Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 118

Dark Heaven Village

The next day, Lee Kwang went to meet Deng Guo, the leader of the Clear Stream Faction. As Lee Kwang‘s sworn brother, he seemed likely to help resolve the current situation. I wanted to follow Lee Kwang, but he said the Clear Stream Faction consisted of upright scholars armed with Confucianism, and they were not in the habit of meeting with outsiders. He feared that if I, a stranger, tagged along, it could complicate matters.

In fact, he didn’t even take his favorite disciple, Jin So-cheong, with him; he went alone to meet Deng Guo. So, I ended up waiting idly, and in that time, I seized the opportunity to meet Mangnyang and have a chat.

Mangnyang said,

“It seems we’ve both had quite a bit going on since we last saw each other.”

“Is it true that you’ve already built up the Anti-Heaven Alliance in such a short span?”

“I thought something like this might happen, so I figured it was better to be prepared.”

He smiled slyly.

“By the way, you’ve done quite well for yourself. You almost married the Sword Demon‘s daughter, Seo Mun-hye?”

I avoided his mischievous gaze.

“I turned her down. It felt overwhelming to me.”

“Hmm… You truly are an enigma.”

“Anyway, take a look at this.”

I handed Mangnyang the Golden Casket. He looked curiously at it.

“So this is such a remarkable treasure…”

“I can’t believe it either, but it seems to be related to the [Old Rulers].”

“That would make sense; there’s nothing like it among the treasures of the celestial realm.”

As Mangnyang muttered, he lightly rubbed the side of the casket.


Suddenly, his entire body was enveloped in a violet glow. That glow, which lasted for about half a breath, vanished shortly after. Mangnyang appeared to experience something similar to what I had, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Then he coughed.

“Cough! Cough! Ugh… ugh…”


Mangnyang suddenly collapsed to the ground, clearly having exhausted both his physical strength and energy. I was taken aback and rushed to support him.

“Are you okay?!”

“Yes… I’m fine. I just sat down for a moment out of shock.”


Mangnyang looked at me as though I were a monster.

“You mean to say you felt nothing seeing that? After witnessing the ancient city guarded by an Evil God, and then looking at Dark Heaven Village…”

Dark Heaven Village?”

“That last bizarre continent is what the celestial realm refers to as Dark Heaven Village—a realm apart.”

Mangnyang seemed to be gathering his mental strength, tapping his head with the Divine Tool of Five Colors. That seemed to help stabilize his mind. After a brief pause, he continued,

“After the Old Rulers were largely banished from the current world, that place became their refuge. Even Celestial Beings wouldn’t dare approach that location.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because it’s said that not only the Old Rulers but also truly god-like Demon Gods reside there! The chances of a human entering and returning alive are almost none.”


That was terrifying. Was he saying that beings like Sea Gods or Evil Gods were gathered in that dark place? At a loss for words, Mangnyang handed me back the Golden Casket and said,

“It’s an extraordinary treasure, but it’s typically beyond the reach of ordinary human mental strength. It’s more suited for sorcerers of the Otherworldly Race. You’re just an exception. Usually, seeing what you just did would drive a normal person’s mind to insanity.”


“Most likely, the Golden Eagle Guards have allied with the Sea God Clan and obtained the casket through them. It seems they’ve also acquired the Seven Treasures from that realm.”

Hearing Mangnyang’s deduction shook me awake. So I questioned,

“Are you saying the Seven Treasures are in Dark Heaven Village?”

“That’s certainly possible. Perhaps they’re in possession of the Sea God or the Evil God. However, considering the circumstances, one of those treasures is likely hidden somewhere in Dark Heaven Village, as the Golden Eagle Guards wouldn’t be able to reclaim something already owned by the Old Rulers.”


I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread.

A realm so terrifying that even Celestial Beings wouldn’t dare enter—Dark Heaven Village! Was I really supposed to venture there to find the Seven Treasures? How many times might I die trying to get there? While I was lost in these thoughts, Mangnyang said,

“Anyway, Dark Heaven Village is a place even remaining Otherworldly Races find hard to enter. That Golden Casket is a tremendously valuable treasure, so you must keep it safe.”


“On to the next topic. Have you decided where to invest the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng?”

I took a moment to think before replying,

“I think there are two possible approaches.”

Mangnyang smiled.

“Can I take a guess?”

“Go ahead.”

“You’re going to give it to Lee Kwang or Jin So-cheong.”

“That’s correct.”

I nodded blandly. Then I sighed as I added,

“I only came up with that idea after entering Luoyang and meeting with you. But it seems you had been considering it from the start.”

“What’s important is that the Thunder God Sect has a motivation to risk a fight against the Golden Eagle Guards.”

Mangnyang unfurled the Divine Tool of Five Colors and waved it with flair as he continued,

“Be careful not to drop any hints about this; considering Lee Kwang‘s patriotic character as a soldier, he likely wouldn’t take kindly to you.”

