Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 110

Dark Sky Village

Screech… screech…



When I came to my senses, I found myself on the cabin’s bed. It was dark outside, likely the dead of night, with the ceiling occasionally shaking with the ship’s vibrations. As I slowly lifted my body, pain shot through my ribs and lower back. Once I propped myself up, I noticed Seo Mun-hye sleeping in a chair. She must have been watching over me all this time.

‘How much time has passed?’

I tried to get up, but it was difficult. The intense pain made it impossible. While I grimaced in agony, a familiar voice piped up.

“Ahaha. You must be in excruciating pain.”


A white light swirled around, and Miho appeared. She chuckled, then said,

“You’ve finally awakened after four days. We should reach the port of Shandong by lunchtime tomorrow.”

“Has it really been that long?”

I was in disbelief. It felt like I had completely drained my energy and collapsed, yet here I was, four days later! I examined myself and was relieved to find no signs of internal injuries. As I looked over my body, Miho continued,

“Don’t worry. You didn’t need any treatment. Your body is infused with spiritual energy, granting you remarkable natural healing. By now, most of your inner strength should have recovered.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Indeed, as Miho said, my internal injuries were minimal—just a slight strain from exerting too much strength. After resting quietly, I felt my stamina and energy had returned, and my power was back to its former glory. I glanced at Seo Mun-hye, who was peacefully asleep in the chair, and said,

“Wake up.”


There was no response. She seemed deeply asleep. With my Qi forcibly unsealed, she should have felt it and woken up, but for someone of her caliber, she looked surprisingly unguarded. While I pondered this, Miho spoke again.

“That girl fell under my illusion. After tending to you for three days, she fell asleep about an hour ago. I put her into a deep slumber so she wouldn’t wake up too soon.”

“You didn’t harm her, did you?”

“What do you take me for? She’s merely sleeping deeply.”

Miho replied, pulling a chair closer to the bed. She gazed at me intently and then said,

“I think it’s time we had a serious talk. Who on earth are you?”

“My name is Baek Woong.”

“That’s not what I’m asking. What’s your deal? How do you know my circumstances, and why did you speak to the Queen Mother of the West about me? I need to know.”

It seemed that Miho had halted all her escapades in the human realm to come rushing after me for this trial from the Queen Mother. There was no way she wouldn’t be curious about me.


I paused to think.

‘Should I reveal to Miho that I’m a reincarnator?’

I felt an urge to spill that out of guilt.

But the situation was different from Manggyeong. Above all, the issue was whether she would believe me being a [Reincarnator].

Manggyeong accepted what I said easily because I shared information he couldn’t know unless he were directly involved, which suited his logic. Plus, his strong sense of justice, passion, and animosity toward the imperial palace made him easily trust me.

Miho was a bit different. In her previous life, she was partly driven by curiosity and need regarding me. I didn’t know her deeper circumstances and was essentially being dragged along. I wouldn’t have any information that could convince Miho to immediately believe I was a [Reincarnator].

Moreover, even if Miho were somewhat skeptical, it was uncertain whether she would wholeheartedly assist me. I trusted Miho, but to her, I was merely a stranger. Because of the trial from the Queen Mother, she wouldn’t harm me, but it was possible she could feign assistance while still doubting me.


“What are you doing? Hurry up and talk.”

“I’m just trying to organize my thoughts…”


Miho’s tail wagged gently. I thought for a moment and finally said,

Miho, I am a [Reincarnator].”

I had to put it out there; if I didn’t take this chance, I’d never get a better result in the next life. I decided to take my gamble.


“I’ve met you in the past.”

I then calmly recounted the story from my first life until my tenth death. During my narrative, Miho made a face that screamed What kind of nonsense is this? for my first through ninth lives. Yet when I spoke about our encounters, the battle with the Dharma Protector Swordsman, and Yue Yu‘s whereabouts, her eyes widened with surprise. By the time I recounted how Miho sacrificed herself for me and how I died fighting the Dharma Protector, she looked as if she might faint.

“… So that’s what happened.”

The story took nearly an hour, but there was no hint of boredom on Miho’s face. Instead, she looked somewhat restless. After a moment of hesitation, Miho replied sharply,

“Humph! So I used all nine of my lives for a guy like you? That’s a laugh!”

“But it’s true. Thanks to your efforts, I was able to share your story with the Queen Mother when I made offerings to the Makka. I never expected you to come find me…”


Miho chewed on her nails, clearly deep in thought. Her luxurious silver tail twitched behind her. After a while, she spoke,

“Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that you’re telling the truth. It’s also true that I was planning to absorb the Evil Spirits in the West, that I was trying to use the Shan Hai summoning technique, and that I was indeed seeking the Seven Luminaries. If I believe your words to be true…”


Miho crossed her arms and fired questions at me.

