Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 107

0107 : Dark Heaven Village

It wasn’t long before I was able to enter Gaegyeong. Since the escorting of most prisoners had become my responsibility, I took the selectively gathered Goryeo people prisoners to a Senior Official of Goryeo. The rather stern-looking official glanced at the list of names I provided and said,

“What is this? So what do you want me to do?”

“Please help these individuals return to their hometown.”

“Your Goryeo language is quite fluent.”

The official, who was prattling on uselessly, began to beat around the bush.

“I’d love to help, but I’m not one to have spare time, and nearly everyone on this list is either a commoner or a lowly serf except for about three names…”


“It requires some goodwill. Isn’t that right? Without goodwill, I can’t move.”

As I stared at the official with a look of disbelief, the Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association, who was standing next to me, whispered and pulled me aside.

“Come over here for a moment.”

Once we moved to a more secluded spot, the Lord said,

“I knew this would happen. That person wants a bribe.”

“A bribe? What do you mean asking for a bribe while trying to help these poor souls whose lives were completely devastated by pirates?”

“Of course, Baek Woong, you are correct. However, that’s how the world operates. If there isn’t enough money, that person won’t move at all.”


I frowned. I never imagined I would be stuck in a place like this. After a moment of thought, I asked the Lord of the Great Dragon,

“Could you connect me with Jeong Cheol-wook?”

“Hmm? Of course, I have connections with him, but what do you intend to do?”

“It would be sufficient just to have a conversation with him. I beg you.”

“Alright then.”

The Lord of the Great Dragon agreed to my request. Of course, I was fully aware that there was a meticulous calculation behind the Lord’s generosity, so I knew I would need to repay him someday to avoid any future repercussions.

I possessed not only the gold and silver treasures taken from the pirates but also ingots of gold, yet I felt reluctant to hand those over to that corrupt high official. Moreover, I felt a sense of unease that if I released those upon this land, there might be unpredictable consequences to deal with.

The meeting arranged by the Lord of the Great Dragon would take place about two days later. When I arrived at the reception room, Jeong Cheol-wook greeted me, saying,

“Welcome! It is an honor to meet the young hero who has achieved such great territorial prowess.”

“I’m greatly honored to meet you, Head Jeong.”

As I spoke politely according to Goryeo customs, Jeong Cheol-wook’s eyes lit up with interest.

“Are you perhaps from Goryeo? Your Goryeo is quite fluent, and you seem adept at the etiquette, as if trained in a noble house for a long time.”

“Not at all. I merely spent a brief period in Goryeo.”

“I see…”

Jeong Cheol-wook seemed to be in a rather jovial mood. As he poured tea into his cup, he asked,

“So, Baek Woong, what brings you to see me?”

“Actually, I have something to discuss with your physician, Elder Hwa Seo-myeong.”

“What? You know him?”

Jeong Cheol-wook appeared somewhat taken aback. This was understandable given that the naturalization matters of the Hwa Clan were something he had been discreetly assisting with, and the fact that Elder Hwa Seo-myeong was renowned in the central region as the Luminary Divine of the Central Five Great Elders was virtually unknown in Goryeo. I respectfully continued,

“My master was a close friend of Elder Hwa Seo-myeong. I essentially came all the way to Goryeo to meet him. Please, grant me this favor.”

“Hmm… Considering the vastness of the central region, such things can indeed happen… Then, might you also possess any medical skills?”

“I can do a little.”


After a moment of contemplation, Jeong Cheol-wook said,

“Good. You will accompany my Guardian Warrior Group. I will inform Elder Hwa right away.”

I followed their guidance to Elder Hwa’s residence. Upon my arrival, the head of the Guardian Warrior Group seemed to have a brief discussion inside. Shortly after, I was able to enter the separate quarters where Elder Hwa lived.

The familiar scent of medicinal herbs filled the air. I had trained in medical skills for about ten years, and the aroma stirred nostalgic emotions in me as I stood in the middle of the room. Just then, a clear voice rang out.

“You’re my friend’s disciple? Who on earth are you?”

Elder Hwa was glaring at me with a less than friendly gaze. He didn’t seem particularly welcoming towards a visitor from the central region. Given that he had experienced disdain in the central region, leading to the complete relocation of the Hwa Clan, it was understandable. I smiled and spoke to him in Mandarin.

“Calm down. That was a lie, but from now on, you and I will be able to help each other.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I am aware of the situation your Hwa Clan is in. If you cooperate with me, I can help move all the medical knowledge of the Hwa Clan to Goryeo within a few years.”


Elder Hwa widened his eyes. Instead of continuing to glare, he began to observe me with a calm demeanor.

“I cannot believe that.”

“First, let’s start with this.”


I revealed a gold ingot from the box. Upon seeing the brilliant shine of the ingot, Elder Hwa stared at it for a while as if mesmerized. Suddenly receiving a gold ingot from me, he seemed skeptical.

“With this, you should be able to relocate most of your family.”

“Wha… Who on earth are you? How do you know my situation so well?”

“My name is Baek Woong. I trained in the collateral branch of the Hwa Clan, and upon hearing that the main family was in danger, I came all the way to Goryeo to help.”

