Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 100

0100 ———————————————-

Dark Heaven Village

Great Master Seo San spoke.

“Binseung cannot agree to awaken the Guardian. If what you say is true, then the Guardian’s power must exceed the level that mere mortals can contend with. How can the four of us here possibly subdue it? Moreover, it is concerning that the Dharma Protector Swordsman will soon break through the barrier.”

Great Master Seo San’s words were logical. However, hearing this, Miho crossed her arms and abruptly spoke.

“Hmph… Are you suggesting we just sit here and wait for death? Surely you don’t believe that the Dharma Protector won’t return here if he fails to find the ruins on the surface?”

“Well, that is…”

“If he gets angry, he’s likely to destroy a mountain or two. We are definitely not in a safe position. What we need to think about now isn’t whether we should give up, but rather how we can survive.”

“You’re right.”

That was indeed the case.

From a rational standpoint, it made no sense for a human to destroy a mountain that spans over 150 ridges alone, but if the Dharma Protector used natural energies, it wouldn’t be impossible. Furthermore, considering the nature of Mount Muni, which had ruins within, if a massive shock were to come from above, there was a possibility of the ruins collapsing entirely. We could easily become buried alive without even being able to retaliate.

At that moment, Yu Jeong, the young monk who had been quietly listening, spoke.

“How about this?”

“Do you have a plan?”

“It’s ‘using barbarians to control barbarians’.”

Miho frowned.

“It’s the only choice we have. However, there’s no guarantee it will go according to our plan. We must prepare a solid strategy.”

I listened to their conversation and asked Yu Jeong.

“Are you suggesting we pit the Dharma Protector against the Guardian?”

“Yes. If we do, we can aim for mutual destruction, and whoever survives will be weakened, making it easier for us to attack.”

“It seems to align with Miho’s assertion. But it looks challenging.”

I let out a sigh.

To make the Dharma Protector and the Guardian fight each other!

That was the best situation for us, but creating that scenario was the issue. It would be possible to lure the Dharma Protector here and make him confront the Guardian by spilling blood on the altar, but there was also a chance that the Dharma Protector might return to the surface leisurely without engaging in battle with the Guardian. Moreover, he could easily disregard the Guardian and simply choose to kill us instead. In either case, there was no guarantee that the Dharma Protector would comply with our notion of engaging the Guardian.

While silently chanting, Great Master Seo San spoke.

“… I’d like to confirm one thing, Nine-Tailed Fox.”

“What is it?”

“If you were to acquire the Moon Luminary, what would you intend to do?”

“Hmph, what do you think I should do?”

“This is important, so please answer.”

Great Master Seo San seemed to have a serious intent behind his question. Realizing this, Miho contemplated for a moment before responding.

“I was originally in service to the Queen Mother of the West. I plan to ascend to the heavens using the power of the Moon Luminary. I have no other ambitions.”

“Indeed… Then there might be a way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s do it this way.”

And thus, the operation began.

I was sitting cross-legged in the darkness, focusing my energy, with my gaze fixed steadily ahead. This space was comfortable enough to sit in, allowing me to concentrate solely on gathering my strength.

Silence enveloped the area.

Thud. Thud.

Footsteps echoed from within the ruins. However, those footsteps were deliberately made, instilling fear in anyone who heard them. In reality, the owner of those steps could make no sound even if they ran through a hundred yards; they possessed exceptional lightness in their martial arts.

After a long while, the owner of the footsteps seemed to be inspecting the surroundings. Then a murmuring voice reached my ears.

“Are they hiding? Worthless fools.”

It appeared he had already realized we were hiding. Yet, perhaps thinking he could withstand any ambush, he began to examine the altar of the ruins with great interest. This ruin seemed rather unique to him, and he was meticulously observing it.

“Hooh… Interesting.”

“Is that all? Enjoy yourself then.”

At that moment, Miho’s illusion materialized from the shadows. As soon as the Dharma Protector detected it was an illusion, he seemed to recognize it and did not attack but glared instead.

“Do you think hiding will save you? You’re already caught in a trap.”

“Uhuhuh. That might be the case. But before that, I have something to ask.”

“What is it?”

“Do you know the legend of the Seven Luminaries?”