“Then why did you just tell me your reincarnation story? You could’ve easily brushed it off instead! The secret of your reincarnation is incredibly significant; aren’t you afraid of being used?”

I responded calmly to Miho’s rebuttal,

“I know your power well. If you were determined to use your alluring techniques, I wouldn’t stand a chance now. Furthermore, I owe you my life, so even if I were to die at your hands, I wouldn’t hold a grudge.”


Miho narrowed her eyes and said,

“You cunning little rat. You’re saying that since my trial from the Queen Mother involves helping you, you can’t attack me, right?”

“To be called cunning by a Nine-Tailed Fox is an honor. It’s partly true, but…”

I grinned.

“I want to trust you. So I hope you can trust me too. In the end, we can both achieve our goals, right?”


Miho responded,

“I understand. If you think that way, then I will also trust you as best as I can. Does that settle it?”

“Thank you.”


I sensed that with Miho’s reaction to her little snicker, she wouldn’t pry into my past any further. While I wasn’t entirely sure, I felt like I could read Miho’s emotions a bit.

Once we sorted out the conversation, Miho shifted to more serious matters.

“So, Baek Woong, is your goal to confront the Evil God lurking behind the imperial palace?”

“Exactly. If they obtain the Seven Luminaries, it’ll spell disaster.”

“But isn’t that a bit unrealistic? The Demon said to exist in Yangzhou is in a completely different league than the imperial forces. Even if you manage to hinder them from gathering the Seven Luminaries, you wouldn’t be able to stop them.”

I stubbornly replied,

“There’s no choice. I’ve endured this far to hit back at the Golden Eagle Guards and smash the Evil God’s plans. I can’t just back down now.”

“I see… hmm.”

“Did you want to say something?”

“Not particularly. Since you’ve chosen that path, I’ll do my best to assist you.”

After Miho said that, she intertwined her fingers and crossed her legs.

“Then after we disembark at the port of Shandong tomorrow, you’ll be running an errand for that Jang Gyeong-ik fellow, right? Once you finish, you plan to train at the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School?”

“That seems likely.”

“That sounds like such a hassle.”


Miho answered nonchalantly,

“That Jang Gyeong-ik surely has his own ulterior motives, and you’ll have to figure them out and gain his trust by running errands, won’t you?”

“That’s correct.”

Miho burst into laughter.

“Ha ha, what a bother. There’s no need to beat around the bush.”


“Just wait here. I’ll make things easier for you.”


Suddenly, Miho vanished, leaving behind a white blur. She had combined her teleportation and illusion techniques, showcasing an impressive level of skill. I hurried to focus my senses and looked for Miho’s trace, but I found nothing. It seemed that she had truly disappeared from this ship.


Once Miho was gone, the illusion faded, and Seo Mun-hye blinked her eyes open, squinting at the light. She saw me standing up and exclaimed,

“You’re awake! Baek Woong!”

“Oh, that’s…”

All of a sudden, Seo Mun-hye‘s face turned bright red. She averted her gaze and muttered shyly,

“Um, um, your undergarments and clothes are in the second drawer.”


It dawned on me at that moment that I was completely naked, not even a thread on me! Understanding what Seo Mun-hye might have seen made my face burn. I quickly zipped my mouth shut and hastily put on my underwear and clothes. Once I settled back on the bed, Seo Mun-hye remarked,

“You’ve been asleep for almost four days.”

“That’s surprising.”

An awkward silence hung for a moment. Seo Mun-hye fidgeted and asked again,

“Um, Baek Woong. Are you feeling better?”

“I’m alright now. The aches are gone.”

The severe pain had subsided significantly, and I could truly say I was completely recovered. At that, Seo Mun-hye gently took my hand and smiled,

“I’m so relieved. Everyone was genuinely worried about you.”

“I’m not too hurt, so it’s fine.”

Seo Mun-hye glanced at me cautiously before asking,

“About the incredible martial arts you displayed… what exactly was that? It was truly magnificent.”

“That was… it seems I accidentally unleashed a hidden power. It’s not some technique I’m familiar with, so I can’t simply use it at will.”

I decided to play it off casually. I was wary that Seo Mun-hye might mistakenly believe I mastered the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique, which would only cause more trouble. When she heard my explanation, Seo Mun-hye looked utterly moved.

“Still, how amazing! I’m truly impressed by you, Baek Woong.”

“Thank you…”

Baek Woong, let’s definitely go to the Muyeong Sect together. That’s a promise!”

“As I said, I have other priorities first. I need to take care of this task before heading to the Muyeong Sect.”


After chatting a bit longer, I sent Seo Mun-hye back to her room. Now that I had some alone time, I sighed.

