Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 1 Death and Rebirth

"Hit him, beat him to death!"

"Yes! Yes! Just fight like this, haha."

"Trash, fight back, labor and management have crushed you by a million."

"Fight back, you loser, weren't you very good at fighting before?"

In the brightly lit venue, cheers and curses filled the sky. The entire underground boxing ring was like an exploding soup pot, with noisy sound waves rising and falling one after another accompanied by dynamic rock music.

In the middle of the venue, a huge octagonal cage stood, shining with a cold luster under the light.

In the cage, two shirtless men were fighting like wild beasts, demonstrating the most primitive and bloody fighting. Sweat mixed with blood was flying in the air, making the atmosphere in the boxing ring even more exciting.

Different from the excitement of the venue, the atmosphere on the high platform on the second floor of the boxing ring seemed a bit gloomy at the moment. The boss of the boxing ring looked down at the fierce fighting below, his brows frowning more and more.

"Are you sure you drugged the other party?"

Listen to the boss's question. The younger brother on the side immediately stepped forward and replied:

"Boss, I saw him drink it with my own eyes. There is absolutely no problem."

After saying that, the younger brother raised his head and looked down. Two figures, one black and one yellow, were still entangled in the ring. The black man fought fiercely, using both fists and legs to attack his opponent who was protecting his head with both hands. The Chinese man was calm. I can't stand it, and I have a solid foundation for advancing and retreating. Although I'm at a disadvantage, I can see that I'm still in control.

"It shouldn't be. I only drank enough for three people. Agui said this amount of medicine was enough to stun a buffalo. Damn it! Then my grandson won't sell me fake medicine."

"No, the medicine is fine."

Ignoring the surprised men around him and looking at the increasingly sluggish Chinese on the ring, the boxing ring boss pulled a sinister smile from the corner of his mouth.

"This kid can resist. He does have some abilities, but he's just not very obedient."

"It's a pity. I never lack capable people in this field."

Before he finished speaking, the stalemate on the ring was instantly broken. The Chinese seemed a little distracted, and his footsteps softened. Then the door opened wide. The opponent quickly seized the opportunity. His strong arm hit the Chinese's chin directly, and followed with a fierce uppercut. Make it retreat continuously.

What followed was a series of jabs, elbows, and knee strikes. There was no referee and no rules. After several minutes of torture, with the muffled sound of the body falling to the ground, the black man raised his head and raised his hand dripping with blood. hands, and the victory announcement sounded on the arena:

"The winner is: The Butcher!!"

Accompanied by the cheers of the winners downstairs and the shouts of the gamblers, the atmosphere on the high platform gradually became lively.

"Oh, I made a lot of money this time."

"Go and see if that kid is dead. If not, give him a stabbing blow, and then bury him as far away as possible."

"Yes, boss."


"Are you going to die..."

The massive blood loss and severe pain in his chest made Xu Yue gradually lose consciousness.

Haha, I still died in the boxing ring in the end. It was really frustrating. After traveling for several years, I achieved nothing.

"How is this kid? Is he dead?"

"There were multiple fractures in his body, his lungs were punctured by ribs, he had a pneumothorax and a lot of blood loss. He may be dead or not."

The man dressed as a doctor stood up slowly, threw away the blood-stained rubber gloves, and answered calmly.

"Sure, it will save trouble. Two people will come over there, drag this kid out and bury him."

Xu Yue felt his body being moved, but the feeling of exhaustion caused by the loss of life gradually overwhelmed all his senses. Before he completely passed out, a faint voice sounded.

"Hunter, the reincarnation paradise is opened for you."

[Body transfer in progress...]

[10, 50, 100, the transmission is completed, and it is verified that the hunter's body has suffered a lot of damage, waiting for repair... 】

[The hunter's consciousness has not yet awakened, and the repair command has been delayed. The minimum survival state is currently maintained for ten minutes... 】

[Beep...beep..., it was discovered that the hunter's talent is the plunder talent, and the survival time is increased by two hours. 】

In the darkness, a few lines of light blue text floated.

Under the dim light, Xu Yue gradually woke up. Although the pain was still all over his body, the tightness in his chest was much better.

Where is this? Am I not dead?

Xu Yue glanced around. Although it was dark, fortunately it was not a coffin. There were no glowing subtitles in the coffin.

[Hunter, welcome to the paradise of reincarnation. 】

Another line of subtitles appeared in front of him. Looking at the familiar name in front of him, Xu Yue seemed to remember something and murmured in a low voice:

"Reincarnation Paradise, White Night..."

Memories flooded into my mind like a tide. It was a story about an infinite world. The killer codenamed White Night was recruited by the paradise before his death, and then continued to hunt, conquer and become powerful in various worlds.

"Hehe, hahahaha..."

The wanton laughter resounded in the dark space, which seemed particularly harsh in the silence.

It took a long time for him to gradually calm down. After he inexplicably came to this world that was different from the earth a few years ago, this was Xu Yue's most wanton moment, and memories of the past emerged.

Traveling through time for unknown reasons, he became a black man without any records, and then he was expelled, chased, and fought, and he struggled to survive with nothing.

He gradually gained a foothold through underground black boxing, until he was drugged and beaten to the point of death in the boxing ring.

I, Xu Yue, am indeed destined to die, and the figure of the boxing ring boss appears in my mind.

‘You have to wait patiently for me to come back. ’


[Hunter, if you are willing to join the reincarnation paradise, please communicate with the paradise as soon as possible to sign the contract, otherwise you will die in 1 hour and 34 minutes]

Another subtitle appeared, and the scarlet countdown kept beating, reminding Xu Yue that this was not the time to be in a daze.

"What does it take to sign a contract?"

The time of 1 hour and 30 minutes was not rushed. Although I had read the novel before traveling, I didn’t know much information. Besides, I was too busy watching White Night to pay attention to the specific settings of the space.

Moreover, the memories from many years ago are only approximate now, so it is natural to inquire clearly.

[Signing the contract, you will travel through the derived planes to complete the tasks released by the Samsara Paradise and obtain the source of the world. In the end, the richness of the reward will be determined by the amount of the source of the world. 】

【Reincarnation Paradise is omnipotent. 】

"It's omnipotent..."

"Can I leave after signing the contract?"

[The hunter has insufficient authority. 】

It seemed possible. Looking at Le Yuan's answer, Xu Yue understood.

I remember that the contracts of the paradise seem to be divided into three categories, workers, contractors, and hunters, so...

"What are the obligations and rights of hunters?"

[After ordinary people sign a contract, they only perform tasks for the "Paradise" as the contractor, and the Paradise gives rewards. 】

[As for the hunters, the talents among these contractors are more suitable for combat. While performing ordinary tasks, they will additionally perform hunting tasks issued by the park to clean up those 'abnormal' contractors. 】

[Compared to ordinary contractors, Hunters enjoy more advanced permission levels and resource inclines provided by the park on the premise of performing more dangerous tasks. 】

[The number of inquiries has been exhausted, and the park will no longer answer any questions from the hunter. Please sign a contract or wait for death. 】

A large screen of light began to appear after Xu Yue finished asking, and then gradually dissipated after a while.

Then a simple sheepskin scroll popped out of the air, waiting quietly.

Xu Yue's eyes were calm, but the corners of his mouth opened in an arc unconsciously. Legend has it that it is a paradise for lunatics and fanatics, so you really need to see it.

"I agree~"

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