At Miho’s question, the Dharma Protector fell silent. Then, as if realizing something, he wore a shocked expression. He glanced briefly at the altar and spoke.

“Indeed, so this is where the Seven Luminaries are.”

“Yes. It is a treasure sealed since the divine era.”

“I will kill you all and obtain the Seven Luminaries.”

“I doubt it will go as smoothly as you think, but ahahaha.”

Laughing heartily, Miho replied,

“Try to enjoy yourself.”


It was at that moment. A vessel that Miho had transported through her Teleportation Technique poured forth in mid-air. Shortly after, a clanging sound echoed followed by a splash of thick blood flowing onto the altar. The Dharma Protector, standing right in front of the altar, felt a massive tremor beneath his feet and was taken aback.




Darkness surged upward from beneath. The overwhelming darkness that rose endlessly suddenly released hundreds, thousands of spirits, swirling through the air, and the souls flew toward the nearby Dharma Protector. Though the Dharma Protector used his skills to repel the spirits with ease, it seemed he began to sense the magnitude of the being that was about to be summoned to this place.


The darkness, which had been rising wide enough to almost engulf the underground ruins, eventually broke through the ceiling of the ruins. Then it soared into the sky, as if alive, the mist of darkness began to take shape.

The majestic darkness, illuminated by the moonlight, quivered as it came to life. The Dharma Protector attempted to leap into the sky to escape the ruins, but at that moment, it seemed the darkness itself recognized him as an enemy. Tendril-like appendages from the veil of darkness shot toward the Dharma Protector, attacking him.


“Ugh… You beast!!”

Recognizing that the dark entity was attacking him, the Dharma Protector grew furious. But regaining his composure, he thundered loudly, shaking Mount Muni.

“You fools are too transparent!! Do you really think I would engage in battle with such a being? Before that, I will kill you all and leave this island!”

No response came in return. It appeared the Dharma Protector was avoiding collision with the entity of darkness as he soared into the sky using his lightness technique and once more activated his celestial flight method. But suddenly, he maneuvered mid-air and landed back on the ground.

He looked supremely disoriented.

“What…? Who are you? Why are you speaking to me?”

Then he shouted as if illuminated.

“Silence! Do not attempt to dominate me! I will not be swallowed by you!!”


In the next moment, a tremendous whirlwind and gale erupted from the Dharma Protector’s whole body, creating a powerful Dragon Circle Wind. Then, he began to attack the being of darkness that loomed before him, a figure so immense it could be hundreds of sizes larger than him. The clash seemed like a battle of monsters, leaving even me, who was observing from afar, holding my breath.

A deafening roar echoed as the dark entity began to unveil itself from the mist, slowly taking form. It was a creature from an otherworldly realm I had never seen before, and it felt the most alien among all the monsters I had encountered in my life. The creatures summoned by the Golden Guard in the past looked almost refined in comparison to this grotesque and hideous being.


It seemed as if a black tree rooted itself into the ground; however, the trunk and leaves each bore multiple eyes. Most terrifying was the gigantic eye at the center of the tree, sending chills down my spine, accompanied by ominous voices swirling alongside the dark tentacles.

The moonlight was devoured by the darkness, creating a flickering effect.


The Guardian reacted to the Dharma Protector’s attack and began to respond in kind.


The space warped. The essence of dark magic poured into the world.

From all corners of the heavens, an unknown divine power gathered and suddenly unleashed beams of light towards the ground. Explosions and bursts of heat erupted one after another, with shockwaves continuously resonating. It seemed the Dharma Protector was engaging in direct combat against the Guardian.

Miho, observing this escalation, called her tail back. She trembled, likely in fear.

“Wh… What sort of being is that?”

“The Dharma Protector is truly formidable. To harness natural energy like that…”

As I evaluated the situation, Miho turned pale and exclaimed, “What are you saying?! I’m referring to that Izanagi no Mikoto! How can such a creature exist… Can you not feel its power?!”


I glanced around, realizing that it wasn’t just Miho who felt this way; both Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong wore looks of horror on their faces. They too seemed overwhelmed by the power of the Guardian, Izanagi no Mikoto, rather than the Dharma Protector. It seemed there existed a force that only practitioners could truly sense.