“The collateral branch? So you learned medical skills as well?”

“Please check for yourself.”

I approached a nearby anatomical model and slowly began to perform the Hwa Clan’s Eighteen Needles technique. After demonstrating the basic forms and the flow of meridians taught in the Eighteen Needles, I followed up with the Hwa’s Five Elemental Healing technique. As I completed all the demonstrations, Elder Hwa sank down to the ground in disbelief.

“This is… for real? Is it truly possible for someone from the collateral branch to master the Hwa Clan’s medical skills to this degree? How could I have not known someone like you?”


“This is indeed the authentic Eighteen Needles and Five Elemental Healing techniques…!!”

With that, Elder Hwa burst into tears and embraced my shoulders.

“Ugh… Thank you so much. I will never forget this favor…!! This has reduced our timeline by ten years…”

“Now, it is time for Head Hwa to help me.”

I took out another gold ingot and presented it to him.

“If you accept this ingot as well, you should be able to relocate all the physicians. However, I am currently in a difficult situation, so I greatly need Head Hwa’s assistance. If you can help me, I will give you this gold ingot.”

“Tell me! I will definitely help you with whatever it takes.”

I explained my current predicament regarding the pirates’ stronghold and the issues with the prisoners I had brought back, mentioning the high official of Goryeo who was stalling for a bribe. After listening calmly, Elder Hwa stroked his beard and said,

“What a despicable person.”

“Can you help me?”

“Of course. I currently have the trust of Head Jeong, so I will speak directly to him. He generally listens to me, and it will likely be of help to you.”

“Thank you.”

“No, I should be the one to thank you…”

Elder Hwa’s eyes welled up as he wiped away the tears from his eyes.

“I never expected someone from the collateral branch to come all the way to help the main family in this distant land… and to possess such exceptional medical skills. Who is your master? I really want to meet him.”

I felt a bit taken aback but sighed.

“They have already passed away…”

“Oh, I see…”

After this, I had a brief conversation with Elder Hwa. Most of the discussion revolved around trivial medical topics, and occasionally he would express surprise at my medical knowledge. When I asked about areas where I had been uncertain, he kindly provided insights.

“Then I’ll be counting on your help.”

“Take care.”

It was precisely one day after I returned to my lodging when a member of Goryeo’s Guardian Warrior Group came to my room, and the leader spoke to me.

“Head Jeong would like to see you. Please follow us.”


As I followed them to meet Jeong Cheol-wook again, I found someone tied up with a cord, sitting submissively in the reception room, covered in blood. Elder Hwa was also present. Jeong Cheol-wook, sitting in a chair, welcomed me, saying,

“Welcome, Baek Woong.”

“This person is…”

“He is the one who demanded a bribe from you. To think he would be so rude to a righteous person from the central region—my face flushes in embarrassment.”

Indeed, the man before me was the high official I had encountered earlier. His face was swollen as if he had already been subjected to a round of interrogation and beating, and he looked utterly defeated. Upon seeing me, he desperately shouted,

“That’s not true! I was just trying to make things easier for you… It was just a misunderstanding! Please resolve this!”

What misunderstanding?

I coldly shot him a glance and turned to Jeong Cheol-wook, saying,

“I am moved by Head Jeong’s righteousness.”

“Now my face can breathe again, ha ha.”

Jeong Cheol-wook chuckled bitterly before adding,

“I will actively resolve the issue concerning the Goryeo prisoners you brought back. We will cover up the fact that they were pirates’ captives, and I will provide funds for their resettlement as well. Additionally, I will do my utmost to care for the women who are in dire situations.”

“Once again, thank you very much.”

With Jeong Cheol-wook saying this, I had no further worries. If the head of one of Goryeo’s two great noble families, who shared power with the king, was determined, there was no way things wouldn’t be resolved. Jeong Cheol-wook then issued his final command.

“Listen here. Execute this man and demote his entire family to commoners.”


How wonderful.

I delightedly listened to the pitiful screams of the fallen official as I left Jeong Cheol-wook’s residence.

Upon returning to my lodging, I found Seo Mun-hye, the daughter of Lord Shadowless Gate, waiting in front of my room. Her eyes lit up with joy as she saw me.

“Oh, you’re back!”

“What brings you here?”

“I wanted to check if your meeting went well…”

“Of course, it’s been resolved. I should be able to leave tomorrow as planned according to the movements of the merchant association.”

“Is that so?”

“Do you have something else you want to say?”

Seo Mun-hye hesitated for a moment before saying,

“I have something important to discuss with you, just the two of us.”


I followed her into the room. Seo Mun-hye gazed at me intensely before speaking.

“Doctor Baek, it seems you are not only skilled in medicine but also in martial arts.”

“I don’t possess skills worth boasting about.”

“Before you arrived, I spoke with my sisters about how to repay you for your kindness, and I came to my own conclusion.”

“Already receiving the pirates’ gold and treasures settles that matter.”

“No, that’s not enough to repay you for saving my life.”

Seo Mun-hye shook her head firmly and then took my hand tightly in hers. I felt the softness of her grip.

