Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 150

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

What kind of martial art is the Soul Extinguishing Technique?

Kamizumi Nobutsuna stated,

“It seems that one must possess a talent referred to as ‘wandering soul’ to master the Soul Extinguishing Technique.”

“Wandering soul? What’s that?”

It was a concept I had never heard before in my life. As I tilted my head in confusion, he continued,

“Rather than just talent, it’s a nature born from one’s character—essentially, it refers to the intrinsic nature of someone who enjoys wandering and embodies freedom. It would be better to refer to it as an ‘innate ability’.”


I was dumbfounded. How could such a condition be necessary for a martial art? I couldn’t help but think of Lee Kwang, Jin So-cheong, and even myself, who had all failed to master the technique. At the same time, I compared them to Geuk Ho and Yagyu Munenori and couldn’t discern any difference.

“It’s strange. I also enjoy wandering and pursuing freedom. Moreover, those who failed to learn the technique weren’t particularly bound by anything. So how can the difference be explained by this ‘wandering soul’?”

“That’s truly a complex issue. It exists as a separate domain from martial heart.”


Kamizumi Nobutsuna had suddenly taken a seated position in full meditation. The other swordsmen also seemed to gather around him in a circle, wanting to listen. The atmosphere prompted me to sit down too. He slowly continued,

“Let me ask you something. Lord Baek Woong, do you feel free at this moment?”

“… Hmm, well…”

I pondered his unexpected question for a moment. After carefully reflecting on myself, I replied,

“I don’t think so.”

“Given your skill, you could traverse the world as you please, yet you feel restricted. Be it [responsibility] or [obligation], or any external factors, that sensation exists within you.

Lord Baek Woong, think carefully. Humans, while seeking freedom, often find themselves imprisoned within constraints, and at times, they even find comfort in those constraints. Truly seeking freedom and pushing through these limits is, in fact, a challenge for ordinary beings.”


Freedom amidst restraint.

Even within the confines of enforced restrictions, one may choose to affirm themselves within that social bondage.

I thought deeply about these profound words from Kamizumi Nobutsuna. Just as I was lost in thought, he continued,

“We are called swordsmen and masters of our craft. With our strength, we can roam the world freely, but we don’t. This stems from the inherently conservative nature of our character, a primal instinct to protect our tangible and intangible assets. This includes [greed] and even the self-discipline of overcoming ourselves.”

“That seems accurate.”

“However, those who possess the wandering soul seem to overlook and accept this reality while effortlessly shaking everything off and running free. They live for extreme freedom without a care for what comes after, finding their inner self so loosely tethered that unless there are massive reasons, they will continue to wander.”

I listened closely, then asked,

“That seems contradictory. Among those I know who have failed to master the Soul Extinguishing Technique, there’s one extraordinary master. Even I doubt I could withstand a hundred seconds against him if he was genuinely trying.”

“Oh, such an incredible person exists?”

I nodded, thinking of Lee Kwang.

“A master like him possesses immense talent, perseverance, and discipline. Overcoming his own ambitions shouldn’t be a problem for him. He also has the ability to easily shake off all greed and run free. I doubt that contradiction can be explained solely by the wandering soul.”

At this, Kamizumi Nobutsuna chuckled heartily.

“Ha ha… You have misunderstood. The wandering soul isn’t about endurance or self-discipline. Moreover, the self-control found in extraordinary masters is entirely different from the wandering soul.”

“How so?”

“The wandering soul has the temperament of destruction ingrained within it. Masters who abandon their greed and torment for a pure state are actually driven by an even greater thirst for martial arts. It reflects the pinnacle of self-control achieved through extreme training.

In contrast, the wandering soul is marked by a complete lack of contemplation or reserve, ready to abandon everything and become a drifter. It is different from the levels attained through training.”


I finally comprehended his words. Then, as I glanced at Yagyu Munenori, who had just demonstrated the Soul Extinguishing Technique earlier, I saw him avert his gaze awkwardly. Kamizumi Nobutsuna continued,

“A person aiming for freedom who disregards their own destruction and longs to cast everything away, that is the essence of the wandering soul.”