Our strategy was as follows: we would purposely open the entrance to the ruins to lure in the Dharma Protector, confirm that he had fully entered the ruins, and then combine the powers of the three practitioners to use Teleportation Technique to escape outside the ruins. Miho would create a clone using her tail and drop a vessel containing my blood onto the altar.

Of course, the pivotal point was whether the Dharma Protector would indeed fight the Guardian. Nonetheless, even if he didn’t, we were hidden within the protective barrier on Great Master Seo San’s premises nearby. Even the Dharma Protector would struggle to locate us quickly.

Currently, we were connecting through the technique of Celestial Vision, eagerly observing the bloodbath between the Dharma Protector and the Guardian.

This brought forth a question: while I was entertained by the unfolding drama, Miho and the others were engulfed in sheer terror just watching it unfold.

‘Why is that?’

Though this wasn’t my first encounter with a creature from another realm, I realized just how much of a nightmare it could be for those unaccustomed to such monsters. Yet, it was not only Miho who appeared pale; Yu Jeong said to me with a ghostly expression, “You truly are a strange individual. How can you remain unbothered while feeling such intense dark energy?”


Something felt off.

Looking at their reactions, it seemed normal people would lose their minds or even die in such a setting. Instead of fear, my mind was occupied with thoughts on how to defeat that being from the moon, Izanagi no Mikoto. I even felt a slight sense of glee at the idea of the Dharma Protector being in a tough spot. But amidst this fear, I remained calm, while even the powerful practitioners were shaken; it definitely felt odd.

I was convinced I was the only rational one in this situation. So, I spoke up.

“Calm down. For now, we just need to keep watching.”

“That’s the only option we have. I don’t even dare to think of leaving this barrier.”

“Hmm… Can the Dharma Protector defeat that creature?”

My gaze shifted upwards. The size of Izanagi no Mikoto was so immense that I could see it clearly even without using Celestial Vision. I could also make out the Dharma Protector unleashing wind energy in a titanic clash. As we observed, Miho spoke.

“I really can’t tell. They’re both monsters, so I’m at a loss. But we might need to help the Dharma Protector.”

“What?! Are you serious?”

“… Leaving the Guardian of the Moon Luminary unchecked feels like it would lead to total annihilation. We can’t just stand by!”

Upon hearing Miho’s words, Great Master Seo San nodded in agreement.

“Let’s keep observing the situation.”

I felt a mix of confusion and concern. Just how terrifying was this Izanagi no Mikoto? This wasn’t merely a question of my courage, but it seemed the terror emanating from this otherworldly being was significantly intense for everyone else.


Suddenly, explosions reverberated across the sky, accompanied by brilliant flashes of destruction. The Dharma Protector, seemingly exhausting every ounce of strength he had, conjured dozens of whirlwinds while soaring towards Izanagi no Mikoto. The dark entity in the heavens let out a roar as it spewed forth black blood from its main body.


The roar of the Dharma Protector echoed.

“AAARRRGH!! Wind Spirit Sect’s Wind King Heaven Blade!!”


At that moment, the Dharma Protector unleashed a titan-sized blade with a fiercely gathered wind energy. This blade, radiating an ethereal light, represented an unparalleled realm of mastery. I gasped in shock.

“True Power Realm!”

The ultimate achievement attainable only by supreme martial artists! Moreover, to blend pure energy and manifest a form based on the elemental force of wind was something beyond my imagination. As the Dharma Protector wielding the Wind King Heaven Blade descended upon Izanagi no Mikoto, an immense shockwave erupted.




This explosion seemed to be the largest yet, causing the ground to shake and a light tremor to ripple through. The Wind King Heaven Blade crashed directly into the massive eye of Izanagi no Mikoto, shattering it and splattering crimson blood across the land, all while Izanagi no Mikoto appeared to gather its raging tentacles to create something spherical in the air.



Moments later, as something burst forth from the darkness, a creature unlike any I had ever seen before emerged. It bore a shape reminiscent of a mix between a dog and a bee. These creatures charged en masse towards the Dharma Protector, who, in a desperate attempt, expelled his energy once more.



