anyway, not feeling the desire to be burdened with their lives. It's their job to sacrifice their lives for her, the queen, and the good of the kingdom. They should rejoice that they died honorably instead of cursing her name.

"Now, my dear, sweet Marina." She smirked. "Tell me. Where is our dear fairy? You should be able to sense it, right? Her magical presence?"

Marina nodded. She pointed at the staircase in front of them.

"Why, of course! She would be in the throne room! Where else would she be? Well, take a lead, if you would."

Marina didn't say anything. She simply walked ahead of her and the rest of the soldiers, up the once-lavish staircase.

Lilian and the remaining soldiers quickly followed.

Just as Marina predicted, they found who they were looking for at the throne room.

There, sitting on the dilapidated throne, was a blue-skinned and blue-haired woman with a pair of fairy wings made out of ice and frost.

And she was… sleeping, strangely enough. Or at least, that was how it looked, with her head resting on the armrest of said throne and her eyes closed.

Lilian smiled. Perfect! I can capture her without resistance!

The way her special ability worked was that she had to stand a certain distance from her target. Then, she would have to pray to the Goddess, asking her to make said target her slave.

Focusing her sight at the sleeping archfey, she called upon the Goddess in her mind.

Now, be mine, o Archfey of Winter!


Lilian screamed.

Her body… her entire body… was frozen from top to bottom.

It all happened in an instant. She didn't even realize she was frozen until she tried to move her hand.

It wasn't just her, however. Her soldiers that came with her—they were all frozen as well.

Only Marina managed to break free immediately as she transformed her skin into those of a particular species of a flame-breathing tree, melting the ice in an instant as well.

"Marina! Free me! Immediately!" Lilian ordered.

Marina obeyed, wrapping her frozen body in her fiery vines, melting her as well.

"What is this? A human trying to control me?"

"Ah, I see it now. You're her puppet. And the puppet now wishes to add another puppet to her collection."

The throne room vanished. Their surroundings immediately transformed into that of a frozen cave, pure white in any direction. Only the throne remained though it had become an ice throne instead.

The fairy stirred. She sat upright on the throne, opening her sleepy eyes. Her pupils were akin to a dim sapphire and she looked coldly towards Lilian.

"Unfortunately for you, we fey were created to resist such an influence."

She snapped her fingers.

The frozen soldiers—they were all turned into snowmen in a blink of the eye.

"Now, let us begin. Our dance under the freezing cold."

Once upon a time, there was a little snow fairy.

Born on top of a cold and desolate mountain, she was alone from the day she was born.

Day after day she wandered, searching for companionship. Alas, none of the animals she met wanted to be her friends. Even the great bears and the fierce wolves avoided her—afraid of her power.

For she wasn't really a little snow fairy. She was the embodiment of the mountain's blizzard itself.

Why was I born?

Why do I exist?

Who am I?

Such thoughts plagued her day after day.

Until the day he arrived.

He was just a young boy then, barely the age of ten. A prince of a foreign land, a terrible fate befell him. His carriage was attacked by a band of assassins. His father, his mother, his nanny maid—they all perished in the assault.

Only he survived, thanks to her freezing his assailants.

The boy cried. He cried and cried into her bosom.

She could do nothing but to awkwardly wrap her cold, icy hands around him.

For the first time in her existence, warmth filled her heart.

The two lived together for a while, with her protecting him from the beasts and monsters while giving him the sustenance he needed to survive. Those days were the warmest the mountain had ever been as without realizing it, the fairy's warming heart stopped the everlasting blizzard.

And then, the prince's retainers came for him. They took him with them, thinking the fairy was a monster that had captured him. Using powerful magic, they bound her in place, preventing her from attacking them.

The prince, knowing he had no choice but to leave, decided to utter his promise. He yelled these words as he was carried away.

"I'll come back for you, Azalea! I promise! And then… and then I'll make you my wife!"

It was a promise he should've never made. Especially to a fey.

The fairy remained in the mountains. She waited, and waited, and waited. Summer after summer, winter after winter.

And yet, he never came.

The blizzard grew. Her heart turned to ice once more.

And then, she decided she had enough. She would go out there and find him instead. Perhaps he needed her help against those vile humans, she thought to herself.

When she arrived at his kingdom, however, she found that he had already married another woman.