“Then does that mean Yagyu Munenori over there…”

“He is adept at both political maneuvering and self-preservation. Quite conservative, in fact. However, there’s no doubt that he possesses elements of the wandering soul. His son, Yagyu Jubei, undoubtedly embodies it even more.”

At this, Yagyu Munenori’s face flushed red as he responded,

“While that may be true, such a person is not my child…”


In other words, even someone born with a wandering soul could become a stubborn and conservative middle-aged man. It appeared that this referred to an innate character, which might suddenly lead one to abandon everything and wander the world when the moment calls for it. Intrigued, I turned to Yagyu Munenori and asked,

“Given that you’re endowed with such character, have you grown into a swordsman responsible for your lineage?”

“Of course, there were many times when I felt like giving it all up. My innate character didn’t help much in that regard.”

He stated with a calm demeanor,

“However, there were numerous times when the great master Kamizumi Nobutsuna guided me back to my path. I resolved to shoulder the responsibility for my family and my school, even while carrying the wandering soul within me, lest I let my entire life be swayed by it.”

Yagyu Munenori’s teacher was Yagyu Sekishusai, who happened to be a disciple of Kamizumi Nobutsuna. In terms of seniority, he was essentially a peer of the sword saint.


As I listened to Munenori‘s responses, I thought of Geuk Ho.

And when Geuk Ho and the disciples of the Thunder God Lineage were holding Mangryang hostage, I remembered the look in Geuk Ho’s eyes.

Geuk Ho was indeed obsessively fixated on revenge against the Thunder God Lineage.’

Originally, he would have wandered the world with the Thunder God Lineage’s martial arts, but after his master was slain by the Wind God Lineage, he could not forget the vengeance and remained coiled within Guanzhong. Always sharpening the blade for the moment he could rise again with the Thunder God Lineage. The nature of the wandering soul may describe an innate personality, but it seemed it lacked the power to dictate one’s life.

Curiosity piqued anew, I asked,

“So, if the wandering soul is merely a personality, how does it relate to mastering the Soul Extinguishing Technique?”

It was Yagyu Munenori who answered my question.

“If you look through the incantations of the Soul Extinguishing Technique, you’ll find some odd patterns that are difficult to interpret.”


“They seem to serve a purpose beyond mere luck, much like incantations. While reciting the incantations, I followed some unseen cue and let my body move accordingly.”


“Trusting your body to flow in that manner may be somewhat a struggle for ordinary individuals.”

Upon hearing his reflections, I found it hard to believe. Kamizumi Nobutsuna, who listened to him, remarked,

“It’s akin to a state of possession.”

“Could it be you experienced that as well?”

“Though I lack the wandering soul, I had a sensation directed towards me. While I chanted the incantations, I felt something take hold of my body, and it felt so unpleasant that I ceased at once. It seemed to be an instinctual aversion.”

On a whim, I gathered the swordsmen around and tried reciting the incantation to perform the Soul Extinguishing Technique together.



Just as they had mentioned, at some point, I felt something audaciously attempt to seize my body and felt myself moving in completely unexpected directions. It made me feel as if I would lose my sanity and go mad, causing me to hurriedly halt the performance.

It wasn’t only me—other swordsmen stopped in awe, feeling equally taken aback. One of them spoke up,

“Can one really perform this technique with a sane mind? I can’t do this! This isn’t something that can be accomplished through training.”


It wasn’t simply about surrendering your body. The horrific discomfort and estrangement of feeling as though you were transforming into something entirely different, an otherworldly entity! As swordsmen meticulously trained their minds and bodies, tolerating this sensation would come close to impossible. Other masters would likely have suffered the same fate. In contrast, if it were merely physical pain, one could grit their teeth and endure it, but how would one bear the unpleasantness of being consumed by their very self?

Only then did I understand why the wandering soul was a requirement for the Soul Extinguishing Technique.

‘A reckless and free-spirited character capable of casting one’s self away like garbage without hesitation… Without such madness, it’s impossible to perform the Soul Extinguishing Technique.’