As I watched, I felt a wave of dread wash over me. Was that… truly human? I instinctively realized that defeating Izanagi no Mikoto in my next life wouldn’t be accomplished through ordinary means. Much less so, with even the Dharma Protector needing alternative methods to confront such a divine-grade monster.

About half a time period passed. The celestial clash intensified, while Izanagi no Mikoto began to weaken, spilling black blood onto the ground. Remarkably, the Dharma Protector seemed tireless, continuously utilizing techniques from the Wind Spirit Sect to attack. With the power of the Heavenly Gathering Cloud Sword, he could maintain a form of everlasting energy, allowing him to hover above continuously.

And then the end was approaching.

[Wind Spirit Sect’s Final Art, Divine Wind!!]

The Dharma Protector seemed to be ready to finish things, using the Final Art of the Wind Spirit Sect. Unlike the Thunder God Sect, the Final Art of the Wind Spirit Sect summoned tangible clones, seemingly multiplying their power exponentially. The divine wind, both real and illusory, struck the attack of the True Power Realm simultaneously.

[Take this, the Heavenly Arrival of the Wind God!]


The darkness erupted. This attack seemed to inflict a critical wound.

[Kraa… aa… Aah!!]

Izanagi no Mikoto let out a horrific scream. A white light began to bubble around its body, and soon the entire form of the one from the moon started to explode alongside the bubbles. Everyone watching turned away to shield their eyes from the blinding flash.


The explosion of white light washed over the area, and despite having moved to a safe distance, we nearly fell within the blast radius. I hurriedly grabbed Yu Jeong, Great Master Seo San, and Miho, pulling them away as we fled. The explosion we felt behind us was terrifying.



As the aftermath of the explosion settled, I turned to Miho, whom I had held tightly.

“Are you okay?”

“Ugh… I was just thinking, could that human really have hunted down Izanagi no Mikoto all by himself?”

It seemed that the devastation of Mount Muni was less concerning to Miho than that. Yu Jeong and Great Master Seo San appeared similarly troubled. Great Master Seo San sighed deeply.

“Ah… To think a human could be that strong, it feels like I’ve been enlightened.”

“Do you think he was killed in the explosion?”

“There’s no way to know. We need to investigate.”

Moments later, Miho and Great Master Seo San summoned their spirit beasts and magic to scout the area. After about half a time period, they concluded that the creature’s presence had vanished from this vicinity. Since remaining idle wouldn’t help, we decided to return to the ruins.

In the ruins, now in ruins themselves, we discovered traces of Izanagi no Mikoto’s passage. The essence of dark magic still flowed ominously. As we crossing the debris further inside, it was strange that the area where the altar had been remained completely unharmed.

‘Could it be that Izanagi no Mikoto intentionally spared the altar room?’

The wall had already been breached. Rather than just being broken down, it seemed to have opened upon the Guardian’s defeat. We all attempted to cross the bridge beyond the wall, which appeared to be a narrow one.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of foreboding and halted right before the bridge.



“Just wait a moment.”


A giant spider suddenly erupted from the abyss. I recognized it well, feeling a mix of disbelief.

‘What? Are you telling me that this guy was merely a surprise minion appearing at the end of trials?’

If that were the case, it implied that there had originally been a Guardian present in the ruins. For some unknown reason, it had not revealed itself, and I had instead dealt with this surprise minion, that giant spider, all along.

As I was feeling exasperated, Miho confidently declared,

“I can handle that!”

“Let’s get rid of it quickly.”

But considering I could defeat the giant spider on my own, it was impossible for our group to fail. Miho utilized her magic while Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong trapped the spider using the techniques of the Orthodox Sect. Finally, I rushed in and struck the spider down with my Thunder Call.



As the giant spider fell, leaving its webs floating in the air, Miho used her teleportation technique to cross over to the other side and returned. In her hand was an ancient sword emanating a bright radiance, and in the other, a mirror and a jade. I found it strange and asked,

“What is that? Wasn’t there just the Heavenly Gathering Cloud Sword?”

“It seems that these three collectively refer to the Moon Luminary.”


In other words, it meant that the entire Three Divine Tools of Dongyoung was being referred to as the Moon Luminary. The Heavenly Gathering Cloud Sword was likely called such because it was considered the most powerful among them. While putting away the treasures of the Moon Luminary into her arms, Miho smiled brightly.