And not only that, he had made children with her as well.

And when she made her presence known, all she received from him was hate. Hate and fear and disgust. He looked at her as if she was a monster. He stood in front of his wife and children with a determined look, sword drawn.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Azalea, the fairy from the mountain!"

"I don't know who you are! Go away! I will not let you harm my family!"

Her heart broke.

She waited for him. She waited for him to fulfill his promise.

And yet, he had forgotten about her entirely.

That day—was the day his kingdom ended.

She claimed his life for her own, along with everything he had cared about.

Now, in this frozen, ruined city, they could finally be together at last.

The scenery had shifted. No longer were they inside a throne room. They were now outside, in the middle of a large clearing on top of some snow-filled mountain. A powerful blizzard raged around them, blinding their sight with pure white.

It was the very same mountain the archfey originated from.

"Come to me, my beloved!"

The snow beside her came to life, gathering itself to form a visage of the prince that once betrayed her. He stood in front of him like a gallant knight, holding his greatsword with both hands, his cape blowing wildly behind him.

"W-w-w-warm me up! Now!" Lilian yelled. Once again, Marina had to wrap her vines around her body, though this time, she ensured the warmth her flame vines exuded was just right so it wouldn't bother her.

"P-protect me! Don't let her lay a finger on me, you hear?! And immobilize her so I can use my ability!"

Lilian gritted her teeth. All she needed was a few seconds of uninterrupted concentration for her ability to take effect. Her ability, Puppeteer of The Magical, worked on sight which meant that she had to see her target with her own two eyes. But, in this blizzard, she couldn't even pinpoint where she was. She could only see that snow statue of hers that she had created.

Lady Gaia, please grant me your guidance! What should I do in this situation?! I'm not cut out for this!

She thought it would be an easy job, that her ability would just allow her to control the archfey instantly. It was how it worked with Marina and her familiar. She just stared at them without them realizing and bam, they were under her control in an instant.

But this? This was far beyond her ability!

"Oh my child… my sweet, foolish child…"


She could hear it! She could hear her voice!

"Do not doubt my power. I have fated you to win this altercation. All you need to do is order your little pet to go all out on her."

"B-but, that means I'll be vulnerable!"

Silence. The Goddess no longer desired to speak to her.

Lilian gritted her teeth. She had no choice! She just had to trust her words!

"Marina! Go all out! Destroy this fairy with all your might!"

Inside, the real Marina rejoiced.

For she finally, finally had the ability to be free from her commands.

Including the command to protect her.

If an attack were to go to where Lilian was, she wouldn't be obligated to protect her from it. Her pretty head could be pierced by an icicle, killing her in an instant.

Giving her the freedom she desperately yearned.

And then… and then… she can go where Hugo was!

Oh Hugo! Her dear beloved Hugo! How kind of him to come to her dreams every night! Seeing him speak and smile is all she needed to go on!

Don't you worry, Hugo! She'll be there with you soon!

Roots grew out from Marina's fingers, jutting straight into the snowy ground.


A giant tree burst out from the ground, standing tall in the middle of the snowstorm. Her body then shrunk, her essence going through the roots, leaving only a lifeless wooden statue of her where she stood. And then, half of her body appeared on the trunk of a giant tree, made completely out of wood.

Lilian didn't wait. She ran to the tree and stood as close to it as she could.

"Human… Are you truly going to fight me?" The winter fairy's voice echoed through the raging wind. "Your little pet… she cannot defeat me."

"Very well, may you suffer like the other humans, tool of the True Enemy."

The blizzard strengthened. The snow transformed into ice crystals. They were now as hard as a rock, possessing the ability to attach themselves to the surface they landed on. They would then grow, slowly engulfing the target in ice crystals.


Lilian hugged the trunk of the tree before quickly releasing her grip, sensing the wood rapidly heating up. Marina defended herself by making her tree receive the properties of flame plants, possessing high temperature and the ability to breathe out fire.

"Don't let any of that ice fall on me, you hear?!" Lilian yelled. Fortunately for her, she managed to survive for now as the leaves on the tree were thick and numerous enough to protect her completely.

Unfortunately, another danger would soon befell her.

A human figure leaped from the blinding snowstorm, drawing his blade and aiming to slice her head off.