“That makes sense…”

“In the end, it worked out well. Thanks to your actions, Lee Kwang seems eager to rescue Hwang Yeon and isn’t shying away from clashing with the Golden Eagle Guards. No one else aside from you could have orchestrated this action in the Jianghu.”

Receiving such praise from Mangnyang, I felt a bit embarrassed and shy. After all, Mangnyang seemed to have envisioned the future from the first time we met, which I could hardly keep up with.

“How embarrassing.”

“You can give the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng to anyone you choose. Just ensure you explain the circumstances to Lee Kwang and get his agreement.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Mangnyang then said,

“By the way, we have a guest joining us. I’ve been wanting to meet her as well, so let me summon her.”


As Mangnyang snapped his fingers, a space opened in thin air, and Mi Ho appeared through the teleportation technique. Mi Ho looked just as stunning as ever, with her ample figure. She had been secretly eavesdropping outside the barrier, and when it opened, she came in.

Mangnyang sported a brief look of shock before addressing Mi Ho with reverence.

“Human Mangnyang, it’s an honor to meet Captain of the Golden Eagle Guards.”

Mi Ho responded with a cold smile.

“Hmph… Mangnyang, is it? You’re using your master’s name. Aren’t you afraid to borrow the name of someone so powerful?”

Mangnyang chuckled amiably.

“Well, my master is a figure to be feared anywhere. Wouldn’t it be absurd for me, his disciple, to also fear him?”

“Good talk.”

Mi Ho noticed my worried gaze and snapped,

“Don’t worry. No matter what, I won’t harm a disciple of Mangnyang. There’s no one who would wish to challenge both the Warrior of the Righteous and the Bane of Evil.”

“Thank you, Mi Ho.”

Mi Ho didn’t respond to my gratitude. An awkward silence lingered, and then Mangnyang spoke up.

Mi Ho, I apologize, but could you assist us in the Great Thunder Prison rescue operation?”


“This matter is of utmost importance. If care is not taken, the Otherworldly Forces occupying the Royal Palace could plunge this world into chaos. If Captain helps, it would be a monumental advantage.”

At Mangnyang’s proposition, Mi Ho displayed visible displeasure.

“Why should it concern me if the Otherworldly Races appear? My duty is to help Baek Woong for ten years. Nothing more.”

“Hmm… Looks like we’re out of options.”

Mangnyang subtly directed his gaze toward me. I caught his hint and turned to Mi Ho.

Mi Ho, please help.”

Her expression bulged with irritation.

“Ugh… I knew it would come to this. Are you daft enough to scheme in front of a fox?”

“But you’ll end up helping, right?”

“Hmph! On what grounds?”

“You’re committing to aiding me for ten years, right? So you’re just going to watch me walk to my doom?”

That provoked an even fiercer scowl from Mi Ho. Suddenly, she made a swift motion, conjuring the same eerie summoning technique she had used to kill Wind God. A transparent hand swung through the air, aimed at Mangnyang.


I dashed in to intercept Mi Ho‘s spell. Channeling my energy to the max, I was able to block it without trouble. It was likely my elevation to the peak-tier was what helped immensely. I shouted at Mi Ho,

Mi Ho! What are you doing?!”


Mi Ho surged into the air, flames appearing around her. In her half-human, half-fox form, it revealed that her true nature as a great nine-tailed fox was shining through. Her eyes glinted with fury, and her icy voice echoed in Spirit Language.

[I’ve changed my mind. I will tear off that arrogant fool’s arm.]

“Why are you even doing this?!”

[Do you think I would tolerate the humiliation of being toyed with by a human’s slick tongue? Even if it means facing Mangnyang, I will teach him a lesson!]


An intense killing intent poured forth from Mi Ho. I involuntarily flinched.

‘So she wasn’t playing around back when we met in Seogyeong…!!’

Mi Ho‘s true power as a great nine-tailed fox was something I could barely fathom. Even if I invoked all my best skills, I doubted I could emerge unscathed from a confrontation with her. However, I couldn’t afford to let Mi Ho go after Mangnyang right now, as I was fidgeting in anxiety.

Just then, Mangnyang stepped out from behind me, calmly extending his hand.

“Here, take it.”


“Why not? I’ll do the cutting.”


Without hesitation, Mangnyang lifted his dagger, poised to sever his own shoulder. With his prowess, he could easily cut off his arm with one swift motion. Just then, Mi Ho swiftly moved forward and grabbed Mangnyang‘s arm. Returning to her human form, she shot him a piercing glare.

“What’s the meaning of this?”

“To appease the debt of resentment held by Captain, one arm can swiftly address it.”


Seeing her hesitance, it looked like Mi Ho didn’t actually intend to harm Mangnyang; she merely sought to scare him off. But as Mangnyang insisted he would willingly sacrifice his arm, she became flustered.