“Haha, then let’s get out of here.”

I replied curtly,

“Sounds nice. Let’s head back to Heaven.”

“Hehe, then wouldn’t that be lovely?”

As Miho exited the ruins, she added,

“Once we return to Heaven, this time, I will serve the Queen Mother of the West without committing any malevolence. And I’ll reflect on everything that happened and live righteously…”

Just then,


A sudden bolt of wind shot through Miho’s chest. With disbelief in her eyes, Miho gazed down at her chest and slowly collapsed to the side. Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong immediately cast spells to block the wind, but I stood there in shock, watching.


I ran to Miho and embraced her. A large hole had punched through her chest, and even a great immortal could not revive her now. Miho coughed up blood as she spoke,

“Haah, haah… D-Don’t worry… I have nine lives… I won’t die from this…”

“Damn it…!!”

I grit my teeth, glancing at the remains of the ruins.

There stood the Dharma Protector of the Wind Spirit Sect. With burns covering his body except for his face, he looked pitiful, and one arm was missing. Plus, the black fox mask he wore was gone, revealing a face that would be forever etched in my memory: a handsome middle-aged man with a cross-shaped scar right in the center of his face.

The Dharma Protector, with a contorted expression, spoke,

“Thanks for doing the hassle for me. Now everyone shall die.”

I could feel sparks flying from my eyes. It was clear he was not in his right mind.

“Don’t make me laugh. You’re a half corpse! I’m the one who’s going to kill you!”

“Hehe… half corpse, huh… Well, perhaps.”



“You will all become corpses soon.”

As I looked at the gigantic wind bullet floating above his palm, I inhaled sharply. He still had such power left?! Both Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong turned pale, their faces white with shock. There was simply no way to survive against such a massive force of nature.

Even using the Thunder Call would be too late.

Soon, the wind bullet came rushing toward us. There was no channel left, and everyone squeezed their eyes shut.


[Aah… Aaaaah…!!]

I could hardly believe my eyes. The true form of the Silver Fox emerged and faced the incoming wind bullet head-on. Yet, the spells and barriers were being torn apart in a devastating manner. Eventually, Miho fell to the ground, covered in blood.



Please don’t!!

Though Miho had managed to fend off the wind bullet, her life was running out. Having used up all eight of her remaining lives, she managed to keep her form intact, but now there was no escaping death. As I rushed to hold Miho, she spoke in a fading voice,

[Baek Woong…]


It seemed Miho was smiling.

[It was fun…]

And with that, the Silver Nine-Tailed Fox ceased to move. At the spot where Miho had fallen lay the Moon Luminary, creating a profound silence.


I don’t understand.

Why did Miho save us?

Even if she had escaped on her own with her teleportation, she could have survived somehow using the power of the Moon Luminary. Why not?


It can’t be that she died because of me. Even if that’s the only way I can think, I should not think that way. I can’t. I already have too many burdens to bear. I haven’t paid off those debts yet, and now a new one has arisen.


I can’t accept that, no matter how I think about it.


Tears streamed down from my empty eyes. Tears that wouldn’t fall even as hundreds of humans died before me now flowed down my cheeks. As I knelt down, dazed, holding Miho’s corpse, the Dharma Protector grimaced.

“Monsters like you keep interfering with my work. I don’t have much energy left, so I’ll just kill you all myself.”

“Kill us…?”

I felt like I was losing my mind at what the Dharma Protector said.

My head felt like it would burst.

That bastard.

I staggered to my feet. Wiping my tears, I said,

“You want to kill me? Fine… Fine. What would it matter if a nobody like me dies…”

A self-deprecating laugh escaped my lips.

“Ughuhuh… Hahaha…”

That’s the problem.

It should be enough if I die; if I die, it just starts over – yet there are those who stake their lives to protect someone like me. They shouldn’t find any value in doing so, but they go ahead and do. I think of Mangryang and Miho’s corpse.

I might be the only one suffering in my own endless memories. But I can’t describe this feeling in any other language.

Surviving is nice.

I’ve decided to live long in this life.