"P-protect me, Marina!"

Just before the crystallized snow could connect, Marina's vines caught the figure, evaporating it with their heat.


The fey wasn't finished. A swarm of similar figures jumped out of the storm, some going towards Lilian while others aiming to attack Marina and her tree directly.

Still, it was not a problem Marina couldn't handle. A swarm of vines burst out from the tree, capturing every single one of the princely constructs before they could do any harm.

But, it was not the real attack the archfey had in store.

Faster than the blink of an eye, the fey manifested right in front of the tree. Touching its trunk, before Marina could react, she covered the entire plant in ice.

"Touch of Freezing Death. With this, you shouldn't be able to move even a single leaf, puppet of a puppet." The fey spoke with a nonchalant tone. "No. You wouldn't even be aware that you couldn't move. To you, time has stood still."

She flew up to Marina's wooden face, sitting on top of her giant head. Just like she said, her expression was frozen in time.

But then again, her expression never changed ever since she was controlled by Lilian.

Speaking of her, she was now in complete panic mode. She kicked the tree over and over, demanding Marina to move and protect her. The fey looked at her, giving her a look of pity before hovering down to where she was, making her fall on her behind.

"P-please have mercy!" She waved her right hand towards the fey. "It-it wasn't me who wanted to capture you! It was the Goddess! Yes! Just like you said, I am merely her puppet!"

A warm puddle formed under her butt as she relaxed her bladder out of fear.

Damn you! Damn you damn you damn you Marina! How dare you make me end up in this situation?

No, if I can ask for her forgiveness, I can still survive this. I just have to swallow my pride.

She had survived her disgusting father all those years and now she finally obtained the power and respect she always desired. There was no way she would just let it all end here!

"I will free you, puppet. Unfortunately for you, the only freedom from her is death."

She formed an icicle in mid-air before sending it right towards her head.

Only, she missed. It landed harmlessly on the snow beside her instead.

"H-how… how are you… moving?!"

For vines had just pierced her stomach from behind.

She had been fooled. Marina… she wasn't affected by her ability in the slightest.

Lilian, noticing the opportunity, used her ability right away. With a frightened yet excited grin, she focused her mind, ordering the archfey to become her slave.

"No, nonononono! I will not—I refuse to be a pawn like you!"

More vines shot out of the frozen tree, keeping her in place.

The archfey couldn't do anything.

Gently, the vines released her. With a triumphant smile, Lilian ordered the now blank-faced archfey.

"Heal yourself."

She did as she was told, the hole in her abdomen disappearing.

"Now, apologize. Lick the tip of my shoe. Many times until your tongue freezes." Lilian raised her right foot.

Without hesitation, the archfey lowered herself, performing the demeaning act in front of her new mistress, who now watched her with glee.

"Don't worry. I have a lot more humiliating things for you in the future… Serves you right for making me wet myself…"

Marina, who had returned back to her half-dryad form, watched with a blank expression from the side.

Inside, however, she yelled a thousand curses at both of them, at LIlian for failing to die and at the archfey for failing to kill her.

My Hugo… once again… denied from me…

Her broken soul screamed.

Gaia laughed on her throne.

The foolish girl believed she could be free. No. As if she would ever allow it.

Her torment would go on without an end. No one would save her. When that pesky high elf came, her champion would be ready. Her deadliest ability, the magic that stops the gear of time, will not work against an archfey. Their chaotic existence is anathema towards it. They will notice when time stops and they will not be affected by it. Especially when the fey is one capable of stopping time as well.

Oh yes, that ice touch of hers—it stops the time of the person afflicted with it as well. It's a pale imitation of what the high elf is capable of doing but it's a time stop magic nonetheless.

As for why the dryad wasn't affected by it, it was because her time stop only froze her soul. It didn't freeze the connection she had with her champion. Meaning, she could still receive commands and perform it, even if she had no awareness of doing it. And then, it was a simple matter of breaking through the ice covering the tree.

"And then, there's her dear little brother… her dear and beloved Hugo Greenwood…"

A smirk formed on her face before she burst into a laughing fit once more.

"Oh Hugo Greenwood… you think you're a big shot now after defeating that Demon Lord? Think again! Disaster will soon come your way once more! And this time…"

"...there shall be no mercy."

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