Captain , this isn’t a good situation at all. Depending on how things go, I might even offer my life!”

Mangnyang stated unfazed, and that visibly troubled Mi Ho. After a frustrated huff, she retreated a step.

“Fine. Because I’ve heard you are a valuable ally to Baek Woong, I’ll overlook this once. But if you dare to pull any more tricks, I certainly won’t let you off the hook.”

“Thank you.”

I sighed in relief as I witnessed Mangnyang somehow pacify Mi Ho. She crossed her arms, glaring suspiciously.

“I know this is the entrance to the Miasma of Spirits. Whether you want it or not, a vortex of intrigue and resentment is bound to ensue. I cannot simply allow the one I’m bound to protect to fall into such a pit.”

“You really have a firm grasp of the situation.”

Mangnyang wore a wry smile as he replied,

“Indeed. To be frank, this whole situation is an adventure of sorts. But it’s an endeavor we must undertake. If a single attempt can turn circumstances on their head, it’s worth it.”

“Is rescuing that Hwang Yeon really so crucial?”

To Mi Ho‘s frustration, Mangnyang answered,

“It is vital. By rescuing Hwang Yeon, we will gain the necessary ‘reason’.”


General Hwang Yeon is a renowned hero who once saved the nation from crisis, akin to a divine figure in the military. Just one word from him would unite the military under one banner, and he enjoys a good rapport with the ministers.”

Mangnyang’s gaze became fierce.

“If General Hwang Yeon attests to the darkness lurking in the Royal Palace, denouncing the tyranny of the Golden Eagle Guards, a tremendous shift will ripple through the political scene. Even the Bane of Evil, despite their might, would not dare take this lightly. The Anti-Heaven Alliance will seize the opportunity to rein them in and drive them out.”

After pondering for a moment, Mi Ho replied to Mangnyang‘s statement.

“So that’s why Lee Kwang is taking such risks.”

“Exactly. Given the circumstances, he’s already set to be branded a traitor by the Golden Eagle Guards sooner or later. Too much loyalty is fueling Lee Kwang, and he’ll want to confirm the Emperor’s safety directly.”

“The Emperor?”

“Yes. He’s completely disregarding the elite forces surrounding other emperors. His loyalty lies solely with one Emperor. He’s so desperate that he’s willing to ally with weak forces like us just to achieve his goals.”


As I listened to the conversation between Mangnyang and Mi Ho, I felt a chill run down my spine.

‘Did Mangnyang discern all of this?’

Mangnyang had only met Lee Kwang for the first time yesterday. Yet, he was able to read between the lines of Lee Kwang’s actions that I, who had been by his side for so long, had only vaguely perceived. Underneath his brash demeanor, Lee Kwang had frequently expressed his fears for the Emperor. He had stated, time and again, that he would not hesitate to eliminate any who might threaten the throne.

Mi Ho then stated,

“I will accompany you to the Great Thunder Prison.”

“Thank you.”

“But if Baek Woong finds himself in danger, I will prioritize his safety above all else.”

“That’s more than enough.”

It seemed the discussions between Mi Ho and Mangnyang were coming to an end.

I finally asked Mangnyang the question that had been on my mind.

“By the way, Mangnyang, what exactly is the Great Thunder Prison? Why does even Lee Kwang seem so tense about it?”

“The Great Thunder Prison is the most notorious prison established by Emperor Hongwu, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.”

“It’s the most notorious?! What makes its security so unyielding?”

Even if it was a prison, it was ultimately just a structure. For exceptional martial artists like Lee Kwang or Jin So-cheong, it shouldn’t pose much of a threat—even if it were built of iron or stone, they could simply break through it. Mangnyang answered my query with a cautious glimmer in his eyes.

“The Great Thunder Prison is a living maze, protected by an intricate Geometric Formation that rivals the Royal Palace. The guards don’t actively patrol; they simply seal the entrance. No prisoner has ever escaped from the Great Thunder Prison in history.”

“But we have Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong.”

“I know that. Yet, the same remains true. History has seen plenty of martial experts imprisoned in the Great Thunder Prison, but once they were caught, none ever emerged alive.”


Lee Kwang understands this truth, that’s why he’s not planning to challenge the Great Thunder Prison head-on. He intends to infiltrate through a predetermined escape route and rescue his target as quickly as possible.”

I felt utterly flabbergasted.

“Wait, are you saying the formations surrounding the Royal Palace are on par with those in the Great Thunder Prison?”

“Yes, they are even more intricate. The strongest sorcerer from the Royal family is on duty there…”


“Let’s discuss that later. For now, we need to strategize before Lee Kwang returns to save time.”

And so, the three of us began to design our operation under Mangnyang’s guidance. Mi Ho appeared less than eager to follow Mangnyang‘s plan, but given how well thought out it was, she remained quietly listening. The clever nine-tailed fox seemed to trust that Mangnyang’s strategy was indeed airtight.

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