“Baek Woong, please be my partner. I beg you.”


I was taken aback. Was she being serious?

But her eyes made it clear that she was not joking. The stunning, ethereal beauty was holding my hand, her face coming closer until our breaths mingled. She asked,

“Can you not accept my heart?”

“This is such a sudden request… What led you to think this way all of a sudden?”

She sighed and replied,

“I have never seen someone like you in my life. Though I may be young, I recognize your outstanding medical skills and noble spirit, along with your impressive martial arts. You conceal your inner strength, yet I can tell you possess tremendous power.”


“Despite that, you do not frivolously pursue women and instead act with righteousness, and I was deeply impressed. You are the ideal partner I have envisioned.”

It dawned on me at that moment that Seo Mun-hye had developed infatuation for me. Surely, if she had any sense, she would know that as she grew, she would not maintain her exquisite beauty but rather become just another average looking woman. Yet, here she was, asking me to be her partner!

Feeling the weight of her request, I cleared my throat and said,

“As you can see, I am very unattractive. I do not think I am suited for someone as beautiful as you.”

Her delicate, pale hand tightened its grip even more.

“What does a man’s appearance matter? I have grown up surrounded by many good-looking men, among whom some are as handsome as the esteemed Song Ok. But what they had was merely appearance. I can love everything about you, Baek Woong.”


She was truly sincere.

I found myself in a quandary. If I accepted Seo Mun-hye’s proposal, I could potentially become the successor to Shadowless Gate, with the strongest martial artist backing me. Moreover, I would gain the attention of a breathtaking beauty—this was undeniably an extraordinary choice.

Yet, I could not choose hastily.

Binding myself to her in matrimony would create yet another inevitability, a chain of fate that I could not escape from in my previous life. In a situation where I had not yet achieved my goals, this could deliver a significant blow to my mental fortitude. After all, I had already resisted the temptations of Hwa Ryu, Han Ji-hwa of the Han family, and Mi-ho without hesitation.

I sighed and said,

“You are making a hasty decision. You do not truly know what kind of person I am yet.”

“Are you… rejecting my proposal?”

“Not at all. I also find you very appealing. However, we need more time to understand each other better.”

I crossed my arms.

“If that is the case, let us travel to Shadowless Gate together. If my feelings do not change by then, I will accept you as my partner.”

Her face lit up with a bright smile.


A wave of complex emotions swept over me, and a sense of unfairness began to prick at me.

‘I’ve been confessed to for the first time in my life…’

All I wanted was to enjoy life with her, but it felt unjust to give that up for the sake of a single goal. Surely, countless people put in great effort just to win over a breathtaking beauty like Seo Mun-hye.

However, I quickly reshaped my thoughts. Once again, the images of Myung Yang and Mi-ho surfaced in my mind. As long as I owed them a debt of the heart, I could never divert my attention from my goals. This was my penance for the foolishness I had committed in the past.

‘I will definitely defeat the demon sect.’

My resolve strengthened. To lay the foundation for a smoother life plan, I had no choice but to eliminate those scoundrels as quickly as possible and return the beings summoned from another realm back to the imperial palace.

The next day, the ship set sail.

That night, Seo Mun-hye visited my cabin and opened the door.

“Baek Woong.”

Then I heard something rustling in the dark, as if something was being shed. As she slipped under the covers with me, I was jolted awake. I felt her bare skin against mine, which took me by surprise. I had intended to enjoy a peaceful sleep, but it felt like a bolt from the blue.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to know you better, Baek Woong.”

Her naked form clung to me. A pleasant fragrance enveloped me, and her soft skin brushed against my arm. It was reminiscent of Hwa Ryu, but the difference was that she was an innocent girl who knew nothing of the carnal aspects of life.

Looking closely, I saw that she was tightly shutting her eyes while hugging me, as if she had no care about the situation at all. I couldn’t help but swallow hard at this different allure. It was rare for a man to refuse a table set before him in such circumstances.

But I said,

“Please turn on the light.”

“Baek Woong…”

“And put on some clothes.”

Seo Mun-hye replied,

“Even if we don’t formalize our marriage, I am willing to give myself to you, Baek Woong. Do you dislike me that much?”

“That’s not what I mean…”


She sounded like she was about to cry. I felt at a loss for what to do, but I eventually picked up her clothes from the floor and handed them to her. As she sniffled and began putting on her garments, I stepped out of the cabin.

‘Sigh… Does anyone not suffer?’

I could only sigh deeply.

At that moment, I heard a voice.

“Ba – bo!! Pervert! Fool!”


In the darkness of the corridor outside my cabin stood a small girl. She looked very angry, glaring at me with a disgruntled expression. Then she shouted,

“Is this what you’re doing while I came to help?! Ugh, so annoying!”


“Go ahead and keep messing around! Fool! Hmph! Blundering idiot!”

The childish insults continued, but before I could react, she vanished in an instant.

‘What was that?’

I tilted my head in confusion, but the girl’s action was clearly a sophisticated technique, and I felt a sense of déjà vu about her. After a moment of searching the cabin, I found no trace of the girl.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

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