It was literally about extinguishing the soul.

Well, perhaps it could be acquired through effort postnatally. But one would have to be quite insane, fully engulfed in madness. The contradiction of unfurling a new technique while holding onto both madness and reason made it seem near impossible, thus highlighting that only those with the innate temperament of a wandering soul could truly master the essence of the Soul Extinguishing Technique.

As I stood there, I pondered deeply.

How precious is ‘me’ to me?

How much could I toss myself aside like refuse?

This was a different matter than reaching the pinnacle of martial arts by forgetting oneself and killing one’s ego. This pertained to whether I could endure going mad while becoming someone other than myself. It made me realize just how potent my ego was, how strongly I valued this self of mine.

With that conclusion firmly in mind, I sighed,

“… With my current self, it seems impossible.”

I was fully engrossed in the goal of defeating the Demon God and retrieving all information during my lifetime. So much so that I’d even turned down calls from old rulers to avoid disturbing my own soul. If my ego was this strong, fulfilling the requirements of the Soul Extinguishing Technique would be an arduous journey.

Realizing the experiment had finished, I addressed the swordsmen,

“Those except for Kamizumi Nobutsuna and Yagyu Munenori may return home tomorrow.”

“Can we still be taught the Thunder Spirit Technique?”

“Of course.”

I had already secured the license for the Thunder God Lineage. I had learned all the secret techniques as well. Teaching the Thunder God Lineage to anyone wasn’t going to cause me trouble. Instead, I glared at each of them firmly and declared,

“However, what I am teaching you is the Thunder God Lineage, the strongest sect in the Central Plains. Make sure you not only keep this knowledge to yourselves but pass it down clearly to future generations.”


“Just to be clear, there are two masters within the Thunder God Lineage who are several times stronger than me. I won’t say you must become a discipleship, but should you overreach with your ambitions, I will ensure there are consequences.”


The swordsmen wore uneasy expressions, concerned about their earlier plan to teach within their own sect.

After they returned home, Kamizumi Nobutsuna remarked,

“How exceptionally proud you are. After all, you are the strongest among the four major martial arts of the White Lotus Sect, so saying you’re the mightiest in the Central Plains isn’t far from the truth…”

“Ah, so you knew what the Thunder God Lineage was.”

“Ha ha, when I visited the White Lotus Sect in my youth, the Thunder God Lineage was at its peak among the protective martial arts sects. There’s no way I wouldn’t know…”


I was taken aback, looking at him in disbelief.

“How old are you, really?”

“Though I may look like this, I’m just over 120 years old…”


He appeared to be only in his fifties or sixties; it was astonishing. As he smiled faintly and spoke,

“Once you reach the peak stage of martial arts and enter the mid to late fifties, your aging process slows naturally, and you’ll reap the benefits of longevity. There’s nothing remarkable about it.”


Indeed, it was reasonable for Yagyu Munenori to be the great master to a man of such caliber. At this age, it wasn’t unusual. I turned to him and asked,

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you share what you know about the Thunder God Lineage?”

I decided to speak respectfully. He was a foreigner and a noble of a minor nation, yet his training, age, and wisdom were deserving of my respect. Upon hearing my inquiry, he said,

“Hmm… To my knowledge, the Thunder God Lineage was genuinely worthy of its title as the strongest among the protective martial arts sects. Four great protectors were said to exist, all bearing martial arts that surpassed mortals into a semi-divine level.”

So, the Thunder God Lineage had produced protectors as well. As I lent an ear to his explanations, Kamizumi Nobutsuna added,

“Even the Leader of the White Lotus Sect placed a high value on the Thunder God Lineage, having a protector sit right next to him instead of a priest. When I had the chance to observe a duel among the four protectors, the Thunder God Lineage appeared to have absolutely no weaknesses. The Fire God Lineage boasted immense offensive power but lacked endurance, while the Wind God Lineage offered impressive agility but lacked in strength, and the Water God Lineage was unable to unleash power unless under specific conditions. But the Thunder God Lineage had no such flaws.”