“Phew, the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique…”

I still couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

The memories and experiences of wielding the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique remained vivid. However, I couldn’t fathom how it all came together. Regardless, Lu Dongbin had channeled his mastery through my body, and the process was incredibly quick and intricate—too much for me to grasp.

Of course, having directly executed such a high-level sword technique made everything feel oddly clearer in my mind. It was similar to how my swordsmanship improved after witnessing the Heroic Sword Technique; now I felt inspiration bubbling up in my thoughts. I picked up a sword from nearby and began to swing it slowly, determined not to forget this feeling.

‘Definitely… this flow… will flow again…’

During the transition from the Brainstorming Sword Technique to Ten Thousand Victory Sword Technique, the movements from Lu Dongbin’s sword style intermingled with my own. I attempted to meld the two, but it wasn’t coming together. A tremendous amount of research would be needed to blend those entirely different flows. However, the concepts I had previously struggled to understand suddenly became clear, and I felt my understanding of swordsmanship rapidly grow.

I practiced the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique all night long. While I hadn’t learned any distinct formulas or guidelines, merely having experienced it brought immense help. Until now, I favored spear techniques as my primary focus, but I was regaining confidence in my swordsmanship.


The next morning, I informed the Great Dragon Merchant Association and the head of the Seogung Escort Agency that I had fully recovered. They looked at me sheepishly, saying,

“You truly are our lifesaver. When we were trapped in that fog, despair gripped us, and we thought we’d perish…”

“I’m glad to hear you’re safe.”

Soon enough, the ship docked at the port of Shandong. It looked like Deputy Commander Ahn Hyun had arrived half a day earlier. The crew busily unloaded the cargo while I made my way to Deputy Commander Ahn Hyun.

Deputy Commander Ahn Hyun looked quite weary as he was working in the official residence. He noticed me and said,

“Oh, it’s you, Baek Woong.”

“Nothing wrong, I hope?”

“Not at all. It’s just… something strange. I have no memory of entering the Windless Zone or what happened afterward. Can you believe such a phenomenon exists?”

It seemed that including Deputy Commander Ahn Hyun, the naval forces had all zonked out as well. One could hardly blame them; when faced with overwhelming evil spirits, one’s mind might snap or go blank in self-defense. Soldiers were not exempt from this, after all.

“Will you be seeing General Jang regarding leading the prisoners?”

“Shouldn’t that be the right procedure?”

“True. I’ve left that job to you, so make sure to inform General Jang. Don’t worry; I’ve already reported the essentials.”

“Understood. Please take care.”

“You’ve truly worked hard, Baek Woong.”

I soon guided the prisoners to a nearby waiting post and assigned Seo Mun-hye to guard them, allowing me to breathe a little easier.

Upon arriving at the General’s Office, it seemed the guards and officials were already aware of my arrival and quickly cleared a path for me. As I stood there waiting for General Jang Gyeong-ik, I suddenly heard,

“Ahaha… why don’t you come this way instead of just standing there?”

It was Miho’s voice, filled with laughter. As I turned, I saw General Jang Gyeong-ik, looking blank as ever, standing with Miho, who had transformed into a stunning beauty. I could tell it was Miho because I had grown accustomed to her enchantment.

I was baffled and exclaimed,

Miho! You didn’t…”

“Don’t worry. I’ve cast an allure over everyone in this General’s Office, so even if you walked around in the nude, no one would bat an eye. Aha ha!”

“That’s not the issue! Why did you enchant the general?”

“Ha ha ha. You’ll be thankful soon enough.”

After saying that, Miho ordered General Jang Gyeong-ik,

“Go sit in that chair. And answer every question Baek Woong asks you honestly.”

“Yes, certainly.”

With a blank expression, General Jang Gyeong-ik strolled over to the chair and sat down. Glancing at Miho, I saw her covering her mouth and stifling her laughter.

“Ahaha, see how simple and quick that was? He’ll answer whatever you ask.”


“Once your questions finish, I’ll wipe all his memories clean. Ask away.”


I found myself wondering if this was even allowed, but at least Miho wasn’t harming or tormenting anyone. After all, General Jang Gyeong-ik hadn’t suffered any real harm either. One could think of it as a time saver.

Then I began my questioning of the enchanted General Jang Gyeong-ik. Since his memory would be wiped, I didn’t even need to be overly formal.

Jang Gyeong-ik, what favor were you trying to enlist me for?”

“To deliver… a letter… to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School…”

I was taken aback.

“What? A letter? To the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School?”


“What for?”

The following answer from Jang Gyeong-ik was shocking.

“To ask Gwang Lee for help in rescuing General Hwang Yeon…”

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