To live long and build up power to achieve my goals.

But… what use is that now?

The one who tried to protect me lies before me, dead.

It wasn’t rational; it was her emotions that led to Miho’s death.

“So from now on, I will die.”

If I don’t repay this grudge with my life…

Then I am not a man.

I pull out a hairpin.

And place a separate needle on the great law that had been pre-prepared.

The extraordinary secret needle technique of the Radiant Divine’s Firehouse, the ultimate secret of the Eight Halls in the Huaxi School, transmitted only to the head and direct descendants.

“I will execute the Great Law of Complete Destruction.”

At the same time, my Thunder Call was consumed with an intensity I had never witnessed before.

The gates opened.

My body transformed like a ray of light.


My fist, transcending the speed of sound several times over, struck the Dharma Protector’s chest. The Dharma Protector flew away, spitting blood like an arrow, and it was no mere clone. In an instant, I shattered his protective energy and caused blood to spurt from all over his body.

I had no intention of using any weapon.

I just wanted to beat him to death like a dog.

If I was to die anyway, I wanted to humiliate him.


“Cough…!! You bastard…!!”

The Great Law of Complete Destruction is also known as the Eternal Light of Obliteration. It creates a single light for a brief moment in exchange for one’s life itself. The light begins with the opening of all eight gates of the body.

The second and third gates opened simultaneously.

My qi surged, and the speed of my vital energy greatly accelerated.


The Dharma Protector shook off dozens of clones that rushed in to perform the Extreme Blood Wind Divine Punch, just like before. But all that seemed slow to me. I became able to perceive the more intricate qualities beyond qi with the human eye.

‘I see it.’

Illusions didn’t penetrate. I stood still and used my Thunder Cloud Soft Fist to crush the throats of each of the clones. My serpent-like strike shattered the air in an instant.


The fourth, fifth, and sixth gates opened all at once.

Blood flowed from my nose.

I spat blood from my mouth.

With no thought of survival, my qi surged like never before. Golden energy pooled in my right hand, bursting forth with a dragon-like force that illuminated the heavens and earth.



The Dharma Protector’s whole body turned black, and he seemed to faint momentarily. Given the thunderous surge that crashed down upon him, it was only natural. This was with the seventh gate opened, allowing the synchronized flow of qi throughout the world. I could feel blood tears streaming from my eyes as I clenched my fists.

I needed to hold on a little longer.

My energy was rapidly depleting, nearing exhaustion. The combination of the Great Law of Complete Destruction and Thunder Call greatly empowered me but devoured my qi terrifyingly.

I could feel my nails and toenails being ripped off.

My body was breaking apart under the overwhelming pressure of the eight gates, unable to maintain its life force as it crumbled. Yet, amidst this pain, I felt a sense of relief. I finally felt some semblance of atonement towards Miho.

I coughed up blood.


The Dharma Protector awakened and took a step back, but I dashed forward even faster to deliver the final blow.

Eighth gate.


Thunder God Sect’s Straight Punch!


Blood exploded everywhere. I annihilated the Dharma Protector with a speed and certainty that was almost silent. His body shattered into hundreds of fragments, scattering droplets of blood into the air. Even at the moment of his death, he still seemed incredulous, his mouth agape.


The delayed sound reverberated. In the distance, a colossal hill was completely obliterated. I remained in the stance of the Straight Punch, unable to move any longer.


I stood there, drenched in blood rain, contemplating.

‘Am I really a fool?’

There was no need to go this far. It would have been better to merge the needle technique I had prepared earlier with the Thunder Call and stubbornly fight to understand the Wind Spirit Sect’s techniques. But because of Miho’s death, my mind had spiraled out of control, and I had ended up using the Great Law of Complete Destruction that would guarantee my demise.

But it couldn’t be helped.

I felt as if my soul would perish, leaving me no choice but to sacrifice my body instead.

That might be the way someone like me, a reincarnate, has to live.

I opened my eyes faintly and looked at Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong. Then I said,

“Next time, let’s have… a better fate…”

Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong, their expressions grave as they watched my bloody battle, clasped their hands together upon hearing my words. They recited a prayer while in that position.


I closed my eyes.

My life force was dimming.

That would be my tenth death.

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