“Is that so…”

“Overall, they were a cut above the other three major sects.”

I couldn’t help but grin. Given the praise, it seemed that Kamizumi Nobutsuna had also been a remarkable master during his youth when he visited the White Lotus Sect. Indeed, the Thunder God Lineage could master skills in sword, fist, and spear all while showcasing nearly flawless power through outstanding talent.

“And the Thunder God Lineage’s renown hasn’t faded yet… If they can produce an extraordinary master like you, Lord Baek Woong, they must indeed be the number one sect in the world.”

“The number one sect would rather be the Water God Lineage, which is the sect that birthed the Leader of the White Lotus Sect.”

“Ha ha… Indeed. Although those who learned the Water God Lineage may achieve unparalleled mastery, they can never reach the pinnacle of martial arts.”


What is he on about? As I stared blankly at him, Kamizumi Nobutsuna clarified,

“Their martial arts can only be practiced by those born of the bloodlines of the Leader of the White Lotus Sect. It cannot be viewed as ordinary martial arts. Furthermore, their school is extremely closed off.”


“I don’t know the details, so you should ask the Thunder God Lineage’s elder. I have nothing else to provide…”

Actually, I had already inquired with Lee Kwang about it. However, due to his expulsion from the White Lotus Sect at a young age, he seemed to be ignorant of the Water God Lineage’s secrets. I thought to myself,

‘Hmm… I might have to find the past masters of the Thunder God Lineage or head directly to the White Lotus Sect for more answers.’

I turned to Kamizumi Nobutsuna and said,

“Though it may be tough to learn the Soul Extinguishing Technique, I would like us to collaborate and research it together. Also, I hope you can assist in discussing sword methods.”

“Of course. How passionate you are in your old age…”

After that, I keenly observed Yagyu Munenori‘s performance of the Soul Extinguishing Technique and its transformations, practicing how to entrust my body to the essence of the technique. During the remaining hours of the day, I debated sword enlightenment with Kamizumi Nobutsuna, exploring various levels of sword mastery.

I then learned of a unique technique.

“Lord Baek Woong, first learn the basics of the Blade-less Technique.”

He grinned slyly.

“… Many masters exist throughout the world, but this is my pride.”

It seemed Kamizumi Nobutsuna had a particular fondness for imparting the secret Blade-less Technique to me. The Blade-less Technique was a method to overcome armed skills using unarmed combat.

However, my talent wasn’t quite sufficient for mastering a secret technique in such a short time, so I initially learned only the basic forms and training methods.

After three months of study, I concluded that mastering the Soul Extinguishing Technique was beyond my grasp. With a sense of regret, I sent the two swordsmen back to their respective homes. During that time, Miho, who had been frolicking in the royal palace, exclaimed,

“Is it finally over?”

“Well… learning the Soul Extinguishing Technique may take decades.”

This wasn’t an exaggeration or a joke. I couldn’t even fathom the extreme perseverance and training required to subject oneself to madness intentionally. Even now, while I could let the madness take charge temporarily, it would make it impossible for practical use. For the Soul Extinguishing Technique to be executable, one had to remain conscious.

Then Miho suggested,

“Now that you’ve researched so much, why not go see that man, Geuk Ho?

Geuk Ho?”

“If you were in a situation where you knew nothing, it may have been futile, but if you shared the requirements and specific powers of the Soul Extinguishing Technique with Geuk Ho, he could yield answers only a successor can provide.”


I found myself agreeing with Miho’s insight.

“Then let’s head to the Central Plains.”

It had been a long time since I stayed in Dongyoung, and it was time to return to the Central Plains.

I would return and actively track down Demon King and Dongbang Mukyeol, while simultaneously uncovering the secrets of the Soul Extinguishing Technique from Geuk Ho!

I apologize for the slight delay in serial updates. There were some circumstances, but starting today, I’ll be diligently updating! Please don’t believe any rumors about discontinuation… Additionally, there was a minor setting error in Chapter 149, where I changed the transmission of the Thunder Spirit Technique to the general transmission of the Soul Extinguishing Technique.

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